Moore, L.B.; Edgar, E. 1970: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. II. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Monocotyledones except Gramineae. Botany Division DSIR, Wellington.

Moore, L.B.; Edgar, E. 1970: Flora of New Zealand. Vol. II. Indigenous Tracheophyta: Monocotyledones except Gramineae. Botany Division DSIR, Wellington.
Taxonomic concepts
Alepyrum ciliatum (Hook.f.) Hieron.
Alepyrum pallidum (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Anguillaria novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
Anthericum hookeri (Colenso ex Hook.) Hook.f.
Anthericum rossii (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Astelia cunninghamii subsp. hookeriana Kirk
Astelia graminifolia Colenso
Astelia linearis var. subulata Hook.f.
Astelia microspermum Colenso
Astelia montana (Kirk) Cockayne
Astelia nervosa var. chathamica Skottsb.
Astelia nervosa var. grandis (Kirk) Cockayne & Allan
Astelia nervosa var. montana Kirk ex Cheeseman
Astelia nervosa var. sylvestris Cockayne & Allan
Astelia solandri subsp. hookerana (Kirk) L.B.Moore
Bulbinella hookeri var. angustifolia Cockayne & Laing
Caladenia carnea var. exigua (Cheesm.) Rupp.
Caladenia exigua Cheeseman
Caladenia macrophylla Colenso
Caladenia minor var. exigua Cheeseman
Carex appressa var. sectoides Kük. 1909
Carex appressa var. virgata (Boot) Kük.
Carex cataractae sensu New Zealand Botanists
Carex comans var. cheesemanii (Petrie) Kük.
Carex comans var. pulchella (Bergg.) C.B.Clarke
Carex darwinii var. aristata sensu Kük.
Carex darwinii var. urolepis (Franch.) Kük.
Carex dissita var. lambertiana (Boott) Cheeseman
Carex dissita var. ochrosaccus C.B.Clarke ex Cheeseman
Carex dissita var. solandri (Boott) Kük.
Carex forsteri subsp. insularis W.R.B.Oliver
Carex forsteri var. cockayniana (Kük.) Kük.
Carex forsteri var. fascicularis (Boott) Hook.f.
Carex gaudichaudiana var. humilior sensu New Zealand Botanists
Carex inversa var. radicata Cheeseman
Carex lucida var. buchanani Berggr. Kük.
Carex oederi var. cataractae (R.Br.) Kuk
Carex oederi var. cataractae sensu New Zealand Botanists
Carex paniculata var. appressa (R.Br.) Cheeseman 1884
Carex paniculata var. secta (Boot) Cheeseman 1884
Carex paniculata var. virgata (Boott) Cheeseman
Carex petriei var. rubicunda (Petrie) Kük.
Carex pseudocyperus var. fascicularis (Boott) Boott
Carex pumila subsp. littorea (Labill.) Kük.
Carex pyrenaica Wahlenb. var. pyrenaica
Carex rara subsp. capillacea (Boott) Kük.
Carex secta var. sectoides (Kük.) Cheeseman 1925
Carex stellulata var. australis Kük. 1903
Carex ternaria f. pallida (Cheeseman) Kük.
Carex ternaria var. gracilis Cheeseman
Carex virgata var. secta (Boot) Hook.f. 1864
Centrolepis viridis var. ligulata Kirk
Chaetospora capillacea Hook.f.
Chaetospora capillaris F.Muell.
Chaetospora concinna Hook.f.
Chaetospora pauciflora Hook.f.
Chaetospora tendo Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.
Chiloglottis bifolia (Hook.f.) Schltr.
Chiloglottis traversii F.Muell.
Chrysobactron hookeri Colenso ex Hook.
Cladium australe (A.Rich) Druce
Cladium capillaceum (Hook.f.) C.B.Clarke
Cladium gunnii sensu New Zealand Botanists
Cladium vauthiera C.B.Clarke ex Cheeseman
Cladium xanthocarpum (Hook.f.) F.Muell
Collospermum spicatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
Dianella intermedia var. norfolkensis F.Br.
Dietes bicolor (Lindl.) Sweet ex G.Don
Dracaenopsis australis (G.Forst.) Planch.
Eleocharis acuta var. platylepis Hook.f.
Eleocharis gracilis var. gracillima Hook.f.
Eleocharis gracilis var. radicans Hook.f.
Eleocharis gracillima (Hook,f.) Hook.f.
Enargea parviflora (Hook.f.) Skottsb.
Fimbristylis squarrosa var. velata (R.Br.) C.B.Clarke
Gahnia affinis (Brongn.) Steud.
Gahnia ebenocarpa Hook.f. ex Kirk
Gahnia gahniiformis (Gaudich.) A.Heller
Gahnia setifolia var. xanthocarpa (Hook.f.) Kük.
Gaimardia ciliata var. ligulata (Kirk) Cheeseman
Juncus holoschoenus R.Br. var. holoschoenus
Juncus holoschoenus var. multiflorus Carse
Juncus pallidus var. triandrus Cheeseman
Juncus pauciflorus var. gunnii (Hook.f.) Buchenau
Lepidosperma filiforme var. neozelandicum Kük.
Luzula banksiana var. migrata (Buchenau) Edgar
Luzula campestris var. australasica sensu New Zealand Herbaria
Machaerina affinis (Brongn.) Kern
Machaerina articulata (R.Br.) T.Koyama
Machaerina australis (A.Rich) T.Koyama
Machaerina capillacea (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina complanata (Berggr.) T.Koyama
Machaerina huttonii (Kirk) T.Koyama
Machaerina rubiginosa (Spreng.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina teretifolia (R.Br.) T.Koyama
Mariscus affinis (Brongn.) Kuntze
Mariscus ustulatus (A.Rich.) C.B.Cl.
Marsippospermum gracile var. novae-zelandiae (Buchanan) Buchenau
Morelotia gahniaeformis var. minor A.Rich.
Oreobolus pumilio var. pectinatus (Hook.f.) C.B.Clarke
Oreobolus pumilio var. strictus (Berggr.) H.Pfeiff
Potamogeton natans sensu New Zealand Botanists
Potamogeton polygonifolius sensu Cheeseman
Pseudalepyrum ciliatum (Hook.f.) Dandy
Pseudalepyrum ciliatum var. ligulatum (Kirk) Dandy
Pseudalepyrum pallidum (Hook.f.) Dandy
Rostkovia novae-zelandiae Buchanan
Schoenus apogon var. laxiflorus (Steud.) C.B.Clarke
Schoenus axillaris sensu (R.Br.) Poir.
Schoenus brevifolius subsp. tenax (Hook.f.) Kük.
Schoenus brevifolius var. tenax (Hook.f.) Koyama
Schoenus caespitans Petrie
Schoenus concinnus (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Schoenus foliatus (Hook.f.) S.T.Blake
Schoenus imberis sensu (R.Br.) Poir.
Schoenus nitens (R.Br.) Roem. & Schult. var. nitens
Schoenus nitens var. concinnus (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Scirpus frondosus Banks & Sol. ex Boeckeler
Scirpus nitens (R.Br.) Boeck.
Scirpus spiralis sensu (A.Rich.) Druce
Uncinia australis var. clavata Kük.
Uncinia australis var. ferruginea (Boott) C.B.Clarke
Uncinia australis var. pedicellata (Kük.) Petrie
Uncinia caespitosa var. collina Petrie
Uncinia caespitosa var. viridis (C.B.Clarke) Hamlin
Uncinia compacta var. divaricata (Boott) Hook.f.
Uncinia compacta var. nervosa (Boott) C.B.Clarke
Uncinia compacta var. petriei C.B.Clarke
Uncinia compacta var. viridis C.B.Clarke
Uncinia divaricata var. petriei (C.B.Clarke) Hamlin
Uncinia fuscovaginata Kük. var. fuscovaginata
Uncinia fuscovaginata var. caespitans Hamlin
Uncinia purpurata var. subcaespitosa Kük.
Uncinia riparia var. affinis Colenso ex C.B.Clarke
Uncinia riparia var. banksii (Boott) C.B.Clarke
Uncinia riparia var. hookeri (Boott) Kük.
Uncinia rubra var. rigida (Petrie) Cheeseman
Uncinia rubra var. strictissima Kük.
Uncinia rupestris var. capillacea Kük.
Uncinia rupestris var. flavescens Kük.
Uncinia rupestris var. planifolia Kük.
Uncinia silvestris var. squamata Hamlin
Uncinia tenella var. longifructus Kük.
Uncinia uncinata var. clavata (Kük.) Kük.
Uncinia uncinata var. ferruginea (Boott) Kük.
Uncinia uncinata var. pedicellata (Kük.) Petrie
Vincentia anceps sensu Hook.f.
Vincentia sinclairii sensu (Hook.f.) Hamlin
Plant at fl. c. 2–10 cm. tall, elongating later. Stem erect, slender. Green lf sessile, us. ¼ to ½ way up stem, c. 1–3 cm. long, ovate, acuminate, strongly cordate at base. Raceme to 5 cm. long, us. less; floral bracts often green, foliaceous, ovate, sts small and membr. Fls 1–5–(10); per. c. 6–8 mm. long, ± erect, greenish with dull red on labellum. Sepals shortly and abruptly caudate; dorsal broadly lanceolate to ovate, concave, arched over column; lateral similar in length, linear-lanceolate. Petals shorter, lanceolate, acuminate. Labellum shorter than sepals, broad-ovate; tip acute and ± recurved, sts coarsely papillose; proximal part deeply concave; 2 rounded calli at base. Column shorter than labellum, without wings. Pollinia globose, 4 in each anther cell, breaking, if at all, into tetrads of grains.
Raceme of few to many fls; floral bracts membr. to foliaceous. Per. glab.; dorsal sepal uppermost, concave, ± arched over column; lateral sepals and petals narrower. Labellum shortly if at all clawed, undivided and with entire margins and 2 basal calli. Column semi-terete, incurved above; anther standing at least partly above stigma, pollinia mealy; stigma prominent; rostellum us. 2-lobed. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tubers small, globose, the new ones often remote from the parent plant. Green lf solitary, petiolate on non-flowering stems, sessile on flowering stem; lamina short and broad, length rarely 2 × width. Some 20 spp. described, most of them from New Caledonia; of 5 Australian spp. 3 are represented in N.Z. Also recently recorded from Solomon Is and New Guinea.
Plant at fl. c. 3–10 cm. tall, elongating later. Stem erect, slender. Green lf sessile, almost basal, c. 1–3–(4) × 0.8–1.7 cm., oblong-ovate, obtuse to subacute, cordate to rounded at base. Raceme to c. 3 cm. long; floral bracts us. membr. and small. Fls 1–4; per. 8–10 mm. long, widespreading, pink to greenish. Sepals subequal; dorsal narrow linear-lanceolate, obtuse, erect, concave; lateral narrow-linear, acute. Petals similar to lateral sepals. Labellum about as long as sepals, oblong; tip obtuse, not recurved; surface almost plane except for a shallow longitudinal groove leading down to each of the 2 basal calli. Column shorter than labellum, clearly displayed; wings narrow below, widening above so that stigma is flanked by 2 lobes. Pollinia tabular, ± crescentic, 2 in each anther cell, breaking easily into single grains.
Plant at fl. c. 5–10–(15) cm. tall, elongating later. Stem erect, very slender. Green cauline lf sessile, us. above middle of stem, c. 1 cm. long, orbicular to oblong, apiculate, when well developed similar to lamina of petiolate lf. Petiolate lf from horizontal rhizome near to or remote from base of flowering stem; lamina c. 1 cm. long, orbicular to broadly ovate, obtuse to apiculate, rounded or subcordate at base, margin ± shallowly crenate. Raceme 1–2 cm. long; floral bracts small and membr. Fls 1–4; per. c. 5 mm. long, horizontal to deflexed, greenish. Sepals with thick rounded keels and ± involute margins; dorsal broad, subacute; lateral slightly longer, minutely cucullate. Petals very much shorter, oblong, erect. Labellum shorter than sepals, broad-ovate, partly embracing column; tip ± obtuse, recurved; proximal part concave, marked by median triangular thickening and 2 low longitudinal ridges or basal calli. Column shorter than labellum; wings broad throughout, sharply truncate or almost toothed above. Anther partly behind very prominent stigma; pollinia mealy, the grains remaining in tetrads or larger groups.
Plant at fl. c. 5–20 cm. tall. Stem erect, slender. Green cauline lf sessile, us. about ½ way up stem, c. 1–2 cm. long, ovate to ovate-oblong, acute to subacute, ± cordate at base, occ. shallowly notched. Petiolate lf from horizontal rhizome emerging through a cylindric scale-lf and us. distant from flowering stem; lamina similar to that of cauline lf. Empty floral bract us. present between lf and solitary fl. but occ. 2 fls develop. Per. c. 1–1.5–(2) cm. diam., the outer surfaces with short, fine, ± glandular pubescence. Sepals lanceolate, acute; dorsal greenish, arched over column; lateral whitish, widespreading. Petals similar to sepals. Labellum much shorter and ± hidden under dorsal sepal; disc with transverse reddish stripes, calli yellow. Column reddish inside, wings membr. and pale.
Fl. us. solitary; floral bracts us. 2–3, small. Per. glandular-pubescent; dorsal sepal uppermost, concave, adnate to column near base and ± arched over it; lateral sepals and petals longer, narrower, subsimilar. Labellum shortly clawed, half-erect; disc broad-oblong, mid-lobe narrow and recurved; calli stipitate and rounded, in longitudinal rows extending inwards from broader part of mid-lobe. Column elongate, ± curved, winged throughout, the wings produced upwards in ± toothed lobes above the anther; anther terminal, incurved, pollinia mealy; stigma prominent, inclined downwards, rostellum 2-lobed. Plants terrestrial, slender, glab.; tubers absent; rhizome fleshy, branched. Lf solitary, petiolate from rhizome, sessile on flowering stem; lamina short and broad, length rarely 2 × width. Includes, besides the type sp. , which is endemic to N.Z., 1 Australian sp.
Infl. racemose or paniculate, sts large; branches subtended by bracts. Fls bi- or uni-sexual, actinomorphic or slightly zygomorphic; per.-segs unequal to subequal, ± connate into tube. Stamens 6, shortly adnate to tepals; filaments free; anthers introrse, linear, us. dorsifixed, 2-locular, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior or inferior, often beaked, 3-locular; placentae axile; style simple; ovules solitary in each locule or superposed in 2 series, anatropous. Fr. a capsule or berry. Seeds compressed; endosperm fleshy, surrounding small embryo. Rootstock a rhizome; stem stout, woody, short or sts forming a heavy trunk. Lvs narrow, us. simple, often thick, us. crowded towards apex of stem. Genera c. 20, mostly of tropics and subtropics.
Plant at fl. c. 5–20 cm. tall. Stem erect, slender, glandular-pubescent, us. densely. Green lvs 2, us. close together, the lower to 10–(15) cm. long, the upper us. shorter; linear-lanceolate to broadly ovate-oblong, often brown-blotched, clad, sts very sparsely, in long, glandular-tipped hairs which also us. fringe margin. Fl. held well above lvs; ovary glandular-pubescent. Per. to 2.5 cm. diam., white or pink. Sepals ± glandular-pubescent externally; dorsal much the widest, slightly arched over column; lateral linear-lanceolate. Petals slightly shorter. Labellum orbicular-obovate, with narrow base; calli yellow, in 2 median rows near base. Column-wings joined in front of base, narrow to level of stigma, there wider and extending upwards as small, often pointed lobes, one on each side of anther.
Fl. us. solitary; floral bract often partly enclosing ovary. Per. glandular-pubescent; dorsal sepal uppermost, shallowly concave; lateral sepals and petals narrower, subsimilar, spreading. Labellum sessile, undivided, broadly expanded; margins entire; calli ± linear, in longitudinal rows. Column elongate, erect to slightly curved, winged; anther terminal, apiculate, papillose, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen finely granular; stigma discoid; rostellum median. Plants terrestrial, with glandular hairs; tubers globose-conical, us. produced at some distance from parent plant. Lvs 2, glandular-hairy, lanceolate to oblong. Monotypic endemic genus, said to have the column of a and the habit of a .
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Infl. a terminal, lax, sts raceme-like panicle on a simple peduncle; lower bracts lf-like, sts 1–3 empty, those subtending fls scarious, often in groups of 2–3; pedicel articulated about the middle and ± petaloid above that level. Fls white or purplish; per. spreading to slightly reflexed at fl., later standing erect and investing fr.; tepals free, subequal to unequal, 3-nerved. Stamens 6, filaments hidden over part of their length by short hairs; anthers basifixed, introrse. Ovary superior, subglobose, 3-locular; style cylindric; stigma narrowly capitate. Capsule loculicidal. Seeds black, not elongated, subangular; embryo curved. Glab., tufted herbs perennating by sympodial rhizomes, or sts by corm-like tubers. Lvs linear to narrowly lanceolate. About 12 spp., principally Australian and one of these extending to New Guinea, and one sp. each in New Caledonia and Madagascar. The 2 N.Z. spp. endemic.
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Robust tufted plant. Lvs 100–250 × 3–4.5 cm., ascending in lower half, drooping in upper half, hardly coriaceous; margins revolute in age; just above sheath narrow, keeled and tightly folded; tip long-attenuate; sheath broad, clad on both surfaces in shining white, closely overlapping scales; lamina adaxially slightly bluish green and covered with a clear pellicle of fused scales that lifts off in long strips, abaxially white with appressed or ± cobwebby scales, the several nerves on each side of midrib subequal. Infl. at first erect, ultimately drooping, most parts covered with ± ruffled white scales; peduncle to 40 × 1 cm.; panicle to 50 cm. long; racemes ∞, all except the smallest spathes subtending sub-infls of 3 or more racemes. Fls pedicellate and us. well spaced; per. very pale greenish cream, divided almost to base; tepals to 5.5 × 2 mm., spreading widely and soon reflexed in ♂, in ♀ smaller and more erect. Ovary 3-locular; style short and thick. Fr. c. 8 × 6.5 mm., opaque, bright green, then whitish, most or all of surface becoming flushed with magenta on ripening, the base surrounded by flattened, dry, membr. brownish per. Seeds c. 1.8 × 1.1 mm., dull black, the surface composed of flat faces meeting along ± sharp edges, the funicular end very slightly ornamented. n = 35.
Robust tufted plant. Lvs 60–200 × 4–10 cm., keeled near the sheath, less so in main part of lamina; sheath-base white, with close scales on both surfaces; lamina adaxially silvered green with a metallic sheen, covered with a thin but long-persistent clear pellicle that lifts off in strips from old lvs; abaxial surface with a pale grey satiny indumentum of appressed scales with very little wool, the single main costa on each side of midrib little if at all stronger than midrib and not prominent. Infl. large and erect, most parts shaggy with narrow scales at least when young; lower spathes long; racemes ∞, all spathes except the smallest subtending sub-infls of 2–3 or more racemes. Fls pedicellate and us. well spaced; ♂ pale, tepals to 8 × 2.5–3 mm., strongly reflexed soon after fl. opens; per.-tube very short, drooping around pedicel and so exposing the base of the pistillode; outer tepals scaly externally; ♀ colour not known, tepals more scaly, longer and proportionately narrower than in related spp. Ovary 3-locular; style rather well-developed. Fr. c. 10 × 10 mm., subglobose, orange; matured per. fleshy, the tube retroflexed and much shorter than the persistent, membr., ± curled-under tepals.
Robust tufted plants occurring singly or in colonies. Stem 2–4–6 cm. diam. Lvs 50–200–(250) × 4–12 cm., stiff, drooping only at the tip of very large plants, strongly keeled above sheath but not tightly folded, broad almost to tip; sheath to 2 × lamina-width, with white scales on both surfaces; lamina adaxially green (the scales falling early), the one strong costa on each side of midrib us. white; abaxial surface paler with thin, mostly persistent cover of fine scales and costae hardly prominent (at least in fresh lf) and little broader than midrib. Infl. erect, broad, sparsely scaly; peduncle stout, about = panicle; lower spathes long or short, mostly rather abruptly narrowed to tip; racemes ∞, all except the smallest spathes subtending sub-infls of 2–3 or more racemes. Fls pedicellate and us. well spaced; ♂ reddish green, tepals to 7 × 3 mm., spreading then drooping about pedicel, the outer ones scaly externally; ♀ dark green, tepals much smaller than in ♂, tube closely appressed to above middle of green ovary, the dull reddish tips recurved. Ovary 3-locular; style thick, ill-defined. Fr. to 9 × 9 mm., subglobose, orange ± flecked or blotched with red; matured per. fleshy, orange, ± split between shrivelled remnants of tepals, ± spreading from base of berry. 2n = 140.
Robust tufted plants occurring singly or in colonies. Stem 2–4–(6) cm. diam. Lvs 50–200–(250) × 2.5–7.5 cm., stiffly ascending in lower half, less rigid in tapering upper part, strongly keeled above sheath but not tightly folded; tip narrowly attenuate; sheath to 2 × lamina-width, white with close scales; lamina adaxially green, glab. (the scales falling early), one very strong costa on each side of midrib sts reddish; abaxial surface with fine, inconspicuous, ± caducous scales and costae very prominent and much broader than midrib. Infl. erect, broad, for the most part glab.; peduncle stout, about = panicle; lower spathes long and narrowly attenuate; racemes 15–30–(50), all except the smallest spathes subtending sub-infls of 2–3 or more racemes, with second order branching occ. in the lowermost. Fls pedicellate and us. well spaced; ♂ greenish fawn, tepals c. 5 × 2 mm., spreading then drooping about pedicel; ♀ dark green, almost glab., tepals c. 3 × 2.5 mm., the tube closely appressed to about middle of shining green ovary, the dull reddish tips recurved. Ovary 3-locular; style thick, ill-defined. Fr. 4–9 × 4–9 mm., subglobose, orange ± flecked with red; matured per. fleshy, orange, ± split between shrivelled remnants of tepals, us. spreading widely from base of berry. 2n = 70.
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Low-growing herb, us. in extensive patches. Stem 1–2 mm. diam., sts long, rather sparsely branched but twigs closely crowded. Lvs (1)–5–10–(22) cm. × 1.5–6 mm., ± erect; sheath membr., clad abaxially only in narrow scales to 12 mm. long; lamina covered adaxially with a clear, detachable pellicle, margin, keel and sharply pointed tip with ± shaggy scales, one costa on each side evident. Infl. erect; peduncle 1–2 cm. long, panicle little longer, sts reduced to a single fl.; lowest spathe to 2.5 cm. long, ± foliaceous, subtending 1–3–(5) fls, other spathes, if any, very small and us. 1-fld. Fls covered in parts exposed in bud with brown-centred scales; per. greenish yellow, divided to base; tepals 3–6 mm. long, spreading in ♂, ± erect in ♀. Ovary pale, very narrow ovoid, 1-locular. Fr. 10–15–(20) × 4–8 mm., the pericarp succulent, clear red throughout, enclosed at the base in the somewhat enlarged membr. tepals. Seeds 1–10–(12), to 2 × 1.2 mm., shining, black, rounded; funicle hardened into an acute ± curved beak.
Abaxial lf-surface uniformly covered, at least when young, with felt of woolly, dark-centred scales between midrib and margins.
Abaxial lf-surface glab. between midrib and margins, even in young lf.
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Colonies consisting of ± erect tufts. Lvs keeled throughout but easily flattened even just above sheath; sheath thickly covered with scales but nerves visible in older lvs; lamina adaxially ± green with long-persistent pellicle and us. one main costa on each side of midrib; abaxial surface thickly felted between and often over the (6)–7–∞ nerves on each side of midrib. Infl. simple to much-branched, the raceme-axes stout in relation to fl.-size, us. tapering. Fls small; tepals 3–4–(5) × 1.5–2 mm., spreading and ± recurved, often tending to twist spirally. Ovary 3-locular, elongate. Fr. subglobose, reddish orange.
Lvs c. 10–30–(50) × 1–2.5–3 cm.; lamina not long-acuminate; adaxial pellicle obvious, ± masking green colour, detachable in large flakes from old lvs. Infl. small, racemes 2–3 together in axils of lower spathes, occ. all simple, female us. much congested and frs often very crowded.
Lvs to 200 × 7 cm.; lamina very narrowly long-acuminate; adaxial surface bright green, the pellicle very delicate and inconspicuous, remaining attached even in old lvs, easily visible only in dried specimens. Infl. on stout peduncle; panicle to 20 × 20 cm. but us. smaller; most spathes subtending several racemes and branching of second order not uncommon, the total number of racemes sts as much as 70. Raceme-axes, especially in fr., tapering notably from base to tip.
Colonies consisting of low broad tufts. Stem 2–2.5 cm. diam. Lvs 25–80–(100) × 2–6.5 cm., arcuate but stiff and coriac., the lamina diverging without constriction from the sheath; sheath to c. 7 cm. wide at base, white, very lightly clad in narrow scales; lamina not long-acuminate, adaxially pale green, without obvious pellicle except when very young, midrib sts reddish and several strong lateral nerves whitish; abaxial surface white with very close and persistent short scales except on subequal green nerves, c. 10 on each side of well defined, keeled midrib. Infl. closely enclosed by broad bases of spathes; male panicle 4–20 cm. long, ± lax; female panicle often only 3 × 3 cm. or less at fl., and very tightly compacted; racemes c. 5–10, simple. Fls pale on opening, becoming dark with exposure; tepals c. 5 mm. long, narrow and stellately patent in ♂, in ♀ broad and erect with revolute margins. Ovary 3-locular, elongate, us. angular by compression; style not differentiated. Fr. obconic, to 20 × 10 mm. but us. smaller and relatively broader, yellow-orange, seated in fleshy perianth.
Colonies consisting of stout tufts, resembling small Phormium plants in habit and texture. Stem 1.5–2.5 cm. diam. Lvs 35–150 × 2.5–4 cm., firm and coriac., only slightly constricted above sheath, keeled, and ± revolute on margins; sheath to 8 cm. wide at base, thickly covered on both surfaces with long silvery scales; lamina long-acuminate, adaxially light bluish green turning reddish brown in old age, glab. when old but in youth ± covered with erect, easily detached scales; abaxial surface at first white with slightly shaggy scales, later green and glab., finely ribbed with subequal nerves, 25–30 on each side of midrib. Infl. elongate, thickly covered with spreading, white, caducous scales; spathes long; racemes 5–10, simple, cylindric and standing ± erect, the neatly arranged fls almost hiding the axes; female racemes c. 4 × 1.5 cm., male longer. Fls greenish fawn; tepals c. 4–5 × 3–4 mm., strongly recurved in both sexes. Ovary 3-locular, broad. Fr. globose or broadest above middle, 10–14 × 5.5–8 mm., yellow to orange, seated in deep cup formed by partly thickened per.
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Turf-forming herb, us. in extensive patches on peat which it helps to produce. Stem c. 1 mm. diam., traceable down into peat sts for many cm., us. closely branched and interwoven, giving off stout roots to within a few nodes of stem-apex. Lvs c. 10–20 mm. long, erect, almost fleshy; sheath membr., clad abaxially in long pale scales, narrowing abruptly into subulate lamina; lamina terete or shallowly channelled near base, flattened laterally at obtuse tip, adaxial surface indicated by narrow strip of caducous scales, otherwise almost glab. except for pencil of short apical scales that become brown-centred with age; no nerves visible. Infl. erect, ± = lvs, panicle represented by only 1–3 fls; spathe us. single, ± foliaceous, laterally flattened towards tip, its cup-shaped sheath enclosing basal fl. Fls with few scales; per. divided to base; tepals 3–5–6 mm. long, spreading in ♂, ± erect in ♀. Ovary very narrow-ovoid, 1-locular; ovules ∞. Fr. (7)–10–13–(23) × 3–5 mm.; pericarp succulent, orange, reddish towards narrow tip. Seeds c. 1.2 × 1 mm., shining black, rounded pyriform; funicle hardened into small beak.
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Tufted and lfy. Culms 50–90 cm. × c. 3 mm., smooth, ± compressed. Lvs ± = culms, 4–8 mm. wide, flat, distichous, isobilateral equitant, striated, pale green, tip acute, margins glab. Panicle 15–50 cm. long, narrow, erect from a long sheath with short lamina; branchlets flexible, fascicled from upper sheaths. Spikelets , c. 5 mm. 1ong, light red-brown, 2–3-fld, 1–2 fls fertile. Glumes 5–6, ovate, acuminate or acute, chartaceous, striped with brown, scabrid on back towards tip, margins minutely ciliate. Nut, including beak, c. 4 × 2 mm., trigonous, red-brown, very shortly stipitate, narrowed above to a long, triquetrous, scabrid beak.
Infl. a ± narrow, us. upright panicle, or effuse and drooping, or spike-like. Spikelets 1–2-(4)-fld, 1 or rarely 2 lowest fls setting fr. Glumes obscurely distichous to spiral. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Fr. with hard bony endocarp and ± spongy thick or thin mesocarp when mature, not winged, sessile and rounded at the base or minutely stipitate, crowded by a persistent, ± hairy, sts inconspicuous style-base. Perennial herbs. Lvs. us. basal, laterally compressed, terete, 4-angled or reduced to sheathing bracts, distichous. Some 30 Spp. from Madagascar and the Mascarene Is, India, Japan, Hawaii, Malesia, Pacific Is, Australia and N.Z. Two N.Z. spp. endemic; 5 spp. occur also in Australia and 4 of these are also found in Malesia or E. Asia.
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Rush-like. Rhizome 3–7 mm. diam., woody, occ. much elongated, covered with loose, papery, imbricate, light brown bracts. Culms (20)–30–135 cm. × 1–2.5–(3.5) mm., arising in tufts separated along a thick rhizome, terete, rigid, erect, smooth, pale blue-green, with 1–2 distant nodes. Lvs all reduced to light brown or reddish sheathing bracts, the lowermost smaller, mucronate, the upper 1–3 longer, distant along the culm, us. dark brown at the orifice, with a small, sickle-shaped, laterally flattened mucro-like lamina up to 5 mm. long. Infl. 2.5–7–(10) cm. long, stiff, erect, spike-like, sparingly branched, subtended by a much shorter sheathing bract. Spikelets not fascicled, 4–5 mm. long, red-brown, 1–2-fld, only the lowest fl. fertile. Glumes 4–5, oblong-lanceolate, acute, membr., streaked with brown, scabrid on the keel and towards the tip. Nut 2.5–3 × c. 1.5 mm., oblong-ovoid, obscurely trigonous, dark brown to black, orange near the base, surface pitted, surmounted by the small, tumid, pubescent style-base.
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Light green, dense yet slender tufts. Rhizome 2–3 mm. diam., with culms closely and evenly spaced along it. Culms (15)–25–120–(165) cm. × 0.5–1.5 mm., terete, rigid and wiry. Lvs reduced to basal, reddish pink, sheathing bracts, but the uppermost often with a terete lamina like the culm. Infl. 5–25 cm. long, very narrow, spike-like; branchlets remote, slender, erect from sheathing mucronate bracts. Spikelets 6–8 mm. long, ± distant, not fascicled, light grey-brown or reddish, distinct at the tips of the branchlets, 1-fld. Glumes us. 3, the 2 lower glumes ± membr., lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the uppermost glume longer, spreading with maturation of the fr. Nut, including beak, c. 2.5 × 1.5 mm., ovoid, trigonous when immature, yellow, narrowed below to a short, dark brown stalk, narrowed above to a dark brown, pyramidal beak, c. 1 mm. long, rounded at the tip.
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Plant to 100 cm. tall but us. much less. Lvs rarely > 1.5 cm. wide, narrowing to subacute tip, mostly erect. Peduncle long, infructescence us. overtopping lvs. Raceme to 20 × 2.5 cm., many-fld; bracts broad, rather abruptly acuminate, at no stage completely hiding fl.-buds; pedicels short, us. c. 1.5 cm., not swollen below fl., suberect. Fls bisexual; per. to c. 10 mm. diam., shrivelled and pendent from base of ripening capsule. Ovary and capsule sessile. Capsule 5–7 × 4 mm., long-oval. Seeds c. 4–4.5 mm. long, dark brown, narrowly winged. 2n = 14.
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Plants to c. 30 cm. tall. Racemes sts > peduncle. Bract long-acuminate, longer than pedicel even in fr. Capsule broad-ovoid. 2n = 14.
Plants to 50–60 cm. tall. Peduncle us. long. Pedicels long, much exceeding bracts. Ovary and capsule barrel-shaped, narrowing gradually towards base but scarcely stipitate. 2n = 14.
Plant to 100 cm. tall but us. less. Lvs to 3 cm. wide, obtuse, mostly erect. Peduncle long, infructescence overtopping lvs. Raceme to 40 × 3 cm., many-fld; bracts narrowly acuminate, us. covering young fl.-buds; pedicels long, 1.5–4 cm., not swollen below fl., spreading at fl., stout and suberect at fr. Fls bisexual; per. to 14 mm. diam., shrivelling and pendent from base of ripening capsule. Ovary and capsule distinctly stipitate. Capsule obovate in outline, 7–9 × 4–4.5 mm. (length including gynophore). Seeds 5–6 mm. long, very dark brown, narrowly winged. 2n = 14.
Infl. a terminal raceme on a lfless, us. simple peduncle. Fls small, white or yellow, ∞, ± densely crowded, each in the axil of a bract; pedicel articulated us. just below fl. Per. persistent; segs almost free, subequal, 1-nerved. Stamens 6, hypogynous or attached to per.-bases; filaments glab., filiform or slightly flattened; anthers dorsifixed, versatile, introrse. Ovary subglobose, 3-locular, each locule with 2 erect collateral ovules; style cylindric, erect, stigma narrow-capitate. Capsule loculicidal. Seeds dark, sts narrowly winged. Tufted herbs perennating by a group of ± fleshy roots. Lvs produced annually from crown; lamina filiform to strap-shaped, often concave adaxially, sts ± fleshy; sheath membr., its nerves us. thickened to form persistent setose or reticulate fibres surrounding base of next season's lvs, but not so in N.Z. spp. Some 20 spp., the 6 N.Z. spp. endemic and apparently the only representatives outside Africa.
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Plant us. rising only a few cm. from the ground but reaching diam. of 10–40 cm. Lvs 3–7 mm. wide, ± horizontally spreading. Peduncle very short, scarcely emerging from lf-sheaths, rarely exceeding raceme-length. Raceme at fl. 1–2.5 × 1.5 cm., elongating little at fr.; fls densely crowded; bracts c. = pedicels, with broad, pale, membr. sheathing base, covering young buds but in fr. almost hidden; pedicels short, spreading, hardly visible. Fls yellow but the nerve in each tepal green externally, bisexual; per. 7–11 mm. diam., shrivelled and tangled at base of ripe capsule. Ovary and capsule stipitate, the capsule globose above the gynophore, 3.5–6.5 mm. diam. Seeds c. 3.5 mm. long, brown, smooth, rounded and without wings. 2n = 14.
Plant forming a spreading mat up to 10 cm. or more diam. Rhizomes threadlike, firmly fixed to substratum by ∞ roots of similar size; pseudobulbs c. 3–5 mm. diam., globose, rugose, becoming much wrinkled with age; lf arising from the top within a slightly prominent circular rim. Lf-lamina c. 4–10 × 2–4 mm., oblong-ovate to almost orbicular, obtuse, minutely scabrid adaxially, prominently keeled abaxially; petiole us. very short, sts = ½ lf-length. Fl. solitary; peduncle from base of pseudobulb, c. 2.5 mm. long at fl., elongating later; floral bract whitish, membr., campanulate; pedicel and ovary hairy. Per. 1.5–2 mm. long, white. Sepals minutely hairy, dorsal shorter than laterals. Petals broad, almost meeting behind column. Labellum ovate-oblong, obtuse, ± thickened, roofing over pouch formed by lateral sepals and column-foot. Column barely as long as its foot; wing not exceeding anther.
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Plant forming a close tight clump to several cm. diam. Rhizomes 1–2 mm. diam., firmly fixed to substratum by ∞ roots; pseudobulbs 6–7–(15) × 3–4 mm., ovoid, smooth when fresh, becoming wrinkled with drying, surface then ± dotted with swollen white cells; membr. scale-lf at first sheathing base of green lf. Lf-lamina to 50 × 5 mm. but us. less, linear-oblong, acute, glab.; petiole short, ill-defined. Fls 1-several; peduncle from base of pseudobulb, c. 1–2 cm. long; floral bracts ± triangular, pedicels very short. Ovary minutely tuberculate. Per. c. 4 mm. long, whitish except labellum. Sepals not hairy; dorsal narrow-ovate; laterals much broader, triangular-ovate, slightly pouched below. Petals much smaller, ovate, obtuse. Labellum "bright vermilion-red with a central yellow line", mobile on long slender claw; lamina oblong-obovate or subhastate, thick and fleshy, lower part with 2 raised ridges, margins strongly recurved at tip. Column short, stout, 2-winged at top.
Fls bisexual, solitary or in a simple or bifid cincinnus, actinomorphic (occ. zygomorphic). Per. petaloid, tube campanulate to urceolate, lobes in 2 whorls of 3, one or both sts lacking. Stamens 3 or 6; anther sessile on per.-tube and dehiscing laterally and horizontally, or with short filaments and pendent within the tube and dehiscing longtiudinally; connective broad, sts elaborately lobed. Ovary inferior, 1–3-locular; ovules ∞, anatropous with 2 integuments, funicle often long; style simple; stigmas 3. Fr. us. capsular, sts fleshy; dehiscence various. Seeds minute. Annual or perennial herb, green and autotrophic or saprophytic and often colourless. Lvs alt., entire, simple, exstipulate, linear where not reduced to scales. Genera 10–20 according to views of different authors. Widely distributed in tropics but extending both north and south in both hemispheres.
Plant at fl. c. 5–20–(30) cm. tall. Stem erect, slender, ± pilose below, glandular-pubescent above. Green lf solitary, narrow-linear, us. shorter than peduncle, sparsely clad in both short glandular and longer non-glandular hairs. Floral bracts 1–5, lower 1–2 often empty. Fls 1–3–(5) in lax raceme, ovary us. > bract. Per. (in N.Z.) c. 1–2 cm. diam., white, greenish, pink or darker green and red, glandular-hairy externally. Sepals narrow-lanceolate and acute; dorsal ± erect; lateral spreading or deflexed. Petals similar to lateral sepals. Labellum 3-lobed; mid-lobe narrowly triangular, recurved, mostly with marginal calli; lateral lobes broad, transversely barred with red; calli in 2 ± regular rows on disc. Column ± erect, often transversely barred with red; wings narrow below, widest about level of stigma.
Plant at fl. c. 5–20 cm. tall. Stem erect, slender, pilose below with long tapering hairs, glandular-pubescent above. Green lf solitary, linear-lanceolate, us. overtopped by fls, sparsely pilose with long tapering hairs. Floral bracts 1–4, lower ones often empty. Fls 1–4 in lax raceme, ovary us. > bract. Per. 1.5–2.5 cm. diam., white to pink, sts obscurely striped, glandular and ± hairy externally. Sepals elliptic-oblong; dorsal wider and ± arched over column; lateral widespreading, subacute. Petals similar to lateral sepals. Labellum 3-lobed; mid-lobe narrowly triangular and recurved; lateral lobes broad, transversely barred with red; calli yellow, in 4 ± regular rows on disc, smaller and crowded on mid-lobe and its margin. Column curved; wings of uniform width from base to anther, transversely barred with red.
Fl. solitary or very few in loose raceme; floral bracts us. 2–3, small. Per. glandular-pubescent; dorsal sepal uppermost, erect or ± incurved over column, us. narrow; lateral sepals and petals sub-similar and sts spreading symmetrically. Labellum very shortly clawed, half-erect, undivided or 3-lobed; margins often fringed or toothed; calli ± clavate, in ± regular longitudinal rows. Column elongate, erect to incurved, winged; anther terminal, apiculate, surface often papillose, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen finely granular; stigma discoid, inclined downwards; rostellum median. Plants terrestrial, with pilose or glandular hairs; tubers ± globose, the new ones produced ± within lf-sheaths. Lf solitary, ± hirsute, linear to lanceolate. Genus of c. 75 spp. mainly Australian but also in Malaysia and New Caledonia. The 2 N.Z. spp. both occur also in Australia, being one of the 15 spp. originally included in the genus by Robert Brown.
Plant at fl. c. 5–20cm. tall. Stem very slender, smooth. Lf very narrow linear, much shorter than stem. Per. greenish except for deeply coloured labellum. Dorsal sepal to 8 mm. long, linear-spathulate; laterals similar but adnate basally to long column-foot. Petals little shorter. Labellum-claw broad and smooth, curved with its convexity towards column, lamina "produced on the columnar side into a bifid gland-tipped appendage, and at the other end into a triangular pointed process with a spur on each side; centre inflated and hollow; upper surface and margins tuberculate except at the base." Column almost as long as petals, its long foot and broad petaloid wings forming together an upwardly opening cup.
Raceme of few fls or reduced to one; floral bracts small, membr., exceeded by slender pedicel. Ovary strongly curved away from raceme-axis, bending per. downwards and outwards and so bringing dorsal sepal lower than labellum; sepals and petals narrow and subequal. Labellum long-clawed, claw narrow and articulate to foot of column, strongly arched and bearing distally the peltate lamina, of which the end nearest the column corresponds to the appendage of Pterostylis. Column elongated, with a broad petaloid wing throughout its length, sts with a long column-foot; anther terminal, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen finely granular; stigma high under anther; rostellum minute. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tubers ovoid, new one produced at base of parent plant. Lf solitary, sheathing at base, linear to lanceolate; cauline bracts lacking. Genus of 4–5 Australian spp. of which one has been found in N.Z.
Plant when well developed stout and to 60–70 cm. tall. Bracts, racemes, sepals and petals much as in C. paludosus. Labellum proportionately smaller; ligulate apex short and sinuous; disc broad with shorter and less crowded processes; base bluish with several longitudinal plate-like calli. Column-wings each with one well-defined, us. dark gland or callus near base.
Plant at fl. 15–90 cm. tall, slender to quite stout. Stem erect. Lf acute, overtopped by raceme, inclined to be fleshy; cauline bracts similar but much shorter. Floral bracts narrow, acute. Per. mostly greenish, except for bright reddish beard of labellum. Dorsal sepal 1–1.5 cm. long, broad-elliptic, acute, ± folded about column; lateral sepals little smaller. Petals shorter, obliquely deltoid, subacute tip directed towards dorsal sepal, us. striped. Labellum almost 2 × sepals; bare ligulate apex long and often straight; disc broad with dense long processes; base covered with very small, acute calli and on each side a short, erect, intra-marginal plate-like callus. Column-wings without basal glands.
Raceme us. of few fls each with a distinct pedicel; floral bracts us. exceeding ovary. Per. glab.; dorsal sepal uppermost, broad, concave; lateral sepals subsimilar, only slightly shorter; petals much shorter, broadly falcate. Labellum mostly > sepals, sessile, broadly elliptic, the greater part of the inner surface us. bearded with long, capillary, strongly coloured processes which also fringe the margin, the processes us. shorter near the base and often lacking towards the tip, leaving a narrow ligulate apex unadorned. Column short and wide with broad wings flanking the circular stigma; anther terminal, papillose, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen finely granular; rostellum short. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tubers ovoid, new one produced at base of parent plant. Lf sheathing at base, narrow-linear, channelled, sts absent; cauline bracts few, short, us. foliaceous. Genus of c. 11 spp., mostly Australian, but recorded also from New Guinea and New Caledonia. The 3 spp. known in N.Z. occur also in Australia.
Plant slender to robust, perhaps not reaching such lengths as C. paludosus, but lf us. broader. Bracts, racemes, sepals and petals much as in C. paludosus. Labellum c. 2 × sepals; ligulate apex short, ± twisted; disc broad with long dense processes; base covered with short rounded calli. Column-wings each with one well-defined, us. dark gland or callus near base.
Plants dioec., rarely monoec. Spikelets distant towards the ends of the branches, at each node solitary and sessile, or in pairs with one sessile, the other shortly stalked. Male spikelets 1–6-fld (in the N.Z. sp.), female spikelets 1-fld; upper floral bracts imbricate; bractlets wanting. ♂ with 6 narrow, glume-like tepals; stamens 3, anthers 1-celled. ♀ with 6–(4) hyaline tepals; staminodia 3 or 0; styles 3 or 2, free, or connate at the base; ovary 1-locular with a single, pend. ovule. Fr. a small, ovoid or obovoid, ind. nut. Perennial herbs. Culms glab., much-branched, often flexuose, from a creeping rhizome. Lvs reduced to persistent, bract-like sheaths. Genus of 3 spp. 2 endemic to Australia, and C. minor occurs in both Australia and N.Z. Type sp.: C. elongata Labill., a Tasmanian endemic.
Rhizome very stout compared to stems, erect, up to 8 mm. diam., covered with light brown, overlapping, scale-like sheaths and very thick tufts of brown hairs; roots ∞, 1–1.5 mm. diam., densely covered by persistent root hairs. Culms (8)–15–40–(120) cm. × (0.5)–1–1.5 mm., much-branched, flexuous, terete or grooved on one side, glab., bright green or bronze-brown, erect when short, procumbent when longer. Lvs reduced to mucronate sheaths, closely appressed to culm, distant, green at first, later dark brown, rigid, margin entire; the cilia protruding through the mouth of the sheath in tufts of white crinkled hairs arise from the outer scale of an axillary bud within the sheath; mucro long, fine, sharp-pointed, recurved or erect. Spikelets distant within uppermost sheaths. Male spikelets solitary or us. 2, 1 sessile and 1 stalked, within each hard, mucronate sheath, 1–4–(6)–fld; ♂, tepals 6, narrow-linear, acute; stamens 3, filaments slender, > tepals, anthers exserted beyond the floral bract. Female spikelets solitary within 1–3 uppermost, bearded, obtuse sheaths, 1-fld, with 2 imbricate, empty floral bracts; ♀, tepals 6–4, very small, hyaline; styles 3, free. Fr. a hard, oval nut, > persistent tepals, sessile on a thick receptacle. 2n = 24.
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Rhizomatous; tufts often low-growing, close-packed, bright green. Culms hidden among lvs, us. 1–2 cm. long; basal sheaths dull brown. Lvs much > culms, 1.5–2.5–(3) mm. wide, grasslike, recurved, channelled, margins exceedingly finely and closely scabrid almost throughout. Spikes 2–5, approximate, pale green; terminal spike male, us. sessile; remaining spikes female, occ. with a few male fls at the top, 6–9 mm. long, ± pedunculate, clustered round base of male spike; subtending bracts lf-like, very narrow-linear, the uppermost almost filiform, margins finely scabrid. Glumes > utricles, ovate, pale green, almost white, membr., midrib green, stiff, thickened, produced to a stout, finely hispid awn. Utricles c. 2.5 × 1 mm., biconvex or subtrigonous, fusiform, pale yellow-green, faintly many-nerved, pubescent all over; beak slightly narrowed, pale green, c. 0.5 mm. long, orifice ± truncate; stipe c. 0.3 mm. long, often much contracted. Stigmas 3. Nut c. 1.5 mm. long, obtusely trigonous, oblong, obovoid, light brown, surmounted by a minute, persistent, dilated style-base.
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Tufts stout, rigid, lfy, pale green. Culms 5–35 cm. × 1.5–3 mm., trigonous, smooth, sturdy; basal sheaths light brown. Lvs not overtopping infl., 6–8 mm. wide, double-folded, margins slightly thickened, densely but finely serrate, particularly towards the tapered tip; base of lf neither sheathing nor enlarged but marked by a purplish ligule. Infl. of 6–8 us. simple, light brown spikes; uppermost 2–4 spikes male, shorter and more slender than the female, sessile, ± approximate; remaining spikes female with a few male fls at the top, 3–7.5 × 1–1.5 cm., erect on stout peduncles, both spikes and peduncles becoming progressively shorter higher up the infl.; subtending bracts lfy, > infl., almost enclosing the peduncles with their sheaths. Glumes much > utricles, linear-lanceolate, emarginate or entire, faintly nerved, membr., light brown to dark brown or red-purple, paler towards the margins, midrib pale brown produced to a long hispid awn. Utricles 3–4.5 × c. 2 mm., unequally biconvex, obovoid, turgid, pale green or brownish green, lateral nerves well-marked, otherwise smooth, margins glab., abruptly contracted to a narrow, deeply bidentate beak slightly > 0.5 mm. long, orifice slightly scabrid; stipe c. 0.5 mm. long, whitish. Stigmas 3. Nut c. 2 mm. long, trigonous, oblong-obovoid, pale grey-brown.
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Lvs (1)–1.5–2.2 mm. wide. All spikes us. close-packed, lowermost rarely distant. Awn of glume up to 2 mm. long. Utricles c. 2.5 × 1.3–1.5 mm.
Lvs 0.7–1.2 mm. wide. Lower spikes us. distant and upper spikes approximate, but sts all spikes close-packed. Awn of glume up to 0.5 mm. long, rarely to 1 mm. long. Utricles c. 2.0 × 1.0–1.3 mm.
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Large lfy tufts. Culms up to 70 cm. long, 1–2.5 mm. diam., trigonous, smooth or occ. slightly scabrid below infl.; basal sheaths dark red-brown. Lvs much > culms, up to 120 cm. long, 3–12 mm. wide, double-folded, keel and margins scabrid. Infl. of 4–6–(8) spikes; terminal 1–3 spikes wholly or partly male; remaining spikes female with some male fls at the base, (2.5)–6–11 cm. × 5–11 mm., ± distant, ± pedunculate, lowest peduncles often long and slender and spikes drooping, green to grey-green. Glumes 2–5 mm. long, lanceolate, gradually tapering to a scabrid awn, membr., light brown, with a narrow green midrib. Utricles = or slightly > glumes, 4–5 × c. 1 mm., subtrigonous, lanceolate, slightly reflexed, turgid towards the base, distinctly many-nerved, greenish brown, gradually tapering to a beak 1.5–2 mm. long with an oblique, bifid, scabrid orifice. Stigmas 3. Nut 1.5–2 mm. long, trigonous, elliptic-obovoid, cream to dark brown.
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Culms 8–21 cm. long, upper part not enclosed by lf-sheaths. Lvs 9–35 cm. × 0.5–1.5 mm., involute or flattened. Infl. 1–4 cm. × c. 5 mm., spikes rather distant, especially the lower ones, the lowest 1–2 spikes each occ. subtended by a lf-like bract.
Plants us. monoec., rarely dioec. Infl. a panicle, compound raceme, compound spike, cluster of spikes, or a single spike; bracts subtending panicles, spikes or individual spikes of compound infls, us. lf-like, sheathing or not sheathing. Spikes sessile or pedunculate, unisexual or bisexual, composed of ∞ 1-fld spikelets; each spikelet subtended by a glume. Fls unisexual; perianth 0. Male fl. with 3 stamens (rarely 2). Female fl. a single pistil enclosed in a sac-like organ (utricle); style 1, branched above to 2 or 3 stigmas which project from the small orifice at the apex of the utricle. Nut trigonous or biconvex, enclosed within the persistent utricle. Perennial herbs, either tufted, or with creeping subterranean rhizomes. Culms us. trigonous and solid, rarely terete and hollow. Lvs tristichous, us. linear, mostly crowded at base of culm and ensheathing it, with a very minute, membr. ligule at the junction of lf and sheath. A genus of c. 1,500–2,000 spp. in cold and temperate regions or at high altitudes in the tropics. Of the 73 N.Z. spp. 61 are endemic.
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Rhizomatous; clumps pale yellow-green, stiffly erect. Rhizome 2–3 mm. diam., woody, closely covered with brown sheathing scales. Culms (6)–10–30–(45) cm. × 0.5–1 mm., > lvs, terete or flattened or plano-convex above, terete below, wiry, glab.; basal sheaths dark grey-brown or reddish brown. Lvs 8–25–(35) cm. × 0.5–1.5 mm., plano-convex or with adaxial surface slightly concave, lamina grooved at the back, flattened at the tip, occ. with slightly scabrid margins. Infl. a linear, ± continuous, erect, compound spike 1.5–3–(4) cm. long, c. 4 mm. diam., composed of 5–10 ± contiguous, pale straw-coloured spikes; bracts subtending spikes glume-like, long-awned, not > infl. Almost dioec., spikes either mostly male with rarely a female spikelet, or spikes wholly female, occ. with a single male fl. at the top. Glumes ± = utricles, linear-lanceolate, acuminate or awned, membr., pale green to pale brown or almost colourless. Utricles 3.5–4 × c. 1 mm., plano-convex, narrow-lanceolate, strongly nerved on flat face; beak 1.5–2 mm. long, tapering, with finely scabrid wings and oblique, bifid orifice; stipe 0.5–1 mm. long, hardly contracted. Stigmas 2. Nut c. 2 mm. long, oblong-obovoid, smooth and shining, brown.
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Culms 20–50 cm. × c. 1 mm. Lvs c. 2 mm. wide. Infl. 6–20–(30) cm. long, ± pend., either an unbranched axis with a few small distant spikes, or sparingly branched below.
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Rhizomatous; in robust, dark green clumps to 180 cm. tall. Rhizome 5–10 mm. diam., closely covered with red-brown sheaths. Culms 30–90–(150) cm. × 3–5 mm., triquetrous, scabrid; basal sheaths red-brown, margins shredding into fibres. Lvs > culms, 4–10–(17) mm. wide, double-folded, margins and keel finely scabrid. Spikes 7–13–(16), in both sexes varying from 1–8 cm. in length, distant, peduncles us. ± = or > spikes, stout, stiff and erect, or more slender and drooping; upper (2)–4–5–(7) spikes male, c. (4)–6 mm. diam. (excluding very prominent awns); lower spikes female, 5–8 mm. diam., lowest spikes geminate or ternate. Glumes of male spikes ± truncate to acute, with scabrid awns occ. up to 1 cm. long; glumes of female spikes (excluding awn) ± = utricles, narrow-lanceolate to elliptic-lanceolate, acute, red-brown, membr., with lighter brown, broad midrib produced to a finely scabrid awn up to 6 mm. long (awn occ. very dark red). Utricles c. 2–3 × 1.5–2 mm., plano-convex to biconvex, elliptic-obovoid, ± turgid, light yellow-brown, sts red-brown towards the base, nerves 5 or more on each face, margins smooth; beak c. 0.2–(0.4) mm. long, often lighter brown, very narrow, orifice glab., very slightly bifid; stipe c. 0.3 mm. long, narrow. Stigmas 2. Nut 1.5–2 mm. long, biconvex, obovoid, shining, brown.
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Very robust, forming dense, light green tussocks up to 60 cm. diam. Culms 15–90 cm. × 2–4 mm., trigonous with angles rounded, glab.; basal sheaths cream, grey, or yellow-brown. Lvs often overtopping the infl., 6–15 mm. wide, double-folded, with keel not very much thickened, rather soft and spreading, margins slightly scabrid with rather distant teeth; sheath only slightly broader than lamina, paler green. Spikes 6–9–(15), brown, very sturdy, 3.5–11 × 0.5–1.5 cm.; upper 2–4 spikes male, occ. with a few female fls intermingled, ± approximate, ± sessile; lower spikes female, the lowest often compound, on stout erect peduncles; bracts lf-like, > infl. Glumes > utricles, linear-oblong, or lanceolate, noticeably emarginate, membr., chestnut-brown, the pale greenish brown midrib produced to a very long hispid awn. Utricles 4.5–6 × c. 2 mm., subtrigonous, oblong-obovoid, turgid, distinctly nerved, straw-coloured to light brown tinged; abruptly narrowed to a rather shallowly bifid beak c. 1 mm. long, margins and orifice occ. slightly scabrid; much contracted to a very pale brown stipe c. 1 mm. long. Stigmas 3. Nut c. 2 mm. long, trigonous, oblong-obovoid, dark brown.
Tufts very dense, 3–7 cm. high; shortly rhizomatous. Culms completely hidden by the light grey-brown, membr., fibrillose lf-sheaths. Lvs c. 0.5 mm. wide, dingy red, much > culms, plano-convex, nerved on the abaxial surface, smooth on the adaxial surface, margins scabrid, tip subobtuse, often somewhat curled. Infl. a short dense head of 3–4 spikes; terminal spike male, slender, very shortly pedunculate, glumes lanceolate, acute, red-brown; remaining spikes female, sessile, 5–12-fld, glumes c. 3.5 × 1.5 mm., dull red-brown, distinctly nerved, lanceolate, acute, with the midrib produced to a scabrid awn. Utricles 2–3.5 × c. 1.5 mm., biconvex, or obscurely trigonous, elliptic-lanceolate, spreading when ripe, light red-brown, distinctly nerved, narrowed to a ± scabrid beak 0.5–1 mm. long, bidentate, orifice scabrid. Stigmas 3. Nut c. 1.5 mm. long, obtusely trigonous, oblong-obovoid, dark grey-brown.
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Infl. a loose terminal cluster or corymb. Spikelets 1–2-fld, fls hermaphrodite, or occ. 1 of the 2 sterile. Glumes 4–5, distichous, 2 lowermost smaller, empty, upper glumes larger, 1–2 fertile. Hypog. bristles 3–6, plumose. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut trigonous, style-base persistent. Tufted, grass-like perennial herbs, lfy at base only.
Fls unisexual, in a terminal "spike". Infl. us. complex with 1 pseudanthium or several within each of 2 or more glume-like floral bracts. Each pseudanthium of 1, 2 or 0 ♂ and 1– ∞ or 0, often connate ♀. Upper bractlets subtending fls, hyaline or 0. Tepals 0. ♂ a single stamen, filament thread-like, anther 1-celled, versatile, opening lengthwise by a slit, rarely 2-celled and basifixed. ♀ a single unilocular ovary, fls free or often 2 or more ± connate, collateral or superposed in 1–2 series. Styles 1–(3–10) to each fl., occ. styles from all fls connate at the base. Ovule solitary and pend. Fr. with membr. pericarp dehiscing longitudinally, (ind. in Hydatella). Seeds with cop. endosperm. Small, tufted, grasslike and annual, or mosslike and perennial herbs. Stems slender, densely packed in perennial spp. Lvs linear or setaceous, in annual spp. all crowded at base of stem, in perennial spp. imbricate and crowded along the stems. A small family of c. 5 genera and c. 40 spp. mainly in Australia and N.Z., a few in Malaysia, Southeast Asia and South America.
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Fls ∞, in a complex "spike" within 2 ± opp., unequal, glume-like bracts. Partial infls (pseudanthia) 1–8–(20) within each bract, each with 1–3, or 0 hyaline scales. ♂, 1 or 0 per pseudanthium with 1-celled anther. ♀, (1)–2–20 in each pseudanthium, ± connate and superposed in 1–2 rows, all styles free or ± connate at the base. Fr. dehiscing longitudinally. Small herbs, tufted and annual, or perennial and cushion-forming. Lvs linear-filiform and crowded at base of stem, or, in perennial cushion plants, densely imbricate up the stem, with stiff, terete, compressed or channelled lamina. Flowering stems slender, terminated by the 2 floral bracts and "spike". About 25 spp. chiefly in Australia, extending through Malaysia to Southeast Asia. Three N.Z. spp. are endemic and occurs also in Australia.
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Small, tufted annual, 1.5–7 cm. tall. Roots fine and fibrous. Lvs 1–3 cm. × c. 0.2 mm., filiform, hispid throughout their length with white, rigid, multicellular hairs; tips acicular, lamina broadening at the base to a membr. sheath. Flowering stems 2–6.5 cm. × c. 0.3 mm., very much > lvs, hispid with very fine tangled, white hairs. Glume-like bracts 2, or occ. 3, c. 3 mm. long, green or pinkish with a narrow membr. margin, ovate and spreading, hispid with long, rigid, multicellular hairs; awn glab., c. 1 mm. long with an acicular tip. Pseudanthia 4–8 in each bract, almost = bracts in length, each with 3 hyaline fringed scales unequal in length, one very much shorter, the 2 others sheathing respectively the ♂ and the ♀. ♂ 1 to each partial infl. ♀ 4–8 to each partial infl. connate and superposed in 2 rows or occ. appearing spirally arranged. Styles not connate. Seed c. 0.5 mm. long, obovate-oblong, blunt at the top, surface very faintly reticulated, brown with a dark tip at each end.
Plant at fl. c. 4–10 cm. tall, at fr. to 30 cm. tall, the mature capsule us. far above the floral bract. Stem erect, slightly fleshy, glab. Green lvs 2, us. close together, c. 3–10 × 1–3 cm., linear-oblong to oblong-lanceolate, acute to subacute, petiolate, glab. and ± fleshy. Floral bract with long cylindric sheath, lamina = or > ovary, green, sts larger and appearing as third lf. Fl. erect, between or above spreading lvs. Per. c. 1.5 cm. tall, green, glab., ± fleshy. Sepals shortly caudate; dorsal ovate-lanceolate; lateral much narrower, ± channelled. Petals slightly shorter, ovate-lanceolate, erect to spreading. Labellum broadly to narrowly triangular, on short claw; margins entire; calli dark green to reddish, ± globose, variously arranged in a ± central group, 2 often forming thickened inturned auricles near the base. Column almost as long as lip, the foot ending in a transverse thickening; wing narrow to level of stigma, there wider and extending almost to top of anther in broad, us. incurved lobe.
"Stem rarely exceeding 9 cm. in height, relatively robust. Leaves sessile, stem-clasping, their margins often but not invariably much undulate-crisped. Dorsal sepal narrowly cuneate with a short point. Lateral sepals narrow-linear, spreading, sometimes recurved. Petals broad-linear, spreading or almost erect. Expanded lamina of the labellum almost rhomboid, but occasionally rounded in front, with a short point. Calli numerous, chiefly in two groups, one towards the claw and one on the anterior half extending to the apex; the posterior calli including several insectiform ones, one very large and double-headed, resembling an ant; the anterior calli small. Column-wings broader than [ and ], not as high as the anther. Fl. chiefly Sept."
Fl. solitary or occ. 2; floral bract attached some distance below ovary, the intervening portion of stem elongating as fr. ripens. Per. glab.; dorsal sepal uppermost, erect or incurved, narrowed to base; lateral sepals and petals narrower, sts strongly deflexed. Labellum ± clawed, undivided; margins entire; calli prominent, variously shaped and arranged. Column elongate, erect to slightly curved, winged, with short column-foot; anther terminal, apiculate, papillose, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen finely granular; stigma prominent, discoid; rostellum small, median. Plants terrestrial, us. glab.; tubers ovoid, us. produced at some distance from parent plant. Lvs 2 (floral bract occ. foliaceous), basal, ± oblong. Genus of 6–7 spp., all found in eastern Australia.
Robust tufted plants, often in large colonies. Stem c. 2 cm. diam. Lvs 60–170 × 3–5–7 cm., arcuate; sheath gradually narrowing above by long cuneate shoulder, the lower portion us. black abaxially, sts shading into yellow, the basal 1–2 cm. clad in fine filiform white scales 1–2 cm. long; lamina adaxially dull green without scales in mature lf; abaxial surface more bronzed and permanently clad in peltate dark-centred scales. Infl. arching out from fan of lvs; peduncle c. = panicle; panicle of c. 4–8 cylindric racemes. Male racemes c. 15–20 × 3 cm.; fls cream, deeper yellow towards cup-shaped base; per.-segs 9–14 × (1)–1.5–2 mm., linear-oblong, the surfaces exposed in bud scaly; stamens c. 10 mm. long, ovary c. 2 mm. diam. Female racemes c. 20–30 × 2.5 cm., fls very pale cream; per.-tube c. 5 mm. long, cup-shaped, per.-segs c. 2–3 × 1 mm.; ovary subglobose, abruptly narrowed into short style. Fr. c. 4.5 mm. diam., globose, ± translucent yellow then red, cupped in thin membr. per.-tube. Seeds ∞, c. 1.4 × 0.7 mm., narrow-ovoid, black, dull, longitudinally ridged, surrounded by thick, = mucilaginous aril. n = 35.
Tufted plants with general habit of . Lvs c. 40–150 × (0.7)–1–2.5 cm.; sheath nigrescent towards base, with narrow basal band of white scales; lamina as in C. hastatum but proportionately narrower. Infl. arching out from fan of lvs; peduncle c. = panicle; panicle of 4–8 racemes. Male racemes c. 4.5–6 × 2.5 cm.; fls whitish, occ. pink towards base; per.-segs 9–13 × 1.5–2–(2.5) mm., narrow-oblong, the surfaces exposed in bud scaly; stamens c. 8.5 mm. long; ovary c. 2 mm. diam. Female racemes c. 3–15 × 1.5–2 cm.; fls whitish; per.-tube c. 3 mm. long, cup-shaped; per.-segs c. 2.5 × 1 mm.; ovary subglobose, narrowed abruptly into short style. Fr. c. 4.5 mm. diam., globose, milky white, cupped in thin membr. per.-tube. Seeds ∞, c. 1 × 0.8 mm., ± curved, black, shining, with short pointed funiculus carrying fragments of hairs only. n = 35.
Dioec. Infl. a terminal panicle on a lfless simple peduncle; spathes large and foliaceous, each us. subtending a simple raceme; racemes few, often ± uniform in size, and well-spaced; bracteoles membr., us. small; fls small, us. ∞, crowded, ♂ much larger than ♀. Per. membr., tube deeply campanulate to urceolate, lobes narrow, strongly reflexed. Stamens in ♂ conspicuous; anther linear-hastate, dorsifixed, immobile; in ♀ minute with flat, empty anthers. Ovary superior, 3-locular; placentae on the septa; ovules few to many, smaller in ♂ but us. identifiable, ± embedded in mucilaginous funicular hairs; style short and thick; stigmatic surfaces 3, ± confluent, long-papillose; nectaries 3, slit-like. Fr. a berry. Seeds black, the surface us. dull and ridged and ± coated with funicular hairs. Tufted herbs, primarily epiphytic or rupestral, characterised by peculiar indumentum of scales. Stem short, us. hidden. Lvs 3-ranked but sts appearing distichous, linear-ensiform, expanding below into broad, closed, often blackish sheathing base; midrib stout, sunken above, prominent below; nerves ∞, us. one costa on each side of midrib strongly incrassate, especially adaxially; transverse veinlets distinct, especially in sheath. Four spp., one in Samoa, one in Fiji and 2 endemic in N.Z.
Plant to 12–(20) m. tall; stem in young unbranched state 5–10 cm. diam., massive trunk of large old trees to 1.5 m. diam. and many-branched above; bark thick, rough and fissured. Lvs 30–100 × 3–6 cm., little inclined to droop at tip but bending from base when old, only slightly narrowed above base and thick and flat in narrowest part; lamina light green and very similar on both surfaces; midrib indistinct; nerves fine, equal and ± parallel. Peduncle stout, to 4 cm. diam.; panicle to 60–150 × 30–60 cm., branched to the third or fourth order, branches coming off at about right angles and well spaced; lower bracts green and foliaceous; ultimate racemes c. 10–20 cm. long, c. 2 cm. diam. with fls on; axes almost hidden by fls. Fls sweet-scented; per. c. 5–6 mm. long, white; tepals slightly keeled, free almost to base, reflexed. Stamens c. = tepals. Stigma shortly trifid. Fr. c. 4 mm. diam., globose, whitish. Seeds c. 2.5 mm. long, glossy, ± comma-shaped, deeply notched on one side. 2n = 38.
Plant to 4m. tall; stems c. 10–15 cm. diam., us. a number from near ground level, subequal and sparingly branched. Lvs 1–2 m. × 4–8 cm., broad at the middle and inclined to droop from there, narrowed above base into a channelled petiole that is rarely > ½ lamina-width and often occupies c. ¼ to 1/5 of lf-length; lamina paler abaxially; midrib flat adaxially, prominent and rounded abaxially; nerves unequal, several rather strong and sts differently coloured, meeting midrib at appreciable angle; margins laxly revolute. Peduncle stout, to 30–40 × 2 cm. Panicle to 1–2 m. long, broadly pyramidal, openly branched to third order, branches coming off at rather narrow angle; lower bracts green and foliaceous, the larger bracts and some of the smaller ones each us. associated with 2–4 minor branches as well as the major one; ultimate racemes c. 15–30 cm. long, 2 cm. or more diam. with fls on; axes visible between fls. Fls very fragrant; per. c. 10 mm. long, white; tepals shortly connate, patent. Stamens c. = tepals; filaments narrow. Stigma shortly trifid. Fr. c. 4–5 mm. diam., globose, white or bluish. Seeds c. 2 mm. diam., ± shining, 2 sides flat and one convex. 2n = 38.
Fls bisexual, in a terminal panicle which is soon pushed aside by a lfy shoot from the axil of an adjacent lf. Larger bracts foliaceous, us. 2 together, sts exceeding panicle; smaller bracts chaffy, 2 associated with each pedicel and fl. Fls articulate to pedicel, small, actinomorphic. Per.-tube short, becoming ± fleshy as fr. ripens; tepals subequal, patent, marcescent. Staminal filaments ± flattened but not greatly thickened, glab.; anthers dorsifixed and versatile. Ovary superior, sessile, globose; nectaries slit-like, one over upper part of each septum; ovules several to ∞ in each locule; stigma ± 3-lobed. Fr. baccate, becoming dry with age. Seeds us. curved, black. Tufted to arborescent; trunk woody with characteristic secondary thickening, the stout axis continued vertically downwards in an equally stout rhizome (sts 2). Lvs long-lived, crowded in tuffs (to 200 or more) at ends of branches, long-linear to narrow-elliptic, ± petiolate, the strong fibrous veins narrowly oblique to midrib. About 15 spp. scattered from India to Queensland and the Pacific, recorded also in S. America. The 5 N.Z. spp. endemic. : type sp.,
Plant to c. 8 m. tall; stems massive, rather sparingly branched. Lvs to 1–2 m. ×10–15 cm., broadly ensiform, drooping only in age, narrowed above base to a short petiole to c. ⅓ lamina-width; lamina glaucous abaxially where stomata are very ∞; midrib broad and conspicuous, often reddish; nerves unequal, especially adaxially, the stronger ones often reddish like midrib, meeting midrib at definite angle; margins laxly revolute. Peduncle stout, short, ± hidden. Panicle to c. 60–160 × 30 cm., tightly compact, us. (possibly always) with only first order branching from stout central axis; lower bracts broad and heavy; racemes c. 10–20 cm. long, c. 2 cm. diam. with fls on; axes hidden by crowded fls; pedicels to 2–3 mm. long, longer than in other spp. Fls inclined to be fleshy; per. c. 7–8 mm. long, tepals shortly connate, strongly recurved. Stamens c. = tepals; filaments narrow. Stigma narrow-capitate. Fr. c. 6 mm. diam., globose, bluish. Seeds c. 2 mm. long, shining, 2 sides flat and one convex. 2n = 38.
Small widely branched tree to c. 4 m. tall; trunk single or several. Lvs c. 60–65 × 5.5–7 cm., mostly rather stiff though drooping in age, narrowed above base into short, hardly channelled petiole of c. ½ lamina-width or less; lamina similar on both surfaces, widest above middle; midrib obscure adaxially, more prominent abaxially, widened towards base; nerves fine, subequal, ± parallel but meeting midrib at appreciable angle. Peduncle to 1 cm. or more diam. Panicle to 80 cm. long, broad, branched to second or third order, branches well spaced; lower bracts green and foliaceous, sts lobed (perhaps only accidentally?); ultimate racemes c. 10–20 cm. long, c. 2 cm. diam. with fls on; axes visible between fls. Fls white or yellowish; per. c. 5–6 mm. long, tube c. 2 mm. long; tepals patent. Stamens c. = tepals; filaments rather long-connate, the free portion as broad as the anther and not much longer. Stigma shortly trifid. Fr. c. 4 mm. diam., globose, white. Seeds c. 3.5 mm. diam., glossy, deeply notched on one side. 2n = 38.
Plant rarely > 2 m. tall, often flowering while short stem is lfy to ground; in older plants bare part of stem to 100 × 1.5 cm. and us. not very stiffly erect. Lvs 30–60–(100) × 1–2 cm., ± narrowed above base into channelled petiole; midrib prominent abaxially, at least proximally; margin slightly recurved. Peduncle to c. 10 cm. × 3–4 mm.; panicle to c. 60 × 30 cm. overall, very open with slender axes, branched to second order; bracts often small and inconspicuous; ultimate racemes 5–30 cm. long, axis clearly visible between fls. Fls small, widely spaced, on very short pedicels. Per. c. 4–5 mm. long, whitish, or pink externally; tepals narrow, recurved, 3-nerved. Stigma shortly trifid. Fr. c. 4–5 mm. diam., globose, bluish or flecked with blue. Seeds c. 2–2.5 mm. long, shining, two sides flat and one convex. 2n = 38.
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Plant almost wholly beneath surface of lf-mould, lacking chlorophyll but flecked with red and brown; fl. just emergent. Erect stem carrying capsule to height of c. 15 cm; rhizome c. 1 mm. diam., to 10 cm. long, ± horizontal, laxly branched, apparently without roots. Lvs represented only by small pale scales at intervals of c. 1 cm. along rhizome, one at base of fl.-stem us. slightly larger. Floral bract > ovary. Per. translucent white to pale pink, ± streaked with red. Dorsal sepal about as long as labellum, narrow-lanceolate, acuminate; lateral sepals long, filiform, much exceeding labellum. Petals similar to lateral sepals but shorter. Labellum c. 15 mm. long, auriculate at base, the margins meeting behind the column and for about ½ total length, the distal portion expanded, ± deflexed but never abruptly, the free margin upturned and fringed with coarse, sts branched laciniae, the central part thickened and papillose.
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Plant at fl. c. 2–3 cm. tall. Stem erect. Green lf c. 1–4 cm. long, sessile, ovate-oblong, apiculate, rounded or cordate at base, membr., ± veined with red. Floral bract c. = ovary, foliaceous. Dorsal sepal little longer than labellum, spathulate, tip broad, obtuse to apiculate; lateral sepals long, filiform, greatly exceeding labellum. Petals similar to lateral sepals but somewhat shorter. Labellum c. 5–10 mm. long, horizontal or sts tilted upwards, auriculate at base, curved to form a cylinder with a wide circular mouth fringed with coarse teeth; short retrorse hair-like calli ∞ near mid-line on inner surface.
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Plant at fl. to 6 cm. tall. Stem erect. Green lf to c. 4–(5) × 3 cm., often smaller, sessile, long-ovate, acuminate, cordate at base, membr., ± blotched with red, margins ± undulate. Floral bract > ovary, acuminate. Dorsal sepal to 4 cm. long, much longer than labellum, erect then almost horizontal, gradually tapering to filiform tip; lateral sepals long, filiform, greatly exceeding labellum. Petals similar to lateral sepals. Labellum auriculate at base, lamina abruptly deflexed, squarish when flattened, contracting suddenly into a narrow apiculus, margins inclined to fold downwards, finely denticulate or erose, the denticulations ornamented with short, stiff, blunt hairs; similar hairs or hair-like calli covering the inner face of the lamina and becoming more acute and retrorse towards the throat.
Fls solitary, occ. 2; floral bracts us. 2, one minute, the larger us. shorter than ovary. Per. often large for size of plant; dorsal sepal uppermost, curved forward, ± concave to galeate; lateral sepals and petals linear to filiform, greatly elongate to extremely small. Labellum relatively large, the basal edges overlapping behind the column to form a tube, the distal part ± cylindric or expanded into a broad, abruptly deflexed lamina; margin entire, denticulate or fimbriate; calli if present minute and papillose. Column short, ± curved, us. inclined backwards, wings occ. represented by small lobes near top; anther terminal, erect, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen finely granular; stigma discoid, surrounded below by a fleshy ridge; rostellum median. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tubers orbicular, us. terminal on long laterals arising in axils of scale lvs on buried part of stem. Fl.-stem short, elongating greatly as fr. matures. Green lf solitary, broad, lamina us. horizontal. About 50 spp. from south-east Asia to N.Z., the 8 N.Z. spp. including 2 known also from Australia.
Plant at fl. c. 2–5 cm. tall. Green lf distinctly petiolate; lamina c. 1–2.5 cm. diam., reniform to orbicular, often wider than long and with small median apiculate lobe, base broadly cordate, texture hardly fleshy. Floral bract rarely as long as ovary. Dorsal sepal short, spathulate, obtuse and concave to cucullate at broad tip, arched over top of labellum; lateral sepals long, filiform, greatly exceeding labellum. Petals similar to lateral sepals but us. much shorter. Labellum auriculate at base, lamina very abruptly deflexed, broad and rounded, margin finely denticulate and often incurled except at its lower edge, inner surface retrorsely papillose.
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Fls hermaphrodite or unisexual, each in the axil of a bracteole (glume) and arranged in spikelets; infl. various, a simple or compound irregular umbel or panicle, or a capitate cluster of spikelets or a single terminal spike; commonly subtended by 1 to several involucral lvs. Per. of bristles, scales, hairs or 0. Stamens 3–(2–1), rarely 4–6; anthers basifixed, 2-celled, connective us. ± produced into a small point. Ovary superior, 1-locular; style-branches 2 or 3; ovule solitary, anatropous. Fr. nutlike, ind.; seed with cop. endosperm. Us. perennial, often rhizomatous herbs. Culms us. solid, often triquetrous. Lvs us. linear, some or all often reduced to sheaths. Cosmopolitan, c. 90 genera and c. 4,000 spp.
Infl. a terminal umbel-like corymb or reduced to a single head or spikelets. Spikelets compressed or subterete, 1-∞-fld; fls hermaphrodite or the terminal 1–3 occ. male. Glumes distichous. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 2–3, or 1. Style 2–3-fid, continuous with ovary, not thickened at base. Nut triquetrous or plano-convex. Annual or perennial, often rhizomatous herbs. Stems lfy at base, or lvs reduced to sheaths. A tropical and warm temperate genus of c. 550 spp.; the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Robust, 60–120–(200) cm. tall, with lvs crowded at base of culms. Culms triquetrous, glab., striated. Lvs 60–120 × 0.8–1.5 cm., lamina coriac., strongly keeled, multitubular with ∞ septa prominent on the abaxial side, margins and keel very sharply and minutely serrulate; sheath brown. Infl. a terminal umbel 4–14 cm. long, of 6–12 unequal rays; rays us. unbranched, rarely with secondary branches at base; involucre of ∞ lf-like bracts very much > infl. Spikelets 8–13 mm. long, ∞, dark brown or yellow-brown, crowded on each ray into a dense spike (2.5)–3–5–(7) cm. long. Glumes 5–20 in each spikelet, ovate-oblong, obtuse or mucronate, hard, smooth and shining, keeled, red-brown with white nerves, 2 or occ. 3 lowermost and 1–2 uppermost glumes smaller, empty, the remainder fertile. Stamens with persistent filaments. Nut 1.5–2 × c. 0.5 mm., c. ½ length of glume, linear-oblong, trigonous, brown.
Plant to 150 cm. long, often much less. Stems cane-like, tending to be locally thickened towards base and there to 7 mm. diam. in large plants; lateral branches ∞, coming off at wide angle, ± drooping; bare parts mostly c. 2 mm. diam., bright yellow and polished. Lf-sheaths tubular, minutely papillose, overlapping, covering all younger stems; lamina c. 3–5 cm. × 3 mm., narrow-linear, dark at joint with sheath. Rhizome stem-like, giving off ± branched roots. Infls 1-6-fld, produced a few nodes back from lfy tip, as short, slender laterals; floral bracts tubular, short, inconspicuous; pedicel very slender, longer than ovary. Per. c. 2–2.5 cm. diam., glab., white, lip and column us. partly rose-pink to purplish or green. Sepals elliptic, spreading, tips ± reflexed; laterals connate under labellum and adnate to column-base, giving characteristic shape to bud. Petals slightly broader. Labellum shorter, distinctly 3-lobed; lateral lobes small, often coloured, inclined to stand parallel to one another; mid-lobe white, broad, subacute, minutely crenulate; disc with 4–5 pale-coloured, low, longitudinal ridges terminating just above short claw and near to a coloured knob (nectary) at end of column-foot. Column about as long as its foot, cylindric, very narrowly winged.
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Infl. a terminal, contracted panicle of ∞, sessile spikelets in confluent clusters; the clusters alternate in lower part of infl. but spirally arranged above, each cluster subtended by a rigid, harsh bract similar to the lvs. Spikelets ∞, globose, many-fld. Glumes spirally imbricate, the lowest empty, often shorter and wider than the upper floriferous ones; fls hermaphrodite. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 3. Styles 3-fld. Nut obovoid, concavo-convex. Perennial herb with thick, woody rhizome and harshly scabrid lvs. Culms trigonous. Monotypic and endemic to N.Z.
Plants yellow-green, golden when dry, with stiff culms and very harsh lvs. Rhizome 1–1.5 cm. diam., shortly creeping, very hard and woody, covered by fibrous strands from decaying lf-sheaths. Culms ∞, 30–90 cm. × 2–4 mm., erect, obtusely trigonous, very lfy at the base. Lvs ∞, ± = culms, 2–5 mm. wide, often curved, coriac., linear, concavo-convex or ± channelled, margins and keel sharply denticulate, narrowed to a long, trigonous tip; sheaths submembr., much broader than lvs, with ∞, red-brown veins. Infl. 7–20–(30) cm. long, a very congested panicle of c. 12 confluent clusters of sessile Spikelets, each cluster subtended by a rigid lf-like bract adnate to the axis and broadening at base to an open sheath, lower bracts much exceeding infl. Spikelets 4–5 mm. long, dark red-brown. Glumes coriac., rigid, broadly ovate, obtuse, distinctly nerved, finely mucronulate, the lower ones ± keeled. Nut 2.5–4 × 2–2.5 mm., broadly obovoid, concavo-convex, compressed, obtuse, dark brown, smooth and shining.
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Racemes axillary, sts piercing lf-sheath in axil of which infl. arises; floral bracts small and scale-like. Per. with labellum uppermost; sepals and petals nearly equal, spreading, narrow-oblong; lateral sepals in part adnate to short column-foot, in part to labellum but not meeting in front. Labellum fleshy, concave, continuous with short column-foot and not jointed to it, without spur; mid-lobe small and not sharply defined from lateral lobes. Column short, cylindric, foot at most barely as long as wide; anther narrowly joined to column, caducous, pollinia 4 in 2 pairs, members of a pair unequal, stipe short, slender, arising from a definite disc; stigma in a deep cavity; rostellum prominent. Capsule containing many curled hairs as well as seeds. Plants perennial, epiphytic, with roots attached widely over surface of tree-bark; stem mostly simple, often shorter than lvs, internodes very short; lvs ± distichous; old racemes from previous years often persisting. Genus of 2 (?) spp. confined to eastern Australia and N.Z.
Plant at fl. to 100 cm. long, us. very much less. Stem erect if short, drooping if long, completely clad in sheathing lf-bases. Lf-sheaths mostly 3–4 mm. diam., little flattened, each overlapping at least half of the one above, deeply split with free edges dark, otherwise mostly pale; lamina 4–12 cm. × 5–8 mm., widest near base, broad almost to subacute tip, long persistent. Rhizome thickly covered with sheathing scale lvs or their fibrous remains. Panicle c. 5–10 cm. long, us. erect; racemes ∞, arranged distichously at short intervals up stiff central axis, each lateral stem to c. 10 mm. long with a few crowded empty bracts and 1–3 almost sessile fls. Per. c. 13 mm. diam., opening widely, waxy white. Sepals elliptic, slightly keeled, subacute. Petals slightly broader and more obtuse. Labellum broad and obtuse, white except for yellow base, standing erect and half enclosing column, transversely rhomboid, not lobed; distal margins slightly thickened and recurved; near base 2 short crescent-shaped ridges lead down to small, brightly coloured pit (nectary?). Column much shorter, broadest at base, wings projecting in small lobes about level of stigma; pollinia clavate.
Infl. terminal, paniculate, of several racemes produced in succession up one axis, each raceme with several to many crowded empty bracts near its base; floral bracts more widely spaced, small. Per. glab.; labellum uppermost; sepals and petals free, subequal, spreading. Labellum ± lobed, broad above the narrow sessile base, lacking conspicuous calli, at first erect and embracing column. Column short, ± cylindric, very narrowly winged, foot very short or absent; anther terminal, operculate, incumbent, narrowly joined to column just below its apex, caducous, pollinia 4, ± waxy; stigma deeply concave, separated from anther by prominent rostellum to the tip of which the pollinia adhere by their lower ends. Plants epiphytic or rupestral; lfy stems ∞, cane-like, enclosed within lf-sheaths, unbranched, arising from prostrate sympodial axis bearing long, sts green roots. Lvs ± distichous, narrow-linear, jointed to sheath which is ± flattened. Genus of c. 10 spp., 5 in New Caledonia, 2 in N.Z., and 1 each in Tahiti, Samoa, and Fiji (possibly 2), the N.Z. spp. endemic.
Plant at fl. to 100 cm. long, us. less. Stem us. drooping, completely clad in sheathing lf-bases. Lf-sheaths c. 2–3 mm. diam., not split, forming tube-in-tube structure, each covering the lower third to half of the one above and flattened in the plane of the ± distichous lvs, the exposed surfaces pale with small dark spots; lamina 6–15–(20) cm. × 4–6 mm., widest near base and tapering very gradually to acute, minutely acicular tip, soon falling and leaving lower half of stem with lf-sheaths only. Rhizome slender, pale except for dark nodes. Panicle to c. 10 cm. long, drooping; racemes 2–6–(10), well spaced on very slender axis, each 3–4 cm. long; floral bracts c. 4 mm. long, barely overlapping, longitudinally ridged, hiding short pedicel. Per. c. 10–12 mm. diam., opening widely, pale, slightly greenish cream. Sepals elliptic, subacute. Petals slightly broader and more obtuse. Labellum much broader and more showy, yellowish to apricot, spreading widely in fl., broadly oblong in overall outline, broad proximal part connected by narrow isthmus with almost equally large distal lobe; near base 2 inconspicuous ridges lead down to small pit (nectary?). Column much shorter, narrow to base, wings obsolete; pollinia long-oval.
Rhizome woody, 1–2 mm. diam. Culms (1.5)–5–50–(90) cm. × (0.5)–1–2–(2.5) mm. diam., us. crowded in distant tufts, ± erect, terete, striated; lower sheath dark red with an oblique orifice, upper sheath paler, closely appressed to culm, orifice us. truncate or rarely slightly oblique, with dark thickened edge and distinct mucro at back. Spikelet 5–25 × 2–5 mm., cylindrical, acute at tip. Glumes ∞, basal 2 sterile, shorter, broader and paler than rest, upper glumes ovate-lanceolate with hyaline tips. Hypog. bristles (6)–7–(8), some =, some > nut. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid. Nut c. 1.5 × 1 mm., obovoid, biconvex or plano-convex, pale brown, smooth or faintly reticulate; the small persistent style-base triangular, compressed, white or very pale brown.
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Rhizome far-creeping, dark brown, c. 1 mm. diam. Culms 3–6–(8) cm. × c. 0.5 mm., rigid, often curved, sheaths membr., lower purple-brown, upper with orifice slightly to very oblique and tapering to a sharp point. Spikelets 5–6–(8) × 1–4 mm., 4–10-fld, broadly ovoid, acute to obtuse, much broader than clum. Glumes 2.5–3.5 mm. long, ovate, obtuse, uninerved. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 3, or 2. Style 2-fid. Nut 1.5–2 × c. 1mm., rather asymmetrically obovate, biconvex, narrowed in lower half, smooth and shining, golden-brown, the persistent style-base very small, dark brown, with a prominent basal ring.
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Infl. a solitary, terminal, erect, few- to many-fld spikelet, without a subtending bract at base. Glumes us. spirally imbricate, lowermost 1–2 often sterile and different in shape from the rest, uppermost also often sterile. Fls hermaphrodite. Per. of 0–10 hypog. bristles. Stamens 1, 2 or 3. Style 3- or 2-fid. Nut obovoid to orbicular, biconvex to triquetrous, crowned by the persistent enlarged base of the style. Annual or perennial lfless herbs, stout or slender, often rhizomatous, the culms produced in tufts or in a linear series, each culm bearing 1 or more lf-sheaths and a cluster of roots at base. A cosmopolitan genus of c. 200 spp. Of the 5 N.Z. spp., 1 is endemic, the rest occur also in Australia.
Rhizome creeping, very stout and woody, 1–1.5 cm. diam. Culms 30–90 cm. × 4–12 mm., in a close-packed, linear series, with internal transverse septa externally distinct at intervals of 1–10 cm., interspersed with septa not visible externally; basal sheaths grey, papery, with an oblique orifice; roots c. 2 mm. diam., red-brown, in a group of up to 5 from the base of each culm. Spikelet (2)–2.5–5–(7) × 0.5–1 cm., cylindrical, with an acute tip. Lowest glume sterile, almost completely surrounding base of spikelet, very short; upper glumes ∞, closely imbricate, 6–8 mm. long, obovate-oblong, obtuse, not keeled but with a strong median nerve and ∞ fine lateral nerves. Hypog. bristles 6–10, us. > nut, with rather large, sparse, retrorse teeth. Stamens 3. Style normally 3-fid, occ. stigmas 2, or all connate to the tip. Nut 2–2.5 mm. long (excluding persistent style-base), orbicular, biconvex, the surface covered with hexagonal reticulations, pale brown, surmounted by the persistent, dark brown, conic, swollen base of the style.
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Infl. a compound or congested umbel, or a single spikelet. Spikelets several-fld, with ∞ spirally imbricating glumes; lowest 1–2 glumes empty, many or several succeeding glumes hermaphrodite and fertile; uppermost glumes male or sterile. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 1–3. Style 2–3-fid, with enlarged base distinct from the nut and caducous with the style. Nut trigonous or biconvex. Tufted annual or perennial herbs, lvs crowded at bases of culms, occ. reduced to sheaths only. Spp. c. 300 in tropical and warm temperate areas, especially plentiful in south-east Asia and north-east Australia. The single N.Z. sp. is found in most tropical and warm countries.
Woody but brittle perennial climber attached by roots to trunks of forest trees or in large masses on ground. Stems c. 4 cm. diam., branched, marked with scars of old lvs. Lvs ± tufted towards ends of stems, spirally arranged, to c. 150 × 2–2.5 cm.; sheathing bases pale; tips long-attenuate, triangular in T.S.; margins, and midrib abaxially, minutely and distantly spinulose. Spadices simple and solitary in axils of several ± foliaceous bracts at stem apex; bracts thick and succulent towards base, white to purplish. Peduncle 1–4 cm. long, glab., whitish; spadix at fl. c. 7 × 1.5 cm., cylindrical or slightly flattened, the axis quite hidden by tightly packed fls. ♂ of several stamens each with a long filament, ovate anther and cop. ± confluent pollen surrounding a small rudimentary ovary; limits of individual fls not easily determined. ♀ with 6–12 purplish staminodes at base of flattened, vertically elongated ovary c. 2–4 × 1 mm. × 2 mm. tall, the long sides grooved between the staminodes; stigmas c. 6–12, sessile, arranged around a long groove; locule narrow, placentae forming ridges projecting into it. Infructescence to c. 15 × 3 cm. on stiff woody peduncle. Individual frs (phalanges) c. 8 × 2 × 10 mm., compressed laterally, thin-walled proximally, broadest c. ⅓ from base and almost woody towards top. Seed c. 1 mm. long, narrow, on long, slender funicle.
Spadices us. clustered near stem apex, enclosed within ± coloured deciduous bracts. Fls without per. ♂ polyandrous, sts with distinct rudimentary ovary; filaments us. filiform. ♀ often with staminodes; ovary 1- to ∞-carpellate, unilocular with parietal placentae, solid above; stigmas sessile, us. hippocrepiform, separate or confluent. Frs ± fleshy to almost woody, tightly packed together. Mostly root-climbers. Lvs ± scabrid on margins and midrib. About 60 spp. Mostly in and around the western Pacific, including northern and eastern Queensland. The one N.Z. sp. is the most southerly, and is endemic.
Infl. a panicle, branchlets , or fewer in ± distant clusters along the panicle axis, each cluster subtended by a lf-like bract with an exceedingly elongate filiform tip. Spikelets , 1-fld, fl. hermaphrodite, or us. 2-fld, the upper fl. hermaphrodite, the lower male with a ± rudimentary ovary. Glumes imbricate all round, often of 2 kinds; lowermost 2–6 empty, lanceolate-acuminate, keeled, scabrid on keel and margins, upper 2–3 glumes ovate, deeply concave, obtuse, often very small, pale and ± hyaline at anthesis, becoming larger, darker and more rigid as fr. matures, and closely enclosing fr. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 4–6, often asymmetrically placed, filaments pale- or red-brown, in all N.Z. spp. elongating excessively after anthesis, persistent, and by entangling with glumes or with filaments of other fls, retaining the nuts on the plants long after they have fallen out of the glumes. Style continuous with ovary, not thickened at base; style-branches (2)–3–4–(5). Nut us. subtrigonous; endocarp hard and thick, often transversely furrowed on inner surface. Perennial, harsh-lvd, rhizomatous, or in tussocks from a woody rootstock. Culms erect, robust, smooth, terete. Lvs mainly radical, a few cauline, or almost all cauline; lamina us. ± involute, with scabrid margins, tapering gradually to an elongate filiform tip. Genus of some 40 spp., centred chiefly in Australia and N.Z.; extending through the Pacific Is and Malaysia, to Japan and China, and to Hawaii. Five N.Z. spp. are endemic and one is recorded from elsewhere in the Pacific.
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Bright green clumps of moderate circumference from a short rootstock. Culms 60–90–(180) cm. × 2–3 mm. (up to 8 mm. diam. at base), occ. with a single longitudinal groove. Lvs ± = culms; sheaths up to 11 cm. long, dull brown; lamina narrow-linear, up to 1.2 cm. wide, scabrid abaxially, margins ± involute, strongly scabrid. Panicle 45–70–(120) cm. long, drooping, branchlets comparatively few, about 3–5, in ± distant clusters at each node, up to 20 cm. long; secondary branchlets with few spikelets. Spikelets 2-fld, 6–9 mm. long, not clustered, shortly stalked or sessile. Glumes 6–8–(10), dark brown, rather stiff; the lower 3–6 empty, their size increasing up the spikelet; upper 3–4 glumes enclosing fr. Stamens 4–(5). Style-branches 3–4. Nut 5.5–7 × 2–3 mm., fusiform, subtrigonous, often grooved, brownish orange, or sometimes yellow-cream, tip black, subacute, narrowed to the width of the ± persistent style-base, occ. scaberulous; endocarp transversely grooved within.
Stout robust tufts from a short rootstock. Culms (30)–45–80–(120) cm. × 2–4 mm. Lvs = or > culms, very and densely crowded at base of culm; sheaths dull brown, up to 18 cm. long; lamina narrow-linear, glab. abaxially, margins strongly involute when dry, smooth at the base, scabrid towards the tip. Panicle 20–60 × 2.5–5 cm., ± drooping, branchlets often in ± distant clusters. Spikelets 1- or very rarely 2-fld, 9–14 mm. long, on slender peduncles or ± sessile. Glumes 4–5, purple-black, the 2–3 outer glumes empty, lanceolate with a long scabrid awn, the inner 1–2 shorter, deeply concave. Stamens 4–6. Style-branches 4–(5). Nut 5–6.5 × 2–2.5 mm., ovoid to elliptic-ovoid, brownish orange, or rarely cream, smooth and shining, occ. slightly grooved, tip darker, obtuse, rarely scaberulous, wider than the short persistent stylebase; endocarp distinctly transversely grooved within.
In dense robust tussocks, 60–200 cm. high from a very stout woody rootstock. Culms 4–6 mm. diam. Lvs up to 300 cm. long; sheaths dull pinkish brown, open, up to 5 cm. wide at base; lamina very harsh, scabrid right across the abaxial surface, margins strongly involute when dry, scabrid; lamina when dry becoming undulate for some distance above the transverse line demarcating sheath from lamina. Panicle rigid, 18–75 × c. 6 cm., with erect, stiff branchlets, primary branchlets up to 25 cm. long. Spikelets 2-fld, 6–7 mm. long, stalked, light chestnut-brown to dark brown. Glumes 6–7; 3–4 outer glumes 6–7 mm. long, empty; 3 inner glumes enclosing fr., brown. Stamens 4–5. Style-branches (2)–3–4. Nut 3.5–4 × 1.5–2 mm., elliptic-obovoid, us. light red-brown with a band of darker brown round the centre, or the upper half dark brown, occ. dark brown at base and tip and then almost black at the centre, tipped with a small scabrid point; endocarp transversely grooved within.
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Fls in a terminal complex "spike" within glume-like bracts. Bracts (2)–3, distinctly alternate, 1–2 bracts empty. Pseudanthia 1 always in the basal bract, 1 also in the middle bract in G. setacea. ♂, 2 in each pseudanthium; anthers 1-celled. ♀, 2 in each pseudanthium, collateral, connate or completely fused. Fr. dehiscing along the outer side of each carpel, or dehiscing loculicidally with 2 valves in G. australis. Perennial herbs, densely tufted and forming cushions. Stems much-branched, lfy throughout. Lvs ∞, densely imbricate, dilated at the base to a broad membr. sheath, slightly ligulate. Three spp. Type sp.: G. australis Gaud. from Falkland Is and Tierra del Fuego. Otherwise known only from N.Z., Tasmania and New Guinea.
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Plant at fl. to c. 100 cm. tall. Swollen rhizomes long-lived and extensively branched, individual parts to 25 × 5 cm. Stem erect, stout or slender. Scale lvs widely spaced. Raceme often long and fls ∞ (e.g. to 40 or more), erect to ± drooping. Per. c. 14 mm. long, brownish or greenish mottled with paler knobs, adjacent plants sts contrasting in colour; lobes slightly thickened marginally. Lateral sepals connate little above the gibbous base but their margins lying close together. Labellum ± oblong, long-adnate to per.-tube; long median calli crested; margin undulate and ± lobed, membr. above, thickened and twisted in the lower adnate part. Column very short, wing represented only by a minute ± curved process; anther short, operculate, filament transversely pleated at back; stigma immediately below anther and ultimately covered by it.
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Raceme of few to many pedicellate fls; floral bracts short, scarious. Per. tubular with 5 fleshy lobes, ± split between the lateral sepals which stand uppermost; tube gibbous beneath labellum; petal lobes small and just within mouth of tube. Labellum included, adnate to gibbous part of tube, its free portion ± oblong with submedian longitudinal calli and undulate margins. Column us. long, very narrowly winged; anther terminal, erect then bending forward, pollen in angular granules; stigma broad, basal, hollow; rostellum represented by flap under anther. Plants terrestrial, non-green; rhizome elongated, sympodially branched, mycorrhizal, bulky and filled with starch, nodes bearing remnants of scale lvs. Lvs represented on erect stem only by short loose sheathing scales. About 15 spp., from Himalayas to Japan and southwards through Malaya to Australasia. One N.Z. sp. shared with Australia, the other 2 endemic and both with short columns.
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Fl. solitary, terminal. Per. wide open, later closing round developing fr.; tepals free, subequal, outer 5-, inner 3–(4)-nerved. Stamens 6; filaments glab., at least in upper half; anthers linear, almost basifixed, introrse. Ovary superior, subglobose, sessile, 3-locular; ovules ∞; style cylindric, narrowing to small stigma. Capsule bluntly trigonous, loculicidal, valves separating to about half way. Seeds black, ± oblong, hilum-scar long and narrow. Small glab., tufted, perennial herbs with wiry, creeping, underground stems and fibrous roots. Lvs linear; sheath open, broad, membr. Genus monotypic, found also in Tasmania and S.E. Australia.
Plants forming extensive grass-like swards; underground stems 1–2 mm. diam., to several cm. long. Lvs crowded in tufts of 6–8, distichous; lamina 1–6 cm. × 1.5–2.5–(4) mm., subfleshy, often glaucous, longitudinally folded, strongly keeled towards base; sheath to 1 cm. long, with conspicuous nerves; 2–3 subfloral lvs short and sheath-like, surrounding the base of the almost sessile fl. and fr. Fl. white to blue, large for size of plant; tepals c. 11–15 × 5 mm., the inner 3 slightly narrower. Stamens c. ½ tepal-length; filaments thicker towards base and there yellow and very finely puberulous. Style reaching to about anther-level; ovules c. 6 in each locule. Capsule c. 6.5 mm. long and slightly fleshy when fresh, when dry c. 4 mm. long and rather deeply sulcate, the valves horny at dehiscence. Seeds c. 2.2 mm. long, ± flattened, black, smooth, shining, us. fewer than ovules, sts only 1–2 per locule. 2n = 16.
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Fls bisexual, actinomorphic, solitary, or in spicate, racemose or subumbellate infls. Per. mostly white or yellow; segs 6, subequal, free or basally connate. Stamens us. 6, inserted at base of per.-segs; anthers often 2-lobed at base, opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary inferior, 3-locular; ovules us. ∞, in 2 series on axile placenta in each locule. Fr. us. a capsule crowned by persistent per.; dehiscence by irregular, often ± circular slits; fr. occ. fleshy and indehiscent. Seeds small, often black, with distinct hilum and abundant endosperm. Herbs with tuberous rhizome or corm covered with membr. or fibrous sheaths. Lvs us. all radical, often with long hairs. Five genera (as treated by Hutchinson), mainly S. Hemisphere and tropical Asia.
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Fls bisexual, actinomorphic to completely zygomorphic, us. in racemes or panicles, sts solitary. Per. petaloid, ± marcescent. Tepals 6, connate basally into tube or occ. free, subequal or the 3 outer different from the inner. Stamens 3, opp. outer tepals; filaments free or partly connate; anther 2-locular, opening extrorsely or laterally by longitudinal slits. Ovary inferior, us. 3-locular with axile placentae; style 3-lobed in upper part, branches entire to deeply lobed, sts winged and petaloid, stigmatose at the top or within; ovules us. ∞, anatropous. Capsule loculicidally dehiscent. Seed with cop. endosperm. Perennial herbs rooting from rhizomes, corms or bulbs. Lvs often crowded at base of stem, mostly narrow-linear, flattened at sides, sheathing and equitant at base. Generally distributed, including some 70 genera.
Fls bisexual, or rarely unisexual and plants dioec., few or ∞ in terminal monochasial cymes, occ. condensed to a compact head, or fls rarely solitary. Tepals 6, in 2 whorls, glumaceous, often with membr. margins. Stamens free, in 2 whorls of 3, or with the inner whorl missing, or variable 3–6, attached to the base of the tepals; filaments free, anthers 2-celled, introrse, basifixed. Ovary superior, syncarpous, 1- or ± completely 3-locular; style 1, short, stigmas 3, brush-like. Fr. a 3-valved capsule opening loculicidally. Seeds 3 or ∞, often tailed at one or both ends. Annual or perennial herbs, tufted and grasslike, or with creeping sympodial rhizome. Stems us. simple, erect. Lvs mostly clustered at base of stem, glab. or sparsely hairy, sheathing at the base, lamina flat and grasslike, or laterally compressed, or channelled, or terete like the stem; or lvs reduced to scales only. Eight genera and c. 400 spp. chiefly in temperate regions, rare in the tropics and then only at high altitudes. Two genera, and , are cosmopolitan, the other six are confined to the Southern Hemisphere.
Fls mostly bisexual, small, actinomorphic or slightly oblique, in spike or raceme, without bracts. Tepals 6 in 2 whorls, greenish or reddish. Stamens 6 or 4; filaments very short; anthers 2-celled, extrorse, opening by longitudinal slits. Carpels 6 (sts 3 sterile) or 4, superior, free or ± connate; style short or absent, stigma plumose or papillose; ovule 1, basal, us. erect, anatropous. Fr. dry. Seed without endosperm. Annual or perennial, rhizomatous, scapigerous, glab. herbs of wet places. Lvs mostly radical, linear, sheathing at base. Fls protogynous, wind-pollinated. Genera 4; widely distributed, the other 3 confined to S. Hemisphere.
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Broad, loosely packed clumps, often with few stems at the centre; occ. not clump-forming and stems few. Rhizome 3–5 mm. diam., horizontal. Flowering stems 60–120 cm. × (1.5)–2–4 mm., hard, ridged, not shining, blue- or grey-green, pith interrupted, us. almost wanting, rarely continuous; lvs 0; basal bracts chestnut-brown below, the uppermost straw-coloured and very loosely sheathing. Infl. apparently lateral, many-fld, much-branched, with fls clustered at branchlet tips, or condensed to a globose head > 1.5 cm. diam. with 1 or more lateral clusters. Fls 2.2–3 mm. long; tepals pale green, later becoming light brown. Stamens 3, occ. 4, or variable 3–6. Capsule 2.3–3 mm. long, = or occ. slightly > tepals, ovoid to obovoid, obtuse, almost retuse at the tip, pale greenish brown.
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Small, tightly packed clumps. Rhizome 2–4 mm. diam., horizontal. Flowering stems 25–75 cm. × 0.75–1.5 mm., ± smooth, dull green or reddish, pith interrupted in a regular pattern by very small lacunae, pith partitions us. wider than cavities between; lvs 0; basal bracts short and closely sheathing, lower bracts bright red-brown, the upper straw-coloured. Infl. apparently lateral, compact, few-fld, composed of 2 small clusters c. 1 cm. wide, one pressed against the stem, the other at the end of a longer, slender branchlet, occ. each of the two clusters with a smaller subsidiary cluster. Fls 2.3–3 mm. long; tepals red-brown with light green centre at anthesis, becoming entirely red-brown as fr. matures. Stamens 3–4, rarely more in occasional fls. Capsule 2.5–3 mm. long, often > tepals, oblong-ovoid, obtuse, shining, chestnut-brown, often with a very dark brown tip.
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Infl. a many-fld cyme, much-branched or condensed into a compact nead, or fls rarely few or solitary. Fls hermaphrodite, rarely unisexual, sessile or pedicellate, bractlets 2 or 0. Tepals lanceolate, acute, the outer us. longer, slightly more rigid, with narrow membr. margin, the inner occ. almost obtuse, with broader membr. margin. Stamens 6, 3, or variable 3–6. Ovary unilocular, or triseptate, or trilocular. Seeds ∞, often tailed at one or both ends, testa us. finely sculptured. Annual or perennial herbs, tufted or rhizomatous, glab. Lvs flat and grasslike, or tubular or laterally compressed with internal septa, or channelled, or terete like the stems, or reduced to bladeless sheaths; sheath often produced above into 2 obtuse auricles. A cosmopolitan genus of c. 300 spp. Of the 16 N.Z. spp., 12 are found also in Australia and two of these have been recorded from elsewhere in the Pacific; one is an austral circumpolar sp. Three N.Z. spp. are endemic.
Clumps densely or loosely tufted, dark-coloured. Rhizome 5–8 mm. diam., horizontal, not much branched. Flowering stems 30–100–(120) cm. × 1.5–3 mm., rather distant along the rhizome, rigid, terete, light to dark yellow-brown, pith continuous; basal bracts stiff, acute, red-brown, upper ones larger, broad and mucronate. Lvs 1–2, terete, bright green, sheathing at the base, similar to the stems but shorter. Infl. apparently lateral, open, irregularly-branched, branchlets ∞, rigid, almost equalling the pungent subtending bract. Fls c. 3 mm. long, clustered at the tips of the branchlets; tepals very stiff, red-brown with green to light brown midrib. Stamens us. 3 perfect and 3 aborted, but occ. 1 or more of the us. aborted inner ring are complete; anthers twice as long as filaments. Capsule slightly > tepals, ovoid, shining, mucronate, dark brown, almost black.
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Very tall and robust. Rhizome 5–10 mm. diam., horizontal. Flowering stems 1–2 m. × 3–8 mm., us. erect, occ. drooping, smooth, slightly shining, light green, soft, pith continuous; lvs 0; basal sheathing bracts ∞, lower ones shorter, the upper ones larger, loosely sheathing, very obtuse with a long, hair-like mucro, light green, light brown or pinkish brown. Infl. apparently lateral, many-fld, often contracted into a dense head wider than 1.5 cm., or effuse with long, stout, rigid branchlets. Fls 2.3–3 mm. long, clustered at branchlet tips, or evenly spaced along branchlets, on stout pedicels or almost sessile; tepals pale green, occ. tinged with pink, later becoming light brown, the outer rigid, the inner soft and membr., almost colourless. Stamens 6. Capsule 2.8–3.5 mm. long, us. distinctly > tepals, ovoid-trigonous, obtuse at the tip, very pale greenish brown.
Slender clumps with rather weak stems spreading from the base. Rhizome 2–3 mm. diam., horizontal. Flowering stems 25–70–(100) cm. × 0.75–2 mm., bright green, smooth, shining, pith continuous; lvs 0; basal bracts short, very dark red-brown, closely sheathing. Infl. apparently lateral, lax, with fls evenly spaced, often rather remote, on slender, flexible, ± curved branchlets. Fls 2.5–3 mm. long; tepals light greenish brown. Stamens 6. Capsule 2.5–3.5 mm. long, us. distinctly > tepals, ovoid to almost oblong, light brown to red-brown, often very dark towards the tip.
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Very small, slender, tufted, from an ascending rhizome c. 0.5 mm. diam. Stems 0.1–1.5–(3) cm. × 0.2–0.3 mm., lfy, creeping and rooting below, erect above. Lvs both basal and cauline, us. > stems, up to 0.2 mm. wide, filiform, striated, terete, septate; sheath membr. with 2 obtuse auricles. Infl. terminal, either a solitary fl. or 2–3 sessile fls, very rarely composed of 2 slender branchlets each terminated by 2–3 fls; subtending bract much > infl. Fls 1.5–2 mm. long; tepals equal, pale green, later reddish. Stamens 6, = or often > tepals. Capsule somewhat > tepals, narrowly ovoid, distinctly mucronate, pale brown.
Densely tufted, stems tightly clumped and erect near the base, occ. drooping in the upper part. Rhizome stout, 5–10 mm. diam., horizontal. Flowering stems 1–2 m. × 2–3 mm., ∞, wiry or hard, ridged, not shining, blue-green, pith cobwebby, irregularly interrupted or rarely continuous; lvs 0; basal bracts dark red-purple to almost black below, closely sheathing the stem, the uppermost bract straw-coloured above, frequently up to 25 cm. long. Infl. apparently lateral, many-fld, very pale brown or cream, a dense, fan-shaped mass of fls evenly, though closely, spaced along ∞, stiff, erect branchlets which are pressed up against the very long subtending floral bract; bract overtopping infl. occ. up to 30 cm. long, Fls c. 2 mm. long, tepals white and membr. with a green central stripe, later straw-coloured and more rigid. Stamens 3, rarely 3–6. Capsule from slightly > 1.5 mm. to slightly > 2 mm. long, = or slightly > tepals, narrow, ovate-oblong, obtuse, very pale brown.
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Densely tufted, erect, narrow-based clumps. Rhizome 2–3 mm. diam., horizontal. Flowering stems 50–70–(100) cm. × 1–1.5 mm., slender, ridged, not shining, light green, pith interrupted by irregularly shaped lacunae, or quite commonly continuous; lvs 0; basal bracts short, closely appressed to the stem, lower bracts light grey, the upper bracts light brown, paler towards the tip. Infl. apparently lateral, many-fld, open and spreading, branchlets slender, often curved, never clustered. Fls 1.5–2 mm. long, evenly spaced along branchlets of infl., not clustered; tepals pale green with very broad membr. margin. Stamens 3. Capsule 1.5–2 mm. long, ± = or slightly > tepals, trigonous-spherical, almost globose, shining, pale straw-coloured or light brown.
Infl. in a lateral pouch, partly enclosed in spathe. Ovules 1 or more. Seed us. ribbed and transversely striate; operculum prominent. Plants floating upon or beneath water surface, budding from lateral pouches, platelets solitary or many remaining attached together. Platelets mostly orbicular to obovate in outline, symmetric to asymmetric; nerve us. single. Root single, peltately attached. Some spp. pigmented red-purple. About 9 spp., the genus widespread.
Platelets to 6 × 4 mm., but us. much smaller, suborbicular to elliptic-obovate, nearly symmetric; dorsal surface green, flat to slightly convex, obscurely 3-veined; ventral surface flat to slightly convex, occ. tinged with red or purple. Root single, long, its proximal part lying in a furrow in the frond tissue; root-cap conspicuous. Spathe open at top. Ovule solitary. Fr. ovoid, wingless, projecting beyond the pouch margin. Seed obovate, flattened, smooth; operculum ± flattened.
Infl. of 1–2–(3) male fls, maturing one after the other, and one female fl., the whole enclosed within or associated with a membr. spathe. ♂ of a single stamen; filament projecting well beyond spathe; pollen sacs 1–2, rounded, splitting transversely; pollen globular. ♀ of rounded ovary and short erect style; carpel single, ovules 1–6, basal. Fr. flattened, sts ± winged. Seeds relatively large, smooth or ribbed with operculum at micropilar end. Very small aquatic herbs floating on or just under the surface of still or slowly moving water, often together forming a complete cover. Lvs absent, the plant consisting of ± flattened, green platelets with or without roots, each platelet arising from a bud in a horizontal pouch on an older platelet; infl. produced in a similar pouch. Genera 4, widespread in temperate and tropical countries.
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Rushlike. Culms 50–100–(200) cm. × 1–1.5–(2) mm., , densely packed, wiry, erect, terete. Lvs all reduced to closely appressed reddish sheaths, with a subulate, almost filiform lamina 0.5–2 cm. long. Infl. a simple or rarely branched spike, 3–9 cm. long. Spikelets c. 1 cm. long, not fascicled, 2-fld, only the upper fl. fertile; bracts subtending spikelets membr., grey-brown, nerved, ± = spikelets. Glumes 4–6, narrow- or oblong-lanceolate, acute or acuminate, with dark brown centre and pale membr. margins. Hypog. Scales 6, c. 1 mm. long, white and triangular when mature, fused at the base into a cup. Nut c. 4 × 1.5 mm., oblong, trigonous, green with white thickened obtuse angles; persistent style-base small, creamy brown, pubescent, occ. minutely apiculate.
Infl. paniculate or often contracted to a simple or branched spike. Spikelets fascicled or distant, 1–4-fld; the uppermost fl. hermaphrodite, fertile, the lower fls sterile or male. Glumes 4–7, ± distichous, persistent, 1 or more lower ones empty, central glumes fertile and uppermost glume empty. Hypog. scales 6, minute and hyaline at anthesis, becoming enlarged and spongy with maturation of the fr. and falling with it, occ. united below into a cup and occ. each scale produced at the tip into a filamentous seta. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3; style-base thickened. Nut oblong or oblong-ovate or occ. elliptical, ± trigonous, crowned by the persistent style-base. Perennial herbs us. with creeping rhizome. Culms laterally compressed, terete, or angled. Lvs all basal, similar to culms, or all reduced to sheathing bracts. About 50 spp., mainly Australian, but 3 spp. recorded from elsewhere in the Pacific. One N.Z. sp. is endemic, the other two occur also in Australia.
In coarse tufts from a woody rootstock. Culms 50–140 cm. × 4–6 mm., rigid, laterally flattened with sharp, very minutely scabrid edges, to ± convex above. Lvs 3–5 mm. wide, similar to the culms but us. shorter, equitant at the base, margins, extremely minutely scabrid, tips acuminate. Panicle 10–20–(35) cm. long, narrow, rigid; branches distant, us. simple, erect; lowest bract with a stiff lamina 2–6 cm. long, upper bracts shorter, conspicuously mucronate, brown. Spikelets c. 6 mm. long, distant on the lower branches, fascicled above, 1–2–(4)-fld, only the uppermost fl. fertile. Glumes 5–7, ovate, acuminate, pubescent towards the tip, the lowest 2–3 empty. Hypog. scales 6, connate at the base, each terminated by a fine ciliate seta, up to ½ length of nut. Nut 2.5–3.5 × 1.5–2 mm., ovoid, ± trigonous, the angles thickened, surface at first wrinkled, becoming smooth at maturity, brown; persistent style-base hardly distinguishable from nut, glab., brown, with a small black mucro.
Submerged summer-green herb. Rhizome to 1 mm. diam., internodes 1–2 cm. long. Stems occ. branched, to 20 cm. long, filiform; internodes c. 1–4 cm. long. Lvs regularly alt.; lf-base at first sheathing stem, to 4 mm. long, fibrous in age; lamina c. 2.5–3.5 cm. × 1 mm., 1-(or 3-) nerved, entire, tip squarely truncate, nerve (or nerves) shortly excurrent. Fl. enclosed within lf-bases. ♂ on pedicel that elongates to 5 mm.; per.-segs mucronate, enclosing only extreme base of anther; stamen solitary; anther 2 × 0.6 mm., sessile, curved; pollen sacs 2, connective excurrent in short, sharp mucro. ♀ shortly pedicellate; per.-segs narrow-oblong, ± laciniate, c. 1.5 × 0.5 mm.; carpels us. 3, occ. 4, shortly stipitate; style narrower than ovary, stigma obliquely funnel-shaped with long-fimbriate margins. Achene c. 1.5–2 × 0.5 mm., asymmetrically oblong, yellow, smooth, narrowing above to style-remnant c. 1 mm. long. 2n = 12.
Dioec. Fls solitary, shortly pedicellate. ♂ with per. of 3 minute, membr. segs; stamen single or 3 connate by their connectives; pollen spherical. ♀ with per. of 3 membr. segs about as long as ovary plus style; carpels us. 3, shortly stipitate; ovary oval; style short; stigma cylindric to funnelform. Fr. ± cylindric. Rhizome threadlike, rooting at nodes and giving off slender lfy branches. Lvs alt.; internodes, except near infl., at least as long as sheathing base; lf-base pale, broader than lamina, with short, colourless auricles. 4 spp. of fresh to slightly brackish water, all confined to Australia except that 1 extends to N.Z.
Plants dioec. Male and female infls often dissimilar. Spikelets us. many-fld in both sexes; upper floral bracts imbricate; bractlets 0, or rarely 2 in ♀ (0 in N.Z. sp.). Tepals 6–(4), variously shaped. ♂ with 3–(2) stamens; anthers 1-celled; ovary rud., or 0. ♀ with 3 or 0 staminodia; ovary 1-locular, with a single, pend. ovule; styles 3–(2),free or united to midway. Fr. ind., or occ. dehiscing along one side. Rush-like, perennial herbs. Culms ∞, terete, simple (in N.Z. sp.), from a stout, creeping rhizome. Lvs reduced to persistent sheaths, closely appressed to culms. About 15 spp., mainly endemic to Australia, but 1 in Southeast Asia and 1 in Southern Chile. The N.Z. sp. is endemic.
Rhizome 3–7 mm. diam., closely covered by dark brown, imbricating scales, 1–2 cm. long, each enclosing a tuft of coarse brown hairs. Culms 50–150–(180) cm. × 1.5–2.5 mm., us. densely packed, erect, simple, terete, grey-green, yellow-green, or reddish. Lvs reduced to bract-like sheaths, dark brown, almost black, spaced at intervals of 7–9 cm. at the base of the culm, of 4–6 cm. higher up; margins entire. Male and female infls dissimilar. Male spikelets stalked, in panicles or fascicles; upper floral bracts ovate-lanceolate, mucronate, red-brown with membr. margins. ♂, tepals 6–4, almost completely hyaline, the outer longer, brownish, the inner shorter, paler; stamens 3; ovary rud. Female spikelets ± sessile, fascicled; upper floral bracts ovate, mucronate, > tepals. ♀, tepals 6, the outer keeled, lanceolate, acuminate, the inner flat, smaller, almost hyaline, more obtuse, mucronate; styles 3, united to midway, bright red; staminodes 0. Fr. c. 1 × 0.5 mm., triquetrous, ind. Seed c. 1 × 0.4 mm., oblong-elliptical, golden-brown, surface with reticulate markings, apiculate at each end, one end dark brown, the other pale, almost white.
Lfy fans closely bunched on short erect rhizomes, sts connected by narrow stolons. Lvs (10)–50–(80) cm. × 3–15 mm., the two surfaces similar; nerves ∞, the median ones inclined to be crowded and thickened; margins us. partly finely scabrid, occ. completely so. Peduncles long, us. carrying fls above lvs. Panicle broad, much and us. openly branched; upper bracts narrow and pale. Pedicels slender but stiff, often > 2.5 cm. long. In fl.-bud per. sts coloured externally, = or often > ovary. Fls 1.5–3 cm. diam.; tepals all white internally, widely patent; outer about half length of inner, and much narrower; inner orbicular to broad-oblong, shortly unguiculate, overlapping outer tepals very little to almost completely. Staminal filaments shortly connate; anthers c. 3 mm. long, strongly coloured. Ovary dark, smoothly rounded, small for size of per.; style-branches scarcely winged, pointing upwards. Capsule to 1.5 × 1 cm. but us. less, globose to long-pyriform, green or reddish green (occ. yellowish), turning almost black when full grown and mature and soon dehiscing by shorter or longer loculicidal clefts, the longer valves sts widely recurved. Seed c. 1.5–2 × 1.5 mm., rounded to angular, reticulate-patterned, dull brownish red to bright tangerine. n = 57.
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Lfy fans us. only half-erect; little-branched rhizome often 5–10 cm. long, attached to substratum, sts insecurely, by thin, wiry roots. Lvs 3–6–(12) cm. × 2–3–(6) mm., the downward-facing surface much duller than the other; nerves few. Peduncles slender, us. > lvs. Panicle simple; bracts c. 3–10 mm. long, narrow-lanceolate, green, in 1–3 clusters each with 2–3–4 fls on very slender, us. pubescent pedicels to 1–3–(4) cm. long. Fls c. 1–1.5 cm. diam.; tepals all white, spreading widely, subequal, outer ovate-oblong, inner narrow-oval. Staminal filaments very shortly connate; anthers c. 2 mm. long; pollen sacs narrow, little longer than wide connective. Ovary globose, 1/5–1/6 per.-length. Capsule globose, deeply 3-furrowed; valves keeled and strongly recurved as dehiscence is completed. Seed c. 1.5 × 1 mm., rounded, almost smooth, pale yellowish, often remaining attached by long funicle. n = 19.
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Fls bisexual or rarely unisexual, actinomorphic, us. in racemes or panicles, sts solitary. Per. mostly petaloid, with or without tube; tepals us. 6 in 2 very similar whorls. Stamens us. 6, hypogynous or adnate to tepals; anther 2-locular, us. opening by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior or shortly adnate to per.-tube, mostly 3-locular with axile placentae, rarely 1-locular; style entire or divided, rarely styles free; stigmas us. 3, or if single 3-lobed; ovules us. ∞ and 2-seriate in each loculus, rarely solitary. Fr. a loculicidal or septicidal capsule or a berry. Herbs, mostly perennial, rarely softly woody shrubs. Roots from rhizome, corm or bulb, sts tuberous. Stem erect or climbing. Lvs often clustered near base. Worldwide, of some 175 genera. The 8 N.Z. genera predominantly Southern Hemisphere, none endemic.
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Lvs 2–5–(7) mm. wide, often drooping. Flowering stems 3–15–(30) cm. long, c. = lvs in length. Infl. a compact, almost white head, occ. with 1–3 smaller, lateral pedunculate clusters. Fls 2.5–3.5–(4) mm. long; tepals with a longitudinal, dark brown central stripe, margins membr., silver-white, distinct from tip to base. Capsule greenish brown to light red-brown. 2n = 12.
Lvs 3–8 mm. wide, rigid, us. erect. Flowering stems (6)–12–30–(40) cm. tall, > lvs at maturity. Infl. of several pedunculate clusters or occ. a ± compact head, clusters us. c. 10 × 10 mm., peduncles subequal, 1–3 cm. long; subtending bracts 2–9, rigid, > infl., the longest up to 3 times length of infl. Fls us. > 3 mm. long; tepals with light brown, rarely dark brown centre and cream, membr. margins. Capsule pale brown. 2n = 12.
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Lvs 3–7 mm. wide, us. flaccid and drooping, former season's lvs long persisting. Flowering stems (10)–20–40 cm. long, ± = lvs. Infl. of 10–20 many-fld pedunculate clusters c. 5 × 5 mm., peduncles unequal in length, 1–13 cm. long; subtending bract ± = or > infl. Fls 2.7–3–(3.5) mm. long; tepals with a central light brown stripe c. ⅓ width of tepals, membr. margins cream. Capsule light greenish brown to very pale brown. 2n = 12.
Lvs 1–3–(5) mm. wide, very numerous, stiff and erect, former season's lvs persisting. Flowering stems 15–30 cm. long, = or > lvs. Infl. of ∞ pedunculate clusters of 5–12–(∞) fls, peduncles 0.5–3.5–(5) cm. long, rarely contracted to a single head. Fls 2–2.5–(3) mm. .long; tepals light or dark brown, with cream, membr. margins. Capsule occ. c. = tepals, light brown, darker towards the tip. 2n = 12.
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Dense cushions c. 2.5 cm. high. Lvs 0.7–1 mm. wide, rigid, almost glab., tips obtuse. Flowering stems sunken among lvs, not elongating when fr. matures. Infl. 6–8–fld. Fls 1.5–2 mm. long; outer tepals with light brown centre and white membr. margins, inner tepals with broader membr. margins. Stamens 6, rarely 3–4. Capsule c. = tepals, reddish brown. 2n = 12.
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Plants grass-like, strict, dark green, very variable in size. Lvs rigid, us. with incurved margins, tapering very gradually to the obtuse tip. Fls 2–2.5 mm. long; tepals dark brown, almost black at the centre, with red-brown membr. margins. Stamens 6. Capsule c. = tepals, dark brown.
Lvs 1.5–5 mm. wide, margins densely villous towards the base. Infl. a rounded head with densely crowded fls, occ. with 1–3 smaller, lateral, pedunculate clusters; margins of subtending bracts and of floral bractlets densely villous. 2n = 12.
Lvs 0.7–2.5–(3.5) mm. wide, margins only slightly villous. Infl. varying from a single head to ∞ clusters on erect branchlets up to 6 cm. long; margins of subtending bracts and floral bractlets sparsely villous. 2n = 12.
Infl. a terminal cyme, congested to a single head, or much-branched, branchlets unequal in length with fls clustered at their tips; subtending bracts lf-like. Fls hermaphrodite, each enclosed at the base by 2 papery bractlets and subtended by a scarious bract; bracts and bractlets silver or light brown, membr., ovate, with ± lacerate, ± villous margins. Stamens 3, or 6. Ovary 1-locular. Seeds 3, with a white basal tail (caruncle), testa minutely striated in a reticulate pattern. Perennial grasslike herbs, tufted or stoloniferous, or cushion-forming. Stems glab., terete, erect, often with 1–2 cauline lvs. Lvs flat or channelled, almost glab., to densely villous along the margin, basal sheath without auricles. A cosmopolitan genus of c. 80 spp. mainly in extra-tropical regions; in the tropics at high altitudes only. 10 N.Z. spp. are endemic while L. traversii is recorded also from Mexico and South America. Luzula DC. nom. cons.: type sp., L. campestris (L.) DC.
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In scattered, grass-like tufts. Lvs coriac. Infl. a single, compact, globose head, occ. with 1–3, rarely more, smaller, lateral clusters on peduncles rarely > 1.5 cm. long. Tepals ovate-lanceolate, acute, pale rufous at first, later becoming darker brown, membr. margins narrow. Stamens 6. Capsule ± = or slightly > tepals, red-brown or almost black.
Lvs 2.5–6 mm. wide, red-green, margin us. only slightly villous, tips obtuse. Flowering stems (8)–15–30–(70) cm. tall, > 0.5 mm. diam. Fls > 2 mm. long. 2n = 12.
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Grass-like, tufted. Lvs rather stiff, tapering very gradually to the acicular tip, margins us. slightly incurved, with long white hairs. Flowering stems (2)–10–25–(40) cm. long, > lvs, elongating when fr. matures. Infl. us. pend. with subsessile clusters of fls congested into a pyramidal head. Fls 1.5–2.5–(3) mm. long; tepals chestnut to dark brown with broad or narrow, silver, membr. margins. Capsules ± = tepals, chestnut to dark brown, almost black.
Lvs 1–5 mm. wide. Stamens 3. 2n = 32 (Hair), 46 (Nordenskiöld).
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Fls solitary, or few and axillary; pedicel arising from a group of small membr. scales. Per. white, spreading; segs free subequal. Stamens free; filaments glab., erect. Ovary sessile, ovoid, 3-locular; style terete; stigma obscurely 3-lobed. Fr. subglobose. Seeds few, pale. Glab. subshrubs with thin, branched, jointed stems, the lower nodes with small, membr. scales, the upper nodes with small, alt., oblong to elliptic, ± sessile, resupinate lvs. A few spp. of Peru, Chile, Patagonia, Tierra del Fuego, Falkland Is and N.Z. N.Z. sp. endemic.
Plant at fl. c. 8–30–(40) cm. tall, not elongating greatly in fr. Stem erect, slightly fleshy, glab. Green lvs us. 2, occ. 1 or 3, well spaced up stem, to 10–(15) × 1.5–(2) cm., narrow-lanceolate, concave, acute, inclined to be fleshy, sts blotched with brown, the upper smaller. Floral bracts foliaceous, erect, broad-ovate, deeply concave, acute. Fls rarely > 3, inclined away from bracts. Per. c. 1.5 cm. long, green, sts spotted with dull red-brown. Sepals acute; dorsal broadly ovate, forming arched roof over inner parts; lateral almost as long, linear, deflexed. Petals slightly shorter, linear-lanceolate, subacute. Labellum erect, broad-ovate, narrowed abruptly into short claw; margin entire; callose ridges extending almost to tip. Column cylindric, curved; wing very narrow, forming small lobes about anther.
Fls solitary or few in short raceme; floral bracts large, us. exceeding ovary. Per. glab.; dorsal sepal uppermost, deeply concave, ± hooded over column; lateral sepals and petals narrower, subequal, spreading or deflexed. Labellum shorter, sessile or very shortly clawed, sts 3-lobed; margin toothed to entire; calli ± papilla-like or in form of longitudinal ridges. Column elongate, incurved, sts narrowly winged; anther terminal, papillose, pollinia 2 per cell, finely granular; stigma prominent, discoid; rostellum median. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tubers globose to conical, us. produced at some distance from parent plant. Lvs 1–3, sheathing at base, broad or narrow. Genus of uncertain limits, about 9–10 spp. confined to Australia, New Caledonia and N.Z.; the N.Z. sp. endemic and not closely similar to any other.
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Infl. an effuse often drooping panicle. Spikelets , 2–6-fld, 2–4 lowest fls setting fr. Glumes obscurely distichous to spiral. Hypog. bristles 6–3, or 0 (in N.Z. sp. 0). Stamens 3. Style-branches 3, style-base ± 3-winged or sharply 3-angled. Fr. with very thin brittle pericarp at maturity and a ± 3-winged us. long stipe, crowned by the persistent conspicuous style-base. Perennial herbs. Lvs us. basal, strongly laterally compressed, distichous, equitant at the base. Some 25 spp. from the West Indies, S. America, Hawaii, Malesia and the Pacific Is; one N.Z. sp.
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Plant at fl. mostly c. 3–15 cm. tall, occ. to 25 cm or more. Stem erect, fleshy. Lf overtopping raceme if undamaged but very commonly cropped short. Raceme rarely > 3 cm. long; fls 1–10, often widely spaced, especially on taller plants. Per. green. Dorsal sepal c. 2.5 mm. long, its margin evenly rounded and lacking recurved tip; lateral shorter, ± acute, deflexed, us. straight. Petals ± under dorsal sepal. Labellum oblong, only rarely narrowed at mid-length; tip us. squarely truncate, sts slightly emarginate, not apiculate; margin papillose, shallowly crenate, sts thickened but rarely undulate; anterior callus variously developed, verrucose; large basal calli squarish, flat rather than convex, us. continuous at the sides with narrow band of callus behind slit-like transverse furrow; labellum rather sharply deflexed to hang ± parallel to ovary. Base of column often broader than stigma.
Plant at fl. 10–30–(70) cm. tall. Stem erect, ± fleshy. Lf often overtopping raceme. Raceme of very ∞, us. crowded fls. Per. green to yellowish green. Dorsal sepal c.1.5–2mm. long, with short recurved tip; laterals shorter, subacute, deflexed. Petals ± under dorsal sepal. Labellum broad at base, narrowing towards obtuse tip which ends in a down-turned apiculus; margin entire (marginal cells occ. slightly enlarged), smooth; anterior callus us. present in N.Z., variable in size; basal calli prominent, sts appearing as 2 pairs, surrounding a small pouch which causes a bulge on the under side of labellum, so preventing it from lying flat against ovary. Column narrow below stigma; wings membr. throughout.
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Plant at fl.10–100 cm. tall. Stem erect, ± fleshy. Lf often overtopping raceme. Raceme occ. to 30 × 1 cm., us. smaller; fls few to ∞, us. almost touching throughout. Per. green. Dorsal sepal c. 3 mm. long, tip acute and us. slightly turned upwards; laterals shorter, acute, deflexed, tips sts tending to coil under. Petals ± under dorsal sepal. Labellum oblong, often narrowest about mid-length; tip truncate to emarginate, not apiculate though sts folded to appear so; margin papillose and us. also crenate and undulate; anterior callus variously developed, verrucose, often raised on a rounded ridge; large basal calli oval, prominent, us. continuous at sides with narrow band of callus behind transverse furrow which is slit-like, not pouched; labellum standing away from ovary at very narrow angle. Base of column about as broad as stigma; wings us. membr. throughout.
In scattered, harsh, lfy tufts, (20)–30–60 cm. high, from a stout, woody rootstock. Culms (1)–1.5–2.5 mm. diam., obtusely trigonous, not very scabrid. Lvs , much > culms, flat, curving, scabrid on the abaxial surface, 4–7 mm. wide, tapering to a filiform tip, which is curled when dry; margins scabrid, strongly revolute in dry old lvs; sheath very short compared to lamina, not demarcated from lamina by any transverse line but merely becoming broader, cream, with membr. margins. Panicle erect, rigid, (6)–9–20 cm. long, with short, ± distant branchlets subtended by rigid, scabrid, lf-like bracts. Spikelets 6.5–9 mm. long, narrow-lanceolate, shortly stalked. Glumes coriac., minutely puberulous, keel and margins finely scabrid; 4 outer glumes smaller, increasing in size, us. acuminate, 2 upper glumes much longer, acute, rigid; a seventh minute membr. glume subtending the uppermost sterile fl. Nut 2.5–3 × c. 1.5 mm., elliptic-oblong, red-brown to black and shining, with 3 longitudinal ribs, surmounted by a thickened, corky style-base which is very distinct in the immature fr.; ripe fr. retained on plant for a time by being entangled in the slightly elongated staminal filaments.
Infl. an erect narrow panicle. Spikelets 2-fld, only lower fl. setting fr.; uppermost internode of rhachilla elongated and curved. Glumes clearly distichous, lower ones caducous. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Fr. held by the persistent stamens and clasped by the inrolled margins of the persistent upper glumes; persistent style-base not readily distinguishable externally. Culms trigonous. Lvs spirally arranged, dorsiventral, margins harshly scabrid, revolute when dry. Two spp.: the type from Hawaii; the N.Z. sp. endemic.
Fls bisexual, zygomorphic, in spikes, racemes or panicles, or solitary. Per. mostly petaloid, of 6 segs in 2 whorls, free or variously connate, occ. joined to form a tube; the middle seg. in each whorl us. different from the 2 lateral ones, the middle petal or labellum often differing greatly in size, shape or outgrowths (calli) from the others and us. directed downwards; nectary sts contained within a spur or sac from one or more of the per.-segs. Anthers and stigmas borne on a ± erect, us. fleshy structure, the column. Anthers 1 or 2, 2-locular, introrse, opening by longitudinal slits; pollen grains rarely free, us. aggregated in tetrads or larger groups (pollinia) that are mealy, waxy or quite hard and sts terminate in a sterile caudicle. Ovary inferior, 1-locular with 3 parietal placentae (rarely 3-locular); stigma borne on the part of the column facing the labellum, of 3 or 2 lobes, the median lobe sts represented by a small process, the rostellum, between the stigma and the anther; viscid areas (viscidia) are sts associated with the rostellum and to these the pollinia become attached either directly or by a connecting strip of non-viscid rostellar or columnar tissue known as the stipe. Fr. us. a capsule dehiscing by 3 or 6 longitudinal slits. Seeds very ∞, minute, often elongated, without endosperm or differentiated embryo. Perennial, terrestrial, epiphytic or saprophytic herbs with rhizomes, tubers or thickened rootstocks. Aerial stem often swollen at base into pseudobulb, and often with adventitious or aerial roots. Lvs us. entire, often distichous, sheathing at base, sts reduced to scales. Worldwide, of 500-800 genera and perhaps 30,000 spp. The 21 N.Z. genera are all except 3 (, and ) recorded also from Australia, and at least one third of the spp. are common to the two countries.
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Spikelets solitary, or with 1–2 lateral spikelets, 1-fld, peduncle lengthening at maturity, subtended by a lf-like bract. Fl. hermaphrodite, in the uppermost glume. Glumes 3–4, much > fls, deciduous. Hypog. scales 6, in 2 series, ± equal, ± scarious with minutely serrulate margins, remaining attached to the apex of the culm after the nut has fallen. Stamens 3. Style 3-fid, not thickened at the base, deciduous. Nut obovoid, obtuse, smooth with a star-shaped depression round the apiculate tip, or narrowed to a beak at the tip. Perennial herbs, forming dense or loose cushions. Stems densely lfy, much-branched. Lvs , rigid; lamina (at least in N.Z. spp.) broadening and bending forwards from a point a short distance above the top of the sheath; margins for the most part minutely serrulate, but teeth almost lacking from margins at middle part of lf, and ± retrorse towards base near sheath.
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Raceme of few to many fls; floral bracts heavy in texture and often exceeding ovary at fl. Per. glab.; dorsal sepal uppermost, broad and arched over column; lateral sepals much longer, very narrow-linear, channelled; petals short, narrow and ± hidden under dorsal sepal. Labellum almost as large as dorsal sepal, sessile, 3-lobed; callus thick, median. Column short; wings in form of 2 free lateral processes; anther dorsal, taller than stigma, pollinia ill-defined, pollen granular; stigma disc-shaped; rostellum prominent, acute. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tuber long-ovoid, us. produced close to the previous one. Lvs several, sheathing at base, narrow, followed by foliaceous cauline bracts. Monotypic genus, confined to Australia, New Caledonia and N.Z.
Plant at fl. to 70 cm. tall. Tuber to 5 × 1 cm. Stem stiffly erect, axis of raceme often flexuous. Lvs linear-lanceolate to linear, channelled, acute, shorter than stem. Raceme to c. 20 cm. long; fls 2–12, well separated. Per. green to dull reddish, often with varying amounts of the two colours. Dorsal sepal 1–1.5 cm. long and almost as wide, deeply concave, subacute; laterals to twice as long, c. 0.5 mm. diam., semi-terete, erect or diverging. Petals narrow-oblong, flat, us. notched at tip. Labellum spreading or deflexed, of firm texture with smooth margins; lateral lobes broad, oblique; mid-lobe larger, ovate; median callus near base, shortly conical with thick tip turned inwards, often yellow; 2 smaller lateral basal calli us. present. Processes of column-wings linear, ± papillose, almost as long as anther.
Infl. us. paniculate, below or amongst lvs; spathes one or more, us. large. Fls small, actinomorphic, ± sessile, commonly but not always unisexual, ♂ and ♀ sts in one infl. Per.-segs 6, free or connate, outer sepaloid, inner petaloid. Stamens us. 6 in 2 whorls; anthers 2-celled, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Ovary superior, 1–3-celled or 3 carpels separate; ovule us. solitary. Fr. a berry or drupe. Stems woody, stout (then mostly unbranched) to slender, sts scandent, sts very short and hidden. Lvs us. in terminal clusters, often very large and divided into narrow segs. Over 200 genera and c. 4,000 spp., mainly of tropics and subtropics.
Dioec. Fls sessile, us. densely crowded in simple to compound spadices. Per. lacking or greatly reduced. In ♂ stamens few to ∞, filaments filiform, short or long, anthers dehiscing longitudinally, pollen adhesive; ovary absent or rudimentary. In ♀ staminodes commonly lacking but occ. present; ovary of 1 to ∞ variously connate carpels, 1- to ∞-locular; placentae parietal; styles absent or ± conical; stigmas as many as carpels, commonly reniform or hippocrepiform. Fr. drupaceous or baccate, fibrous to succulent. Seed small with cop. oily endosperm. Trees or shrubs, often scandent, us. with aerial roots. Lvs simple, linear to lanceolate, sheathing at base. Genera 3, predominantly tropical.
This genus of 2 spp. was based on specimens sent to Rogers by H. B. Matthews who had had plants under observation near Kaitaia for several years from 1912 onwards. Superficially, as noted by Rogers, both spp. bear a striking resemblance to , the distinguishing feature being the petal-like form of the labellum. The following key to the spp. is given:
Fls bisexual, terminal or axillary, solitary or clustered, pend. Per. deciduous; segs 6, subequal to unequal, free or ± united. Stamens 6, free or shortly attached to tepals; filaments free or partly connate; anthers dorsifixed near base or about middle, introrse, opening by slits. Ovary superior, 1- or 3-locular; ovules ∞ to few, anatropous, rarely half-anatropous. Fr. a berry. Seeds few to ∞, endosperm hard. Shrubs, subshrubs or tall climbers. Lvs alt., oblong to ovate, with reticulate or transverse veining between longitudinal nerves. Entirely Southern Hemisphere, some authors including 7 genera, some only 4.
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Fls bisexual. Infl. terminal; peduncle long, sheathed with a series of alt., deciduous bracts of progressively smaller size, the lower ones empty, the upper ones each subtending and entirely enclosing a comparatively short, alternately branched, flowering lateral; smaller bracts quite scarious. Pedicels articulate just below fl. Fls ± zygomorphic. Tepals subequal, erect, forming a tube but connate only near base, c. 12-nerved, marcescent. Stamens > tepals; filaments glab., only slightly flattened, inserted in pit along back of anther; inner filaments a little longer than outer; anthers linear-oblong. Ovary superior, sessile, elongate; ovules ∞; style terete; stigma small, narrow. Fr. a long capsule, loculicidal. Seeds ∞, flattened, almost winged, black, shining. Tall, perennial, tufted plants, increasing by budding from stout rhizome. Lvs crowded in distichous fans, linear-ensiform, equitant, strongly keeled, marked by ∞, fine, close longitudinal striations and strengthened by tough bast fibres. Two spp., one endemic to N.Z., the other found also in Norfolk Id.
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Rhizome sparsely branched, rooting at nodes and producing mostly simple lfy branches that reach up to surface of water. Stipules membr., free, open. Submersed lvs us. rather distant, us. shortly petiolate; lamina c. 4–6–(10) × (0.5)–1–1.5 cm., elliptic, entire, subacute, delicate and translucent, longitudinal nerves c. 5–(11), joined by irregular cross veins. Floating lvs often long-petiolate; lamina (2)–3–4 × (1)–1.5–2.5 cm., broad oblong-oval, entire, us. quite obtuse, firm and opaque, longitudinal nerves c. 11–(13) in all, laterals emerging from petiole rather than from midrib. Peduncles in axils of floating lvs, stout, erect, us. projecting several cm. above surface of water at fl., submersed in fr. Spike (1)–2–2.5 cm. long, dense. Achene c. 2.5 × 1.5 mm., moderately flattened with rather strongly 3-ridged keel and short straight beak.
Characters of the family. All or most lvs alt. and all stipulate. Cosmopolitan. Nearly 100 spp.; only 1 of the 4 N.Z. spp. likely to be endemic.
Rhizome short with close fibrous stipules and roots. Branches erect, at first simple with long lvs, ∞ short lfy branchlets produced in lf-axils in spring and elongating in autumn, sts rooting from nodes. Stipules to 2 cm. long, free, open, obtuse, with many close nerves that persist as fibres at older nodes. Lvs all submersed, sessile; lamina 1.5–10 cm. × 2–5 mm., entire, linear-oblong, obtuse to slightly emarginate, only slightly narrowed to base, membr., longitudinal nerves ∞, fine and close, one in each half us. stronger. Peduncles from axils of upper lvs, 2–4 cm. long, simple, slender. Spike to 1.5 cm. long, dense. Achene c. 3 × 2.5 mm., flattened on sides, keel ± 3-ridged, beak rather well-developed, curved.
Rhizome extensively creeping, forming swollen buds in autumn. Branches slender, much-branched, sts very long. Stipule adnate to lf-base, open but sheathing stem for 1–4 cm., the free ligular portion membr., c. 5 mm. long. Lvs all submersed, 5–12 cm. × c. 1 mm., entire, very narrow-linear, us. tapered to ± acute tip, membr., ∞ transverse veins us. visible. Peduncles slender, short or long. Spike discontinuous, 2–4 cm. overall, the lower whorls well separated. Achene c. 3 × 2.5 mm., light pinkish brown, rather plump and rounded, without prominent keel or beak.
Rhizome little-branched, us. buried in firm mud; lfy branches erect, us. simple, long or short, often rooted at lf-bearing nodes. Stipules c. 2–3 cm. long, free, open, membr. and often conspicuous. Lvs entire; lower lvs apparently not regularly submersed and not clearly distinct from upper lvs though often more narrowly elliptic and with fewer, more obscure nerves; upper lvs long- or short-petiolate, lamina 1.5–6 × 0.8–3.5 cm., broad-elliptic or occ. oval, subacute and sts shortly attenuate at tip, firm and opaque, longitudinal nerves (11)–13–21 in all, us. several laterals emerging from midrib. Peduncles arising in axils of upper lvs, simple, stout, erect, standing well above lvs. Spike 1–2 cm. long, dense. Achene c. 2 × 1.5 mm., neither flattened nor strongly keeled, beak short but slightly curved, ± red when ripe.
Infl. a bractless, ∞-fld spike; peduncle axillary and sheathed at its base. Fl. small, green, bisexual, actinomorphic. Per. represented by 4 free, valvate, concave segs adnate to the connectives of 4 stamens and alternating with 4 carpels. Anthers 2-celled, apparently sessile, extrorse. Carpels sessile, free, superior; stigma sessile or nearly so; ovule solitary, strongly curved. Achenes drupe-like when fresh; endocarp stony, splitting by separation of vertically oriented operculum on outer face. Aquatic herbs of brackish or fresh water or of marshy places. Lvs simple, us. alt., often dimorphic, submerged ones narrower and more delicate than floating ones. Stipule a delicate membrane, either free throughout or adnate to lf-base except for a free ligule, in each case either closed forming a tube round stem or open with margins overlapping on side of stem remote from lf. Two genera, one confined to N. Hemisphere.
Plant at fl. 10–25 cm. tall. Tuber short-ovoid, adjacent to or occ. to c. 1 cm. away from tuber of previous year. Stem erect, ± fleshy. Lf often overtopping raceme; lamina terete, acute. Raceme of c. 5–20 evenly spaced fls, all ± fleshy. Per. reddish- or yellowish-green, two colour forms sts occurring together. Dorsal sepal c. 5 mm. long, ovate, concave, sts recurved; laterals slightly longer, narrower, weakly connate in bud and us. remaining so at least near base, fleshy and channelled, tip often minutely cucullate and shortly apiculate, so appearing bidentate. Petals a little shorter, wider, more delicate. Labellum of similar length, narrow at base and almost sessile, occ. shortly clawed, ovate, recurved but not abruptly so; margin entire, smooth to undulate; callus extending as an irregularly thickened median band almost to the narrowly subacute tip. Lateral processes of column bilobed, anterior lobe membr. and slightly shorter than anther; posterior lobe much smaller and ± callus-like. Anther sessile, just overtopped by rostellum. Stigma barely its own height above column-base.
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Plant at fl. c. 15–100 cm. tall. Tuber as in P. colensoi. Stem erect, ± fleshy. Lf often overtopping raceme; lamina terete, acute. Raceme of few to many fls, evenly spaced, all ± fleshy. Per. yellowish-green. Dorsal sepal c. 6–8 mm. long, broad-ovate, concave; laterals slightly longer, narrow-oblong, us. free to base, margins thin, tip often minutely cucullate and appearing bidentate. Petals little shorter, more delicate. Labellum longer, narrowed at base to very short, stiff claw, ovate, ± sharply bent at about midlength at about right angle; margin entire, us. undulate; callus a rather smooth-margined band just passing over the bend but not extending into the broad, pale, membr., subacute tip. Lateral processes of column oblong, ± falcate, as tall as rostellum. Anther sessile, definitely overtopped by rostellum. Stigma more than its own height above column-base.
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Plant to c. 15 cm. tall, often less. Stem slender, smooth, sts reddish, internodes rarely > lvs. Petiolate lvs in separate rosettes or ± spaced on lower part of fl.-stem; lamina c. 5–15 mm. long, orbicular-cordate to broad-ovate to trulliform, surface not rugose; petiole well-defined in rosette, gradually merging into lamina in lower stem-lvs. Cauline lvs, upper or all, sessile; lamina c. 5–25 × 3–6 mm., linear- to narrow-lanceolate to narrow-elliptic, uppermost us. slightly overtopping ovary. Fl. us. solitary, erect. Dorsal sepal c. 1.5–2.5 cm. tall, tip acuminate, us. ± horizontal; lateral sepals diverging to form V shape from front view, this region in side view smoothly rounded, tips long-caudate and much overtopping galea. Petals almost as long as dorsal sepal, exposed marginal strip of medium width, often nearly horizontal. Labellum arched and protruding, narrowing gradually from base to about mid-length then contracting in width more abruptly and margins recurving so that distal third is linear in outline and deeply channelled beneath, narrow apex truncate. Column shorter than labellum; stigma elliptic, slightly prominent.
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Plant to c. 25 cm. tall at fl. Stem partly enclosed in lfy bracts. Rosette lvs ∞; lamina c. 15–20 × 6 mm., ovate to lanceolate, acute; petiole shorter, winged; cauline lvs few, narrow, sheathing. Fl. us. solitary, remote from highest bract. Dorsal sepal 15–20 mm. tall, erect for most of its length then shortly horizontal, acute; lateral sepals united only near base, free parts linear and almost parallel, the whole deflexed in fully open fl. Petals narrow and almost parallel-sided. Labellum conspicuous, terete, filiform, clad throughout most of its length in long yellow hairs, the tip dark, glab., broader with narrow wings; basal appendage short, almost entire. Column erect; wings broader than long, ciliate over most of their free margins; stigma broad, long.
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Plant small, c. 2–10 cm. tall at fl. Stem ± hidden by lfy bracts. Rosette lvs ∞, c. 5–15 × 5–12 mm.; lamina ovate, not clearly distinct from broadly winged petiole, firm-textured, bluish green; cauline lvs smaller, sheathing. Fls (1)–2–7, each with a sheathing floral bract; per. bluish green with pale stripes. Dorsal sepal 5–10 mm. tall, broad, apiculate; lateral sepals little shorter, almost completely connate into a flat lamina bidentate at tip, strongly deflexed in fully open fl. Petals just shorter than dorsal sepal, the anterior margin quite smooth. Labellum short, broad, obtuse, produced backwards into a smoothly rounded appendage from which a thick median knob juts forward. Column short, broad; wings broader than long, ciliate over most of their free margins; stigma oblong.
Plant c. 15–40 cm. tall. Stem c. 2 mm. diam., in some plants sparsely and unevenly puberulous; upper internodes us. longer than stem lvs. Lower lvs us. crowded but not forming well-defined rosette; lamina to c. 5 × 1 cm., often shorter, elliptic, subacute, gradually narrowed into short, winged petiole. Cauline lvs 1–2, often 2–3 cm. long, ± foliaceous, sheathing, the uppermost sts reaching but rarely overtopping fl. Fl. solitary, erect. Dorsal sepal c. 2 cm. tall, apex acute and ± horizontal; lateral sepals papillose on the connate portion (as is the ovary), diverging at a narrow angle, tips caudate and overtopping galea. Petals only a little shorter than dorsal sepal, broad almost to tip. Labellum narrow-triangular, arched and protruding, apex narrowly obtuse, margins slightly upturned. Column shorter than labellum; stigma elliptic, slightly prominent.
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Lvs us. spreading widely from stem which is sts but not invariably red. Tip of dorsal sepal us. arched upwards. Labellum ± open-W-shaped in T.S., near the apex bent forward and ± asymmetrically twisted, us. to right, its midrib prominent and almost excurrent in the obtuse tip between deflexed, ± pinched-in margins.
Plant c. 3–10–15 cm. tall at fl. Stem short, erect, smooth, mostly hidden by lvs at fl., internodes, at least uppermost, elongating in fr. Lvs us. 3–4, all much alike, us. overtopping fl.; lamina c. 4–9 × 1.5–2.5 cm., broad-elliptic to oblong, tip obtuse to broadly subacute, base merging into broadly winged, sheathing petiole. Fl. solitary; ovary us. erect. Dorsal sepal c. 2 cm. tall, erect then ± horizontal, shortly acuminate; lateral sepals diverging at a narrow angle, tips acuminate to shortly caudate, overtopping galea. Petals almost as long as dorsal sepal, acute. Labellum elliptic, tip narrowly obtuse, shortly recurved, ± cucullate. Column a little shorter than labellum; stigma broadly cordate, very prominent.
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Plant to c. 20–30 cm. tall. Stem c. 2 mm. diam., smooth; lower internodes short, upper sts longer than adjacent lvs. Lower lvs rarely forming close rosette; lamina us. c. 5 cm. long, broad-elliptic, subacute, margins often crisply and finely undulate, narrowing to short petiole. Upper lvs foliaceous, sessile, the uppermost sheathing, us. smallest, often reaching but rarely overtopping fl. Fl. solitary, erect, per. often whitish. Dorsal sepal 2.5–4 cm. long, us. smoothly arcuate throughout its length, tip acuminate to shortly caudate, ascending to curved downward; lateral sepals diverging at a narrow angle, tips caudate and overtopping galea. Petals shorter than dorsal sepal acuminate. Labellum narrow-triangular, arched almost in a right angle, protruding, apex narrowly obtuse, margins slightly upturned. Column much shorter than labellum; stigma narrow-oblong, flat.
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Plant small, c. 2–10 cm. tall at fl. Stem ± hidden by lfy bracts. Rosette lvs ∞, c. 5–15 × 3–10 mm.; lamina almost rhombic, not clearly distinct from broadly winged petiole, firm-textured, sts alveolate, bluish or yellowish green or brownish; cauline lvs smaller, sheathing. Fls (1)–2–6, each with a sheathing floral bract; per. greenish or brownish with pale stripes. Dorsal sepal 5–10 mm. tall, broad, apiculate; lateral sepals little shorter, almost completely connate into a flat lamina bidentate at tip, strongly deflexed in fully open fl. Petals shorter than dorsal sepal, the anterior margin minutely denticulate. Labellum short, broad, obtuse, produced backwards into a smoothly rounded appendage with a low median ridge. Column short, broad; wings broader than long, ciliate over most of their free margins; stigma broadly oval.
Plant slender, to c. 15 cm. tall. Stem minutely rough, lower internodes us. puberulous with short stiff projecting hairs. Rosette lvs ∞, lamina c. 7 × 5 mm., ovate, acute, petiole little shorter, narrowly winged; cauline lvs smaller, sheathing. Fl. solitary, us. remote from highest bract. Dorsal sepal c 10–15 mm. tall, erect for about ⅔ of its length, then almost horizontal, apex obtuse to shortly acute; lateral sepals very long-connate, diverging at a very wide angle and so broadly U-shaped in front view with an inturned median tooth, sharply contracted into slender, ± erect caudae standing well above galea. Petals equal to or longer than dorsal sepal, subacute. Labellum oblong. Column longer than labellum; stigma long-oval, prominent.
Plant c. 5–20–(30) cm. tall. Stem internodes = or much > bracts. Rosette lvs ∞, lamina c. 1.5–3 × 1–2 cm., oblong-ovate, acute to subacute, petiole well-defined, narrowly winged; cauline lvs few, sheathing, bract-like. Fl. us. solitary, remote from highest bract only in tallest plants; top of stem and ovary strongly arched so that fl. faces downwards or even inwards towards stem. Dorsal sepal c. 2.5 cm. tall, rounded, apex acute; lateral sepals very shortly connate, diverging at narrow angle, tips acuminate and hardly overtopping galea, surface minutely rough. Petals ± = dorsal sepal, acute. Labellum narrow-triangular, strongly arched, protruding, apex subacute, its slightly incurved margins ± bristly with short stiff hairs. Column much shorter than labellum; stigma elliptic, rather prominent in N.Z. specimens.
Plant 10–25–(35) cm. tall. Stem c. 2 mm. diam., smooth, sts ± decumbent; internodes mostly rather shorter than lvs, sts very short near base. Lf-shape changing gradually from below upwards; lamina of lower lvs c. 5–10 × 2–3 cm., oval to broad-elliptic or narrow-obovate, obtuse, narrowing to broadly winged, us. short petiole; upper lvs progressively more acute, the uppermost little shorter but sessile, ovate, sts almost acuminate, often reaching but rarely overtopping fl. Fl. solitary; ovary us. erect. Dorsal sepal c. 3–4–(5) cm. tall, very slightly to much inclined in its proximal part, tip long, narrow, ± parallel-sided with only weakly involute margins, the whole often strongly curved downwards; lateral sepals diverging at a narrow angle, caudae of lobes very long, erect to strongly bent backwards or forwards. Petals much shorter than dorsal sepal, acute. Labellum narrow-triangular, arched and protruding, apex narrowly obtuse. Column shorter than labellum; stigma long-oval, rather flat.
Fl. solitary or more rarely a few-fld raceme; floral bract often not differentiated. Per. glab. or minutely scabrid, mostly green; dorsal sepal uppermost, deeply concave and curved, its lateral margins dovetailed into petals to form with them a hood or galea; lateral sepals connate for part or most of their length, the free lobes diverging widely or narrowly, their tips short or long, acuminate to almost filiform; petals falcate with anterior margins shortly adnate to base of lateral sepals, posterior margins free under dorsal sepal, outer surface with a median longitudinal groove into which the slightly involute margin of the dorsal sepal locks. Labellum the smallest of the per.-segs, us. included for most of its length, mobile on a claw attached to column-foot; lamina us. undivided, sts with hairs but us. without calli, produced, at line of junction with claw, into an appendage that is us. strap-shaped and ± laciniate at its free end. Column elongate, its foot ± adnate to base of dorsal sepal, bearing on either side of rostellum a ± quadrangular, partly twisted wing; anther terminal, pollinia 2 per cell, crescentic, soft but coherent; stigma of 2 lobes, us. vertically elongated and occupying middle of column; rostellum immediately below anther and high above stigma with which it is connected by a narrow groove. Plants terrestrial, us. glab.; tubers ovoid to globose, produced close to or at some distance from parent plant. Lvs several, rosette-forming or distributed up flowering stem, almost orbicular to linear. Peduncle in some spp. elongating after fertilization, as capsule matures. Genus of some 60 spp., mainly Australasian, represented also in New Caledonia and New Guinea. Several spp. are common to Australia and N.Z. Pterostylis R. Br. nom. cons.: type sp., P. curta of Australia.
Plant to c. 25 cm. tall, us. less. Stem slender, smooth, or upper internodes occ. minutely rough but not puberulous, us. green, internodes us. > lvs. Petiolate lvs in separate rosettes or at base of fl.-stem; lamina c. 5–10 × 5–10 mm., broad-ovate to orbicular-cordate, acute to subacute, veins slightly raised giving rugose surface, petiole well-defined, sts > lamina. Cauline lvs several, lowest us. petiolate and ± trulliform, those above c. 5–20 × 2–5 mm., sessile, linear-lanceolate, uppermost rarely overtopping ovary. Fl. us. solitary, erect. Dorsal sepal c. 1–1.5 cm. tall, tip acuminate, ± horizontal; lateral sepals diverging at wide angle forming U or wide W from front view, this region abruptly prominent in side view, tips long-caudate and much overtopping galea. Petals almost as long as dorsal sepal, only a narrow marginal strip exposed. Labellum narrow-triangular, arched and protruding, apex subacute. Column shorter than labellum; stigma elliptic, slightly prominent.
Plant c. 3–10 cm. tall at fl. Stem short, erect, smooth, us. half hidden by lvs until part below ovary elongates at fr. Lvs us. 2–3, all much alike, often equalling and sts overtopping fl.; lamina c. 3–6 × (1)–1.5–2.5 cm., orbicular to broad-oval, tip obtuse to broadly subacute, base narrowing to broadly winged, sheathing petiole. Fl. solitary; ovary us. erect. Dorsal sepal c. 1.5 cm. tall, erect then horizontal, acute to very shortly acuminate; lateral sepals diverging at a narrow angle, tips acuminate to shortly caudate, not greatly overtopping galea. Petals almost as long as dorsal sepal, broad almost to tip. Labellum narrow-triangular, arched and protruding, apex subacute, inner surface quite covered with short retrorse hairs giving an unusually furry appearance. Column us. shorter than labellum; stigma narrow-elliptic.
Plants dioec., occ. monoec., or rarely all fls hermaphrodite. Infl. similar in both sexes or very different, fls in spikelets or spike-like panicles. Spikelets 1–∞-fld, solitary or clustered, sessile or stalked within a shorter subtending bract. Fls sessile or pedicellate, each within a rigid upper floral bract; bractlets 2–1, or 0. Tepals 6–(3) or 0, in 2 whorls, glume-like and rigid or hyaline. ♂ with 3 stamens opp. the inner tepals; filaments slender, free or rarely connate; anthers us. 1-celled, dorsifixed; ovary rud. or 0. ♀ with 3, 2, or 0 staminodia; ovary superior, 1–3-locular; styles 1–3, free or variously connate; ovule solitary in each locule, pend. Fr. dry, often hard, an ind. nut, or capsule dehiscing longitudinally; seeds with cop. endosperm. Perennial rush-like or sedge-like herbs, tufted, or with a creeping rhizome covered with imbricate, scale-like sheaths. Culms rigid, erect or flexuose, simple or branched. Lvs reduced to sheaths at each node, persistent or deciduous. Predominantly a family of the Southern Hemisphere with some 30 genera and c. 300 spp., mainly in South Africa and Australia. Sporadanthus is endemic to N.Z.
Infl. below lvs, shortly stalked, much and densely branched, enclosed within 2 caducous, boat-shaped spathes of nearly equal size, the outer 2-winged; branches thick, divided several times, the ultimate divisions long and closely and deeply notched to accommodate sessile glomerules each of 2–3 fls subtended by a short bract. Fls unisexual, one ♀ between two ♂, or distally the ♀ aborting leaving two ♂ together. ♂ asymmetric, soon falling; sepals much narrower than obliquely ovate petals; stamens 6, filaments slender, inflexed at apex, anthers versatile; ovary narrow, ± columnar. ♀ smaller, globose-ovoid; sepals and petals broad; staminodes minute; ovary ovoid, 1-locular; stigmas terminal, recurved, ± persistent. Fr. symmetric, seated on chaffy per-remains; pericarp thin, fibrous within. Seed hard; hilum conspicuous, running from apical chalaza down to base. Trunk typically unbranched, not tapering, marked with lf-scars; conspicuous "crownshaft" formed by very large sheathing lf-bases; lvs in adult rather sharply ascending in "feather-duster" shape. Lvs regularly pinnate, without spines, axis clad in peltate scales, the pinnae subopp. and reduplicately inserted on axis (A-shaped in T.S.); each pinna long, narrow-lanceolate, acuminate, bearing peltate scales when young, midrib and us. one pair of lateral nerves prominent adaxially, margin not thickened; seedling lvs broad, 2-lobed. Three spp., one confined to N.Z. proper, one to Kermadec Is and one to Norfolk Id.
Trunk to c. 10 m. × 25 cm., green between rather closely spaced lf-scars; crownshaft to 60 cm. long, smooth and green, slightly bulging. Lf to 3 m. long; lflts to 1 m. long, closely set and ascending sharply. Spathes c. 30 × 15 cm., between pink and yellow, smooth, falling as first fls open. Ultimate branches of infl. to c. 20–(30) cm. long, c. 1.5 cm. diam. with buds on, at first pale cream-coloured; fl.-buds tightly packed, lilac. Fr. c. 10 × 7 mm., elliptic-oblong, brick-red. Seed long-oval, tightly invested in smooth, whitish endocarp which is marked by mainly longitudinal vascular strands; hilum broad at chalazal end, tapering to a narrow groove beside the micropyle.
Racemes simple to paniculately arranged, sts terminal. Fls bisexual; per. spreading. Staminal filaments free, very short. Ovary sessile; style short, stout. Fr. globose. Tall lianes without tendrils or prickles. A few spp. of New Guinea, Australia and N.Z.
Woody, evergreen liane of twining habit. Horizontal rhizome stout, often swollen into a woody tuber at base of erect stem. Stems of two kinds: (a) twining stems growing upward from mature rhizome on forest floor, without green lvs, succulent at tip; these are several m. long, c. 1.5–2 cm. diam., little branched, almost black, finely pubescent; nodes c. 10–20 cm. apart, thickened; sheathing scale leaves to several cm. long, alt. or opp., almost black, membr., brown-scabrid, caducous. (b) non-twining stems arising from the long stems in full light; these are to 1 m. long, c. 5 mm. diam., more branched and wide-spreading, light brown, glab.; internodes shorter, the distal ones bearing green lvs and infls. Green lvs mostly opp., 5.5–16 × 2–6 cm., ± coriac., narrow-ovate to oblong, narrowed rather abruptly to tip, margins entire and ± undulate; petiole c. 1 cm. long, ± channelled. Infl. axillary or terminal, simple or compound, to 15 cm. long; bracts us. all small and membr., but occ. some foliaceous. Pedicels c. 5–9 mm. long, without bracteole at base but with one or more adjacent to and resembling per.-segs. Fls not crowded. Tepals minute, free, spreading. Stamens much > tepals; filaments c. 2 mm. long; anthers greenish, linear-oblong, c. 3–5 × 1–1.5 mm., dehiscing laterally by long slits. Ovary globose, c. 1.5 mm. diam.; ovules 2 per locule, attached about mid-level; style 2 mm. long, including stigma of 3 verrucose lobes. Fr. globose, bright red, c. 1 cm. diam., the thin fleshy pericarp tightly stretched over 1–2–(3) hard, spotted seeds, seed when single almost spherical. Fr. falling, 12–15 months after fl., by abscission layer just above per. 2n = 30.
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Characters of the family. Spp. probably c. 10, of which 2 are known in N.Z.
Rhizome relatively unimportant; stems often long, us. with abundant ± zigzag branching. Lvs (4)–10–15–(20) cm. × (0.2)–0.4–0.5–(0.7) mm., bright to olive green, almost filiform but broad-oblong in T.S.; apex bidentate, often most minutely denticulate; sheath (1)–1.5–2.5–(4) cm. long, auriculate. Peduncles to 30 cm. long, often reddish, not notably thicker below fls, becoming spirally coiled as fr. matures. Fls protandrous; carpels 4, occ. 5–6 in upper fl. Podogynes stout, tapering towards base. Achenes 4–4.5–(5) mm. long, gibbous, olive-green, sts red-punctate; mesocarp thick; endocarp tuberculate, black, with 2 triangular apertures opp. to and about on level of top of operculum; beak c. 1.3 mm. long. 2n = 20.
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Infl. a bractless spike, at first wrapped in sheaths of subtending lvs; peduncle unbranched and later elongating; fls 2, contiguous, borne laterally on opp. sides near tip of peduncle, one above the other. Fls small, greenish, bisexual. Per. 0. Stamens 2, almost sessile, each of 2 ± reniform, horizontally disposed, extrorsely dehiscing cells, separated by a broad connective. Carpels (2)–4–8–(16), superior, at first sessile and crowded together, later becoming stipitate and separated by elongation of "podogynes"; stigma appearing sessile, peltate or umbonate; ovule solitary, pend., campylotropous. Achenes or drupelets ± beaked, outer pericarp soon decaying, endocarp hard, splitting by separation of vertically oriented operculum. Aquatic herbs, us. submerged in brackish water; rhizome branched, rooting at nodes, giving off lfy stems. Lvs alt., sessile, simple, filiform-linear, 1-nerved, with long, open, stipular sheath. One genus, widespread in temperate and subtropical zones, us. near sea shore, rarely inland.
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Densely tufted, us. reddish. Culms rooted at the base, the rest floating, up to 60 cm. long, c. 0.5 mm. diam., flaccid, lfy, much branched. Lvs (2)–6–10 cm. long, distant or tufted, filiform, flaccid, margins slightly scabrid towards lf-tip; sheath very long, green or red-brown, margins membr., produced at the tip to form a ligule. Spikelets 7–12 mm. long, 2–4-fld, narrow-linear, solitary, terminal, subtended by a glume-like bract, or rarely 2–3 spikelets distant at the end of the culm, the lower ones subtended by more lf-like bracts. Glumes 3–4, lanceolate, obtuse, membr., light red or pale cream; all fertile or the lowermost empty. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut c. 2 × 1 mm., obovoid, brown with black patches or entirely black.
Infl. paniculate, or capitate, or a solitary spikelet. Spikelets 1–4-fld, sessile or stalked, fls hermaphrodite, or the uppermost functionally male; rhachilla flexuous or zig-zag between the fls; glumes distichous, keeled, us. nerveless except for a central midrib, some lower glumes and some upper ones often empty. Hypog. bristles 6–1, plumose or ciliate, us. scabrid; or 0. Stamens 3, occ. 2. Style-branches 3, occ. 2. Nut ± trigonous, angles ± thickened. Perennial herbs, with or without creeping rhizomes, or rarely annual. Culms erect, curved, or drooping and rooting below, terete or compressed, branched or unbranched. Lvs basal or cauline, narrow-linear, setaceous and rigid, or flaccid, margins of lamina us. slightly toothed; or all, or the basal lvs reduced to sheathing, us. mucronate bracts. About 100 spp. of temperate regions. Of the 8 N.Z. spp., 2 are endemic; the other 6 occur in Australia as well and 3 of these are recorded from elsewhere in the Pacific.
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Rhizome long, creeping, woody, up to 1.5 mm. diam., loosely ensheathed by large, membr., imbricating scales. Culms wiry, erect, striated, unbranched, in dense tufts or ± distant along the rhizome. Upper lvs alternate, rigidly setaceous, semi-terete, margins rarely scabrid towards lf-tip; basal lvs reduced to red-purple, grooved, mucronate sheaths. Infl. terminal, capitate with crowded sessile spikelets or a solitary spikelet; subtending bract > infl. Spikelets 2–3-fld. Glumes 5–7, occ. appearing almost spirally arranged because of twisting of rhachilla, broadly ovate, 2–3 lowest smaller, empty. Hypog. bristles 6, us. > nut, yellow-brown and scabrid towards the tip, often branched and very feathery at the base with long white hairs. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut ovoid or elliptical-oblong, smooth, shining, surface cells very minute, angles no much thickened.
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Rhizomatous, forming large, turfy patches, bright green above, fuscous towards the base. Rhizome c. 0.5 mm. diam. Culms 2–5–(7) cm. × c. 0.5 mm., rigid. Lvs up to 6 per culm, us. > culms, c. 0.5 mm. wide, or often setaceous and filiform, coriac., curved; sheaths with truncate orifice, pale brown and membr., often streaked with red, rarely entirely dark red-purple. Infl. apparently lateral, of 1–(2) narrow-oblong spikelets, (1)–2–3–(4) × (0.5)–1–1.5–(2) mm., partly hidden by the enlarged base of a subtending bract up to 5 times length of spikelet. Glumes 1.5–2.5 mm. long, lanceolate, acute, deciduous, green to pale grey-brown with reddish marks, to deep red-purple, margins tapered and often pinched in at the tip below the green, thickened, ± excurrent keel. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut 1–2 mm. long, slightly > 0.5 mm. wide, almost = glume, elliptical, ± trigonous with rounded angles, almost white to yellowish, or grey- to red-brown, smooth and shining but very finely reticulate, tapering towards the apiculate black tip.
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Infl. terminal or apparently lateral, corymbose, capitate, paniculate, spicate, or reduced to a single spikelet; subtending bracts several, lf-like, or 1 only, glume-like or culm-like, continuous with the culm. Spikelets 1-∞, us. many-fld. Glumes spirally imbricate round the rhachilla, all floriferous or the lowest 1, or rarely 2, empty; fls hermaphrodite. Hypog. bristles 2–8–(12), or 0. Stamens 3 or fewer. Styles 2- or 3-fid, not swollen at base. Nut us. obovoid, ellipsoid, trigonous, plano-convex or biconvex, us. apiculate. Glab., annual or perennial herbs, small and tufted, or slender and floating, or with a creeping rhizome and then often tall and stout. Culms terete or 3-angled. Lvs few to ∞ at base of culm, double-folded, terete or trigonous, or very slender and grasslike, or reduced to sheathing bracts. Cosmopolitan with c. 300 spp. Of the 23 N.Z. spp. only 6 are endemic; almost all the remaining spp. are recorded from Australia and many of these are cosmopolitan or widespread in the N. or S. Hemispheres.
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Fls small, often unisexual, us. in axillary umbels, racemes or spikes. Per. of 6 equal or subequal, deciduous, us. free segs. Stamens 6; filaments free or united in a column; anthers introrse. Ovary superior, 3-locular; ovules 1–2 per locule, orthotropous or half anatropous. Fr. a berry. Seeds 1–3; embryo small, endosperm hard. Woody lianoid plants. Lvs alt. or opp., us. coriac., with marked reticulate veining between the few longitudinal nerves. Four genera of wide distribution.
Fls unisexual, small, densely crowded in separate globose capitula, spaced out on simple or branched infls; lower capitula female, each in or above the axil of a lfy bract, stalked or sessile; higher capitula male, bractless or with small bract, falling after anthesis. Per. of 3–8 chaffy ± spathulate scales, larger in ♀. Male fl. with 3 or more stamens; filaments ± united; anthers oblong, basifixed. Female fl. with ovary sessile with narrow base, us. unilocular; ovule solitary, pendulous; style us. simple, sts forked, stigma obliquely terminal. Fr. dry, indehiscent, with spongy exocarp and hard endocarp; style base forming beak. Seed with straight embryo in mealy endosperm. Marsh or aquatic perennial herbs, with creeping rhizomes and stems often submerged at base. Lvs alt., erect or floating, elongate-linear, glab.; sheath open; lamina ± keeled. One genus of some 15–20 spp., widespread.
Characters as for the family.
Plants to c. 70 cm. tall. Rhizome long, slender. Lvs mostly from base c. 30–100 × 1 cm., ± erect; sheathing base channelled; lamina ± keeled, subrhomboid in T.S.; longitudinal nerves obvious; incomplete cross walls occ., thick, green; tip obtuse. Peduncle c. 2 mm. diam., us. shorter than lvs; lower bracts long, foliaceous. Infl. simple to few-branched; main axis with 1–3 female capitula near base, followed by up to 10 male capitula; lateral axes often with only male, but sts with 1–2 female capitula below; capitula sessile and either strictly axillary or without bracts. Fls white. Male capitula c. 1 cm. diam., fls ∞; stamens c. 3 mm. long, filaments much > per.; anthers 2–3 times as long as broad. Female capitula to 1.5 cm. diam., fls c. 60; per.-scales 4–8, the inner ones smaller; ovary c. 4 mm. long, narrow-fusiform; style short; stigma oval, c. ½ style-length. Fr. c. 6 × 3 mm., sessile, obovoid.
Fls ∞ in ± spirally twisted spike; floral bracts = or > ovary. Ovary and per. ± glandular-pubescent; per. ± horizontal-tubular, dorsal sepal uppermost; lateral sepals subsimilar, not connate; petals ± similar, in part adnate to dorsal sepal. Labellum of about equal length, sessile or shortly clawed, concave and embracing base of column, distally spreading and crenate to crisped; calli 2, lateral, near base. Column short, us. flanked by 2 small wings; anther dorsal, often overtopped by rostellum, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen granular; stigma broad; rostellum us. long, remaining as 2 tall processes after its central long-oval viscidium is detached. Plants terrestrial, glab. except for infl.; roots clustered, us. ± tuberous. Lvs several, mostly basal; stem with persistent sheathing bracts Spp. estimated at 50 to 300, widely dispersed through temperate zones. The N.Z. sp. widespread in Australia and Asia.
Plant at fl. c. 10–100 cm. tall, mostly glab. Roots several, ± spindle-shaped, on vertical sympodial axis. Stem erect, slender to stout, much exceeding lvs. Basal lvs 2–6, c. 5–20 cm. × 5–15 mm.; lamina narrow-elliptic tapering into petiole of about equal length; stem-bracts 2–4. Spike c. 2–15 cm. × 5–10 mm.; fls ± crowded, almost sessile. Ovary almost glab. to closely glandular-pubescent. Per. 4–7 mm. long, ± cylindric, rose-red to pink except for white labellum. Dorsal sepal ± oblong, slightly concave except at tip; laterals slightly pouched at base, obtuse to subacute. Petals ± oblong, ± adnate to dorsal sepal. Labellum broad and recurved at tip; upper margin ± laciniate and much crisped and irregularly thickened; base sessile, concave, smooth except for 2 prominent lateral calli which fit beneath stigma in undissected fl. Column narrow below stigma; anther obtuse, overtopping stigma; stigma broad and prominent, sts lacking rostellum, us. overtopped by delicate, membr., ± laciniate column-wings.
Infl. in lateral pouch, enclosed in spathe. Ovules 1–4. Fr. slightly winged. Seed longitudinally ribbed and transversely striate or smooth. Plants floating on water surface, budding from lateral pouches, 3–5 or more platelets remaining attached together. Platelets orbicular to obovate in outline, ± asymmetric; nerves absent or present. Roots 2–15, in a group. All spp. pigmented red-purple on one or both surfaces. About 5 spp., mostly widespread.
Platelets to 5 × 3 mm., elliptic-obovate, slightly asymmetric; dorsal surface green, flat to convex; ventral surface convex, ± inflated, us. strong red-purple; nerves obscure. Roots 2–5. Spathe open along one side. Fr. ovoid, 1-seeded. Seed ribbed, reticulate; operculum prominent.
Plants dioec. Infl. in both sexes a terminal cymose panicle. Glumes scarcely imbricate. Fls ∞, sessile or pedicellate; bractlets 2. Tepals 6, glume-like. ♂ with 3 stamens; anthers 1-celled; ovary rud. ♀ with 3 staminodia; ovary 1-locular; style 1. Fr. a capsule, dehiscing longitudinally. Perennial, rhizomatous, stout. Culms erect, much-branched. Lvs reduced to persistent scale-like sheaths. Monotypic, confined to N.Z.
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Rhizome c. 1 mm. diam., often much elongated, covered with red or pale brown, membr., imbricate bracts. Culms (15)–30–80–(110) cm. × c. 0.5 mm., tufted, wiry, shining, light green. Basal lvs reduced to red, mucronate, sheathing bracts; the uppermost up to 15 cm. long, with a very slender mucro-like lamina, up to 5 mm. long. Panicle 1.5–3 cm. long, of 3–7, us. stalked spikelets; subtending bracts with a long lamina > spikelets. Spikelets c. 5 mm. long, narrow, dark brown or reddish, 2–(1)-fld. Glumes distichous, lanceolate, acuminate, with white membr. margins, the upper 1–2 pubescent towards the tip, the others glab., the lower 3–4 and the upper 1–2 empty. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut c. 1.5 × 1 mm., ellipsoid or oblong-ovoid, light brown with 3 white ribs, surface smooth, crowned by a pubescent, persistent style-base, as long as the nut but much narrower throughout.
Infl. a short narrow panicle. Spikelets us. 2-fld, the upper fl. hermaphrodite, the lower male. Glumes distichous, the lower 3 or more empty, the next 2 floriferous, us. followed by an empty, or very small upper glume. Hypog. bristles 0 in N.Z., elsewhere 0 or various. Stamens 3, 4, (6 or 8). Style continuous with nut, dilated and scabrous at the base; style-branches 3 or 4. Nut turgid-trigonous, rarely tetragonous, crowned by the persistent style-base. Perennial herbs. Rhizome short and woody. Culms tufted, lfy at base or a few lvs cauline. A genus of c. 40 spp. mainly S. African, but 4 spp. are Australian. The N.Z. sp. occurs also in Australia.
Plant at fl. 15–30 cm. tall, often reddish. Lf narrow-linear, almost terete to shallowly channelled. Infl. 1–3–(6) -fld. Per. c. 8–10 mm. long, from cream to pink, without stripes or spots. Sepals and petals alike, broadly oblong. Labellum often slightly smaller. Column-arms ± ovate, thick and fleshy, marginally crenate but without fringes or cilia; post-anther lobe almost as high as anther, erect, margins fleshy, unevenly thickened to almost cucullate, bright yellow.
Plant at fl. to 50 cm. tall. Lf to 10 mm. wide, channelled, ± distinctly keeled. Infl. to c. 10-fld. Per. c. 15 mm. long, lavender-blue with darker spots, especially on petals. Sepals and petals ovate-oblong, subacute, ± concave giving rounded appearance to fl. Labellum slightly spathulate. Column-arms terete to plano-convex in T.S.; cilia very ∞, white, arising from sides, back and top of arm and mostly standing higher than post-anther lobe; post-anther lobe narrow compared with maximum width of column, extending well above anther-tip, dark and tuberculate above the middle, margin us. yellow, finely denticulate, inclined to bend over anther though not thickened or incurved.
Plant at fl. 15–40 cm. tall. Lf 10–20 mm. wide, shallowly channelled, thick. Infl. to c. 6-fld. Per. c. 15 mm. long, pinkish to very pale lavender or blue with strong blue stripes, especially on petals. Sepals and petals subsimilar, broad, slightly obovate. Labellum oblong-obovate. Column-arms thickened about the nerve, flanged about the base with delicate pinkish lobes, teeth or fimbriae that sts extend down the front margin of the column-wing; the arms bent inwards so that the two globose bunches of crowded cilia meet just above the anther-tip; cilia at first pale yellow, turning brown with age, in old fls standing more erect; post-anther lobe taller than anther and ± hooded over it, us. dark red and ± tuberculate towards top with yellow margin.
Plant at fl. to 50 cm. tall. Lf to 2 cm. wide, channelled, thick and heavy, sheathing high up stem. Infl. to c. 12-fld. Per. c. 9–13 mm. long, blue, without stripes or spots. Sepals, petals and labellum similar, narrow-obovate. Column-arms flattened, ± channelled, with yellow fringes and cilia from margins, each arm projecting from inner face of side lobule, us. standing taller than anther; post-anther lobe not as tall as anther, erect, margins yellowish red and ± thickened into finger-like calli; side lobules taller than anther, pinkish or yellowish, fleshy, with subulate erect points on margins and similar or more elongate tubercles on surface.
Plant at fl. to c. 40 cm. tall. Lf 7–15 mm. wide, channelled and ± keeled, forming rather well-defined V in T.S. Infl. to c. 6-fld. Per. c. 15 mm. long, between pink and blue, without stripes or spots. Sepals, petals and labellum subsimilar, elliptic, sepals more acute. Column-arms terete to plano-convex in T.S.; cilia ∞, us. very pale yellow, arising from sides, back and top of arm, mostly standing erect and above post-anther lobe; post-anther lobe tall, overtopping anther at least at sides, erect, truncate sts quite obliquely forming a deep cleft at back, us. dark red towards top, margin ± yellow, ± denticulate but not thickened or involute, often ending in front in two sharp points.
Plant at fl. to 50–(70) cm. tall. Lf c. 5–12 mm. wide, fleshy, deeply channelled. Fls often ∞, sts > 20. Per. c. 11–13 mm. long, blue, us. with darker spots. Sepals and petals rather broad. Labellum slightly more rounded. Column-arms flattened, cilia white and mostly marginal, each arm projecting from the anterior margin of the side lobule; post-anther lobe little if at all taller than anther, erect, ± ornamented at top with violet to yellow, thick, finger-like calli; side lobules distinct, often much taller, yellow, fleshy and ± jagged on margins.
Raceme of few to c. 20 fls, sts reduced to one; floral bracts large, us. exceeding ovary. Per. glab., opening widely in sun; dorsal sepal uppermost, similar to lateral sepals and to petals. Labellum similar to petals and sepals, though sts differing slightly in shape. Column short, erect; wings joined in front at base and variously lobed and ornamented at sides and often behind anther; anther ± erect, us. partly or wholly hidden by wings, connective often produced into a short point, pollinia 2 per cell, pollen finely granular; stigma broad, flat, ± bilobed above, us. overlapping base of anther; rostellum small and narrow. Plants terrestrial, glab.; tubers ovoid, new one produced at base of parent plant. Lf solitary, sheathing at base, linear to lanceolate, often thick and fleshy; cauline bracts 1–2, foliaceous. Genus of c. 45 spp., mostly Australian and N.Z., extending also to Philippines and New Caledonia. Perhaps half of the N.Z. spp. endemic, the rest shared with Australia.
Plant at fl. c. 5–50 cm. tall. Lf c. 10–20 mm. wide, strap-shaped, often ± ridged, especially abaxially, thick but flaccid. Infl. c. 1–10–(20) -fld. Per. c. 8–15 mm. long, ± reddish green externally, internally us. white, occ. pink, without stripes or spots. Dorsal sepal slightly broader than laterals. Petals and labellum alike, ovate, subacute. Column-arms terete, us. bent inward; cilia very ∞, white, short and crowded in globose masses lying ± under post-anther lobe; post-anther lobe overtopping anther, us. dark and smooth above middle and ± yellowish on the cucullate semicircular margin.
Plant at fl. c. 10–15 cm. tall. Lf flexuous or spirally twisted round stem; sheath broad, finely and closely puberulous, as is stem immediately below; lamina 3–6 cm. long, linear and very much narrower than sheath. Infl. 1–2-fld. Per. c. 8–14 mm. long, dark purplish blue with darker veins. Sepals, petals and labellum alike, lanceolate or oblong-lanceolate, acute or shortly acuminate. Column short; anther largely exposed; connective prolonged; column-arms ± oblong, thick and fleshy, neither lobed nor ciliate, bright yellow; post-anther lobe lacking; small calli sts present across back of anther between bases of column-arms.
Plant at fl. c. 5–40 cm. tall. Lf c. 10–15 mm. wide, channelled, fleshy, keeled, us. without longitudinal ribs. Infl. us. slender, capsules often maturing without per. having opened; fls to c. 10, us. fewer. Per. c. 8–12 mm. long, us. lilac-pink, without stripes or spots. Sepals, petals and labellum similar, elliptic, subacute. Column-arms terete, us. ± erect; cilia white, rather sparse and straight, mostly projecting above post-anther lobe; post-anther lobe overtopping anther, dark above middle and us. yellow on margin which is so turned in as to appear deeply cleft or bifid, the 2 halves rounded and meeting along mid line above anther.
Plant at fl. 15–60 cm. tall. Stem stout, often > 3 mm. diam. Lf 6–10–20) mm. wide, channelled, thick and heavy. Infl. often > 6-fld. Per. 12–17 mm. long, us. between blue and pink with strong blue stripes, sts white with blue stripes, occ. clear pink overall. Sepels and petals sub-similar, rather broadly ovate, lateral sepals narrowest. Labellum distinctly more obovate. Column-arms us. higher than anther, flat, reddish, variously elaborated within one population of plants or even within one raceme; commonly the margins are thin, near the base red, toothed or even lobed (anteriorly or posteriorly or both), the upper teeth stretching out into branched fimbriae, also red, which gradually give way to much finer yellow fimbriae extending to the top of the arm; proportions of red to yellow, of teeth to fimbriae, of plain to ornamented margin seem quite unfixed, the simplest arm being short and thick with only a few small tufts of reddish hairs; post-anther lobe also variable, rarely taller than anther, its margin variously thickened or sts incurved or irregularly denticulate, us. dark reddish in its upper part and often edged with yellow, occ. ± tuberculate.
Plant at fl. c. 10–50 cm. tall, often gregarious. Lf linear, fleshy, roundly thickened on margins and keel and so ± trefoil-shaped in T.S. Infl. 1–c. 6-fld. Per. c. 10–15 mm. long, most commonly blue, less commonly white, petals and occ. other tepals strongly striped with darker blue, occ. wholly pink without obvious stripes. Lateral sepals narrow. Petals broad-elliptic. Labellum broadly obovate, sts slightly crenate towards tip or mucronate. Column short; anther bent forward, almost fully exposed, ending in 2 short horns; column-arms ± ribbon-like, tending to twist inwards into ½–1½ turns of a loose spiral, tip sts unevenly notched; post-anther lobe lacking; a narrow band of clear, blister-like, crowded calli lies across back of anther between bases of column-arms and sts extends up their lower margins.
Fls us. solitary, terminal on short lateral branch, large for size of plant. Per.-tube campanulate to urceolate, circumscissile just above ovary; lobes 6, the inner 3 us. larger and sts connivent or ± connate at their tips to form an erect mitre with 3 openings or fenestrae. Stamens 6; filaments short, attached to annulus at mouth of per.-tube and deflexed inwards; anthers free or connate into a tube, dehiscing by longitudinal slits. Ovary 1-locular, with 3 placentae us. suspended by slender stalks between roof and floor of the cavity; style short and thick; stigmas 3, simple or bilobed. Fr. turbinate, us. fleshy, crowned by thick ring of per.-tube base and by persistent style and stigmas. Saprophytic fleshy herbs perennating by tuberous, coralloid or vermiform subterranean parts. Stems us. short and unbranched. Lvs small, scalelike, those immediately below fl. often forming an involucre. Some 2 dozen spp. of Australia, Indomalaysia, India and America.
Plant glab., reddish or pinkish to white in all parts; roots smooth, c. 1-1.5 mm. diam., branching at intervals of c. 1-2 cm. and giving off at almost every fork an unbranched, ± erect stem 5-20 mm. long. Scale lvs few, ovate, acute, the largest (us. the 3 just below fl.) to 5 × 2 mm. Fl. c. 15 mm. long, solitary, terminal, mostly red. Per.-tube c. 10 × 8 mm., long-turbinate, translucent; outer lobes c. 4 × 1 mm., narrow-triangular, erect or sts reflexed, in mature fl. narrower than the fenestrae between inner lobes; inner lobes c. 4-5 × 2.5 mm., arching inwards and firmly connate above to form a mitre with broad fenestrae in its sides, the projecting keel of each inner lobe produced into a free appendage that varies from a short subula to a well-developed process several mm. long. Stamens scarcely visible from outside, pendent from the short, us. red annulus; free filaments very short, incurved; anthers broader and connate into a pale tube that reaches more than half way down the per.-tube; pollen sacs very small, widely separated, near upper limit of tube; connectives delicately membr. and elaborately lobed, the free margin with a long median hair between 2 triangular teeth; behind this hangs a spathulate anther-appendage, ciliolate on its free margin. Nectaries 6, below the anthers, each one lying on the line of junction of 2 adjacent connectives, and enclosed within its own membr. pouch. Ovary short-turbinate, c. 1.5 × 2 mm., upper surface slightly concave; style stout, c. 1 mm. long; stigmas truncate-obovate, shortly bilobed; ovules with long funicles, crowded on stalked placentae and filling the upper part of the ovary. Fr. fleshy, the upper portion becoming thin and transparent and then disintegrating to expose the brown seeds.
Infl. a raceme on long lfless peduncle. Fls bisexual. Tepals nearly equal, concave, deciduous, each with an adnate, almost sessile stamen with broad anther. Carpels 3 or 6, ± adnate to central axis or carpophore from which fertile ones, us. 3, become detached when ripe, sterile carpels falling later, if at all. Fr. follicular but indehiscent, loosely enclosing linear seed. Grassy herbs with fibrous roots. Lvs tufted, obscurely alt., linear, erect; sheath membr., open, terminating above in entire or 2-lobed ligule. About 12 spp. of temperate regions, especially well represented in Australia, the 2 N.Z. spp. widespread.
Slender herb with long rhizomes. Lvs 5–50 cm. long; ligule of 2 short rounded lobes; lamina c. 0.5 mm. diam., slightly channelled or semicircular in section, minutely ridged. Raceme c. = peduncle, to 15 cm. long in fr.; pedicels to 6 mm. long, rather closely appressed to axis. Fls c. 3 mm. long, greenish or reddish; stylar tips erect. Fr. 8–10 × 1 mm., narrow-linear, the 3 fertile follicles not keeled, separating first at their very narrow bases while remaining attached to top of triquetrous carpophore.
Characters as for the family.
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Fls unisexual, minute, densely crowded on large cylindric infl. of which the lower part is wholly female, the upper, short-lived, terminal part male, the two parts sts separated by a length of bare stem; spathes, one to each portion of infl., membr. and caducous. Male fl. of 1-few anthers on ± fused filaments associated with simple or forked hairs or narrow bracteoles; anthers linear, basifixed; connective produced into an obtuse or subulate fleshy apex; pollen grains single or remaining in tetrads. Female fls grouped on simple or compound pedicels, with or without bracteoles; each fl. of a narrow one-celled ovary, a slender style and elongated stigma, the whole surrounded by long hairs borne on a gynophore that often elongates as fr. matures; sterile fls sts ∞ on upper part of compound pedicels, the aborted ovary (carpodium) clavate and almost terminal. Fr. dry, dispersed with persistent style and hairy gynophore, at length splitting to liberate narrow endospermous seed. Marsh or aquatic perennials with creeping rhizomes and simple stems often submerged at base. Lvs tufted, distichous, linear, glab.; sheath open; lamina thick and ± spongy. One cosmopolitan genus of some 10 spp.
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Caespitose. Culms (10)–20–60 cm. × c. 1 mm., glab.; basal bracts dull brown to reddish brown. Lvs 4–8 per culm, = or > culms, 3–5 mm.wide, scabrid on the margins. Spikes 7–16 cm. × 6–10 mm., us. bracteate, female fls c. 60–100, very closely crowded throughout almost the whole spike, internodes 0.5–4 mm. long. Glumes twice as long as utricles, deciduous, linear-subulate, acute or obtuse, coriac., yellowish or ferruginous. Utricles 4–5 × c. 1.5 mm., plano-convex or rarely subtrigonous, dark brown, shining, nerved towards the base with a more strongly marked lateral nerve, sharply contracted below to a stipe 1 mm. long and above to a stout beak 1.5–2 mm. long.
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Infl. a simple terminal spike with unisexual fls, ♂ at top, ♀ lower, in 1-fld spikelets each subtended by a glume; ♂ with 3 stamens; ♀ surrounded by a plano-convex to trigonous, us. glab., occ. hispid, closed sac or utricle; style-branches 3, protruding from mouth of utricle; nut trigonous; axis of spikelet, the rhachilla, produced beyond mouth of utricle and terminating in a rigid glume which is sharply reflexed to form a hook. Perennial herbs, tufted or shortly rhizomatous. Culms ± trigonous, occ. terete, with bract-like sheaths at base. Lvs grass-like, linear, us. Shallowly channelled, almost flat towards the base, flanged-channelled towards the tip, occ. involute, rarely plano-convex, margins ± scabrid, tip us. trigonous, lf-base sheathing. Between 40 and 50 spp., mainly in the S. Hemisphere but not found in S. Africa. Most N.Z. spp. are endemic but 2 are recorded from elsewhere in the Pacific.
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Infl. in a cavity opening on the upper surface; one male and one female fl. together, without spathe. Ovule 1. Fr. spherical. Seed smooth; operculum prominent. Plants floating on water surface, budding from pouch at narrow end, platelets solitary or in twos. Platelets globose to ovoid, ± flat on top. Root absent. No red-purple pigment. About 8 spp., predominantly in tropical and subtropical areas.
Infl. terminal; raceme secund; peduncle long with several large sheathing bracts; pedicel not articulated, subtended by floral bract. Fls red; tepals free, ± equal, 1-nerved, at first erect, becoming reflexed and twisted and so persisting with the entangled staminal filaments until the capsule opens. Stamens 6; filaments > tepals, glab.; anthers oblong, versatile, dorsifixed, foveolate at insertion of filament, introrse, dehiscing by a longitudinal slit. Ovary superior, ± stipitate, constricted about the middle, 3-locular, each locule with several ovules; style > tepals, cylindric; stigma narrow. Capsule ± trigonous, broader below than above the equatorial constriction, loculicidal but the valves us. separating widely only in upper part. Seeds ± spiny-papillose. Robust, tufted, glab., evergreen herbs of irislike habit; rhizome short, erect, hidden in massive fibrous remains of old lvs; tillers ∞. Lvs distichous, equitant, rigid; sheathing base long, thick and fleshy. Genus of 2 spp., in the mountains of New Caledonia and the N.Z. endemic sp.
Floral bracts more leaf-like, green at least until anthesis, longer than pedicels.
Plants forming compact clumps, sts several metres in diam. Rhizome to 5 cm. diam., with ∞ cord-like roots. Lvs 60–100 × 3–5 cm.; lamina of very firm texture with ∞, subequal nerves, thickened margins and subacute tip; sheath to 30 cm. long, thick and very fleshy. Peduncle > lvs, c. 1 cm. diam., mostly covered by 3–4 sheathing green bracts of decreasing size. Raceme 15–35 cm. long, inclined to the peduncle so as to be almost horizontal; fls crowded; pedicels 10–15 mm. long, bracteate, those from the under side bending upwards so that all fls stand vertically. Fls red in all parts; tepals 10–15 mm. long, the outer c. 3 mm. wide, the inner c. 1.5 mm. Staminal filaments scarcely flattened, to 2 × tepals; anthers to 4 mm. long, pollen tangerine-coloured. Ovary c. 4 × 2 mm., oblong-trigonous, stipitate, the base surrounded by a thickened ring; nectar accumulating in a large viscid white drop on the concavity over each septum; style reaching to anther-level, hardening and remaining stiff and erect in ripe fr.; ovules in two short rows of about 8 in each locule, the placentae occupying the middle third of the axis. Capsule 9–11 mm. long including narrow gynophore of 2 mm., c. 8 mm. diam. below, narrower above, the valves drying hard and firm with the thickened margins separating widely above, narrowly below. Seeds us. fewer than ovules, ovate in outline, c. 1.6 × 1 mm., black, finely reticulate on the inner keeled face, the outer rounded face covered with semi-transparent blunt papillae.
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Plant at fl. c. 3–20 cm. tall. Rhizome 3–5 mm. diam., much branched, bearing tufts of long, fine, colourless hairs, and vestigial scale-lvs. Stem erect and unbranched, pale rose colour, glandular-pubescent. Scale-lvs 1–7, c. 1–1.5 cm. long, paler than stem, many-nerved, those lower on the stem half-tubular, those higher up open-sheathed. Floral bracts similar, > very short pedicels. Fls us. 1–5, suberect. Per. c. 6 mm. long, brownish with white tips, ± glandular-pubescent externally. Dorsal sepal ± oblong, slightly concave; laterals similar, ± spreading. Petals similar, wholly included. Labellum sessile, almost orbicular to broad-oblong, ± embracing column; base broad, very slightly pouched, bearing on each side several fleshy hairs or elongated calli; median line thickened; sides becoming thick, fleshy and stiff towards tip and tuberculate externally; margins inturned, thin and membr.; mid-lobe very small, orbicular, deeply concave. Column almost as tall as labellum, subcylindric below with very narrow wings; filament broad, rigid; connective slightly produced; anther tall and erect, immobile, each cell with 2 sets of transversely oblique, closely packed, vermiform pollen-packets; stigma apparently bilobed, as if forming the top of a protruding funnel flanked by fleshy lobes that flare widely apart in old fls; rostellum long, narrow-triangular, wedged between the long pollinia, possibly topped by small dark knob. Seed elongate-cylindric with blunt ends.
Raceme of few to many fls; pedicels short to long; floral bracts scarious. Per. sts glandular-hairy; labellum adaxial in bud but ± twisted away from that position as fl. matures; sepals free, ± similar; petals only slightly smaller, partly covered by dorsal sepal to form hood over column. Labellum as long as petals, erect, broad, concave, ± saccate near broad base, contracted towards tip. Column erect, shorter than labellum; anther erect, pollinia sectile; stigma deeply concave. Plants terrestrial, non-green; rhizome elongated, branched. Flowering stem erect, unbranched, bearing loosely sheathing scales. Obscure genus of few spp. and uncertain limits, recorded from Himalayas, N. Africa, Formosa and Japan.
Monoec. Infl. of 1 ♂ and several ♀. ♂ of a single stamen; anther 2-celled; pollen spherical. Carpels enclosed in hyaline cup-shaped membrane, shortly stipitate; ovary globose; style short; stigma obliquely peltate. Fr. ± arcuate. Rhizome threadlike, rooting at nodes and giving off long slender branches. Lvs in apparent whorls of 3–4 separated by long internodes; stipules colourless, membr., free from lf-base, sheathing stem, soon deciduous. 1–2 spp. of fresh water, almost worldwide.
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Monoec. or dioec. Infl. of 1 to few minute unisexual fls enclosed within sheathing lf-bases. Per. 0 or represented by 3 membr. scales. Stamen solitary or 2–3; anthers 1–2-celled, dehiscing longitudinally; pollen globular or threadlike. Carpels 1–9, free, sessile or shortly stipitate; style simple or 2–4-lobed, stigmas capitate to funnelform; ovule solitary, pend., strongly curved. Fr. beaked with persistent style-base, indehiscent. Seed without endosperm. Aquatic, rhizomatous, perennial, glab. herbs of fresh, brackish or salt water, us. submerged. Lvs simple, narrowly linear, almost filiform, alt., but sts crowded as though whorled; stipules sheathing or open, either free throughout or adnate to lf-base except for free ligule or auricles. Genera 6, one widespread in temperate waters.
Similar to in habit but stouter in all its parts. Lf-lamina 20–50 cm. × 2.5–4 mm.; primary nerves us. > 3, us. at least 1 and often 2 nerves in addition to the median and the 2 marginal ones; interstitial nerves us. > 6, often 8–9, on each side of median; cross veins often ∞ and extending across only 2–3 interstitial nerves, giving a closer and less regular pattern than in . Erect stems slender and flattened, the "peduncular" internode narrower than the spathe. Spathe-like sheath c. 1.5–2.5 cm. × 3–4 mm. (folded width), its margins squarely truncate at the top and its terminating lamina 3–5 cm. × 2.5–3.5 mm. Spadix rarely shorter than spathe; retinacula often 4 or more on each side, obliquely ovate, c. 1 × 1 mm. and c. 2–2.5 mm. apart. Stamens and carpels closely packed, carpels often > 6 and anther-sacs about twice their number. Achene unknown. 2n = 24.
Spadix sessile, unbranched, permanently enclosed in the sheath of the uppermost If; axis flattened to a thin, membr. strap bearing ∞ fls on its concave outer face; stamens alternating with carpels in 2 longitudinal, often crowded series. Stamen of 2 pollen sacs joined by a curved connective adnate to the axis, each sac simulating a single, ovate, sessile, 1-celled anther. Carpel flask-shaped, rounded at base, attached above the middle by a cushion of tissue. Rhizome ± compressed, creeping, rooting at nodes and there producing either vegetative shoots with short internodes and long lvs or erect, short-lived, sympodial reproductive shoots with longer internodes and us. shorter lvs. Lvs ± translucent; sheath long, open or closed, ± auriculate above; lamina entire, top bluntly truncate or emarginate by erosion; primary nerves parallel, at least 3 (1 median and 2 sub-marginal), sts more; interstitial nerves more delicate, intersected at intervals by ± horizontal cross veins. Plants forming grass-like, mud-collecting swards. Cosmopolitan genus of c. 12 spp. N.Z. representatives are referred to 2 Australian spp., but the descriptions are drawn up from N.Z. plants.
Rhizome slightly compressed, 1–2 mm. diam.; internodes c. 1–2 cm. long. Lf-sheath 2–4 cm. long, fibrous in age, the broad, membr. margins inflexed and each terminating in an erect rounded auricle; lamina 5–30 cm. × 1–2 mm.; primary nerves 3, interstitial nerves (4)–5–(6), cross veins us. at ± regular, rather long intervals and nearly all extending from median to marginal nerve, producing a pattern of long oblongs. Erect stems narrow and flattened, the subfloral ("peduncular") internode 1–6 cm. × 0.5–1 mm. Spathe-like sheath 1.5–2.5 cm. × 2–2.5 mm. (folded width), its margins squarely truncate at the top and its terminating lamina 3–8 cm. × 1.5–2 mm. Spadix often shorter than spathe; retinacula us. 3 on each side, broadly obliquely ovate, c. 1–1.5 × 1 mm. and 2–2.5 mm. apart. Stamens and carpels closely packed, carpels rarely > 6 and anther-sacs about twice their number, all sloping obliquely inwards and upwards. Achene elliptic-oblong, c. 2.5 × 1 mm.; seed smooth, yellow. 2n = 24.
Infl. a spadix or spike enclosed, at least at first, in a spathe-like If-sheath. Fls ∞, in 2 vertical rows on one surface of the flattened axis. Per. 0 or perhaps sts represented by a bract-like lobe (retinaculum). Stamen solitary; anthers sessile, dehiscence longitudinal; pollen thread-like. Carpel solitary, narrowing above to short style; stigmas 2, flagelliform; ovule solitary, pend. Achene ± beaked, indehiscent or bursting irregularly. Rhizomatous, glab., marine perennials with flattened stems and 2-ranked, linear, sheathing lvs. Two genera, monoec., widespread, dioec., from north Pacific coasts only.
Cited scientific names
- Acianthus fornicatus var. sinclairii (Hook.f.) Hatch
- Acianthus R.Br.
- Acianthus reniformis (R.Br.) Schltr.
- Acianthus viridis Hook.f.
- Acianthus viridis sensu L.B. Moore
- Adenochilus gracilis Hook.f.
- Adenochilus Hook.f.
- Agavaceae Dumort.
- Alepyrum ciliatum (Hook.f.) Hieron.
- Alepyrum pallidum (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Anguillaria novae-zelandiae Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Anguillaria R.Br.
- Anthericum hookeri (Colenso ex Hook.) Hook.f.
- Anthericum rossii (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Anthophyllum urvillei Steud.
- Aporostylis bifolia (Hook.f.) Rupp & Hatch
- Aporostylis Rupp & Hatch
- Arthropodium candidum Raoul
- Arthropodium cirratum (G.Forst.) R.Br.
- Arthropodium R.Br.
- Astelia albicans Colenso
- Astelia Banks & Sol. ex R.Br.
- Astelia banksii A.Cunn.
- Astelia chathamica (Skottsb.) L.B.Moore
- Astelia cockaynei Cheeseman
- Astelia cunninghamii Hook.f.
- Astelia cunninghamii subsp. hookeriana Kirk
- Astelia fragrans Colenso
- Astelia graminea L.B.Moore
- Astelia graminifolia Colenso
- Astelia grandis Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Astelia hastata Colenso
- Astelia linearis Hook.f.
- Astelia linearis Hook.f. var. linearis
- Astelia linearis var. novae-zelandiae Skottsb.
- Astelia linearis var. subulata Hook.f.
- Astelia microsperma Colenso
- Astelia minima Colenso
- Astelia montana (Kirk ex Cheeseman) Cockayne
- Astelia nana Carse
- Astelia nervosa Hook.f.
- Astelia nervosa var. chathamica Skottsb.
- Astelia nervosa var. grandis (Hook.f. ex Kirk) Cockayne & Allan
- Astelia nervosa var. montana Kirk ex Cheeseman
- Astelia nervosa var. sylvestris Cockayne & Allan
- Astelia nivicola Cockayne ex Cheeseman
- Astelia nivicola Cockayne ex Cheeseman var. nivicola
- Astelia nivicola var. moriceae L.B.Moore
- Astelia petriei Cockayne
- Astelia planifolia Colenso
- Astelia polyneuron Colenso
- Astelia skottsbergii L.B.Moore
- Astelia solandri A.Cunn.
- Astelia solandri subsp. hookerana (Kirk) L.B.Moore
- Astelia spicata Colenso
- Astelia subrigida Colenso
- Astelia subulata (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Astelia trinervia Kirk
- Bagnisia hillii Cheeseman
- Baumea arthrophylla (Nees) Boeckeler
- Baumea articulata (R.Br.) S.T.Blake
- Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake
- Baumea Gaudich.
- Baumea huttonii (Kirk) S.T.Blake
- Baumea juncea (R.Br.) Palla
- Baumea rubiginosa (Biehler) Boeckeler
- Baumea tenax (Hook.f.) S.T.Blake
- Baumea teretifolia (R.Br.) Palla
- Bulbinella angustifolia (Cockayne & Laing) L.B.Moore
- Bulbinella gibbsii Cockayne
- Bulbinella gibbsii Cockayne var. gibbsii
- Bulbinella gibbsii var. balanifera L.B.Moore
- Bulbinella hookeri (Colenso ex Hook.) Mottet
- Bulbinella hookeri var. angustifolia Cockayne & Laing
- Bulbinella Kunth
- Bulbinella modesta L.B.Moore
- Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
- Bulbinella talbotii L.B.Moore
- Bulbophyllum pygmaeum (Sm.) Lindl.
- Bulbophyllum Thouars
- Bulbophyllum tuberculatum Colenso
- Burmanniaceae Blume
- Caladenia bifolia Hook.f.
- Caladenia carnea R.Br.
- Caladenia carnea var. exigua (Cheeseman) Rupp
- Caladenia exigua Cheeseman
- Caladenia lyallii Hook.f.
- Caladenia macrophylla Colenso
- Caladenia minor Hook.f.
- Caladenia minor var. exigua Cheeseman
- Caladenia R.Br.
- Caleana minor R.Br.
- Caleana R.Br.
- Callixene melantha Colenso
- Callixene parviflora Hook.f.
- Calochilus campestris R.Br.
- Calochilus paludosus R.Br.
- Calochilus R.Br.
- Calochilus robertsonii Benth.
- Calorophus Labill.
- Calorophus minor Hook.f.
- Carex acicularis Boott
- Carex albula Allan
- Carex allanii Hamlin
- Carex appressa R.Br.
- Carex appressa var. secta (Boott) Kük.
- Carex appressa var. sectoides Kük.
- Carex appressa var. virgata (Boott) Kük.
- Carex australis sensu Kirk
- Carex berggrenii Petrie
- Carex breviculmis R.Br.
- Carex buchananii Berggr.
- Carex capillacea Boott
- Carex cardrona Hamlin
- Carex carsei Petrie
- Carex cataractae R.Br.
- Carex cataractae sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Carex cephalotes F.Muell.
- Carex chathamica Petrie
- Carex cheesemanii Petrie
- Carex cinnamomea Cheeseman
- Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
- Carex cirrhosa var. lutescens Kük.
- Carex cockayneana Kük.
- Carex colensoi Boott
- Carex comans Berggr.
- Carex comans var. cheesemanii (Petrie) Kük.
- Carex comans var. pulchella (Berggr.) C.B.Clarke
- Carex comans var. stricta Cheeseman
- Carex confusa Hamlin
- Carex coriacea Hamlin
- Carex cryptocarpa sensu Cheeseman
- Carex dallii Kirk
- Carex darwinii Boott
- Carex darwinii var. aristata C.B.Clarke
- Carex darwinii var. aristata sensu Kük.
- Carex darwinii var. urolepis (Franch.) Kük.
- Carex decurtata Cheeseman
- Carex devia Cheeseman
- Carex diandra Schrank
- Carex dipsacea Berggr.
- Carex dissita Sol. ex Boott
- Carex dissita var. lambertiana (Boott) Cheeseman
- Carex dissita var. monticola Kük.
- Carex dissita var. ochrosaccus C.B.Clarke ex Cheeseman
- Carex dissita var. solandri (Boott) Kük.
- Carex druceana Hamlin
- Carex druceana Hamlin var. druceana
- Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar
- Carex echinata Murray
- Carex edgariae Hamlin
- Carex elingamita Hamlin
- Carex enysii Petrie
- Carex fascicularis Boott
- Carex fascicularis var. minor Boott
- Carex filamentosa Petrie
- Carex flagellifera Colenso
- Carex flaviformis Nelmes
- Carex forsteri subsp. insularis W.R.B.Oliver
- Carex forsteri var. cockayneana (Kük.) Kük.
- Carex forsteri var. fascicularis (Boott) Hook.f.
- Carex forsteri Wahlenb.
- Carex fretalis Hamlin
- Carex gaudichaudiana Kunth
- Carex gaudichaudiana var. humilior sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Carex geminata Schkuhr
- Carex goyenii Petrie
- Carex hectorii Petrie
- Carex inconspicua Colenso
- Carex inopinata V.J.Cook
- Carex inversa R.Br.
- Carex inversa var. radicata Cheeseman
- Carex kaloides Petrie
- Carex kermadecensis Petrie
- Carex kirkii Petrie
- Carex kirkii var. elatior Kük.
- Carex L.
- Carex lachenalii Schkuhr
- Carex lambertiana Boott
- Carex lessoniana Steud.
- Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
- Carex litorosa L.H.Bailey
- Carex littoralis sensu Petrie
- Carex littorea Labill.
- Carex lucida Boott
- Carex lucida var. buchanani (Berggr.) Kük.
- Carex maorica Hamlin
- Carex martinii Petrie
- Carex mcclurgii Petrie
- Carex muelleri Petrie
- Carex ochrosaccus (C.B.Clarke ex Cheeseman) Hamlin
- Carex oederi var. cataractae (R.Br.) Kük.
- Carex oederi var. cataractae sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Carex paniculata var. appressa (R.Br.) Cheeseman
- Carex paniculata var. secta (Boott) Cheeseman
- Carex paniculata var. virgata (Boott) Cheeseman
- Carex petriei Cheeseman
- Carex petriei var. rubicunda (Petrie) Kük.
- Carex picta Colenso
- Carex pleiostachys C.B.Clarke
- Carex pseudocyperus var. fascicularis (Boott) Boott
- Carex pterocarpa Petrie
- Carex pulchella sensu Berggr.
- Carex pumila subsp. littorea (Labill.) Kük.
- Carex pumila Thunb.
- Carex pumila var. macrocarpa Carse
- Carex punctulata A.Rich.
- Carex pyrenaica Wahlenb.
- Carex pyrenaica Wahlenb. var. pyrenaica
- Carex raoulii Boott
- Carex rara subsp. capillacea (Boott) Kük.
- Carex recurva Schkuhr
- Carex resectans Cheeseman
- Carex rubicunda Petrie
- Carex secta Boott
- Carex secta var. sectoides (Kük.) Cheeseman
- Carex secta var. tenuiculmis Petrie
- Carex sectoides (Kük.) Edgar
- Carex semiforsteri C.B.Clarke
- Carex sinclairii Boott
- Carex smaragdina Colenso
- Carex solandri Boott
- Carex spinirostris Colenso
- Carex stellulata Gooden.
- Carex stellulata var. australis Kük.
- Carex subdola Boott
- Carex tahoata Hamlin
- Carex tenax sensu Berggr.
- Carex ternaria f. pallida (Cheeseman) Kük.
- Carex ternaria G.Forst. ex Boott
- Carex ternaria var. gracilis Cheeseman
- Carex ternaria var. pallida Cheeseman
- Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
- Carex thomsonii Petrie
- Carex trachycarpa Cheeseman
- Carex traversii Kirk
- Carex trifida Cav.
- Carex uncifolia Cheeseman
- Carex uncifolia var. libera Kük.
- Carex uncinata L.f.
- Carex vacillans sensu Boott
- Carex ventosa C.B.Clarke
- Carex virgata Sol. ex Boott
- Carex virgata var. secta (Boott) Hook.f.
- Carex viridis Petrie
- Carex wakatipu Petrie
- Carpha alpina R.Br.
- Carpha R.Br.
- Centrolepidaceae Endl.
- Centrolepis ciliata (Hook.f.) Druce
- Centrolepis glabra (F.Muell. ex Sond.) Hieron.
- Centrolepis Labill.
- Centrolepis minima Kirk
- Centrolepis pallida (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Centrolepis strigosa (R.Br.) Roem. & Schult.
- Centrolepis viridis (Kirk) Kirk
- Centrolepis viridis var. ligulata Kirk
- Chaetospora axillaris R.Br.
- Chaetospora capillacea Hook.f.
- Chaetospora capillaris F.Muell.
- Chaetospora concinna Hook.f.
- Chaetospora imberis R.Br.
- Chaetospora pauciflora Hook.f.
- Chaetospora tenax Hook.f.
- Chaetospora tendo Hook.f.
- Chiloglottis bifolia (Hook.f.) Schltr.
- Chiloglottis cornuta Hook.f.
- Chiloglottis formicifera Fitzg.
- Chiloglottis R.Br.
- Chiloglottis traversii F.Muell.
- Chrysobactron hookeri Colenso ex Hook.
- Chrysobactron rossii Hook.f.
- Cladium articulatum R.Br.
- Cladium australe (A.Rich.) Druce
- Cladium capillaceum (Hook.f.) C.B.Clarke
- Cladium complanatum Berggr.
- Cladium gahnoides Colenso
- Cladium glomeratum R.Br.
- Cladium gunnii sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Cladium sinclairii Hook.f.
- Cladium tenax (Hook.f.) Druce
- Cladium teretifolium R.Br.
- Cladium vauthiera C.B.Clarke ex Cheeseman
- Cladium xanthocarpum (Hook.f.) F.Muell
- Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
- Collospermum microspermum (Colenso) Skottsb.
- Collospermum Skottsb.
- Collospermum spicatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
- Cordyline ×matthewsii Carse
- Cordyline australis (G.Forst.) Endl.
- Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
- Cordyline Comm. ex R.Br.
- Cordyline hectorii Colenso
- Cordyline hookeri Kirk
- Cordyline indivisa (G.Forst.) Endl.
- Cordyline kaspar W.R.B.Oliv.
- Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
- Corybas aconitiflorus Salisb.
- Corybas cryptanthus Hatch
- Corybas macranthus (Hook.f.) Rchb.f.
- Corybas oblongus (Hook.f.) Rchb.f.
- Corybas orbiculatus (Colenso) L.B.Moore
- Corybas rivularis (A.Cunn.) Rchb.f.
- Corybas Salisb.
- Corybas trilobus (Hook.f.) Rchb.f.
- Corybas unguiculatus (R.Br.) Rchb.f.
- Corybas unguiculatus sensu L.B.Moore
- Cyperaceae Juss.
- Cyperus L.
- Cyperus ustulatus A.Rich.
- Dendrobium cunninghamii Lindl.
- Dendrobium Sw.
- Desmoschoenus Hook.f.
- Desmoschoenus spiralis (A.Rich.) Hook.f.
- Devauxia strigosa R.Br.
- Dianella intermedia Endl.
- Dianella intermedia var. norfolkensis F.Br.
- Dianella Lam. ex Juss.
- Dianella nigra Colenso
- Dietes bicolor (Steud.) Sweet ex Klatt
- Dracaena australis G.Forst.
- Dracaena indivisa G.Forst.
- Dracaenopsis australis (G.Forst.) Planch.
- Drymoanthus adversus (Hook.f.) Dockrill
- Drymoanthus Nicholls
- Earina autumnalis (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Earina Lindl.
- Earina mucronata Lindl.
- Eleocharis acuta R.Br.
- Eleocharis acuta var. platylepis Hook.f.
- Eleocharis acuta var. tenuis Carse
- Eleocharis cunninghamii Boeckeler
- Eleocharis gracilis R.Br.
- Eleocharis gracilis var. gracillima Hook.f.
- Eleocharis gracilis var. radicans Hook.f.
- Eleocharis gracillima (Hook,f.) Hook.f.
- Eleocharis hookeri Boeckeler
- Eleocharis neozelandica C.B.Clarke ex Kirk
- Eleocharis pusilla R.Br.
- Eleocharis R.Br.
- Eleocharis sphacelata R.Br.
- Enargea parviflora (Hook.f.) Skottsb.
- Fimbristylis squarrosa Vahl
- Fimbristylis squarrosa var. velata (R.Br.) C.B.Clarke
- Fimbristylis Vahl
- Fimbristylis velata R.Br.
- Freycinetia banksii A.Cunn.
- Freycinetia Gaudich.
- Fuirena rubiginosa Biehler
- Gahnia affinis (Brongn.) Steud.
- Gahnia arenaria Hook.f.
- Gahnia ebenocarpa Hook.f. ex Kirk
- Gahnia gahniiformis (Gaudich.) A.Heller
- Gahnia hectorii Kirk
- Gahnia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Gahnia lacera (A.Rich.) Steud.
- Gahnia pauciflora Kirk
- Gahnia procera J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Gahnia rigida Kirk
- Gahnia rigida var. robusta (Kirk) Benl
- Gahnia robusta Kirk
- Gahnia setifolia (A.Rich.) Hook.f.
- Gahnia setifolia var. xanthocarpa (Hook.f.) Kük.
- Gahnia xanthocarpa (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Gaimardia ciliata Hook.f.
- Gaimardia ciliata var. ligulata (Kirk) Cheeseman
- Gaimardia Gaudich.
- Gaimardia minima sensu Cheeseman
- Gaimardia pallida Hook.f.
- Gaimardia setacea Hook.f.
- Gastrodia cunninghamii Hook.f.
- Gastrodia minor Petrie
- Gastrodia R.Br.
- Gastrodia sesamoides R.Br.
- Herpolirion Hook.f.
- Herpolirion novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Hydatella Diels
- Hydatella inconspicua (Cheeseman) Cheeseman
- Hypoxidaceae R.Br.
- Hypoxis L.
- Iphigenia Kunth
- Iphigenia novae-zelandiae Baker
- Iridaceae Juss.
- Isolepis spiralis A.Rich.
- Juncaceae Juss.
- Juncaginaceae Rich.
- Juncus antarcticus Hook.f.
- Juncus australis Hook.f.
- Juncus brevifolius sensu Kirk
- Juncus caespiticius E.Mey.
- Juncus capillaceus Hook.f.
- Juncus distegus Edgar
- Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson
- Juncus gregiflorus sensu Moore & Edgar
- Juncus gunnii Hook.f.
- Juncus holoschoenus R.Br.
- Juncus holoschoenus R.Br. var. holoschoenus
- Juncus holoschoenus var. multiflorus Carse
- Juncus hookeridis Steud.
- Juncus L.
- Juncus macrostigma Colenso
- Juncus magellanicus Lam.
- Juncus maritimus var. australiensis Buchenau
- Juncus novae-zelandiae Hook.f.
- Juncus pallidus R.Br.
- Juncus pallidus var. triandrus Cheeseman
- Juncus pauciflorus R.Br.
- Juncus pauciflorus sensu Kirk
- Juncus pauciflorus var. gunnii (Hook.f.) Buchenau
- Juncus planifolius R.Br.
- Juncus prismatocarpus R.Br.
- Juncus procerus E.Mey.
- Juncus pusillus Buchenau
- Juncus sarophorus L.A.S.Johnson
- Juncus scheuchzerioides Gaudich.
- Juncus usitatus L.A.S.Johnson
- Lampocarya affinis Brongn.
- Lampocarya lacera A.Rich.
- Lampocarya setifolia A.Rich.
- Lampocarya tenax Hook.f.
- Lampocarya xanthocarpa Hook.f.
- Lemna L.
- Lemna minor L.
- Lemnaceae Martinov
- Lepidosperma australe (A.Rich.) Hook.f.
- Lepidosperma colensoi Boeckeler
- Lepidosperma filiforme Labill.
- Lepidosperma filiforme var. neozelandicum Kük.
- Lepidosperma Labill.
- Lepidosperma laterale R.Br.
- Lepilaena bilocularis Kirk
- Lepilaena J.Drumm. ex Harv.
- Leptocarpus R.Br.
- Leptocarpus similis Edgar
- Libertia grandiflora (R.Br.) Sweet
- Libertia ixioides (G.Forst.) Spreng.
- Libertia peregrinans Cockayne & Allan
- Libertia pulchella (R.Br.) Spreng.
- Libertia Spreng.
- Liliaceae Juss.
- Luzula banksiana E.Mey.
- Luzula banksiana E.Mey. var. banksiana
- Luzula banksiana var. acra Edgar
- Luzula banksiana var. migrata (Buchenau) Edgar
- Luzula banksiana var. orina Edgar
- Luzula banksiana var. rhadina (Buchenau) Edgar
- Luzula campestris var. australasica sensu New Zealand Herbaria
- Luzula celata Edgar
- Luzula colensoi Hook.f.
- Luzula crenulata Buchenau
- Luzula crinita Hook.f.
- Luzula crinita Hook.f. var. crinita
- Luzula crinita var. petrieana (Buchenau) Edgar
- Luzula DC.
- Luzula leptophylla Buchenau & Petrie
- Luzula picta A.Rich.
- Luzula picta A.Rich. var. picta
- Luzula picta var. limosa Edgar
- Luzula picta var. pallida (Hook.f.) Edgar
- Luzula pumila Hook.f.
- Luzula rufa Edgar
- Luzula rufa Edgar var. rufa
- Luzula rufa var. albicomans Edgar
- Luzula traversii (Buchenau) Cheeseman
- Luzula traversii (Buchenau) Cheeseman var. traversii
- Luzula traversii var. tenuis Edgar
- Luzula ulophylla (Buchenau) Cockayne & Laing
- Luzuriaga parviflora (Hook.f.) Kunth
- Luzuriaga Ruiz & Pav.
- Lyperanthus antarcticus Hook.f.
- Lyperanthus R.Br.
- Machaerina affinis (Brongn.) J.Kern
- Machaerina articulata (R.Br.) T.Koyama
- Machaerina australis (A.Rich.) T.Koyama
- Machaerina capillacea (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
- Machaerina complanata (Berggr.) T.Koyama
- Machaerina huttonii (Kirk) T.Koyama
- Machaerina juncea (R.Br.) T.Koyama
- Machaerina rubiginosa (Biehler) T.Koyama
- Machaerina sinclairii (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
- Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
- Machaerina teretifolia (R.Br.) T.Koyama
- Machaerina Vahl
- Mariscus affinis (Brongn.) Kuntze
- Mariscus ustulatus (A.Rich.) C.B.Clarke
- Marsippospermum Desv.
- Marsippospermum gracile (Hook.f.) Buchenau
- Marsippospermum gracile var. novae-zelandiae (Buchanan) Buchenau
- Microtis banksii A.Cunn.
- Microtis longifolia Colenso
- Microtis oligantha L.B.Moore
- Microtis papillosa Colenso
- Microtis parviflora R.Br.
- Microtis R.Br.
- Microtis unifolia (G.Forst.) Rchb.f.
- Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
- Morelotia gahniiformis var. minor A.Rich.
- Morelotia Gaudich.
- Ophrys unifolia G.Forst.
- Orchidaceae Juss.
- Oreobolus impar Edgar
- Oreobolus pectinatus Hook.f.
- Oreobolus pumilio var. pectinatus (Hook.f.) C.B.Clarke
- Oreobolus pumilio var. strictus (Berggr.) H.Pfeiff
- Oreobolus R.Br.
- Oreobolus serrulatus Colenso
- Oreobolus strictus Berggr.
- Orthoceras R.Br.
- Orthoceras strictum R.Br.
- Palmae Juss.
- Pandanaceae R.Br.
- Petalochilus alatus (R.Br.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
- Petalochilus minor (Hook.f.) D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem.
- Petalochilus R.S.Rogers
- Philesiaceae Dumort.
- Phormium colensoi Hook.f.
- Phormium cookianum Le Jol.
- Phormium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Phormium tenax J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Potamogeton cheesemanii A.Benn.
- Potamogeton L.
- Potamogeton natans sensu New Zealand Botanists
- Potamogeton ochreatus Raoul
- Potamogeton pectinatus L.
- Potamogeton polygonifolius sensu Cheeseman
- Potamogeton suboblongus Hagstr.
- Potamogetonaceae Bercht. & J.Presl
- Prasophyllum colensoi Hook.f.
- Prasophyllum nudum Hook.f.
- Prasophyllum patens R.Br.
- Prasophyllum pauciflorum Colenso
- Prasophyllum pumilum Hook.f.
- Prasophyllum R.Br.
- Prasophyllum rogersii sensu Hatch
- Pseudalepyrum ciliatum (Hook.f.) Dandy
- Pseudalepyrum ciliatum var. ligulatum (Kirk) Dandy
- Pseudalepyrum Dandy
- Pseudalepyrum minimum (Kirk) Dandy
- Pseudalepyrum pallidum (Hook.f.) Dandy
- Pterostylis alobula (Hatch) L.B.Moore
- Pterostylis areolata Petrie
- Pterostylis australis Hook.f.
- Pterostylis banksii A.Cunn.
- Pterostylis barbata Lindl.
- Pterostylis brumalis L.B.Moore
- Pterostylis cycnocephala Fitzg.
- Pterostylis cycnocephala sensu L.B.Moore
- Pterostylis foliata Hook.f.
- Pterostylis graminea Hook.f.
- Pterostylis graminea var. rubricaulis H.B.Matthews
- Pterostylis humilis R.S.Rogers
- Pterostylis irsoniana Hatch
- Pterostylis micromega Hook.f.
- Pterostylis montana Hatch
- Pterostylis mutica R.Br.
- Pterostylis nana R.Br.
- Pterostylis nutans R.Br.
- Pterostylis oliveri Petrie
- Pterostylis R.Br.
- Pterostylis trullifolia Hook.f.
- Pterostylis venosa Colenso
- Restionaceae R.Br.
- Rhopalostylis H.Wendl. & Drude
- Rhopalostylis sapida H.Wendl. & Drude
- Ripogonum J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Ripogonum scandens J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Rostkovia Desv.
- Rostkovia gracilis Hook.f.
- Rostkovia magellanica (Lam.) Hook.f.
- Rostkovia novae-zelandiae Buchanan
- Rostkovia sphaerocarpa Desv.
- Ruppia L.
- Ruppia megacarpa R.Mason
- Ruppia polycarpa R.Mason
- Ruppiaceae Horan.
- Schoenus apogon Roem. & Schult.
- Schoenus apogon Roem. & Schult. var. apogon
- Schoenus apogon var. caespitans (Petrie) Edgar
- Schoenus apogon var. laxiflorus (Steud.) C.B.Clarke ex Cheeseman
- Schoenus apogon var. reductus Kük.
- Schoenus axillaris (R.Br.) Poir.
- Schoenus brevifolius R.Br.
- Schoenus brevifolius subsp. tenax (Hook.f.) Kük.
- Schoenus brevifolius var. tenax (Hook.f.) Koyama
- Schoenus brownii Hook.f.
- Schoenus caespitans Petrie
- Schoenus carsei Cheeseman
- Schoenus concinnus (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Schoenus fluitans Hook.f.
- Schoenus foliatus (Hook.f.) S.T.Blake
- Schoenus imberis sensu (R.Br.) Poir.
- Schoenus L.
- Schoenus laxiflorus Steud.
- Schoenus maschalinus Roem. & Schult.
- Schoenus moorei Kirk
- Schoenus nitens (R.Br.) Roem. & Schult.
- Schoenus nitens (R.Br.) Roem. & Schult. var. nitens
- Schoenus nitens var. concinnus (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
- Schoenus pauciflorus (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Schoenus subaxillaris Kük.
- Schoenus tenax (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
- Schoenus tendo (Hook.f.) Banks & Sol. ex Hook.f.
- Schoenus vacillans Kirk
- Scirpus americanus sensu Moore & Edgar
- Scirpus antarcticus sensu New Zealand authors
- Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
- Scirpus basilaris (Hook.f.) C.B.Clarke
- Scirpus caligenis V.J.Cook
- Scirpus cernuus Vahl
- Scirpus chlorostachyus Levyns
- Scirpus crassiusculus (Hook.f.) Benth.
- Scirpus foliatus Hook.f.
- Scirpus frondosus Banks & Sol. ex Boeckeler
- Scirpus habrus Edgar
- Scirpus inundatus (R.Br.) Poir.
- Scirpus L.
- Scirpus lacustris L.
- Scirpus nitens (R.Br.) Boeckeler
- Scirpus nodosus Rottb.
- Scirpus pottsii V.J.Cook
- Scirpus praetextatus Edgar
- Scirpus prolifer Rottb.
- Scirpus reticularis (Colenso) Edgar
- Scirpus spiralis (A.Rich.) Druce
- Scirpus subtilissimus (Boeckeler) S.T.Blake
- Scirpus sulcatus var. distigmatosus C.B.Clarke
- Smilacaceae Vent.
- Smilax ripogonum G.Forst.
- Sparganiaceae Hanin
- Sparganium antipodum Graeb.
- Sparganium L.
- Sparganium subglobosum Morong
- Spiranthes Rich.
- Spiranthes sinensis (Pers.) Ames
- Spirodela
- Spirodela oligorrhiza (Kurz) Hegelm.
- Sporadanthus F.Muell.
- Sporadanthus traversii (F.Muell.) Buchanan
- Tetraria capillaris (F.Muell.) J.M.Black
- Tetraria P.Beauv.
- Thelymitra carnea R.Br.
- Thelymitra decora Cheeseman
- Thelymitra dentata L.B.Moore
- Thelymitra formosa Colenso
- Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
- Thelymitra intermedia sensu Moore
- Thelymitra ixioides Sw.
- Thelymitra J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Thelymitra longifolia J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Thelymitra matthewsii Cheeseman
- Thelymitra pauciflora R.Br.
- Thelymitra pulchella Hook.f.
- Thelymitra venosa R.Br.
- Thismia Griff.
- Thismia rodwayi F.Muell.
- Triglochin flaccidum A.Cunn.
- Triglochin L.
- Triglochin palustris L.
- Triglochin striata Ruiz & Pav.
- Typha L.
- Typha muelleri Rohrb.
- Typha orientalis C.Presl
- Typhaceae Juss.
- Uncinia ×rubrovaginata Hamlin
- Uncinia affinis (Colenso ex C.B.Clarke) Hamlin
- Uncinia alopecuroides Colenso
- Uncinia angustifolia Hamlin
- Uncinia astonii Hamlin
- Uncinia aucklandica Hamlin
- Uncinia australis Pers.
- Uncinia australis var. clavata Kük.
- Uncinia australis var. ferruginea (Boott) C.B.Clarke
- Uncinia australis var. pedicellata (Kük.) Petrie
- Uncinia banksii Boott
- Uncinia bractata Colenso
- Uncinia caespitosa Colenso ex Boott
- Uncinia caespitosa var. collina Petrie
- Uncinia caespitosa var. minor Kük.
- Uncinia caespitosa var. viridis (C.B.Clarke) Hamlin
- Uncinia capillaris Colenso
- Uncinia cheesemaniana Boeckeler
- Uncinia clarkii Petrie
- Uncinia clavata (Kük.) Hamlin
- Uncinia compacta var. divaricata (Boott) Hook.f.
- Uncinia compacta var. nervosa (Boott) C.B.Clarke
- Uncinia compacta var. petriei C.B.Clarke
- Uncinia compacta var. viridis C.B.Clarke
- Uncinia distans Colenso ex Boott
- Uncinia divaricata Boott
- Uncinia divaricata var. petriei (C.B.Clarke) Hamlin
- Uncinia drucei Hamlin
- Uncinia drucei var. pauciflora Hamlin
- Uncinia egmontiana Hamlin
- Uncinia elegans (Kük.) Hamlin
- Uncinia ferruginea Boott
- Uncinia filiformis Colenso ex Boott
- Uncinia fuscovaginata Kük.
- Uncinia fuscovaginata Kük. var. fuscovaginata
- Uncinia fuscovaginata var. caespitans Hamlin
- Uncinia gracilenta Hamlin
- Uncinia hookeri Boott
- Uncinia horizontalis Colenso
- Uncinia involuta Hamlin
- Uncinia laxiflora Petrie
- Uncinia leptostachya Raoul
- Uncinia longifructus (Kük.) Petrie
- Uncinia nervosa Boott
- Uncinia nigra Colenso
- Uncinia obtusata Colenso
- Uncinia pedicellata Kük.
- Uncinia Pers.
- Uncinia polyneura Colenso
- Uncinia purpurata Petrie
- Uncinia purpurata var. subcaespitosa Kük.
- Uncinia rigida Petrie
- Uncinia rigidula Steud.
- Uncinia riparia var. affinis Colenso ex C.B.Clarke
- Uncinia riparia var. banksii (Boott) C.B.Clarke
- Uncinia riparia var. hookeri (Boott) Kük.
- Uncinia rubra Colenso ex Boott
- Uncinia rubra var. fallax Kük.
- Uncinia rubra var. rigida (Petrie) Cheeseman
- Uncinia rubra var. strictissima Kük.
- Uncinia rupestris Raoul
- Uncinia rupestris var. capillacea Kük.
- Uncinia rupestris var. flavescens Kük.
- Uncinia rupestris var. planifolia Kük.
- Uncinia scabra Boott
- Uncinia silvestris Hamlin
- Uncinia silvestris var. squamata Hamlin
- Uncinia sinclairii Boott
- Uncinia strictissima (Kük.) Petrie
- Uncinia tenella var. longifructus Kük.
- Uncinia uncinata (L.f.) Kük.
- Uncinia uncinata var. clavata (Kük.) Kük.
- Uncinia uncinata var. ferruginea (Boott) Kük.
- Uncinia uncinata var. laxior Carse
- Uncinia uncinata var. pedicellata (Kük.) Petrie
- Uncinia variegata Colenso
- Uncinia viridis (C.B.Clarke) Edgar
- Uncinia zotovii Hamlin
- Vauthiera australis A.Rich.
- Vincentia anceps sensu Hook.f.
- Vincentia sinclairii sensu (Hook.f.) Hamlin
- Wolffia Horkel ex Schleid
- Xeronema Brongn. & Gris
- Xeronema callistemon f. bracteosa (L.B.Moore) de Lange & E.K.Cameron
- Xeronema callistemon var. bracteosa L.B.Moore
- Xeronema callistemon W.R.B.Oliv.
- Xeronema callistemon W.R.B.Oliv. var. callistemon
- Yoania australis Hatch
- Yoania Maxim.
- Zannichellia L.
- Zannichellia palustris L.
- Zannichelliaceae Chevall.
- Zostera capricorni Asch.
- Zostera L.
- Zostera muelleri Asch.
- Zosteraceae Dumort.
24 December 2019