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Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957

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Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f., Trans. Mycol. Soc. Japan 1 2 (1957)
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
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Hirats. f.
G. Cunn.
(G. Cunn.) Hirats. f.
Uredo histiopteridis

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Host: Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J. Sm. (= Pteris incisa Thunb.). On fronds. Herb. Nos. 772, 774. II. Karori (Wellington), 400 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 27 April, 1922. Kelburn (Wellington), 120 m., E. H. Atkinson ! C. H. G. 17 Sept., 1922. (Type.)
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, or more commonly crowded in groups which are linear, intercostal, and up to 15 mm. long, seated on irregular discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., orbicular, bullate, covered by the epidermis, opening by an irregular apical pore. Peridium flattened-globose, ostiolate, composecl of obovate, hyaline cells, outer wall coarsely and densely verruculose. Spores obovate, elliptical, or polygonal, 18-26 X 14-18 mmm.; epispore hyaline, moderately and finely verrucose, 0.75-1 mmm. thick, cell-contents colourless, vacuolate; germ-pores indistinct.
III. Unknown.
II. Uredosoris hypophyllis, raris vel in linearis catervis, intercostalibus, ad 15 mm. longis, in masculis maequalis discoloratis, 0.25-0.5 mm. latis, rotundis, bullatis, epidermide tectis, apicale aperto. Peridiis planoglobosis, ostiolatis, obovatis hyalinarum cellularum compositis, cellulo exteriore solide verruculoso. Uredoporis obovatis, ellipticis vel polygoniis, 18-26 X 14-18 mmm.; episporio hyalino, tenuiter verruculoso, 0.75-1 mmm. crasso, contentu hyalino, vacuolato; foraminis germims obscuro. III. Incognitis.
The very thin, moderately and finely verrucose epispore serves to separate this from other species of the genus. The .rust is exceedingly common in the localities where it has been collected; in fact, scarcely a frond could be obtained free from the dead areas in which the uredosori are embedded.
Hab. : In foliis vivis Histiopteridis incisae (Thunb.) J. Sm. Kelburn Wellington, New Zealand. E. H. Atkinson., G. H. C.
Wellington: Karori , 200 m. ; Kelburn, 120 m. (type locality, legit. G.H.C.)
O.I. Unknown. II . Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered or more commonly crowded in groups which are linear, intercostal, and up to 15 mm. long, seated on irregular discoloured spots visible on the upper surface, 0.25-0.5 mm. diameter, orbicular, bullate, covered by the epidermis, opening by an irregular apical pore. Peridium flattened-globose, ostiolate, composed of obovate, hyaline cells, outer wall coarsely and densely verruculose. Spores obovate, elliptical, or polygonal, 18-26 x 14-20 um, average 23 x 17 um; epispore hyaline, moderately and finely verruculose, 6.75--1 um thick; germ pores 3-6, arranged in 2 obscure equatorial bands. III. Unknown.
HOST: Histiopteris incisa (Thunb.) J.Sm.

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Milesia histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Faull (1932)
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Milesina histiopteridis G. Cunn. (1924)
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. (1957)
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. (1957)
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. (1957)
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. (1957)
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. (1957)
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. (1957)
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. (1957)
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. (1957)

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Uredo histiopteridis (G. Cunn.) Hirats. f. 1957
[Not available]

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scientific name
8 June 2001
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