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Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeckeler

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Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeckeler (1874)

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(Spreng.) Boeckeler
Baumea rubiginosa

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Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeckeler

Rhizome 2–4 mm. diam., fibrous, covered with a loose coat of closely imbricating papery scales. Culms 30–90 cm. × 1–2.5 mm., terete, soft, light blue-green. Lower Ivs reduced to grey-brown, membr., mucronate sheaths; upper Ivs 1–3, terete like the culms, < or ± = culms, internally septate, tips subulate, acute. Panicle 6–18–(35) cm. long, rounded at the tip, interrupted, with branchlets in distant fascicles, stoutest lateral branchlet arising from lowest spathaceous bract c. 1 mm. diam.; bracts subtending upper fascicles acuminate, membr., red-brown. Spikelets (4.5)–5–6 mm. long, clustered, red-brown, 2–3–(4)-fld, 1 or occ. 2 fls fertile. Glumes 4–5, ovate, acuminate, membr., streaked with red, margins ciliate, scabrid towards the tip and on the keel. Nut 3–4 × c. 1.5 mm., elliptic-oblong, pale- or orange-yellow, smooth, trigonous while immature; beak small, grey or black, acute, trigonous, puberulous.

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Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeckeler
Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeck.
Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeckeler
Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeck.

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Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeckeler
Western Australia
Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeckeler
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Baumea rubiginosa (Spreng.) Boeckeler
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District

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scientific name
1 January 2000
28 November 2013
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