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Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924

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Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 55 8 (1924)
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924

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New Zealand
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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
NZ holotype
Puccinia wahlenbergiae
New Zealand. Tokaanu-Waiouru ERoad, Taupo, 830 m., E. H. Atkinson, 12 Mar. 1922, holotype PDD 592, isotype BPI 111468

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Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924

Host: Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook. On leaves, stems, and inflorescences. Herb. No. 592. III. Tokaanu-Waiouru Road, Taupo, 830 m., E. H. Atkinson ! 12 Mar., 1922. (Type.)
0. Unknown.
III. Teleutosori hypophyllous, caulicolous, and on inflorescences, on leaves orbicular; 1 mm. diam., scattered, on stems linear, 1.5 mm. long compact, pulvinate, pallid brown, naked or surrounded by the ruptured epidermis. Spores fusiform or subclavate, 35-50 X 12-19 mmm.; apex strongly acuminate, thickened up to 18 mmm., base attenuate; slightly or not constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, hyaline, or tinted brown, 1-5-2 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, tinted brown; pedicel persistent, continuous with the spore, hyaline, stout, up to 30 X 10 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, obscure.
0. Incognitis.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis hypophyllis, caulicolis et floricolis, in foliis rotundis, raris, ad 1 mm. latis, in caulibusque ellipticis, ad 1.5 mm. longis, compactis, pulvinatis, pallido-fuscis, nudis vel epidermide rupta cinctis. Teleutosporis fusiformis vel subclavatis, 35-50 X 12-19 mmm.; apice fortis acuminato, ad crasso 18 mmm., basi attenuato; ad septum leniter necne constrictis; episporio leve, hyalino, vel pallido-fusco, 1.5-2 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, pallido-fusco; pedicello persistente, hyalino, crasso, ad 30 X 10 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae superioris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basali etatim infra septum, obscuro.
The host is endemic, and is abundant in hilly and mountainous country throughout. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 403.)
This rust is characterized by the strongly acuminate apex and persistent stout pedicels of the teleutospores.
Hab. : In foliis vivis et caulibusque Wahlenbergia albomarginata Hook. Tokaanu-Waiouru Road, Taupo, New Zealand. E. H. Atkinson.

Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924

The rust is known only from Tongariro National Park in the centre of the North Island. The host [Wahlenbergia albomarginata] is endemic and abundant throughout the mountain districts in both islands.

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Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. (1924)

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Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
New Zealand
Puccinia wahlenbergiae G. Cunn. 1924
New Zealand

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New Zealand. Tokaanu-Waiouru ERoad, Taupo, 830 m., E. H. Atkinson, 12 Mar. 1922, holotype PDD 592, isotype BPI 111468

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scientific name
15 December 2003
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