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Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.

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Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl., Compt. Rend. Hebd. Séances Acad. Sci. 83: 88 (1876)
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(Delise) Nyl.
Cladonia scabriuscula

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Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.

Primary squamules disappearing, 2-5 mm long and broad, irregularly lobed, crenate, ascending, upper surface grey-green, lower side white, sorediate or not. Podetia arising from surface of primary squamules or dying at base, 3-6 cm tall, to 2.5 mm diam., repeatedly dichotomously branching, branches cylindrical, dilating slightly at axils, axils open or closed, apices usually subulate, partly or entirely isidiate-sorediate, or with minute, spreading and appressed or peeling squamules, apices subulate, granular-sorediate or verrucose-granular, squamulose or not. Cortex ± areolate, becoming decorticate, interspaces dull, white, whitish-glaucescent or ashy-olive or ashy-bluish and variegated. Apothecia small, dark brown, sometimes on corymbose branchlets at tips of podetia. Chemistry: Cortex K-, KC-, Pd+ red. Fumarprotocetraric, ± ursolic acids.

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Cenomyce scabriuscula Delise
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.

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Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
New Zealand
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Cladonia scabriuscula (Delise) Nyl.
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
29 July 2009
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