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Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott (1853)
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott

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New Zealand
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Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea

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Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott

2n = 52
2n = 56

Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott

Green or red tufts to 60 cm high. Stems often greatly elongated at maturity to 3 m. Female spikes 2-4, ± approximate, ± sessile, to 2.5 cm × ± 5 mm, light to dark brown. Glumes membranous, awned. Stigmas 2.

Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott

Densely tufted, 30–60 cm. high. Culms < or > lvs, often exceedingly elongated at maturity, up to 300 cm. long and prostrate, < 1 mm. diam., often almost filiform, trigonous or subtrigonous, glab. or slightly scabrid below the infl.; basal sheaths dark brown or red-brown, nerves distinct. Lvs 1–2.5–(3) mm. wide, channelled, light green, often reddish, harshly scabrid. Spikes 3–5, ± approximate; terminal spike male, c. 1 mm. diam., ± = female spikes in length, on a filiform peduncle; remaining spikes female, 0.5–2.5–(3) cm. × c. 5 mm., often with a few male fls at the base, sessile, or the lowest more distant and shortly pedunculate. Glumes (excluding awn) ± = utricle, broadly ovate, thin and membr., often deeply emarginate, occ. entire, very light brown with darker flecks, midrib us. brown-spotted, produced to a scabrid awn of variable length. Utricles c. 2.5 × 1.5 mm., ± plano-convex, broadly ovoid, pale yellow-brown below, purple-brown above, nerved, more strongly so on the more convex face, shining, narrowed abruptly to the deeply bifid beak c. 0.5 mm. long, margins and orifice us. finely scabrid, occ. ± contracted below to a stipe c. 0.5 mm. long. Stigmas 2. Nut c. 1.5 mm. long, biconvex, dark brown, almost black.

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Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott

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Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Carex testacea Sol. ex Boott
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
5 July 2011
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