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Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930

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Puccinia moschata G. Cunn., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 61 410 (1930)
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930

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New Zealand
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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
NZ holotype
Puccinia moschata
Host: Olearia moschata, [New Zealand], Canterbury: Black Birch Creek, Mt. Cook, 1200 m., G.H.C. syntypes PDD 3379 (lectotype desig. McKenzie?), PDD 3377, BPI 087002

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Host: Olearia moschata Hook. f. Black Birch Creek, Mt. Cook, Canterbury, 1,200 m. 1/28. G.H.C. Type.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, scattered, orbicular, 0.5-1 mm. diam., pulverulent, pallid lemon-yellow, deeply immersed in the tomentum of the leaf. Spores subglobose or obovate, 24-30 x 20-24 mmm. ; epispore hyaline, 1 mmm. thick, finely and closely covered with small round-topped deciduous verrucae; germ pores equatorial, 3-4, not definite, appearing usually as thin places in the wall; immixed with numerous cylindrical, hyaline paraphyses.
The host is endemic and confined to the South Island (Cheesem. 1925, p.. 923).
The hyaline thin epispore characterizes the species.

Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930

Cunningham (1928) recorded the uredospore stage of this rust as Uredo moschata. Both host [Olearia moschata] and rust are endemic to New Zealand; it has been collected only from one locality in Canterbury.

Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930

Type: Rust and Smut Fungi; Description: Uredinia scattered, rounded, pale lemon yellow; on the lower surfaces of leaves deeply immersed in the tomentum. Urediniospores subglobose to obovate, 24–40 × 20–24 μm, hyaline, covered with small deciduous verrucae. Telia similar to and associated with the uredinia. Teliospores elliptic-oblong, 1-septate, 64–72 × 30–40 μm, smooth, hyaline; pedicel persistent.
Distribution: Mackenzie.; 1st Record: Cunningham (1928: as Uredo moschatus).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Olearia moschata.

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Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. (1930)
Uredo moschatus G. Cunn. (1928)
Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930

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Puccinia moschata G. Cunn. 1930
[Not available]

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Host: Olearia moschata, [New Zealand], Canterbury: Black Birch Creek, Mt. Cook, 1200 m., G.H.C. syntypes PDD 3379 (lectotype desig. McKenzie?), PDD 3377, BPI 087002

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scientific name
15 December 2003
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