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Astelia petriei Cockayne

Scientific name record
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Threat status: Not threatened
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Astelia petriei Cockayne, Trans. New Zealand Inst. 31: 419 (1899)
Astelia petriei Cockayne

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New Zealand
Political Region

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Astelia petriei Cockayne
Astelia petriei

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Astelia petriei Cockayne

Colonies consisting of low broad tufts. Stem 2–2.5 cm. diam. Lvs 25–80–(100) × 2–6.5 cm., arcuate but stiff and coriac., the lamina diverging without constriction from the sheath; sheath to c. 7 cm. wide at base, white, very lightly clad in narrow scales; lamina not long-acuminate, adaxially pale green, without obvious pellicle except when very young, midrib sts reddish and several strong lateral nerves whitish; abaxial surface white with very close and persistent short scales except on subequal green nerves, c. 10 on each side of well defined, keeled midrib. Infl. closely enclosed by broad bases of spathes; male panicle 4–20 cm. long, ± lax; female panicle often only 3 × 3 cm. or less at fl., and very tightly compacted; racemes c. 5–10, simple. Fls pale on opening, becoming dark with exposure; tepals c. 5 mm. long, narrow and stellately patent in ♂, in ♀ broad and erect with revolute margins. Ovary 3-locular, elongate, us. angular by compression; style not differentiated. Fr. obconic, to 20 × 10 mm. but us. smaller and relatively broader, yellow-orange, seated in fleshy perianth.

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Astelia petriei Cockayne
Astelia petriei Cockayne
Astelia petriei Cockayne
Astelia petriei Cockayne
Astelia petriei Cockayne
Astelia petriei Cockayne
Astelia petriei Cockayne
Astelia petriei Cockayne
Astelia petriei Cockayne
Astelia petriei Cockayne

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Astelia petriei Cockayne
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Astelia petriei Cockayne
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Astelia petriei Cockayne
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Astelia petriei Cockayne
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Astelia petriei Cockayne
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Astelia petriei Cockayne
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
19 February 2004
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