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Cunningham, G.H. 1931: The Rust Fungi of New Zealand. John McIndoe.

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Cunningham, G.H. 1931: The Rust Fungi of New Zealand. John McIndoe.

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Wellington: Karori , 200 m. ; Kelburn, 120 m. (type locality, legit. G.H.C.)
O.I. Unknown. II . Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered or more commonly crowded in groups which are linear, intercostal, and up to 15 mm. long, seated on irregular discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, 0.25-0.5 mm. diameter, orbicular, bullate, covered by the epidermis, opening by an irregular apical pore. Peridium flattened-globose, ostiolate, composed of obovate, hyaline cells, outer wall coarsely and densely verruculose. Spores obovate, elliptical, or polygonal, 18-26 x 14-20 um, average 23 x 17 um; epispore hyaline, moderately and finely verruculose, 6.75--1 um thick; germ pores 3-6, arranged in 2 obscure equatorial bands. III. Unknown.
HOST: Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J.Sm.
Auckland: Te Akatea, Raglan, 60 m. ; Wellington: Tiritea, Palmerston North, 200 m.
0 . Pycniosori hypophyllous, flattened, abundant , subcuticular. 1. Aecidiosori hypophyllous, mostly in 2 rows corresponding to the white lines of the leaf, 0.25 mm. diameter; peridia hyaline, 1 mm. tall, dehiscing by longitudinal fissure or irregular rupture of the apex, cylindrical, erect, not revolute, margin lacerate. Spores obovate or subglobose, 13-22 x 10-14 um; epispore hyaline, finely and moderately verruculose, with an elongated smooth area on one side, 1-1.5 um thick. II . Uredosori mostly hypophyllous, scattered, or frequently crowded in small groups which are seated on irregular discoloured spots, sulphur yellow, orbicular, 0.1-0.3 mm. diameter, bullate, immersed, somewhat pulverulent, opening by an apical pore; peridia flattened-globose, delicate, hyaline. Spores obovate, polygonal, or elliptical, 15-24 x 10-15 umS epispore hyaline, finely and moderately echinulate, 1 um thick; germ pores minute, obscure, about 4, scattered. III . Teleutosori hypophyllous, flattened, 0.25 mm. diameter, scattered or confluent, irregular, chestnut brown, indehiscent. Spores cylindrical or prismatic, 17-35 x 7-14 umS apex obtusely rounded, or truncate, thickened to 3 um base truncate; epispore smooth, chestnut brown, 1 um thick.
Europe; North America; New Zealand.
The former host (E. linnaeoides] is endemic, the latter indigenous and widespread; it occurs also in Australia (Cheesem. 1925, p. 604, 609). In Europe and North America the aecidiosori of a form occurring on Epilobium angustifolium occur on Abies spp. (Klebahn, 1904, p. 393; Fraser, 1912, p. 176) no successful cultures being recorded with teleutospores from any other species. This latter form has in consequence been separated as P. Abieti-Chamaenerii by Klebahn; but as it is morphologically identical it cannot be considered as other than a biologic form. Uredosori alone have been collected in New Zealand, aecidiosori and teleutosori being described from American and European material . The uredosori are small and readily overlooked, largely on account of their being immersed in the host tissues; their presence, as a rule, is indicated by small dead areas on the leaf.

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29 June 2011
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