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Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923

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Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 54 683 (1923)
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923

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New Zealand
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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
NZ holotype
Puccinia hectorensis
Mount Dennan, Tararua Mountains (Wellington), [New Zealand], 1,200 m.,. E. H. Atkinson 7 Jan., 1922. holotype PDD 495, isotype K(M) 212364, K(M) 212362, K(M) 212363, BPI 072586

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Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923

Cunningham (1931a) stated that the three host species [Senecio spp.] and the rust are endemic. Although host plants are present in subalpine scrub in both islands, the rust is confined to mountain areas in the South Island.

Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923

Type: Rust and Smut Fungi; Description: Aecia scattered or in small groups, yellow; on lower surfaces of leaves and on petioles. Aeciospores elliptical to polygonal, 30–46 × 30–34 μm, yellowish brown, sculptured, appearing reticulate. Telia circular, scattered, pale brownish yellow, up to 1.5 mm in diameter; buried in the dense tomentum on the lower surfaces of leaves. Teliospores linear-oblong to cylindrical, 1-septate, 100–168 × 20–32 μm, hyaline, smooth; pedicel persistent.
Distribution: Wellington, Buller, Westland, North Canterbury, Mid Canterbury, Stewart Island.; 1st Record: Cunningham (1923a).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Brachyglottis bidwillii var. bidwillii, B. bidwillii var. viridis, B. elaeagnifolia.

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Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. (1923)

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Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
New Zealand
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
New Zealand
Puccinia hectorensis G. Cunn. 1923
New Zealand

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Mount Dennan, Tararua Mountains (Wellington), [New Zealand], 1,200 m.,. E. H. Atkinson 7 Jan., 1922. holotype PDD 495, isotype K(M) 212364, K(M) 212362, K(M) 212363, BPI 072586

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scientific name
15 December 2003
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