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Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened

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Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake (1969)
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake

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New Zealand
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(Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis

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Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake

In scattered, harsh, lfy tufts, (20)–30–60 cm. high, from a stout, woody rootstock. Culms (1)–1.5–2.5 mm. diam., obtusely trigonous, not very scabrid. Lvs , much > culms, flat, curving, scabrid on the abaxial surface, 4–7 mm. wide, tapering to a filiform tip, which is curled when dry; margins scabrid, strongly revolute in dry old lvs; sheath very short compared to lamina, not demarcated from lamina by any transverse line but merely becoming broader, cream, with membr. margins. Panicle erect, rigid, (6)–9–20 cm. long, with short, ± distant branchlets subtended by rigid, scabrid, lf-like bracts. Spikelets 6.5–9 mm. long, narrow-lanceolate, shortly stalked. Glumes coriac., minutely puberulous, keel and margins finely scabrid; 4 outer glumes smaller, increasing in size, us. acuminate, 2 upper glumes much longer, acute, rigid; a seventh minute membr. glume subtending the uppermost sterile fl. Nut 2.5–3 × c. 1.5 mm., elliptic-oblong, red-brown to black and shining, with 3 longitudinal ribs, surmounted by a thickened, corky style-base which is very distinct in the immature fr.; ripe fr. retained on plant for a time by being entangled in the slightly elongated staminal filaments.

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Gahnia affinis (Brongn.) Steud.
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Gahnia arenaria Hook.f.
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Gahnia gahniiformis (Gaudich.) A.Heller
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Lampocarya affinis Brongn.
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Machaerina affinis (Brongn.) Kern
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Mariscus affinis (Brongn.) Kuntze
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
Morelotia gahniaeformis var. minor A.Rich.
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake

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Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Morelotia affinis (Brongn.) S.T.Blake
New Zealand
Wellington Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
17 April 2009
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