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Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet

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Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet, Dict. Prat. Hort. 430 (1892–1893)
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet

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New Zealand
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(Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman (1906) 717 is a isonymMabberley, D.J. 2018: A note on the chestnut vine and Séraphin Mottet’s ‘Dictionnaire Pratique d’Horticulture et Jardinage’ (1892–1899). Blumea 62: 240–244.The binomial was published as a nomen nudum by Kirk (1891) 224.Mabberley, D.J. 2018: A note on the chestnut vine and Séraphin Mottet’s ‘Dictionnaire Pratique d’Horticulture et Jardinage’ (1892–1899). Blumea 62: 240–244.
Bulbinella rossii

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Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet

2n = 14
2n = 14

Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet

Dioec.; plant very stout, sts 1 m. tall and to 4 cm. diam. at base. Lvs 1.5–6 cm. wide, obtuse to subacute, tips recurved; nerves slightly prominent and easily felt in living lf. Peduncle to 1 cm. diam., us. < lf-length. Raceme to 15 × 6 cm., ± cylindric; fls very ∞ and densely crowded; bracts c. = pedicels in female and conspicuous in bud, in male < pedicels; pedicels 1–2 cm. long, swollen just below fl. Fls 10–14 mm. diam.; tepals oblong-ovate, spreading in ♂, in ♀ more erect and remaining so and hardening as fr. ripens. Stamens < tepals; anthers well filled with pollen in ♂, in ♀ filaments shorter and anthers abortive. Ovary c. 2 mm. long, broad to base. Capsule to 1 cm. long, broadly ovoid, without gynophore. Seeds 4–6 mm. long, dark and narrowly winged. 2n = 14.

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Anthericum rossii (Hook.f.) Hook.f.
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Cheeseman
Chrysobactron rossii Hook.f.
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet

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Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
New Zealand
Bulbinella rossii (Hook.f.) Mottet
New Zealand
Southland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
26 June 2018
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