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Libertia Spreng.

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Libertia Spreng., Syst. Veg., ed. 16 [Sprengel] 1, 127 (1824 [1825])
Libertia Spreng.

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region

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Libertia Spreng.

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Libertia Spreng.

Panicles laxly branched or with dense clusters of flowers, sometimes simple; sterile spathes foliaceous, floral bracts membranaceous. Flowers usually white, rarely blue. Perianth spreading; tepals free, the outer three (sepals) usually smaller than the inner three (petals). Stamens three, staminal filaments very shortly connate at the base, ± flattened; anthers versatile. Pollen ellipsoidal, monosulcate. Ovary 3- locular; style short with 3 ± keeled entire branches that spread between stamens. Fruit a subglobose to oblong or pyriform capsule. Seeds many, rounded to angular, ± reticulate-foveolate. Tufted, shortly rhizomatous or stoloniferous herbs of grass-like habit, wholly or almost completely glabrous. Leaves usually in flattened fans, connected by short or elongate rhizomes. Perennial (Moore & Edgar 1970).

Libertia Spreng.

2n = 228
n = 114
2n = c. 230
2n = 171
2n = 12x [c. 228]
n = 114

Libertia Spreng.

Panicles laxly branched or with dense clusters of fls, sts very simple; sterile spathes foliaceous, floral bracts membr. Fls us. white. Per. spreading; tepals free, the outer 3 us. < inner 3. Staminal filaments free or shortly connate at base, ± flattened; anthers versatile. Ovary 3-locular; style short with 3 ± keeled entire branches that spread between stamens. Fr. a subglobose to oblong or pyriform capsule. Seeds ∞, rounded to angular, ± foveolate. Tufted, shortly rhizomatous or stoloniferous herbs of grass-like habit, wholly or almost completely glab. Lvs us. in flattened fans. Perhaps a dozen spp. of S. America, Australia, New Guinea, and N.Z. N.Z. spp. endemic except .

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Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.
Libertia Spreng.

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Libertia Spreng.
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Libertia Spreng.
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Libertia Spreng.
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Libertia Spreng.
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
4 August 2005
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