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Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama

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Threat status: Not threatened
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Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama, Bot. Mag. (Tokyo) 69: 66 (1956)
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama

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New Zealand
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(Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax

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Light green, dense yet slender tufts. Rhizome 2–3 mm. diam., with culms closely and evenly spaced along it. Culms (15)–25–120–(165) cm. × 0.5–1.5 mm., terete, rigid and wiry. Lvs reduced to basal, reddish pink, sheathing bracts, but the uppermost often with a terete lamina like the culm. Infl. 5–25 cm. long, very narrow, spike-like; branchlets remote, slender, erect from sheathing mucronate bracts. Spikelets 6–8 mm. long, ± distant, not fascicled, light grey-brown or reddish, distinct at the tips of the branchlets, 1-fld. Glumes us. 3, the 2 lower glumes ± membr., lanceolate, shortly acuminate, the uppermost glume longer, spreading with maturation of the fr. Nut, including beak, c. 2.5 × 1.5 mm., ovoid, trigonous when immature, yellow, narrowed below to a short, dark brown stalk, narrowed above to a dark brown, pyramidal beak, c. 1 mm. long, rounded at the tip.

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Baumea tenax (Hook.f.) S.T.Blake
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Cladium gunnii sensu New Zealand Botanists
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Cladium tenax (Hook.f.) Druce
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Lampocarya tenax Hook.f.
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama

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Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
New Zealand
Gisborne Land District
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
New Zealand
Marlborough Land District
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
New Zealand
Nelson Land District
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
New Zealand
North Auckland Land District
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
New Zealand
South Auckland Land District
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
New Zealand
Southland Land District
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
New Zealand
Taranaki Land District
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
New Zealand
Wellington Land District
Machaerina tenax (Hook.f.) T.Koyama
New Zealand
Westland Land District

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scientific name
17 April 2009
31 August 2012
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