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Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]

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Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]

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New Zealand
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G.H. Otth
G.H. Otth
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei

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Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]

Rust on barley was recorded from New Zealand in the Wanganui area by Blundell (1899). Cunningham (1922b) recorded the rust under the species Puccinia simplex Erikss. and Henn.; in 1931 he listed P. simplex as a synonym of P. anomala Rostr. McNabb (1962a) listed P. anomala as a synonym of P. hordei. In some seasons in some parts of New Zealand rust on barley can be of considerable importance. The aecidial stage has not been recorded in this country.

Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]

Campbell Island, Mt. Honey, on Holcus lanatus [Poaceae], March 7, 2000, E.H.C. McKenzie(PDD 83395 – II); Beeman Camp, on H. lanatus, March 8,2000, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD 83431 – II); Tucker Cove, onH. lanatus, March 16, 2000, E.H.C. McKenzie (PDD 83397– II). North Island, Bay of Plenty, Rotorua, Tikitere, on H.lanatus, A. Gianotti, December 15, 1998 (PDD 69785 – II).South Island, Mid Canterbury, Christchurch, Addington, onH. lanatus, A.J. Healy, December 5, 1998 (PDD 70648 – II,III). Stewart Island, Halfmoon Bay, on H. lanatus, E.H.C.McKenzie, C. & K. Vánky, February 9, 1998 (PDD 85516– II, III).
In New Zealand, Puccinia coronata has been commonly found on Holcus lanatus wherever the host plant grows. However, in 1998 P. hordei was collected for the first time on H. lanatus in New Zealand (PDD 69785, 70648, 85516). Rust was common on H. lanatus on Campbell Island in 2000, and it was also determined as P. hordei, although no teliospores were found. Overseas, H. mollis is well known as a host of P. hordei. P. hordei is common and widespreadon barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and barley grasses (Critesion spp.) in New Zealand.

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Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth (1871) [1870]

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Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Campbell Island
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Chatham Islands
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
New Zealand
Puccinia hordei G.H. Otth 1871 [1870]
United States

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scientific name
21 February 2003
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