Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901

Puccinia novozelandica Bubák, Sitzungsberichte der Königlichen Böhmischen Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften 1901 5 (1901)
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901
as 'novo-zelandica'
replacement, replacement name
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901
Puccinia novozelandica
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901
The following species and form-species have been recorded as occurring in New Zealand, but, as I have not seen specimens, I am unable to give descriptions; moreover, as in most instances the published descriptions are so fragmentary as to be useless for comparative purposes, I have not included them here.
(d.) Puccinia novo-zelandica Bubak, Sitz-ber. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., p. 5, 1901. P. compactor Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 195, 1855. Host: Myosotis capitata Hook. f.
These specimens were said to have been collected in the South Island, but the host is confined to the Auckland and Campbell Islands. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 463.)
(d.) Puccinia novo-zelandica Bubak, Sitz-ber. Boehm. Ges. Wiss., p. 5, 1901. P. compactor Berk., Fl. N.Z., vol. 2, p. 195, 1855. Host: Myosotis capitata Hook. f.
These specimens were said to have been collected in the South Island, but the host is confined to the Auckland and Campbell Islands. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 463.)
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901
There is a single collection [on Myosotis capitata] in the Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, from Auckland. Cunningham (1931a) stated that he had not seen Berkeley's material. No other collections of this rust exist.
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901
Auckland Islands (Cunningham1931; McKenzie and Foggo 1989), on Myosotis capitata Hook. f. [Boraginaceae], J.D. Hooker (Kew (M)52415 – III).
Aecia, pycnia, and uredinia not known. Telia hypophyllous, circular, single, 1–1.25 mm diameter, sometimes surrounded by a ring of smaller pustules, pale amber, pulvinate, compact. Teliospores fusiform or ovoid, straight or slightly curved, apical cell oval or ellipsoidal, basal cell oval, ellipsoidal or obovoid, apex subacute, rounded, base attenuated, slightly constricted at septum, 45–68 x 16.5–23 µm (mean of 32 spores, 56.1 x 19.5 µm); wall smooth, yellowish, 2.25–3.5 µm thick at side, 4.5–10 µm thick at apex; pedicel persistent, up to 190 µm long, 8–14 µm wide, wall 2.25–3.25 µm thick, hyaline.
The teliospore measurements obtained from an examination of the type specimen held at Kew are comparable to those given by Sydow (1922), who also examined the type specimen, and cited measurements of 42–62 x 15–20 µm. This rust was initially described as Puccinia compacta Berk. (Berkeley 1855), which is a later homonyn of P. compacta Kunze. It was said to have been collected by Lyall in the “Southern Island” (??Stewart Island). However, the host is restricted to the Auckland and Campbell island groups. Cunningham (1931) cites the specimen as being collected by J.D. Hooker on the Auckland Islands, but it is equally likely that it was collected on Campbell Island, as there is nothing on the Kew specimen to indicate either Campbell Island or Auckland Islands as the locality.
Taxonomic concepts
Puccinia compacta Berk. (1855)
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák (1901)
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák 1901
Puccinia novozelandica Bubák (1901)
Global name resources
HOST: Myosotis capitata Hookf, TYPE LOCALITY : Auckland Islands [New Zealand], on the same host, legit J. D. Hooker
scientific name
17 August 2007