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Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar

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Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar in Moore & Edgar, Fl. N. Zeal. 2, 252 (1970)
Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar

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New Zealand
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(Hamlin) Edgar
Carex druceana var. astonii

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Leaves red, longer than the culms, (12-) 16-30 cm long, 0.7-1.2 mm wide, plano- or concavo-convex, strict, cirrhose, margins scabrid, sheaths 2-3 mm wide. Culms 3-13 cm long, 0.6-0.8 mm wide below the lowest bract sheath, terete, smooth, lowest bract sheath 0.5-1.7 cm long. Inflorescence 2.5-8 ( -13) cm long, spikes approximate or the lowest remote and then the internode 2-8 cm long. Spikes 4-5, terminal male, 0.5-1 cm long, sessile, remainder female, 0.5-1 (-1.3) cm long, 0.3 cm broad, ovate or cylindric, sessile or the lowest on a peduncle 0.3-0.5 ( -1.5) cm long. Glumes equalling or shorter than the utricles, broadly ovate to oblong, emarginate, pale brown with a lighter midrib produced into a mucro or awn 0.5(-1) mm long. Utricles 2-2.2(-2.6) mm long, 1.2-1.3 mm broad, ovoid to rhomboid, trigonous or unequally inflated, striate or faintly ribbed, shining, pale usually with a black beak, margins smooth, beak 0.2-0.3 mm long, broad, crura minute or absent, stigmata 3.
Folia rubra, culmos excedentia, (12-) 16-30 cm longa, 0.7-1.2 mm lata, plano vel concavo-convexa, stricta, cirrhosa, culmi 3-13 cm longi, inflorescentia 2.5-8 ( -13) cm longa, spicae 4-5, spica terminalis mascula, ceterae femineae, approximatae vel infima remota, 0.5-1.3 cm longae, 0.3 cm latae, ovatae vel cylindricae, sessiles vel ima breviter pedunculata, glumae utriculos aequantes vel breviores, late ovatae vel oblongae, emarginatae, pallide brunneae, costa in mucronem ad 0.5 mm longum producta, utriculi 2-2.2 mm longi, 1.2-1.3 mm lati, ovoidei vel rhombiformes, trigoni vel irregulariter inflati, striati vel languide costati, nitentes, pallidi plerumque rostro nigro, 0.2-0.3 mm longo, marginibus laevibus, crura minuta vel 0, stigmata 3.

Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar

Lvs 0.7–1.2 mm. wide. Lower spikes us. distant and upper spikes approximate, but sts all spikes close-packed. Awn of glume up to 0.5 mm. long, rarely to 1 mm. long. Utricles c. 2.0 × 1.0–1.3 mm.

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Carex astonii Hamlin
Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar
Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar
Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar
Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar
Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar
Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar
Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar

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Carex druceana var. astonii (Hamlin) Edgar
[Not available]

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The varieties show sufficient difference to warrant recognition at species rank, but this change in synonymy has not been published yet.

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scientific name
1 January 2000
21 May 2012
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