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Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924

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Puccinia foyana G. Cunn., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 55 3 (1924)
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924

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New Zealand
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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
NZ holotype
Puccinia foyana
[New Zealand], Cass (Canterbury), 650 m., N. R. Foy / 20 Jan:, 1922. PDD 767, isotype BPI 067266

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Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924

Host: Ranunculus Enysii T. Kirk. On leaves, stems, and petioles. Herb. No. 581. I-III. Cass (Canterbury), 650 m., N. R. Foy ! 20 Jan., 1922. (Type.)
0. Unknown.
I. Aecidia amphigenous, chiefly hypophyllous, in crowded irregular groups, seated on somewhat inflated spots up to 10 mm. diam., orange. Peridia copulate, 0.5 mm. diam., margins erect, somewhat incurved, white, laciniate. Spores polygonal or elliptical, 22-30 X 15-20 mmm.; epispore hyaline, finely and densely verruculose, 1 mmm. thick, cell-contents vacuolate, orange.
III. Teleutosori amphigenous, petiolicolous and caulicolous, arranged in scattered groups up to 5 mm. diam., bullate, pulverulent, orbicular, 0.25-0.5 mm. diam., long covered, becoming exposed by the longitudinal fissuring of the epidermis. Spores elliptical, less commonly clavate, 42-65 X 22-26 mmm.; apex acuminate, seldom rounded, crowned with a prominent hyaline papilla, slightly (6 mmm.) or not thickened, base rounded or bluntly attenuate; slightly or not constricted at the septum; epispore smooth, bright chestnut-brown, 2.5-3 mmm. thick, cell-contents granular; pedicel deciduous, hyaline, up to 30 X 8 mmm.; germ-pore of the upper cell apical, conspicuous, papillate, basal pore immediately beneath the septum, conspicuous, papillate.
X. Mesospores not uncommon, elliptical, 20-35 X 17-24 mmm.
0. Incognitis.
I. Aecidiis amphigeniis, praecipue hypophyllis, in catervis irregularibus. congestis, ad 10 mm. latis, luteis. Peridiis cupulatis, 0.5 mm. latis, marginibus erectis, aliquantum incurvis, albis, laciniatis. Aecidiosporis polygoniis vel ellipticas, 22-30 X 15-20mmm.; episporio hyalino, dense minuteque verrucoso, 1 mmm. crasso, contentu vacuolato, luteo.
III. Soris teleutosporiferis amphigeniis, petiolicoliis, et caulicolis, in catervis congestis, ad 5 mm. latis, bullatis, pulverulentibus, rotundis, ad 0.25-0.5 mm. latis, diu tectis ad extremum expositis rupta epidermide. Teleutosporis ellipticis, raro obovatis, 42-65 X 22-26 mmm.; apice acuminato, raro rotundato, papillato, leniter (6 mmm.) vel non incrassato, basi rotundato, non saepe attenuato, leniter ad septum constricto, epispono leve, castaneo, 2.5-3 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso; pedicello deciduo, hyalino, ad 30 X 8 mmm.; foramine germinis cellulae supenoris apicale, conspicuo, foramine basali etatim infra septum, conspicuo, saepe papillato.
X. Mesosporis vulgaribus, ellipticis, 20-35 X 17-24 mmm.
The host is endemic, and is confined to the mountains of the South Island. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 14.)
The conspicuous hyaline apical papilla, thick epispore, and large size of the teleutospores, separate this species from P. contegens G. H. Cunn.
Habitat: In foliis vivis, petiolibusque et caulisque Ranunculi Enysii T. Kirk. Cass, Canterbury, New Zealand. N. R. Foy.

Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924

This endemic rust species [Ranunculus enysii] on is known only from the type collection.

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Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. (1924)
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. (1924)

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Puccinia foyana G. Cunn. 1924
[Not available]

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[New Zealand], Cass (Canterbury), 650 m., N. R. Foy / 20 Jan:, 1922. PDD 767, isotype BPI 067266

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scientific name
15 December 2003
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