Carex L.

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Carex L.
- Carex ×elatior
- Carex ×rubrovaginata
- Carex acicularis
- Carex albula
- Carex allanii
- Carex ambita
- Carex applanata
- Carex appressa
- Carex astonii
- Carex astricta
- Carex auceps
- Carex aucklandica
- Carex australis
- Carex banksiana
- Carex berggrenii
- Carex bichenoviana
- Carex binervis
- Carex breviculmis
- Carex brownii
- Carex buchananii
- Carex caduca
- Carex calcis
- Carex camptoglochin
- Carex capillacea
- Carex cardrona
- Carex carsei
- Carex cataractae
- Carex cataractae
- Carex cephalotes
- Carex chathamica
- Carex cheesemaniana
- Carex cheesemanii
- Carex cinnamomea
- Carex cirrhosa
- Carex cockayneana
- Carex colensoi
- Carex comans
- Carex confusa
- Carex coriacea
- Carex corynoidea
- Carex cremnicola
- Carex crispa
- Carex cryptocarpa
- Carex cyanea
- Carex dallii
- Carex darwinii
- Carex decurtata
- Carex demissa
- Carex devia
- Carex diandra
- Carex dipsacea
- Carex discolor
- Carex dissita
- Carex distans
- Carex divisa
- Carex divulsa
- Carex dolomitica
- Carex druceana
- Carex drucei
- Carex echinata
- Carex edgariae
- Carex edura
- Carex egmontiana
- Carex elingamita
- Carex enysii
- Carex erebus
- Carex erythrovaginata
- Carex fascicularis
- Carex filamentosa
- Carex flacca
- Carex flagellifera
- Carex flava
- Carex flaviformis
- Carex forbesii
- Carex forsteri
- Carex fretalis
- Carex fusca
- Carex gaudichaudiana
- Carex geminata
- Carex glauca
- Carex goyenii
- Carex hamlinii
- Carex healyi
- Carex hectorii
- Carex hirsutella
- Carex hirta
- Carex horizontalis
- Carex imbecilla
- Carex impexa
- Carex inconspicua
- Carex incrassata
- Carex inopinata
- Carex inversa
- Carex iynx
- Carex kaloides
- Carex kermadecensis
- Carex kirkii
- Carex krullii
- Carex lachenalii
- Carex lagopina
- Carex lambertiana
- Carex lectissima
- Carex leporina
- Carex lessoniana
- Carex libera
- Carex litorosa
- Carex littoralis
- Carex littorea
- Carex longebrachiata
- Carex longifolia
- Carex longifructus
- Carex longii
- Carex lucida
- Carex lurida
- Carex macloviana
- Carex maculata
- Carex magellanica
- Carex maorica
- Carex martinii
- Carex mcclurgii
- Carex megalepis
- Carex meridensis
- Carex minor
- Carex morrowii
- Carex muelleri
- Carex multifaria
- Carex muricata
- Carex obtusifolia
- Carex ochrosaccus
- Carex ophiolithica
- Carex oshimensis
- Carex otrubae
- Carex ovalis
- Carex pallescens
- Carex paniculata
- Carex parkeri
- Carex parvispica
- Carex penalpina
- Carex pendula
- Carex perplexa
- Carex petriei
- Carex phacota
- Carex picta
- Carex pilifolia
- Carex platyrhyncha
- Carex pleiostachys
- Carex potens
- Carex pterocarpa
- Carex pulchella
- Carex pulla
- Carex pumila
- Carex punctata
- Carex punctulata
- Carex punicea
- Carex purpurata
- Carex pyrenaica
- Carex raoulii
- Carex recurva
- Carex rekohu
- Carex resectans
- Carex riparia
- Carex rotoensis
- Carex rubicunda
- Carex scoparia
- Carex sect. Inversae
- Carex secta
- Carex sectoides
- Carex semiforsteri
- Carex sepulta
- Carex serotina
- Carex serotina
- Carex silvestris
- Carex sinclairii
- Carex smaragdina
- Carex solandri
- Carex spicata
- Carex spinirostris
- Carex stellulata
- Carex strictissima
- Carex subdola
- Carex subgen. Vignea
- Carex subtilis
- Carex subviridis
- Carex sylvatica
- Carex tahoata
- Carex talbotii
- Carex tenax
- Carex tenuiculmis
- Carex teretiuscula
- Carex ternaria
- Carex testacea
- Carex thomsonii
- Carex trachycarpa
- Carex traversii
- Carex trifida
- Carex umbricola
- Carex uncifolia
- Carex uncinata
- Carex urvillei
- Carex vacillans
- Carex ventosa
- Carex virescens
- Carex virgata
- Carex viridis
- Carex viridula
- Carex viridula
- Carex vulpinoidea
- Carex wakatipu
- Carex zotovii
Vernacular names
Carex L.
2n = c. 44–45
Carex L.
Perennial herbs, tufted, rhizomatous or stoloniferous. Stems usually 3-angled and solid, rarely terete and hollow. Leaves tristichous, usually linear, mostly crowded at base of stem and sheathing, sheath closed, with a minute, membranous ligule. Plants usually monoecious, rarely dioecious. Inflorescence a spike, cluster of spikes, or panicle; bracts leaf-like or setaceous. Spikes sessile or pedunculate, unisexual or bisexual, composed of numerous 1-flowered spikelets, each subtended by a glume. Flowers unisexual, perianth 0. Male flower with 3 stamens (rarely 2). Female flower a single pistil enclosed in an utricle; style 1, branched above to 2 or 3 stigmas projecting from utricle. Nut trigonous or biconvex, enclosed within persistent utricle. A genus of 1500-2000 spp. in cold and temperate regions or at high altitudes in the tropics. Native spp. 73, adventive 22.
Carex L.
Plants us. monoec., rarely dioec. Infl. a panicle, compound raceme, compound spike, cluster of spikes, or a single spike; bracts subtending panicles, spikes or individual spikes of compound infls, us. lf-like, sheathing or not sheathing. Spikes sessile or pedunculate, unisexual or bisexual, composed of ∞ 1-fld spikelets; each spikelet subtended by a glume. Fls unisexual; perianth 0. Male fl. with 3 stamens (rarely 2). Female fl. a single pistil enclosed in a sac-like organ (utricle); style 1, branched above to 2 or 3 stigmas which project from the small orifice at the apex of the utricle. Nut trigonous or biconvex, enclosed within the persistent utricle. Perennial herbs, either tufted, or with creeping subterranean rhizomes. Culms us. trigonous and solid, rarely terete and hollow. Lvs tristichous, us. linear, mostly crowded at base of culm and ensheathing it, with a very minute, membr. ligule at the junction of lf and sheath. A genus of c. 1,500–2,000 spp. in cold and temperate regions or at high altitudes in the tropics. Of the 73 N.Z. spp. 61 are endemic.
Infl. a simple terminal spike with unisexual fls, ♂ at top, ♀ lower, in 1-fld spikelets each subtended by a glume; ♂ with 3 stamens; ♀ surrounded by a plano-convex to trigonous, us. glab., occ. hispid, closed sac or utricle; style-branches 3, protruding from mouth of utricle; nut trigonous; axis of spikelet, the rhachilla, produced beyond mouth of utricle and terminating in a rigid glume which is sharply reflexed to form a hook. Perennial herbs, tufted or shortly rhizomatous. Culms ± trigonous, occ. terete, with bract-like sheaths at base. Lvs grass-like, linear, us. Shallowly channelled, almost flat towards the base, flanged-channelled towards the tip, occ. involute, rarely plano-convex, margins ± scabrid, tip us. trigonous, lf-base sheathing. Between 40 and 50 spp., mainly in the S. Hemisphere but not found in S. Africa. Most N.Z. spp. are endemic but 2 are recorded from elsewhere in the Pacific.
Taxonomic concepts
scientific name
1 January 2000
20 August 2015