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Carex cirrhosa Berggr.

Scientific name record
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Endangered
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Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa

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Carex cirrhosa Berggr.

Small grey-green or reddish tufts to ± 12 cm high. Leaves > stems, concavo-convex, tips curled. Inflorescence hidden among leaves; female spikes c. 3, approximate, light pinkish-brown, to 8 mm long. Stigmas 2.

Carex cirrhosa Berggr.

Tufts small, dense, grey-green or reddish. Culms 1─4 cm. long, completely enclosed by the light brown lf-sheaths. Lvs (2.5)–4–12–(20) cm. × 0.5–1 mm., narrow-linear, concavo-convex, adaxial surface matt, shining abaxially, margins incurved, scabrid, tip subobtuse, curled and twisted when dry. Infl. of 2–5 spikes sunk among the lvs; terminal 1–(2) spikes entirely male; lower 1–3 spikes female, 3–8 × c. 2 mm., occ. with a few male fls at the base or the top, crowded round base of male spike, lowest spikes slightly distant, ± pedunculate, rarely compound, bracts subtending female spikes lf-like, > spikes. Glumes slightly < utricles, or ± = utricle if awned, ovate-lanceolate, acuminate or cuspidate, hyaline, white or pale pink, occ. dotted with red, with a slightly thicker sts green midrib. Utricles c. 2–3 × 1–1.5 mm., plano-convex, elliptic-ovoid, yellow-green in lower half and on beak, pinkish brown in upper portion, nerved, sessile, margins glab., or minutely scabrid above, abruptly narrowed to an acute bidentate beak, c. 0.5 mm. long or longer, margins and orifice finely scabrid. Stigmas 2. Nut c. 1.5 mm. long, biconvex, oblong-ovoid, brown.

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Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
Carex cirrhosa var. lutescens Kük.
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.

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Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
New Zealand
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Carex cirrhosa Berggr.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
20 April 2009
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