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Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.

Scientific name record
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Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds., Trans. Linn. Soc. London 25: 536 (1866)
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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(L.) Linds.
Placopsis gelida

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Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.

Thallus determinate, effigurate, ± lobate at margins, orbicular at first becoming confluent, spreading in a crust, to 8 cm diam., saxicolous, very rarely muscicolous. Marginal lobes closely to ± loosely attached, contiguous, separated by cracks to 0.1 mm wide, 1.5-2.5 mm long or extending to centre of thallus, areolate-cracked centrally, apices uneven, rounded or crenulate, sometimes with a narrow, olive-brownish peripheral zone. Upper surface ± areolate-cracked, areolae irregularly angular, ± swollen or plane, 0.6-2 mm diam., glaucous, whitish, creamish or olive brownish, smooth, matt, epruinose, sorediate. Soredia scattered, central, rounded or radially elongate, eroded or plane, often irregularly confluent, granular, olive-greenish or whitish. Isidia absent. Cephalodia discrete, central in young thalli, scattered in older plants, sessile, 1-3(-8) mm diam., orbicular, radially folded and cracked, yellow-brownish to red-brown, matt. Apothecia rare, scattered, sessile, orbicular, 0.8-2 mm diam., thalline margin thick, prominent, entire, matt, proper margin occasionally visible, thin, entire, pinkish-red or brown, disc plane, smooth or minutely scabrid, dark pinkish to yellow-brown or red-brown, often white-pruinose, matt. Hymenium 110-200 µm tall, pale sordid yellowish or granular-nubilated in upper part. Hypothecium colourless or faint pinkish. Ascospores uniseriate or subbiseriate, ellipsoid, 12-20 × 6-13 µm. Pycnidia immersed in slight swellings, ostioles brown-black, 0.1 mm diam. Conidia filiform, straight or curved, 15-27 × 0.5 µm. Chemistry: Cortex K- or +, C+ rose; medulla K-, C+ red, KC+ red, Pd+ red or -.

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Lichen gelidus L.
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
Lichen gelidus L.
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.

Click to collapse Historic biostatus Info

Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Placopsis gelida (L.) Linds.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
11 October 2013
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