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Carex elingamita Hamlin

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Naturally uncommon

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New Zealand
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Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita

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Carex elingamita Hamlin

Plants to 1 m high. Leaves < stems. Inflorescence of c. 10 usually compound ± distant spikes. Female spikes 6-8 cm × ± 5 mm, upper ⅓ of each spike male. Stigmas 3.

Carex elingamita Hamlin

Culms up to 100 cm. × c. 1.5 mm., trigonous, smooth; basal bracts light brown. Lvs < culms, 5–10 mm. wide, double-folded, margins finely scabrid. Infl. of c. 10 compound or simple spikes, the lower ± distant on long erect peduncles; terminal spike male, remaining spikes female below, 6–8 cm. × c. 5 mm., upper third of each spike male. Glumes = or < utricles, linear-lanceolate, membr. with red-brown flecks, truncate or almost emarginate, midrib produced to a strongly scabrid awn. Utricles 4–4.5 mm. long, trigonous, elliptic-lanceolate, strongly nerved, erect or slightly recurved, membr., grey-green, margins glab.; beak slightly > 1.5 mm. long, margins glab., orifice scabrid, not oblique. Stigmas 3. Nut c. 2 mm. long, trigonous, ovoid, red-brown.

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Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin
Carex elingamita Hamlin

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Carex elingamita Hamlin
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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