Thelymitra dentata L.B.Moore

Thelymitra dentata L.B.Moore, New Zealand J. Bot. 6: 478-479 (1968)
Thelymitra dentata L.B.Moore
Thelymitra dentata
Thelymitra dentata L.B.Moore
Plant at flower c. 15-40 cm tall. Leaf 10-20 mm wide, shallowly channelled, thick. Inflorescence few-flowered. Perianth c. 15 mm long, pinkish to very pale lavender or blue with strong blue stripes, especially on petals. Sepals and petals subsimilar, broad, slightly obovate. Labellum more oblong-obovate. Column-arms thickened about the nerve, flanged towards the base with delicate pinkish lobes, teeth or fimbriae that sometimes extend down the front margin of the column-wing; the arms bent inwards so that the two globose bunches of crowded cilia meet just above the anther-tip; cilia at first pale yellow, turning brown with age, in old flowers standing more erect; post-anther lobe taller than anther and more or less hooded over it, usually dark red and more or less tuberculate towards the yellowish margin.
Folium lineare, plus minusve canaliculatum, crassum. Inflorescentia paucifiora. Perianthium purpurascens, lineis saturioribus striatum. Sepala petalaque lata. labellum oblongum vel obovatum. Columnae brachia basin versus applanata et plus minusve canaliculata, margine lobis, dentibus vel fimbriis instructa, apicem versus ciliis numerosissimis lutescentibus demum ferrugineis ornata; lobus posr antheram ascendens, plus minusve cuculiatus, antheram obtegens, rubescens, marginem versus subtuberculatus, luteus.
Thelymitra dentata L.B.Moore
Plant at fl. 15–40 cm. tall. Lf 10–20 mm. wide, shallowly channelled, thick. Infl. to c. 6-fld. Per. c. 15 mm. long, pinkish to very pale lavender or blue with strong blue stripes, especially on petals. Sepals and petals subsimilar, broad, slightly obovate. Labellum oblong-obovate. Column-arms thickened about the nerve, flanged about the base with delicate pinkish lobes, teeth or fimbriae that sts extend down the front margin of the column-wing; the arms bent inwards so that the two globose bunches of crowded cilia meet just above the anther-tip; cilia at first pale yellow, turning brown with age, in old fls standing more erect; post-anther lobe taller than anther and ± hooded over it, us. dark red and ± tuberculate towards top with yellow margin.
Taxonomic concepts
Thelymitra dentata L.B.Moore
Thelymitra dentata L.B.Moore
scientific name
1 January 2000
13 April 2015