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Pterostylis venosa Colenso

Scientific name record
Names_Plants record source
Is NZ relevant
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This is indigenous
Threat status: Not threatened
CHR 1915

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Pterostylis venosa Colenso, Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 28: 610 (1895 [1896])
Pterostylis venosa Colenso

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New Zealand
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Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa

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Pterostylis venosa Colenso

Plant c. 3–10 cm. tall at fl. Stem short, erect, smooth, us. half hidden by lvs until part below ovary elongates at fr. Lvs us. 2–3, all much alike, often equalling and sts overtopping fl.; lamina c. 3–6 × (1)–1.5–2.5 cm., orbicular to broad-oval, tip obtuse to broadly subacute, base narrowing to broadly winged, sheathing petiole. Fl. solitary; ovary us. erect. Dorsal sepal c. 1.5 cm. tall, erect then horizontal, acute to very shortly acuminate; lateral sepals diverging at a narrow angle, tips acuminate to shortly caudate, not greatly overtopping galea. Petals almost as long as dorsal sepal, broad almost to tip. Labellum narrow-triangular, arched and protruding, apex subacute, inner surface quite covered with short retrorse hairs giving an unusually furry appearance. Column us. shorter than labellum; stigma narrow-elliptic.

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Pterostylis confertifolia Allan
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
Pterostylis venosa Colenso

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New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
New Zealand
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Pterostylis venosa Colenso
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
9 September 2005