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Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii

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Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore

2n = 66
2n = 66

Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore

Plant at flower to c. 40-50 cm tall. Leaf c. 5-15 mm wide, channelled and more or less keeled, forming rather well-defined V in T.S. Flowers few, usually 1-6. Perianth c. 15 mm long, colour between pink and blue, without stripes or spots. Sepals, petals and labellum subsimilar, elliptic, sepals more acute. Column-arm terete or plano-convex in T.S. with abundant cilia from sides, back and top; cilia usually very pale yellow, mostly standing erect and above post-anther lobe; post-anther lobe tall, overtopping anther at least at sides, erect, squarely to obliquely truncate, sometimes forming a deep cleft at back, usually dark red towards top, margin usually yellowish, more or less denticulate but not thickened or involute, often ending in front in two small, more or less inturned horns.
Folium lineare, canaliculatum. plus minusve carinatum. Inflorescentia pauciflora. Perianthium purpurascens, nee striatum nee maculatum. Sepala, petala labelleumque elliptica, acuta. Columnae brachia teretia, ciliis numerosis sulphureis vel eremeis ornata; lobus post antheram ascendens erectus, antheram superans, recte vel oblique truncatus, laevis, rubescens, margine luteo plus minusve denticulato non involute.

Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore

Plant at fl. to c. 40 cm. tall. Lf 7–15 mm. wide, channelled and ± keeled, forming rather well-defined V in T.S. Infl. to c. 6-fld. Per. c. 15 mm. long, between pink and blue, without stripes or spots. Sepals, petals and labellum subsimilar, elliptic, sepals more acute. Column-arms terete to plano-convex in T.S.; cilia ∞, us. very pale yellow, arising from sides, back and top of arm, mostly standing erect and above post-anther lobe; post-anther lobe tall, overtopping anther at least at sides, erect, truncate sts quite obliquely forming a deep cleft at back, us. dark red towards top, margin ± yellow, ± denticulate but not thickened or involute, often ending in front in two sharp points.

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Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore

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Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Canterbury Land District
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Hawke's Bay Land District
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Otago Land District
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Thelymitra hatchii L.B.Moore
New Zealand
Westland Land District
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
3 October 2005
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