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Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930

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Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn., Trans. & Proc. New Zealand Inst. 61 407 (1930)
Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930

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New Zealand
Political Region
Lectotype PDD 3393

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G. Cunn.
(G. Cunn.) G.Cunn.
NZ holotype
Puccinia schoenus
Schoenus pauciflorus Hook. f. Canterbury: Cook Range, 700 m ,[New Zealand] type collection, G.H.C, lectotype PDD 3393 [selected by McKenzie, 1992 & 2024], isotype BPI 100817, BPI 373590

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Host: Schoenus pauciflorus Hook: f. Cook Range, Canterbury, 700 m., 1/28. G.H.C. Type.
II. Uredosori scattered, seldom confluent, seated on discoloured reddish spots, elliptical, 1-2 mm. long, erumpent, bullate, long covered, ferruginous. Spores elliptical or obovate, 40-48 x 24-28 mmm. ; epispore pallid fuscous, or yellowish-brown, 3 mmm. thick, save at the apex where thickened to 6 mmm. and darker in colour, moderately and somewhat coarsely echinulate ; germ pores equatorial, 3-4, obscure.
The host is endemic and common throughout (Cheesem. 1925, p. 229)

Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930

The host [Schoenus pauciflorus] is endemic and common throughout. The rust only occurs in Canterbury and Otago, South Island. It is of no economic importance.

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Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930
Puccinia schoenus G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930
Puccinia schoenus G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930
Puccinia schoenus G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930
Puccinia schoenus G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930
Puccinia schoenus G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930
Puccinia schoenus G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930
Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930
Puccinia schoenus G. Cunn. (1930)
Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930
Puccinia schoenus G. Cunn. (1930)
Uredo schoeni G. Cunn. (1928)
Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930

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Puccinia schoenus (G. Cunn.) G.Cunn. 1930
[Not available]

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Schoenus pauciflorus Hook. f. Canterbury: Cook Range, 700 m ,[New Zealand] type collection, G.H.C, lectotype PDD 3393 [selected by McKenzie, 1992 & 2024], isotype BPI 100817, BPI 373590

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scientific name
13 August 2024
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