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Astelia fragrans Colenso

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Astelia fragrans Colenso, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 15: 333 (1882 [1883])
Astelia fragrans Colenso

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New Zealand
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Astelia fragrans Colenso
Astelia fragrans

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Astelia fragrans Colenso

2n = 70
n = 35

Astelia fragrans Colenso

Robust tufted plants occurring singly or in colonies. Stem 2–4–6 cm. diam. Lvs 50–200–(250) × 4–12 cm., stiff, drooping only at the tip of very large plants, strongly keeled above sheath but not tightly folded, broad almost to tip; sheath to 2 × lamina-width, with white scales on both surfaces; lamina adaxially green (the scales falling early), the one strong costa on each side of midrib us. white; abaxial surface paler with thin, mostly persistent cover of fine scales and costae hardly prominent (at least in fresh lf) and little broader than midrib. Infl. erect, broad, sparsely scaly; peduncle stout, about = panicle; lower spathes long or short, mostly rather abruptly narrowed to tip; racemes ∞, all except the smallest spathes subtending sub-infls of 2–3 or more racemes. Fls pedicellate and us. well spaced; ♂ reddish green, tepals to 7 × 3 mm., spreading then drooping about pedicel, the outer ones scaly externally; ♀ dark green, tepals much smaller than in ♂, tube closely appressed to above middle of green ovary, the dull reddish tips recurved. Ovary 3-locular; style thick, ill-defined. Fr. to 9 × 9 mm., subglobose, orange ± flecked or blotched with red; matured per. fleshy, orange, ± split between shrivelled remnants of tepals, ± spreading from base of berry. 2n = 140.
Robust tufted plants occurring singly or in colonies. Stem 2–4–(6) cm. diam. Lvs 50–200–(250) × 2.5–7.5 cm., stiffly ascending in lower half, less rigid in tapering upper part, strongly keeled above sheath but not tightly folded; tip narrowly attenuate; sheath to 2 × lamina-width, white with close scales; lamina adaxially green, glab. (the scales falling early), one very strong costa on each side of midrib sts reddish; abaxial surface with fine, inconspicuous, ± caducous scales and costae very prominent and much broader than midrib. Infl. erect, broad, for the most part glab.; peduncle stout, about = panicle; lower spathes long and narrowly attenuate; racemes 15–30–(50), all except the smallest spathes subtending sub-infls of 2–3 or more racemes, with second order branching occ. in the lowermost. Fls pedicellate and us. well spaced; ♂ greenish fawn, tepals c. 5 × 2 mm., spreading then drooping about pedicel; ♀ dark green, almost glab., tepals c. 3 × 2.5 mm., the tube closely appressed to about middle of shining green ovary, the dull reddish tips recurved. Ovary 3-locular; style thick, ill-defined. Fr. 4–9 × 4–9 mm., subglobose, orange ± flecked with red; matured per. fleshy, orange, ± split between shrivelled remnants of tepals, us. spreading widely from base of berry. 2n = 70.

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Astelia fragrans Colenso
Astelia fragrans Colenso
Astelia fragrans Colenso
Astelia fragrans Colenso
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Astelia fragrans Colenso

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Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Astelia fragrans Colenso
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
29 March 2004
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