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Juncus pusillus Buchenau

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This record has collections
This record has descriptions
This is indigenous
Threat status: Naturally uncommon
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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus

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Juncus pusillus Buchenau

Small slender tufts to c. 2 cm high from a very slender rhizome. Leaves filiform, usually > stems, transverse septa not visible externally. Inflorescence usually of 1- (3) small flowers. Stamens 6. Capsule c.2 mm long, ± = tepals, red-brown.

Juncus pusillus Buchenau

Very small, slender, tufted, from an ascending rhizome c. 0.5 mm. diam. Stems 0.1–1.5–(3) cm. × 0.2–0.3 mm., lfy, creeping and rooting below, erect above. Lvs both basal and cauline, us. > stems, up to 0.2 mm. wide, filiform, striated, terete, septate; sheath membr. with 2 obtuse auricles. Infl. terminal, either a solitary fl. or 2–3 sessile fls, very rarely composed of 2 slender branchlets each terminated by 2–3 fls; subtending bract much > infl. Fls 1.5–2 mm. long; tepals equal, pale green, later reddish. Stamens 6, = or often > tepals. Capsule somewhat > tepals, narrowly ovoid, distinctly mucronate, pale brown.

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Juncus capillaceus Hook.f.
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
Juncus pusillus Buchenau

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Juncus pusillus Buchenau
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Juncus pusillus Buchenau
New Zealand
Westland Land District
Juncus pusillus Buchenau

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scientific name
1 January 2000
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