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Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Not threatened
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New Zealand
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Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio

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Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.

n = 19 bivalents
2n = 38

Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.

Plant rarely > 2 m high usually not very stiffly erect. Leaves 30-60-(100) × 1-2 cm, ± narrowed above base to short petiole; midrib prominent abaxially towards base. Panicle very lax, c. 60 cm long, branches slender. Flowers small, widely spaced, very shortly pedicellate, whitish or pink externally; segments 4-5 mm long. Berry bluish or blue-flecked.

Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.

Plant rarely > 2 m. tall, often flowering while short stem is lfy to ground; in older plants bare part of stem to 100 × 1.5 cm. and us. not very stiffly erect. Lvs 30–60–(100) × 1–2 cm., ± narrowed above base into channelled petiole; midrib prominent abaxially, at least proximally; margin slightly recurved. Peduncle to c. 10 cm. × 3–4 mm.; panicle to c. 60 × 30 cm. overall, very open with slender axes, branched to second order; bracts often small and inconspicuous; ultimate racemes 5–30 cm. long, axis clearly visible between fls. Fls small, widely spaced, on very short pedicels. Per. c. 4–5 mm. long, whitish, or pink externally; tepals narrow, recurved, 3-nerved. Stigma shortly trifid. Fr. c. 4–5 mm. diam., globose, bluish or flecked with blue. Seeds c. 2–2.5 mm. long, shining, two sides flat and one convex. 2n = 38.

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Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.

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Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
New Zealand
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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