Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. 1924

Uredo wharanui G. Cunn., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 55 46 (1924)
G. Cunn.
G. Cunn.
Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. 1924
NZ holotype
Uredo wharanui
has host
Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. 1924
Host: Olearia insignis Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 778. Woodside Creek, Wharanui (Marlborough), B. H. Atkinson ! 3 Nov., 1922.
II. Uredosori hypophyllous, seated on pallid spots visible on the upper surface, orbicular, 1 mm. diam., bullate, reddish-orange, pulverulent, deeply buried in the dense tomentum of the leaf-surface. Spores elliptical or obovate, 35-55. X 26-34 mmm.; epispore hyaline, coarsely and moderately echinulate, 2-2.5 mmm., thick, cell-contents granular, reddish-orange; germ-pores indistinct.
II. Soris uredosporiferis hypophyllis, in inaculis pallidis, rotundatis, 1 mm. latis, bullatis, rubro-aurantiacis, pulverulentibus diu tomento folii tectis. Uredosporis ellipticis vel obovatis, 35-55 X 26-34 mmm.; episporio hyalino, sparse rustice echinulato, 2-2.5 mmm. crasso, contentu granuloso, rubro-aurantiaco; foramine germinis non conspicuo.
The host is endemic, and is confined to the Marlborough District. (Cheeseman, 1906, p. 279.)
In size and shape the spores of this species resemble the preceding; it is separated on account of the thicker, coarsely and moderately echinulate epispore, and bright reddish-orange colour of the sori.
In size and shape the spores of this species resemble the preceding; it is separated on account of the thicker, coarsely and moderately echinulate epispore, and bright reddish-orange colour of the sori.
Hab.: In foliis vivis Oleariae insignis Hook. f. Woodside Creek, Wharanui, Marlborough, New Zealand. E. H. Atkinson.
Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. 1924
Both the host [Pachystegia insignis] and the rust are endemic and confined to the Marlborough district in the South Island.
Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. 1924
Type: Rust and Smut Fungi; Description: Uredinia minute, circular, reddish orange, powdery, up to 1 mm in diameter; buried in dense tomentum on the lower surfaces of leaves, associated with pale leaf spots, which are also visible on the upper leaf surfaces. Urediniospores obovate to elliptical, 30–55 × 26–34 μm, coarsely and densely echinulate, hyaline.
Distribution: Marlborough, Kaikoura.; 1st Record: Cunningham (1924a).
Significance: None.; Host(s): Pachystegia insignis.
Taxonomic concepts
Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. 1924
Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. (1924)
Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. 1924
Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. (1924)
Uredo wharanui G. Cunn. 1924
Global name resources
Olearia insignis Hook. f. On leaves. Herb. No. 778. Woodside Creek, Wharanui (Marlborough), [New Zealand] E. H. Atkinson, 3 Nov., 1922. holotype PDD 778, isotype BPI 155995, K(M) 211763, BPI 155996
scientific name
13 August 2024