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Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler

Scientific name record
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(Hook.f.) Boeckeler
Scirpus aucklandicus

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Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler

Rhizomatous, in bright green, very leafy patches (1) -2-6- (12) cm high. Inflorescence of 1- (2) spikelets partly hidden by bract. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut 1-2 mm long, trigonous, white or grey.

Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler

Rhizomatous, forming large, turfy patches, bright green above, fuscous towards the base. Rhizome c. 0.5 mm. diam. Culms 2–5–(7) cm. × c. 0.5 mm., rigid. Lvs up to 6 per culm, us. > culms, c. 0.5 mm. wide, or often setaceous and filiform, coriac., curved; sheaths with truncate orifice, pale brown and membr., often streaked with red, rarely entirely dark red-purple. Infl. apparently lateral, of 1–(2) narrow-oblong spikelets, (1)–2–3–(4) × (0.5)–1–1.5–(2) mm., partly hidden by the enlarged base of a subtending bract up to 5 times length of spikelet. Glumes 1.5–2.5 mm. long, lanceolate, acute, deciduous, green to pale grey-brown with reddish marks, to deep red-purple, margins tapered and often pinched in at the tip below the green, thickened, ± excurrent keel. Hypog. bristles 0. Stamens 3. Style-branches 3. Nut 1–2 mm. long, slightly > 0.5 mm. wide, almost = glume, elliptical, ± trigonous with rounded angles, almost white to yellowish, or grey- to red-brown, smooth and shining but very finely reticulate, tapering towards the apiculate black tip.

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Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler

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Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
New Zealand
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Scirpus aucklandicus (Hook.f.) Boeckeler
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
24 June 2002
20 July 2006
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