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Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954

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G.T.S. Baylis
G.T.S. Baylis
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
NZ holotype
Uredo puawhananga
Dunedin, [New Zealand], Swampy Spur, 370 m, on C. paniculata, 1 March 1954, G.T.S. Baylis (PDD 12908–II, holotype), epitype PDD 101549

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Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954

Baylis (1954) revised rust fungi on Clematis spp. in New Zealand. The uredospore stage attributed by Cunningham (1931a) to Puccinia clavata Syd. is described under this species. Baylis (1954) stated that throughout New Zealand this endemic species is the commonest rust on Clematis spp.; it is also recorded on the introduced C. vitalba.

Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954

Type: Rust and Smut Fungi; Description: Uredinia often in circular groups, erumpent, yellow-orange, powdery, up to 3 mm in diameter; on lower surfaces of leaves. Urediniospores obovate to elliptical, 19–29 × 15–24 μm, verrucose.
Distribution: Northland, Auckland, Coromandel, Waikato, Taupo, Wanganui, Wellington, Hawkes Bay, Nelson, Marlborough Sounds, Dunedin, Stewart Island.; 1st Record: Baylis (1954).
Significance: Although this rust attacks the introduced weed Clematis vitalba, it does not cause sufficient damage to act as a biological control agent.; Host(s): Clematis cunninghamii, C. forsteri, C. montana, C. paniculata, C. vitalba.

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Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis (1954)

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Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Hawkes Bay
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Marlborough Sounds
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Three Kings Islands
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand
Uredo puawhananga G.T.S. Baylis 1954
New Zealand

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Dunedin, [New Zealand], Swampy Spur, 370 m, on C. paniculata, 1 March 1954, G.T.S. Baylis (PDD 12908–II, holotype), epitype PDD 101549

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scientific name
7 August 2024
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