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Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson

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Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson, Contr. New South Wales Natl. Herb. 3: 243 (1963)
Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson

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Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus gregiflorus

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Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson

In tightly packed clumps; stems varying in length from 60-200 cm, (1)—2-3 mm wide, erect, wiry, bright green, smooth, shining, pith interrupted irregularly, or occasionally continuous; basal bracts dark red-brown below, the uppermost commonly loosely sheathing; inflorescence very variable, many- or few-flowered, either open with many or few branchlets, or condensed to a head greater than 1 cm wide, often with a few side clusters; tepals 1.5-2.3 mm long, greenish brown; stamens 3; capsule 1.5-2 mm long, light brown, darker at the top.

Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson

Tightly packed clumps; rhizome short. Stems 60-200 cm × (1) -2-3 mm, wiry, bright green, smooth, shining, pith usually interrupted. Inflorescence very variable, few- to many-flowered, open and branched or a compact head. Stamens 3. Capsule 1.5-2- (2.3) mm long, usually < tepals.

Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson

Tightly packed clumps, varying in height from 60–200 cm. Rhizome c. 5 mm. diam., horizontal. Flowering stems (1)–2–3 mm. diam., erect, wiry, smooth, shining, bright green, pith interrupted irregularly or occ. continuous; lvs 0; basal bracts dark red-brown below, straw-coloured above, tightly sheathing the stem, or the uppermost often more loosely sheathing. Infl. apparently lateral, variable, many- or few-fld, either open with few to many branchlets and fls in small clusters at the tips of the branchlets, or condensed to a compact central cluster with a few pedunculate side clusters, or to a single spherical compact head wider than 1 cm. Fls 1.5–2 mm. long; tepals brownish green, later becoming brown. Stamens 3. Capsule 1.5–2–(2.3) mm. long, = or < tepals, obovoid, light brown, with a dark brown, obtuse, almost retuse, apiculate tip.

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Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson
Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson

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New Zealand
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Juncus gregiflorus L.A.S.Johnson

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1 January 2000
21 March 2007
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