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Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923

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Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 54 653 (1923)
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923

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New Zealand
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G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
NZ holotype
Puccinia kirkii
New Zealand, Hab. : In foliis vivis Rumicis neglecti T. Kirk et R. flexuosi Sol. Otago, Clinton Valley. E. H. Atkinson. PDD 3665, isotype BPI 079309

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Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923

Cunningham (1931a) stated that both host and rust species are endemic, the one host, Rumex flexuosus, being widespread throughout New Zealand. The rust has been recorded from the South Island only.

Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923

Auckland Islands, Auckland Island, near Dea’s Point, on Rumex neglectus Kirk [Polygonaceae], March 22, 2000, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD 83435 –II, III); Auckland Island, Chambres Inlet, on R. neglectus, March 27, 2006, P.R. Johnston (PDD 87919 – II, III); Enderby Island, East Bay, on R. neglectus, February 7, 1999, C.J. West (PDD 70278 – II, III); Enderby Island, Sandy Bay, on R. neglectus, March 21, 2000, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD 83433 – II, III). Chatham Islands, Rekohu, Ohira Bay, on R. neglectus, January 7, 2007, R.E. Beever (PDD92012 – II, III).
Uredinia amphigenous, but mainly epiphyllous on R. neglectus, pulvinate, pulverulent, orbicular, ca. 0.5 mm diam., but up to 2 mm or more and irregular in shape when coalescent, surrounded by epidermis, amber colored. Urediniospores (20.5–)24–30(–33) x 16–25 µm (mean of 99 spores, 27.2 x 20.2 µm), obovoid, ellipsoidal to broadly ellipsoid, contents bright golden yellow; wall 0.6–2 µm thick, hyaline to pale yellow, echinulate, germ pores 3–4, equatorial. Teliospores mixed in with urediniospores, 24.5–36 x 16–23.5 µm (mean of 71 spores, 28.8 x 20.4 µm), ellipsoidal,each cell subglobose, slightly constricted at septum, contents yellow-brown or bright yellow gold; wall 0.7–1.3 µm thick at sides, 1–2.3 µm at apex, yellow-brown, smooth; germ pore at apex in upper cell, slightly papillate, and near pedicel in lower cell; pedicels up to 10 µm, hyaline.
This endemic rust is known from the western and southern parts of the South Island, Stewart Island, and Chatham Islands. It has been recorded on two native species of dock, Rumex flexuosus Spreng. and R. neglectus. The plants seen in the Auckland Islands in March 2000 were heavily infected.

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Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. (1923)
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. (1923)

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Puccinia kirkii G. Cunn. 1923
[Not available]

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New Zealand, Hab. : In foliis vivis Rumicis neglecti T. Kirk et R. flexuosi Sol. Otago, Clinton Valley. E. H. Atkinson. PDD 3665, isotype BPI 079309

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scientific name
15 December 2003
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