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Luzula pumila Hook.f.

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
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Luzula pumila Hook.f., Handb. New Zealand Fl. 293 (1864)
Luzula pumila Hook.f.

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New Zealand
Political Region

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Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila

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Luzula pumila Hook.f.

2n = 12
2n = 12

Luzula pumila Hook.f.

Compact cushions 2-6-(8) cm high. Leaves almost glabrous to quite villous. Flowering stems > leaves. Inflorescence a single 4-10-flowered cluster or with 1-2 lateral clusters. Tepals dark brown, margins silver or 0. Stamens 6, rarely 3.

Luzula pumila Hook.f.

Compact cushion, 2–6–(8) cm. high. Lvs 1–4 cm.×0.7–1.5 mm., crowded at lower ⅓ of stem, margin almost glab. to slightly villous throughout, tips obtuse. Flowering stems us. = or > lvs when fr. is mature. Infl. a single 4–10-fld cluster, or with up to 3 closely crowded, shortly pedunculate clusters of 2–12–(20) fls. Fls 2–3 mm. long; tepals acute, us. dark brown, membr. margin very distinct or almost 0. Stamens 6, rarely 3. Capsule slightly < or c. = tepals, dark brown to almost black. 2n = 12.

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Luzula cheesemanii Buchenau
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula micrantha var. triandra (Buchenau) Cheeseman
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
Luzula pumila Hook.f.

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New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
[Not available]
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
New Zealand
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Luzula pumila Hook.f.
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
13 June 2007
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