Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]

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Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
P. Syd. & Syd.
(Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd.
Uromycladium acaciae
has host
Soris bullatis, plerumque caulicolis, fuscis, elongatis, difl`ormibus. Uredosporis subglobosis, leavibus, circa 18 µ diam., pedicellis hyalinis diffluentibus suflultis.
On living young twigs of Acacia. New Zealand. (Colenso 1050.)
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(h.) Uredo Acaciae Cke., Grev., vol. 19, p. 3, 1890. Host: Acacia sp.
The description is too incomplete for determination, but it will doubtless prove to be a species of Uromycladium.
(h.) Uredo Acaciae Cke., Grev., vol. 19, p. 3, 1890. Host: Acacia sp.
The description is too incomplete for determination, but it will doubtless prove to be a species of Uromycladium.
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Cooke (1890a) recorded Uredo acaciae on Acacia sp. from material forwarded by Colenso from Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. Cunningham (1923b) recorded this rust as Uromycladium alpinum McAlpine but in 1931a corrected his misidentification. Both rust and hosts [Acacia spp.] are introduced from Australia. Unlike U. notabile and U. tepperianum, this rust species does not produce galls on the host (Cunningham, 1926c); therefore it does little damage to the host.
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Type: Rust and Smut Fungi; Description: Only the telial stage is known. Telia scattered singly or in small groups up to 3 mm in diameter, appearing powdery brown because of the masses of teliospores; on the lower surfaces of leaves and on depressed cankers or swollen distorted areas of stems, up to 5 cm long; when mature, the host epidermis splits, exposing powdery, chocolate brown masses of teliospores beneath. Teliospores two on one sporophore, which has no vesicle; teliospores depressed globose to subglobose, 18–22 × 22–32 μm, chestnut brown, smooth.
Distribution: Auckland, Waikato, Bay of Plenty, Taupo, Wellington, Gisborne, Hawkes Bay, Nelson, Marlborough, North Canterbury, Mid Canterbury, South Canterbury, Southland.; 1st Record: Cooke (1890a: as Uredo acaciae).
Significance: The rust causes little damage and is not regarded as important.; Host(s): Acacia baileyana, A. dealbata, A. decurrens, A. mearnsii, A. paradoxa.
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Kew images.
Taxonomic concepts
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. 1914 [1915]
Uromycladium acaciae (Cooke) P. Syd. & Syd. (1914) [1915]
Global name resources
taxonomic status
Collections of A. baileyana require evaluation. See also U. murphyi for records on A. dealbata [JAC]
scientific name
12 June 2002