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Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin, Rec. Domin. Mus. 6: 103 (1968)
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin

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New Zealand
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(Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera

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Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin

Dingy reddish-green tufts to 25 cm high; rhizome short. Leaves concavo-convex, much > stems. Female spikes 2-4, sessile, close-packed, to 1 cm long, reddish-green to brownish. Utricles reddish-tipped. Stigmas 3.

Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin

Shortly rhizomatous; tufts ± distant, dingy reddish green. Culms (1)–2.5–8 cm. × c. 1 mm., cylindrical, glab.; shorter culms almost hidden by brownish lf-sheaths. Lvs > culms, up to 25 cm. long and 0.5–1 mm. wide, spreading, but not drooping, concavo-convex, paler on the adaxial surface, margins finely scabrid towards the tip. Infl. of 3–5 spikes, all sessile and close-packed; terminal spike male, erect, us. reddish brown, glumes awned. Female spikes 0.5–1 cm. × 3–4 mm., ovoid, reddish green to brownish; subtending bracts ∞, lf-like; glumes (excluding awn) us. slightly < utricles, ovate, us. emarginate and cuspidate, reddish brown with a thicker green midrib, or more uniformly red-brown. Utricles (2)–2.4–3 × 1–1.5 mm., plano-convex, ovoid-ellipsoid, light grey-green or yellow-brown towards the base, spotted with red or dark red-purple in large patches towards the top, nerves ± distinct, whitish; beak very short, up to 0.5 mm. long, slightly narrowed, often spotted red-purple, margins glab., orifice very shortly bidentate, almost truncate, scabrid; stipe minute, not much narrower than utricle. Stigmas 3. Nut c. 1 × 1 mm., obovoid, trigonous with rounded angles, dark brown when mature.

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Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
Carex uncifolia var. libera Kük.
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin

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Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Carex libera (Kük.) Hamlin
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
Nelson Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
20 April 2009
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