Luzula celata Edgar

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Luzula celata Edgar, New Zealand J. Bot. 4 (1966)
Luzula celata Edgar
Luzula celata Edgar
Luzula celata
Vernacular names
Luzula celata Edgar
2n = 12
2n = 12
Luzula celata Edgar
Plants of L. celata (from celatus L. hidden) are small and inconspicuous, sometimes half buried in sand with the inflorescence sunk within the leaves. Stoloniferous, in low-growing, small brownish tufts. Leaves 1-3 cm × 0.5—1.5 mm, lamina often involute towards the base, tip acute, margins villous with thickly clustered white hairs; sheath c. 2 mm broad, silver with red-brown striations. Flowering stems much shorter than leaves and hidden among them, scarcely elongating as fruit matures. Inflorescence 6-16- flowered, a single subsessile cluster of flowers, occasionally with a smaller pedunculate side cluster; subtending bracts 1-3, leafy, exceeding the inflorescence. Flowers c. 2 mm long; tepals membranous, almost entirely white except for a short, light brown stripe in the centre. Stamens 3, equalling the tepals, anthers very much shorter than the filaments. Capsule about equal to the tepals, pale brown, apex acute. Seeds 0.8-1.2 × 0.5-0.8 mm, dark brown, with a very minute caruncle.
Herba perennis, breviter stolonifera. Folia apice acuta, marginibus dense villosis. Caules brevissimi, inter folia celati, ad fructus maturitatem vix elongati. Inflorescentia parva, floribus paucis in 1—(2) capitula confertis. Tepala membranacea maximam partem alba, brevi, in medio, virga subfusca. Stamina tria. Capsula tepalis plus minusve aequilonga, subfusca.
Luzula celata Edgar
Low small cushion-like tufts to 3 cm high, with rhizomes and stolons. Leaves densely hairy on margins, tips acute. Flowering stems much < leaves, not elongating in fruit Stamens 3.
Luzula celata Edgar
Stoloniferous, in low-growing small, brownish, cushion-like tufts. Lvs 1–3 cm. long, lamina often involute towards the base, tip acute, margins villous with thickly clustered white hairs. Flowering stems much < lvs, scarcely elongating as fr. matures. Infl. 6–16-fld, a single subsessile cluster, occ. with a smaller pedunculate side cluster; subtending bracts 1–3, > infl. Fls c. 2 mm. long; tepals membr., almost entirely white except for a short, light brown stripe in the centre. Stamens 3. Capsule ± = tepals, pale brown. 2n = 12.
Taxonomic concepts
Luzula celata Edgar
Luzula celata Edgar
Luzula celata Edgar
Luzula celata Edgar
Luzula celata Edgar
Luzula celata Edgar
Identification keys
scientific name
1 January 2000
13 January 2004