Aecidium hebe G. Cunn. 1928

Aecidium hebe G. Cunn., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 59 496 (1928)
G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Aecidium hebe G. Cunn. 1928
NZ holotype
Aecidium hebe
has host
Aecidium hebe G. Cunn. 1928
Hosts: Hebe Treadwellii Ckn. et Allan.
Black Birch Creek, Mt. Cook, Canterbury, 1,200 m., 1/28. G.H.C. Type. Hebe maerantha (Hook. f.) Ckn. et Allan. Sealey Range, Mt. Cook, Canterbury, 1,300 m., 1/28. H. H. Allan. Hebe macrantha var. brachyphylla (Cheesem.) Ckn. et Allan. Mt. Isobel, Canterbury, 900 m., 1/28. G.H.C. Hebe Traversii (Hook. f.) Ckn. et Allan. Mt. Isobel, Canterbury, 900 m., 1/28. G.H.C. Hebe elliptica (Forst. f.) Pennell. Seal Rock, Brighton, Westland, coast, 2/28. G.H.C. Charleston, Westland, coast, 2/2-8. G.H.C.
Black Birch Creek, Mt. Cook, Canterbury, 1,200 m., 1/28. G.H.C. Type. Hebe maerantha (Hook. f.) Ckn. et Allan. Sealey Range, Mt. Cook, Canterbury, 1,300 m., 1/28. H. H. Allan. Hebe macrantha var. brachyphylla (Cheesem.) Ckn. et Allan. Mt. Isobel, Canterbury, 900 m., 1/28. G.H.C. Hebe Traversii (Hook. f.) Ckn. et Allan. Mt. Isobel, Canterbury, 900 m., 1/28. G.H.C. Hebe elliptica (Forst. f.) Pennell. Seal Rock, Brighton, Westland, coast, 2/28. G.H.C. Charleston, Westland, coast, 2/2-8. G.H.C.
0. Unknown.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, scattered evenly and sparsely over the leaf surface, lemon-yellow in mass; peridia cylindrical, deeply immersed, standing above the surface 0.2-0.3 mm., toothed, 0.3-0.4 mm. diam., finally disappearing in old specimens; peridial cells rhomboid, thick-walled, 6-8 mmm., sculptured, firmly compacted together. Spores polygonal or subglobose; 18-22 mmm. diam ; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose; contents pallid lemon-yellow.
I. Aecidia hypophyllous, scattered evenly and sparsely over the leaf surface, lemon-yellow in mass; peridia cylindrical, deeply immersed, standing above the surface 0.2-0.3 mm., toothed, 0.3-0.4 mm. diam., finally disappearing in old specimens; peridial cells rhomboid, thick-walled, 6-8 mmm., sculptured, firmly compacted together. Spores polygonal or subglobose; 18-22 mmm. diam ; epispore hyaline, densely and minutely verruculose; contents pallid lemon-yellow.
This differs from the preceding in the different nature of the peridium, in not being systemic, and in the much finer markings of the spores. It differs from Aecidium Veronicas Berk. a species recorded from Australia, in that the spores are much smaller, and possess thinner epispores.
Aecidium hebe G. Cunn. 1928
Type: Rust and Smut Fungi; Description: Aecia scattered evenly and sparsely over the leaf surface, lemon yellow in mass, with a dentate margin standing a little above the leaf surface, 0.3–0.4 mm in diameter; on the lower surfaces of leaves. Aeciospores elliptical or subglobose, 22–28 × 15–20 μm, densely verruculose.
Distribution: Wellington, Buller, Marlborough, Mackenzie, Dunedin.; 1st Record: Cunningham (1928).
Significance: The rust causes little damage.; Host(s): Hebe brachysiphon, H. elliptica, H. macrantha var. macrantha, H. macrantha var. brachyphylla, H. treadwellii.
Aecidium hebe G. Cunn. 1928
Specimen examined: Campbell Island, Mt. Honey, on Hebe benthamii (Hook. f.) Cockayne & Allan [Scrophulariaceae], March 12, 2000, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD 85501 – I).
Notes: This endemic rust is known on several Hebe spp. in the South Island and Stewart Island. This is the first record on H. benthamii.
Taxonomic concepts
Aecidium hebe G. Cunn. 1928
Aecidium hebe G. Cunn. (1928)
Aecidium hebe G. Cunn. 1928
Aecidium hebe G. Cunn. (1928)
Aecidium hebe G. Cunn. 1928
Global name resources
Hosts: Hebe Treadwellii Ckn. et Allan. Black Birch Creek, Mt. Cook, Canterbury, [New Zealand], 1,200 m., 1/28. G.H.C. syntypes PDD 3411, PDD 3401, BPI 152212, lectotype PDD 3411
scientific name
9 August 2024