Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway

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Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway in Renner & Galloway, Mycotaxon 16: 205 (1982)
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
(C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens
- Pseudocyphellaria billardierei sensu D.J.Galloway & P.James
- Pseudocyphellaria murrayi D.J.Galloway
- Pseudocyphellaria richardii var. glauca (C.Bab.) Räsänen
- Sticta cellulifera f. expallida (Kremp.) Stizenb.
- Sticta flotowiana var. subcyphellata (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
- Sticta fossulata f. expallida Kremp.
- Sticta fossulata f. pallida Kremp.
- Sticta fossulata var. subcyphellata Nyl.
- Sticta richardii var. glauca C.Bab.
- Sticta richardii var. rufovirescens C.Bab.
Thallus lobate-foliose, spreading, in entangled clones, 5-15(-30) cm diam., loosely attached, corticolous. Lobes linear-elongate, rather narrow, 3-12 mm wide, expanding towards apices, ± subdichotomously branching, complex, imbricate centrally, discrete, ± subascendent at apices, margins entire, slightly thickened below, occasionally with rounded to elongate white pseudocyphellae, truncate or furcate, at apices. Upper surface smooth, glabrous, even or undulate, rarely very shallowly faveolate, ridges smooth not distinct, without isidia, pseudocyphellae or soredia, conspicuously and irregularly white-maculate (×10 lens), dark slate-grey or bluish-grey when wet, pale greenish-grey suffused brownish when dry. Medulla white. Photobiont blue-green. Lower surface pale brownish-pink, wrinkled-striate centrally, ± evenly tomentose to margins, tomentum pale, whitish, short, even, lobe apices sometimes glabrous, whitish, wrinkled-bullate, shining. Pseudocyphellae round to irregular, common, plane, intense white, 0.1-1.2 mm diam., conspicuous. Apothecia very rare, marginal, subpedicellate, 0.5-2.0 mm diam., disc glossy, coriaceous, dark chesnut-brown to black, epruinose, margins pale pinkish-brown, corrugate-striate to verrucose, ± inflexed and obscuring disc at first, becoming ± coronate or denticulate to excluded at maturity, thalline exciple coarsely verrucose-scabrid, minutely tomentose, whitish to dark brownish-pink or red-brown. Epithecium 13-22 µm thick, yellow-brown, of thickened, conglutinate tips of paraphyses. Hymenium colourless, 40-65 µm tall. Hypothecium pale yellowish-brown, 17-30 µm thick. Asci and ascopores not seen. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopane-22-ol and hopane 15α,22-diol.
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Thallus spreading, often entangled, in very large clones, loosely attached, 7-10(-30) cm diam. Lobes linear-elongate, 5-8(-15) mm wide, 5-10(-15) cm long, ± dichotomously branching, contiguous or discrete, rarely imbricate, margins entire, smoothly rounded, without pseudocyphellae, slightly thickened below, apices rounded to truncate or shallowly furcate, rather variable, thinner and elongate to wider and ± imbricate. Upper surface bright lettuce-green when wet, pale greyish-green when dry, smooth, matt, shallowly faveolate, dividing ridges smoothly rounded, undulate, without isidia, phyllidia, soredia or pseudocyphellae. Medulla white. Photobiont green. Lower surface white to pale pinkish-white at margins, darker centrally, wrinkled-bullate especially at margins, glabrous at and towards apices, short, white, delicate, silky-tomentose in older parts, tomentum often sparse or absent. Pseudocyphellae white, punctiform, immarginate, fleck-like at margins, to 0.5 mm diam., centrally, and there with a fine margin, scattered, ± flat or only very slightly verruciform, often clustered. Apothecia marginal, 1-5 mm diam., sessile or subpedicellate, disc pale brownish-pink to red-brown, concave at first, becoming ± plane or undulate, glossy, epruinose, smooth, margins pale buff or pinkish, thin, crenulate, thalline exciple pinkish, corrugate-scabrid. Ascospores mainly 1-, rarely to 3-septate, colourless, fusiform-ellipsoid, (20-)24-27(-32) × (7-)8-9(-11) µm. Chemistry: 7β-acetoxyhopane-22-ol, hopane-15α,22-diol, hopane-7β,22-diol (±). (Wilkins and James loc. cit., Code A).
Taxonomic concepts
Pseudocyphellaria billardieri sensu D.J.Galloway & P.James
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria murrayi D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria murrayi D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria richardi var. glauca (C.Bab.) Räsänen
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Sticta cellulifera f. expallida (Kremp.) Stizenb.
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Sticta flotowiana var. subcyphellata (Nyl.) Zahlbr.
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Sticta fossulata f. expallida Kremp.
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Sticta fossulata f. pallida Kremp.
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Sticta fossulata var. subcyphellata Nyl.
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Sticta richardi var. glauca C.Bab.
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
Sticta richardi var. rufovirescens C.Bab.
Pseudocyphellaria rufovirescens (C.Bab.) D.J.Galloway
scientific name
1 January 2000
11 June 2010