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Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928

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Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 59 500 (1928)
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928

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New Zealand
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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
NZ holotype
Uredo cheesemanii
New Zealand. Host: Senecio Adamsii Cheesem. Mount. Arthur Plateau, Nelson, T. F. Cheeseman. Holotype PDD 10074

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Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928

Host: Senecio Adamsii Cheesem. Mount Arthur Plateau, Nelson, T. F. Cheeseman. Type.
II. Uredosori crowded in epiphyllous, orbicular groups up to 5 mm. diam., deeply sunken in the tissues so that the apertures alone are visible, 0.5 mm. diam. Spores shortly- elliptical, slightly obovate, often angular, 40-56 x 32-44 mmm. ; epispore pallid cinnamon-brown, 4-5 mmm. thick,, sparsely and irregularly echinulate; germ pores equatorial, 4, obscure.
The host is endemic and occurs in both Islands; but is confined to the Tararua Range in the North Island. (Cheesem. 1925, p. 1024). The sori resemble aecidia in that they are submerged within the flask-shaped cavities in the host tissues; the resemblance is further strengthened in that the cavities are in part lined with fungous tissue in the nature of a pseudoparenchyma; but as the spores are not in chains, and as no definite peridial cells are present, the plant must be considered an Uredo.
The species is named from material taken from a collection of the host in the Petrie herbarium, collected by the late Mr. T. F. Cheeseman.

Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928

Type: Rust and Smut Fungi; Description: Uredinia crowded in roughly circular groups, deeply submerged in flask-shaped cavities in the host tissue with only the apertures showing; on the upper surfaces of leaves. Urediniospores elliptical, often angular, 40–56 × 32–44 μm, sparsely echinulate, pallid cinnamon brown.
Distribution: Nelson.; 1st Record: Cunningham (1928).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Brachyglottis adamsii.

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Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. (1928)
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. (1928)
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. (1928)
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. (1928)
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. (1928)
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. (1928)
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. (1928)
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. (1928)

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Uredo cheesemanii G. Cunn. 1928
New Zealand

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New Zealand. Host: Senecio Adamsii Cheesem. Mount. Arthur Plateau, Nelson, T. F. Cheeseman. Holotype PDD 10074

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scientific name
15 December 2003
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