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Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake

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Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake in Blake, 8: 29 (1969)

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(Berggr.) S.T.Blake
Baumea complanata

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Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake

2n = c. 50

Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake

Tufted and lfy. Culms 50–90 cm. × c. 3 mm., smooth, ± compressed. Lvs ± = culms, 4–8 mm. wide, flat, distichous, isobilateral equitant, striated, pale green, tip acute, margins glab. Panicle 15–50 cm. long, narrow, erect from a long sheath with short lamina; branchlets flexible, fascicled from upper sheaths. Spikelets , c. 5 mm. 1ong, light red-brown, 2–3-fld, 1–2 fls fertile. Glumes 5–6, ovate, acuminate or acute, chartaceous, striped with brown, scabrid on back towards tip, margins minutely ciliate. Nut, including beak, c. 4 × 2 mm., trigonous, red-brown, very shortly stipitate, narrowed above to a long, triquetrous, scabrid beak.

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Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake
Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake
Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake
Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake
Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake
Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake
Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake
Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake
Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake
Baumea complanata (Berggr.) S.T.Blake

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scientific name
1 January 2000
31 August 2012
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