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Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.

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Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant., Ark. Bot. 30A: 12 (1942)
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Stirt.) R.Sant.
Menegazzia pertransita

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Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.

Thallus closely attached, forming regular or irregular, complete or partial rosettes or irregularly encircling twigs, to 20 cm diam., sometimes coalescing to form extensive colonies, corticolous, lignicolous, more rarely saxicolous, muscicolous or terricolous. Lobes numerous, ± radiating at outer edges, medium, very variable, 0.5-3.5 mm wide, distinct at margins, becoming intricately interwoven centrally and there associated with numerous, secondary lobes, terminal lobes irregularly or subdichotomously branched, occasionally ± palmate, contiguous throughout entire length or remaining discrete, often overlapping and becoming ± compressed and distorted centrally, margins sinuous-contorted, entire, occasionally notched, sometimes with very short laterals, not, or sparingly, or rarely notably blackened (in exposed habitats), apices concolorous with thallus or ± suffused-brownish, hollow, lower side of internal cavity with a grey-white, thin, arachnoid tomentum. Upper surface uneven, whitish-grey, pale grey or green-grey, emaculate, ± rugose-uneven, shining, without isidia or soredia. Perforations frequent, median, large, gaping, 0.5-1(-2.0) mm diam., rounded or somewhat irregular through mutual compression of lobes, not elevated, margins depressed or inrolled around perforation. Apothecia numerous, on short inner, often lateral lobes towards centre, usually scattered or becoming clustered, verrucose at first, then markedly turbinate with an elongate or short, stout pedicel, 4-6(-7) mm diam., cupulate, margins thick, becoming thinner at maturity, areolate-striate, exciple coarsely scabrid, disc concave, pale brown, dark brown or red-brown, smooth, shining, epruinose. Epithecium red-brown without granules. Asci 8-spored, cylindrical or ± long-ellipsoid, 100-120 × 40-45 µm. Ascospores ellipsoid, 25-30(-39) × 20-22(-24) µm, wall 2-2.5 µm thick. Pycnidia numerous, clustered on short lateral lobes at centre, rare on marginal lobes, dark red, apices brown. Chemistry: Atranorin (cortex) one or two fatty acids and a UV-, yellow pigment in the medulla (±); medulla K-, C-, Pd-.

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Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
Parmelia amabilis Zahlbr.
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
Parmelia amabilis var. glacuothalla Zahlbr.
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
Parmelia amabilis var. subsessilis Zahlbr.
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
Parmelia pertransita Stirt.
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
New Zealand
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Menegazzia pertransita (Stirt.) R.Sant.
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
29 October 2010
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