Horak, E. 1971: Contributions to the knowledge of the Agaricales s.l. (Fungi) of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9(3): 463-493.

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Horak, E. 1971: Contributions to the knowledge of the Agaricales s.l. (Fungi) of New Zealand. New Zealand Journal of Botany 9(3): 463-493.
Taxonomic concepts
Hygrophorus variabilis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Pileo conico vel convexo-campanulato, radialiter rugoso, sicco, estriato, fibrillis veli ad marginem instructo. Lamellis ex adnato adnexis, argillaceis dein brunneis, intermixtis. Stipite cylindraceo, centrali, fistuloso, sicco, fibrillis et squamis veli dense obtecto, cortina nulla. Sporis in cumulo brunneis, cruciformibus vel rhomboideis, brunneo-luteis, levibus, tenuitunicatis, poro germinativo nullo. Basidiis 4-sporigeris. Cystidiis fusoideis, tenuitunicatis, baud cristalligeris. Cuticula e cellulis clavatis epithelio formantibus, pigmento incrustatis, membrana tenui ct baud gelatinosa instructis. Hyphis fibuligeris. Ad terram. Novazelandia.
Typus generis: Crucispora naucorioides Horak.
HOLOTYPE : PDD 27001 (Isotype Herb. HK. ZT 68/641): "On soil under Cyathea dealbata. C. smithii, Phyllocladus trichomanoides, and Leptospermum ericoides; Kauaeranga Valley, Coromandel Peninsula, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 5.VII.1968".
Pileus 5-30 mm diam., hemispherical or conical when young, later convex or campanulate; deep brown, tobacco brown or clay coloured; distinctly grooved or wrinkled, radially veined, dry, hygrophanous: with scattered, fibrillose remnants of the veil along the non striate margin. Lamellae (L 10-15, 13) adnate or adnexed, ventricose: beige, later becoming clay or buff brown with white, fimbriate gill edge. Stipe 20-60 x 2-4 mm, cylindrical, fistulose, single: whitish or concolourous with pileus, covered with darker dots and squamules of the veil remnants, permanent cortina or ring absent; dry, apically pruinose. Context not gelatinous, brownish. Smell and taste not distinctive. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH— negative.
Spore print brown. Spores 12-15 x 11-14 µm, cruciform, rhomboid (like the spores of Pterospora Metrod 1949), smooth, thin-walled, yellow-brown, germ pore absent. Basidia 13-20 x 8 µm. 4-spored. Cheilocystidia (and caulocystidia) 40-50 x 10-14 µm, fusoid, thin-walled, hyaline, without crystals, forming a sterile zone at the gill edge. Cuticle an hymeniderm consisting of clavate cells (25-40 x 8-15 µm), membrane not gelatinised, strongly encrusted with brown pigment, clamp connections present.
Spore print brown. Spores 12-15 x 11-14 µm, cruciform, rhomboid (like the spores of Pterospora Metrod 1949), smooth, thin-walled, yellow-brown, germ pore absent. Basidia 13-20 x 8 µm. 4-spored. Cheilocystidia (and caulocystidia) 40-50 x 10-14 µm, fusoid, thin-walled, hyaline, without crystals, forming a sterile zone at the gill edge. Cuticle an hymeniderm consisting of clavate cells (25-40 x 8-15 µm), membrane not gelatinised, strongly encrusted with brown pigment, clamp connections present.
On soil under litter of Cyathea, Phyllocladus, and Leptospermum. New Zealand.
Characteribus generis adsunt; pileo 5-30 mm lato, tabacino. Lamellis acie alba instructis. Stipite 20-60 x 2-4 mm, albido vel argillaceo-brunneo, fibrillis obscurioiribus e velo instructo. Caro argillaceo-brunnea, baud gelatinosa. Odore saporeque nullo. Sporis 12-15 x 11-14 µm. Basidiis 13-20 x 8 µm. Cheilocystidiis 40-50 x 10-14 µm, hyalinis. Epicute e cellulis clavatis, 25-40 x 8-15 µm, pigmento brunneo incrustatis. Ad terram inter folia deiecta (sub Phylloclado, Leptospermo, Cyathea, etc.). Novazelandia.
This unique species represents a new genus which has no close relationships to any of the known genera of Agaricales. Furthermore it cannot be placed in any family recognised at the present time. The name "naucorioides" is derived from the wrinkled pileus reminescent of the structure typical of many species of the genus Naucoria (Fr.) Kummer 1871.
Holotypus: PDD 27001: "Kauaeranga Valley, Coromandel Peninsula, Novazelandia: leg. Horak, 5.VII. 1968"
HOLOTYPE: PDD 8358: "Hobart".
This species was thoroughly described by Cunningham (1942, p.55) and although its peculiarities were recognised, it was classified in Octaviania Vittadini 1851. The Tasmanian G. clelandi is closely related to G. cryptica from New Zealand, but there are sufficient microscopical and macroscopical characters to separate the two as distinct taxa. According to present knowledge the area of distribution of the genus Gigasperma is restricted to Tasmania and New Zealand. Unfortunately too few ecological observations are available, thus no conclusions can be made about the mycorrhizal relationships of the two species with Nothofagus spp.
HOLOTYPE: PDD 27002 (Isotype Herb. HK. ZT 68/504): "In humus between roots of Nothofagus fusca and N. menziesii; track to St. Arnaud Range, Lake Rotoiti, Prov. Nelson, N.Z.-, leg. Horak, 23.V.1968".
Pileus 5-25 mm diam., pyriform or irregularly tuberiform, subglobose: whitish or cream coloured, later becoming clay-brownish; dry, glabrous sometimes covered by fragile white rhizoids, not areolate; margin of pileus always attached to the stipe and never exposing the gleba. Glebe of round or elliptical cells (up to 3mm diam.), irregularly distributed rust brown; tramal plates not gelatinised. Stipe always developed and visible, conical, solid, confluent with the compact, sterile subgleba columella absent. Context whitish, not gelatinous. Chemical reactions or pileus: KOH—yellow-brownish. Taste acidulous. Smell like garlic.
Spores 27-36 µm diam., subglobose, usually large and with very thick (5-7 µm) membrane, yellow-brown or reddish-brown in KOH, neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, with prominent apiculus. Basidia 45-60 x 15-30 µm, 4-spored, large pear-shaped or like a sand-glass (in profile) Cystidia absent. Cuticle a cutis consisting of cylindrical, thin-walled, no gelatinised hyphae (3-6 µm diam.), encrusted with yellowish pigment, clamp connections present.
HABITAT: Buried in humus between roots of Nothofagus spp.; New Zealand.
Spores 27-36 µm diam., subglobose, usually large and with very thick (5-7 µm) membrane, yellow-brown or reddish-brown in KOH, neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, with prominent apiculus. Basidia 45-60 x 15-30 µm, 4-spored, large pear-shaped or like a sand-glass (in profile) Cystidia absent. Cuticle a cutis consisting of cylindrical, thin-walled, no gelatinised hyphae (3-6 µm diam.), encrusted with yellowish pigment, clamp connections present.
HABITAT: Buried in humus between roots of Nothofagus spp.; New Zealand.
Characteribus generis adsunt; pileo 5-25 mm diam., pyriformi vel subgloboso cremeo pallide argillaceove, sicco, haud areolato. Gleba lacunosa, peridio membranaceo obtecta, argillacea dein subcinnamomea. Caro luteola. Odore alliaceo vel ingrato. Sapore acidulo. Sporis 27-36 µm, latis, apiculo conspicuo et membrana crassa (5-7 µm) instructis, baud amyloideis vel dextrinoideis. Basidiis 45-60 x 15-30 µm, 4-sporigeris. Cystidiis nullis. Epicute ex hyphis 3-6 µm crassis, tenuitunicatis, pigmento luteo incrustatis, baud gelatinosis. In terram sub arboribus notbofagineis. Novazelandia.
Holotypus: PDD 27002: "St. Arnaud, Lake Rotoiti Novazelandia; leg. Horak, 23.V. 1968".
Habitu secotioidco. Pileo pyriformi vel irregulariter tuberiformi, glebam numquam exposito, glabro. Gleba lacunosa, loculis usque ad 3 mm latis instructa, baud gelatinosa, argillacea vel cinnamoinea. Stipite nullo vel ambiguo, columella abest, pileo concolori. Sporis permagnis, subglobosis, crasse-tunicatis, levibus. luteis. Basidiis 4-sporigeris. Cystidiis nullis. Epicute exhyphis cylindraceis cutem formantibus, pigmento incrustato instructis, fibuligeris. Ad terram et inter folia deiecta, in silvis. Novazelandia, Tasmania.
Typus generis: Gigasperma cryptica Horak.
HOLOTYPE: PDD 27005 (Isotype Herb. HK. ZT 69/258): "In tussock grassland and herbfield, 3000-40CO ft: Rock and Pillar Range, Central Otago. N.Z.; leg. G. T. S. Baylis, IV. 1969". -PDD 26301: "Secotium ?; On rock strewn ground: Mt Rakeahua, Stewart Island, N.Z.; leg. J. R. J. Moore, 3.11.1936".
Pileus 6-14 mm diam., hemispherical or pear-shaped, clavate, margin of pileus always collar-like constricting the stipe and covered with white fibrillose remnants of the veil; orange or red-brown, paler towards the non striate margin; smooth, slightly viscid, not hygrophanous. Lamellae adnate or adnexed, irregularly anastomosed, lacunose, never exposed; more or less radially arranged; dirty brown, gill edge concolourous. Stipe 10-35 x 1-2 mm, cylindrical or attenuated towards the base, no distinct columella developed; orange or red-brown, covered by silky fibrils of the veil; dry, fistulose with age, no rhizoids at the base. Context whitish, cortex about 2 mm thick, not gelatinised. No smell or taste.
Spores 10-12 x 7-9 µm, oval, in KOH yellowish-brownish, smooth, membrane up to 1 µm thick, with distinct germ pore, bilaterally symmetrical. Basidia 28-34 x 7-10 µm, 4-spored. Chrysocystidia 25-40 x 10-13 µm, fusoid or lageniform, thin-walled, with yellow plasmatic pigment, rare. Cuticle a cutis consisting of repent, cylindrical hyphae (3-6 µm diam.), membrane gelatinised and encrusted by yellow-brown pigment, sometimes plasmatic pigment of same colour present, clamp connections numerous.
Spores 10-12 x 7-9 µm, oval, in KOH yellowish-brownish, smooth, membrane up to 1 µm thick, with distinct germ pore, bilaterally symmetrical. Basidia 28-34 x 7-10 µm, 4-spored. Chrysocystidia 25-40 x 10-13 µm, fusoid or lageniform, thin-walled, with yellow plasmatic pigment, rare. Cuticle a cutis consisting of repent, cylindrical hyphae (3-6 µm diam.), membrane gelatinised and encrusted by yellow-brown pigment, sometimes plasmatic pigment of same colour present, clamp connections numerous.
On soil among mosses and grasses. New Zealand.
Pileo 6-14 mm lato, hemisphaerico vel pyriformi, margine stipitem cingulato, aurantio vel castaneo, viscido, haud striato, marginem versus fibrillis albis veli instructo. Lamellis irregulariter lamelliformibus, anastomosantibus, brunneis, numquam expositis. Stipite 10-35 x 1-2 mm, cylindraceo vel basim versus attenuato, pileo concolori, sicco, glabro, fistuloso, Caro alba, haud gelatinosa. Odore saporeque nullo. Sporis 10-12 x 7-9 µm, ovatis, levibus, luteobrunneolis, poro germinativo instructis. Basidiis 28-34 x 7-10 µm, 4-sporigeris. Chrysocystidiis 25-40 x 10-13 µm, fusoides vel lageniformibus, pigmento luteo instructis, tenuitunicatis, sparsibus. Epicute ex hyphis cylindraceis gelatinosisque, pigmento incrustatis, 3-6 µm latis, fibuligeris. Ad terram. Novazelandia.
This species is named in honour of Professor G. T. S. Baylis (Dunedin) who collected this fungus several times in the mountains of Central Otago and whose zeal and support has stimulated mycology in New Zealand
Holotypus: PDD 27005: "Rock and Pillar Range, Central Otago: leg. Baylis, IV. 1969".
HOLOTYPE: PDD 27003 (Isotype Herb. Hk. ZT 68/519: "On rotten wood in forest of Podocarpus, Dacrydium, Griselinia, Coprosma, Pittosporum etc.: Filter Station, Dunedin, New Zealand: leg. Horak and Baylis, 30. V. 1968".
Pileus 5-15 mm diam., hemispherical or conical when young, becoming pulvinate, margin strongly incurved and connected with stipe-columella; yellow brown with distinct reddish or orange tinge; smooth, slightly viscid, non striate; margin conspicuously covered with orange or reddish coloured veil remnants. Gleba cellular, cells about 1-2 mm diam., not distinctly radially arranged; brownish, without well differentiated tramal plates, not gelatinised. Stipe 6-20 x 3-4 mm, cylindrical or fusoid, attenuated towards the apex (columella), normally transcurrent and extending to the cortex of the cuticle but rarely terminating abruptly in the gleba; yellow, ornamented with distinct, adpressed, orange or reddish coloured zones forming one or more girdles of the veil; when wet slightly viscid, becoming dry with age. fistulose. Context whitish, under the cortex of the pileus yellow-brown, up to 2 mm diam. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH—brown. Smell and taste not distinctive.
Spores 13.5-16 x 8-10 µm, elliptical, sometimes even naviculate, smooth, brownish yellow, with distinct germ pore, membrane up to 1µm diam., axially symmetrical. Basidia 23-31 x 7-9 µm., 4-spored. Chrysocystidia 30-40 x 8-10 µm, fusoid, with short terminal projections, coloured by yellow plasmatic pigment, membrane hyaline and thin-walled. Cuticle a cutis consisting of cylindrical, repent hyphae (3-10 µm), membrane gelatinised, encrusted by yellowish pigment, clamp connections present.
Spores 13.5-16 x 8-10 µm, elliptical, sometimes even naviculate, smooth, brownish yellow, with distinct germ pore, membrane up to 1µm diam., axially symmetrical. Basidia 23-31 x 7-9 µm., 4-spored. Chrysocystidia 30-40 x 8-10 µm, fusoid, with short terminal projections, coloured by yellow plasmatic pigment, membrane hyaline and thin-walled. Cuticle a cutis consisting of cylindrical, repent hyphae (3-10 µm), membrane gelatinised, encrusted by yellowish pigment, clamp connections present.
On rotten wood. New Zealand.
Characteribus generis adsunt; pilco 5-15 mm lato, marginem versus inflexo et fragmentibus fibrillosis e velo instructo, luteobrunneo vel aurantiocastaneo. Gleba cavernis 1-2 mm latis consistente, cellulis ± radialiter disposita. Stipite 6-20 x 3-4 mm, cylindraceo vel subfusoideo, fistuloso, columella angustiori et apice cuticulam pilei attingente, luteo, viscido, velo aurantiorubro fibrillosoque ornato. Caro gelatinosa. Odore saporeque nullo. Sporis 13.5-16 x 8-10 µm. Basidiis 23-31 x 7-9 µm. Chrysocystidiis 30-40 x 8-10 µm, sparsis, tenuitunicatis, fusoideis, pigmento luteo instructis. Epicute ex hyphis cylindraceis pigmento incrustatis et membrana gelatinosa instructis, fibuligeris. Ad lignum putridissimum. Novazelandia.
Holotypus: PDD 27003: "Dunedin; leg. Horak, 3C.V.1968".
HOLOTYPE: PDD 27004 (Isotype Herb. HK.. ZT 68/593): "Among mosses on soil under Nothofagus fusca and N. menziesii: beside track to Lake Waikareiti, Urewera National Park, N.Z.; leg. Horak, 25.V1.1968".
Pileus 10-20 mm diam., hemispherical or convex when young, becoming pulvinate or flat, margin always strongly incurved and connected with the stipe, never exposing the gleba: smooth, near or at the margin grooved by deep radially arranged channels; whitish or pallid argillaceous; viscid, in dry condition velvety, no veil remnants visible. Gleba consisting of tortous more or less radially orientated canals, sometimes becoming indistinctly lamelliform; whitish, later turning brownish: strongly gelatinised. Stipe 7-15 x 4-10 mm, clavate or marginate. attenuated towards the apex, columella always distinctly developed, edge or marginate base connected with margin of pileus; concolourous with pileus, viscid, veil remnants absent, basal rhizoids lacking. Context yellowish turning brown, strongly gelatinised. Smell and taste not distinctive. Chemical reactions on pileus: KOH—brown.
Spores 9-11 x 4.5-5.5 µm, oval or elliptical, smooth, yellowish-brownish, membrane thin-walled, with distinct germ pore, bilaterally symmetrical. Basidia not observed. Chrysocystidia 40-60 x 12-16 µm, fusoid or lageniform, with thin-walled hyaline membrane, in KOH with yellow plasmatic pigment. Cuticle a cutis composed of repent, cylindrical, gelatinised hyphae (2-5 µm diam.), membrane encrusted by brownish pigment, clamp connections present.
Spores 9-11 x 4.5-5.5 µm, oval or elliptical, smooth, yellowish-brownish, membrane thin-walled, with distinct germ pore, bilaterally symmetrical. Basidia not observed. Chrysocystidia 40-60 x 12-16 µm, fusoid or lageniform, with thin-walled hyaline membrane, in KOH with yellow plasmatic pigment. Cuticle a cutis composed of repent, cylindrical, gelatinised hyphae (2-5 µm diam.), membrane encrusted by brownish pigment, clamp connections present.
Among mosses on soil in forests of Nothofagus spp. New Zealand.
Pileo 10-20 mm lato, convexo dein pulvinato, marginem versus incurvato stipitem attingente, apicaliter glabro, marginem versus conspicue radialiter canaliculato, glebam numquam exposito; ex albidulo argillaceo, viscido, glabro, haud striato; velo nullo. Gleba irregulariter lamelliformi, cavernosa, albidula dein isabellina, gelatinosa. Stipite 7-15 x 4-10 mm, turbinato vel clavato, apicem versus attenuato, pileo concolori, viscido, pleno. Caro brunnescente, gelatinosa. Odore saporeque nullo. Sporis 9-11 x 4.5-5.5 µm., ex ovato ellipticis, levibus, luteibrunneis, poro germinativo instructis. Basidiis haud visis. Chrysocystidiis 40-60 x 12-16 µm, fusoideis vel lageniformibus, tenuitunicatis, pigmento luteo instructis. Epicute ex hyphis cylindraceis, gelatinosis et tenuitunicatis cutem formantibus, pigmento brunneo incrustatis, fibuligeris. Ad terram in silvis nothofagineis. Novazelandia.
Holotypus: PDD 27004: "Lake Waikareiti, Urewera N. P.; leg. Horak, 25.V1.1968".
HOLOTYPE: PDD 4595: "On ground; Swanson, Auckland, N.Z.: leg. J. M. Dingley, IV. 1943". — PDD 24935: "On ground under Leptospermum scoparium; Huia, Auckland, N.Z.', leg. R. F. R. McNabb, 19.1.1966".
Only very few remarks can be added to the detailed original description of Secotium areolatum. The spores measure about 13-18 x 7-8.5 µm. are strongly dextrinoid, smooth, thick-walled (ca. I u. diam.) and lack a germ pore. Basidia and cystidia were not observed
This new secotioid genus is characterised by the form of the fruiting bodies, the thick-walled, dextrinoid spores (without a germ pore), and the hymeniform cuticle. These characters put the genus close to Lepiota s.l., but it has nothing in common with Brauniella Rick ex Singer 1955 another related secotiaceous genus known from South America.
Habitu secotioideo. Pileo e convexo depresso globoso, marginem versus conspicue incurvato, sed stipitem numquam attingente, velo conspicuo glebam clausam persistenter obtecto, saepe arcolato, sicco, glabro vel farinaceo. Gleba irregulariter celluliformi, alveolis usque ad 1 mm latis, primo argillacea demum pallide ferruginea, baud gelatinosa. Stipite distincte evoluto, cylindraceo vel basim versus attenuate, turbiniformi, cum velo marginem pilei connecto, columella indistincta vel nulla, sicco, glabro. Sporis ovato-ellipticis vel ovoideis, interdum fusiformibus, levibus, subhyalinis, dextrinoideis, membrana crassa instructis, poro germinativo nullo. Cystidiis nullis. Epicute e cellulis clavatis tenuitunicatisque epithelio formantibus, pigmento nullo instructis. Hyphis defibulatis et baud gelatinosis. Ad terram in silvis. Novazelandia.
Secotium areolatum Cunningham
Cunningham, N.Z. Jl Sci. Technol. B, 23: 172B. 1942.
= Notholepiota areolata (Cunningham) HK. comb. nov.
Cunningham, N.Z. Jl Sci. Technol. B, 23: 172B. 1942.
= Notholepiota areolata (Cunningham) HK. comb. nov.
Holotype (K.): "Leucopaxillus urdesiacus Stev. and Taylor: on fallen log in Nothofagus forest: Butterfly Creek, Wellington, N.Z.: leg. Taylor (77), 8.1V.1961".—Herb. HK. ZT 67/239; "On branches of Phyllocladus alpinus (or Nothofagus fusca) in swampy forest; Kopara, Westland, N.Z.; leg. Horak, II.XII.1967". — Herb HK. ZT 67/269: "On mossy bark of Phyllocladus alpinus; N of Granite Creek near Ahaura, Westland, N.Z.: leg. Horak, 18.X11.1967". —Herb. HK ZT 68/179: "On rotten log of Phyllocladus alpinus; Lake Hochstetter. Westland, N.Z.: leg. Horak, 17.111. 1968".
Pileus 10-35 mm diam., convex later becomes flat or depressed. margin involute; dark grey or smoky dark brown; densely covered with minute squamules, sometimes pruinate, dry, neither hygrophanous nor striate. Lamellae adnate, emarginate or subdecurrent, crowded, when young white, later turning cream, brown coloured in old specimens or after bruising; gill edge fimbriate or floccose, con colorous. Stipe 5-30 x 2-7 mm. excentric or lateral, rarely centrally inserted, cylindrical. curved, solid; concolorous with pileus or paler, dotted with darker dots (caulocystidia) near the apex, fibrillose or squamulose towards the base, dry, veil remnants absent. Context white, below the cuticle and in the cortex of the stipe dark brown. Smell acidulous. Taste mild.
Spore print white. Spores 4.5-6(6.5) x 2-3 µm, elliptical or subcylindrical, sometimes curved and slightly comma-like, smooth, thin-walled, strongly amyloid, germ pore absent. Basidia 18-20 x 3.5-5 µm. Cheilocystidia 20-60 x 7-18 µm., clavate or cylindrical, occasionally with a short projection at the apex, hyaline, thin-walled, forming a sterile zone at the edge. Caulocystidia 30-65 x 6-7 µm, cylindrical, thin-walled, with brown membranal or epicellular pigment. Cuticle a palisade composed of erect or intermixed clavate or cylindrical cells (15-50 x 5-10 p.), membrane thick-walled, not gelatinised, strongly encrusted with brown pigment, clamp connections present.
Spore print white. Spores 4.5-6(6.5) x 2-3 µm, elliptical or subcylindrical, sometimes curved and slightly comma-like, smooth, thin-walled, strongly amyloid, germ pore absent. Basidia 18-20 x 3.5-5 µm. Cheilocystidia 20-60 x 7-18 µm., clavate or cylindrical, occasionally with a short projection at the apex, hyaline, thin-walled, forming a sterile zone at the edge. Caulocystidia 30-65 x 6-7 µm, cylindrical, thin-walled, with brown membranal or epicellular pigment. Cuticle a palisade composed of erect or intermixed clavate or cylindrical cells (15-50 x 5-10 p.), membrane thick-walled, not gelatinised, strongly encrusted with brown pigment, clamp connections present.
On rotten wood and bark (infrequently on living trees) of Phyllocladus alpinus, rarely on Dacrydium cupressinum or Nothofagus spp. New Zealand.
Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19: 10, fig. 35. pl. 3, fig. 5. 1964.
Macroscopically the monotypic genus Pleurella resembles Melanoleuca Patouillard 1897 and to a lesser degree Leucopaxillus Boursier 1925. The existence of several distinct characters however, places Pleurella in an independent position between the two above-mentioned genera. The main differences separating Pleurella from Melanoleuca or Leucopaxillus are: smooth, strongly amyloid, elliptical or subcylindrical spores, conspicuous cheilocystidia, form of the carpophores and habitat.
This fungus normally grows on rotten wood of Phyllocladus alpinus (Podocarpaceae) but also occurs rarely on Dacrydium cupressinum (Podocarpaceae) or Nothofagus (Fagaceae). The species was observed many times in the wet lowland forests of the West Coast of the South Island, between Reefton and Haast.
This fungus normally grows on rotten wood of Phyllocladus alpinus (Podocarpaceae) but also occurs rarely on Dacrydium cupressinum (Podocarpaceae) or Nothofagus (Fagaceae). The species was observed many times in the wet lowland forests of the West Coast of the South Island, between Reefton and Haast.
Pileo convexo dein piano vel subdepresso, marginem prime involute postea revoluto, glabro vel adpresse squamuloso, sicco, estriato, baud hygrophano. Velo nullo. Lamellis emarginatis vel subdecurrentibus, ex albido cremeis, fimbriatis. Stipite excentrico vel laterali, cylindraceo, pleno, sicco, longitudinaliter fibrilloso, apicem versus pruinoso. Caro alba, baud gelatinosa. Odore acidulo. Sporis ellipticis vel subcylindraceis, amyloideis, levibus, poro germinativo nullo. Basidiis 4-sporigeris. Cheilocystidiis (et caulocystidiis) clavatis vel cylindraceis tenuitunicatisque adsunt. Epicute e cellulis clavatis vel cylindraceis formantibus, membrana crassa baud gelatinosa et pigmento brunneo incrustato instructis, fibuligeris. Ad lignum putridum. Novazelandia.
Typus generis: Leucopaxillus ardesiacus Stevenson and Taylor ap.
Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19:20. 1964.
Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19:20. 1964.
Habitu primo secotioideo, postea interdum agaricoideo. Pileo globoso vel ovoideo et margine inferiori stipiti adpresso, dein convexo vel campanulato marginem versus semper involuto et lamellis partim exposito, squamuloso, sicco, estriato. Lamellis adnatis vel subdecurrentibus, bene evolutis, acie floccosa instructis, tabacinis, ferrugineis vel cinnamomeis. Stipite cylindraceo, cavo, dense fibrillis veli obtecto, sicco. Caro haud gelatinosa. Odore saporeque nullo. Sporis ellipticis, poro germinativo conspicuo instructis, tenuitunicatis, levibus, ferrugineobrunneolis. Basidiis 4-sporigeris. Cheilocystidiis conspicuis, clavato-cellulosis vel lageniformibus, hyalinis. Epicute ex hyphis repentibus vel suberectis trichodermio formantibus, membrana tenuitunicata et haud gelatinosa instructis, hyalinis. fbuligeris. Ad terram inter folia deiecta. Novazelandia.
Typus generis: Ag. (Naucoria) galanthina Cooke and Massee Ap. Cooke, Grevillea 19:1.1890. = Tympanella galanthina (Cooke and Massee) Hk. comb. nov.
Although the type collection at Kew is in poor condition, there can be no doubt that it represents a specimen of this fungus commonly found in the forests of New Zealand. In many instances, carpophores can be observed in which the pileus does not open and the lamellae are not exposed. In old and weathered specimens in which a convex or even campanulate pileus frequently occurs, rust brown gills are clearly visible. The deep colour of the lamellae does not change and can still be seen in the type material collected some 80 years ago.
From the microscopical point of view the genus Tympanella could be compared with Galeropsis Velenovsky 1930. The macroscopical characters however are strikingly different. Tympanella never grows in xerothermic localities like Galeropsis, but prefers wetter conditions in rain forests of New Zealand.
Cunningham identified a collection of this fungus (PDD 6389) as Secotium leucocephalum Massee, but it seems that the spores were not thoroughly investigated. Because of the elliptical, warted,rust brown spores, the type of S. leucocephalum represents a well established species of the genus Thaxterogaster Singer (T. leucocephalum (Massee) Singer and Smith).
From the microscopical point of view the genus Tympanella could be compared with Galeropsis Velenovsky 1930. The macroscopical characters however are strikingly different. Tympanella never grows in xerothermic localities like Galeropsis, but prefers wetter conditions in rain forests of New Zealand.
Cunningham identified a collection of this fungus (PDD 6389) as Secotium leucocephalum Massee, but it seems that the spores were not thoroughly investigated. Because of the elliptical, warted,rust brown spores, the type of S. leucocephalum represents a well established species of the genus Thaxterogaster Singer (T. leucocephalum (Massee) Singer and Smith).
HOLOTYPE (K): "Ag. Naucoria galanthina Cooke and Massee; New Zealand; Berggren 142": PDD 6389: "Secotium leucocephalus Massee: on leaf debris on floor of tawa forest; Mt Pirongia, Auckland, New Zealand; leg, Cunningham, 10.V.1947". - Herb. HK. ZT 68/518: "In litter under Podocarpus, Dacrydium, Coprosma. Pittosporum, etc.; Filter Station, Dunedin, New Zealand; leg. Horak, 30.V.1968". - Herb. HK ZT 68/523: "In litter on ground under Dacrydium, Quintinia, etc.; Timaru Stream, Pouakai Range, Mt Egmont National Park, New Zealand; leg. Horak, 11.V1.1968." - Herb. Hk. ZT 68/673: "In litter of Nothofagus fusca and N. menziesii; Te Iringa, E of Lake Taupo (SF 90), New Zealand; leg. Horak, 16.V11.1968"
Pileus 7-30 mm diam., globose when young, secotioid, later becoming convex or even campanulate but margin always strongly incurved: clay, buff, cream or whitish coloured; densely covered by small scales or squamules, conspicuous white fibrillose veil remnants (especially on young fruiting bodies) towards the margin, dry, non striate. Lamellae always distinctly lamellate, never lacunose or anastomosing, adnate or adnexed, occasionally subdecurrent: rust brown or cinnamon brown, with floccose, with coloured edge. Stipe 10-40 x 1.5-5 mm, cylindrical, not attenuated near the apex (columella absent), concolorous with pileus; densely covered by white fibrils from the veil, ring or permanent cortina absent; dry, fistulose, single. Context brownish, watery. No smell or taste.
Spores 10.5-13.5 x 6.5-8 µm, elliptical, smooth, thick-walled, in KOH reddish-brown, neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, with distinct germ pore. Basidia 27-36 x 8-11 µm., 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 15-45 x 12-25 µm, clavate or lageniform, membrane thin-walled, hyaline, forming a sterile zone at the edge. Cuticle a trichoderm composed of cylindrical or fusoid hyphae (5-20 µm diam.) with suberect tips, membrane thin-walled, not gelatinised, pigment not visible, clamp connections rarely absent.
Spores 10.5-13.5 x 6.5-8 µm, elliptical, smooth, thick-walled, in KOH reddish-brown, neither amyloid nor dextrinoid, with distinct germ pore. Basidia 27-36 x 8-11 µm., 4-spored. Cheilocystidia 15-45 x 12-25 µm, clavate or lageniform, membrane thin-walled, hyaline, forming a sterile zone at the edge. Cuticle a trichoderm composed of cylindrical or fusoid hyphae (5-20 µm diam.) with suberect tips, membrane thin-walled, not gelatinised, pigment not visible, clamp connections rarely absent.
On the ground in litter (occasionally on rotten wood) in forests. New Zealand.
Identification keys
Agaricales & Boletales sensu lato
Agarics: Key A (spore print white or greenish)
Lamellae net-like anastomising; spores globose to oval; cheilocystidia diverticulate; on plant debris
Edge of lamellae serrate; spores oval, warty, amyloid; pseudocystidia present; on rotten wood
Spores oval, amyloid; cheilocystidia cylindrical; cuticle a trichodermium; on rotten wood
Spores elliptical to comma-like; cuticle (and edge of lamellae) consisting of corallioid to diverticulate cells; on rotten wood and plant debris
Cuticle a palisade composed of erect, thick walled cells; on rotten wood; probably introduced
Edge of lamellae conspicuously gelatinised; carpophores small, white; on rotten wood
Edge of lamellae not gelatinised; carpophores medium sized, varioulsy coloured; on rotten wood
Pileus densely covered with thick-walled, cylindrical, dextrinoid hairs; spores dextrinoid; cheilocystidia diverticulate; on rotten wood
Spores subcylindrical to elliptical, amyloid, smooth; stipe excentric (rarely central); lamellae emarginate; on rotten soft wood (Podocrapus, Phyllocladus, etc)
Spores cylindrical, not amyloid, usually with cheilocystidia, carpophores large; on rotten wood and plant debris
Spores not as above; carpophores usually smaller than 2 cm diam.; on rotten wood and plant debris
Spores globose, smooth; cheilocystidia diverticulate; KOH reaction in pileus negative
Spores oval; spore print greenish, becoming black; KOH recation on context green
Remnants of partial veil (ring) and/or universal veil (volva, scales, patches) well developed and persistent
Pileus smooth of ganular and not strikingly striate-sulcate; spores oval, amyloid, on soil
Spores < 10 um, thin walled; cystidia absent; cuticle a pallisade; on soil
Spores > 10 um, thick walled; cystidia exceptionally large; on rotten wood
Pileus glabrous (sometimes covered by veil remnants) consisting of repent hyphae (cutis); lamellae emarginate; clamp connections absent; on soil
Remnants of the universal veil granular or farinaceous, often disappearing; cheilocystidia absent; on soil or rotten wood
Remnants of the universal veil persistent, forming scales or irregular patches; cheilocystidia present; on soil
Carpophores agaricoid; spores not spurred, endosporium metachromatic in cresyl blue; on soil (frequently in hot houses)
Ring mobile; spores oval, with distinct germ pore; on soil and litter; some species probably introduced
Ring fixed, other veil remnants frequently present on pileus and/or stipe; spores oval to fusoid; on soil
Spores neither amyloid nor dextrinoid; with plasmatic pigment, not encrusting membranes; on soil
Edge of lamellae serrate; cuticle with thick walled, embedded chlamydospores; context tough; on soil
Edge of lamellae entire; chlamydospores absent; cystidia absent (if present see Melanoleuca); on soil
Spores with very broad conical projections; clamp connections absent; on soil
Fruiting body in all parts flesh pink, orange fleshy brown, lilac to purple-brown. Lamellae thickish, distant, broadly adnate to decurrent; on soil.
Lamellae not thickish; spore print occasionally pinkish; on soil; probably introduced
Cuticle a hymeniderm composed of clavate cells; pileus and stipe slimy; on rotten wood
Pileus deeply umbilicate, covered by squamules; cheilocystidia and caulocystidia absent; on soil
Pileus glabrous, depressed at the centre only; cheilocystidia and caulocystidia conspicuous; gregarious on rotten wood
Cuticle a cutis, tips of hyphae diverticulate; pigment encrusting; on rotten wood and plant debris
Pileus deeply umbilicate; clamp connections absent; among mosses and on rotten wood
Context without sphaerocysts. spores with distinct plage; crystal-bearing cystidia present; on soil
Lamellae adnate; cheilocystidia, caulocystidia and lactifers present; on rotten wood
Pileus, stipe and edge of lamellae covered by thick-walled,ramified cystidia; spores oval, spore print ochraceous; on rotten wood
Pileus only with diverticulate cells, cheilocystidia none, spores limoniform; on rotten wood and bark
Latex present; cheilocystidia fusoid with pointed apex; on rotten wood and plant debris
Pileus and stipe glutinous; edge of lamellae gelatinised; on rotten wood
Spores globose; lamellae broadly adnate; on rotten wood and plant debris
Pileus fleshy, robust; lamellae emarginate; spores oval; habitlike Tricholoma; on soil
Pileus membranous, striate, hygrophanous; lamellae adnate; spores subglobose; cutis consisting of long cylindrical hyphae;on rotten wood
Edge of lamellae distinctly coloured, cheilocystidia with plasmatic pigment; on rotten wood
Edge of lamellae concolorous; cheilocystidia none, pleuro- cystidia often present, not pigmented; on soil
Carpophores secotioid; cuticle gelatinised; lamellae lacunose; on soil; Norfolk Island
Carpophores agaricoid; cuticle dry; lamellae subfree; spores oval; among litter on soil
Spores with spines, oval; pileus squamulose; cystidia none; on soil, among mosses
Spores with warts, subglobose; pileus farinaceous (dermatocystidia present); cheilocystidia ramified at the top; on plant debris
Spores large, globose, thick-walled; cuticle consisting of irregular, oval and subglobose cells, membrane gelatinised; cystidia comparatively large; on soil
Pileus glutinous; stipe dry lamellae crowded; clamp connections absent., plasmatic pigment; on soil
Lamellae subfree to adnexed pileus frequently conical, vividly coloured; context retaining colour; on soil
Cheilocystidia present. plasmatic pigment; context reddening on exposure to air; lamellae rather distant; on soil
Pileus striate, hygrophanous, frequently grey coloured; stipe slender, sometimes rooting; on soil and among litter
Pileus fleshy, not striate, whitish or deep coloured; habit like Tricholoma; on soil
Pileus (and stipe) farinaceous to felted; context often a gelatinous, reviving; caulocystidia present; spores elliptical to comma-like
Dermatocystidia absent; lamellae collariate or otherwise (adnexed, adnate); cheilocystidia with warts or projections; on rotten wood, bark and plant debris
Carpophores small, single; cheilocystidia thick-walled; hymeniderm well developed; on rotten wood, leaves, etc
Carpophores medium-sized, growing in dense clusters; cheilocystidia thin-walled, uteriform; hymeniderm irregular and sometimes not distinctive; on rotten wood
Cheilocystidia present, warty or diverticulate; hyphae of cuticle (and caulocystidia) corallioid; on rotten plant debris
Cheilocystidia absent (if present then smooth); tips of cuticular hyphae ramified or only irregularly diverticulate
Smell unpleasant; stipe tapering towards the base; context gelatinous; on rotten wood
Smell not distinctive; stipe frequently rooting on a sclerotium; context tough but not gelatinous; among litter or on rotten agarics
Pileus (and stipe) distinctly hairy, often with distinct conical umbo; cheilocystidia diverticulate; hairs with dextrinoid membrane; on rotten plant debris
Pileus (and stipe) squamulose; cheilocystidia large, balloonshaped, plasmatic pigment present; hyphae of cuticle thin walled, on rotten wood
Pileus (and stipe) scaly; cheilocystidia clavate; hyphae of cuticle thick-walled, amyloid; on soil and rotten wood
Agarics: Key B (spore print pink)
Spores globose, verrucose; cuticle a hymeniderm; stipe excentric or lateral; on rotten wood
Spores elliptical; cheilo-, pleuro- and caulocystidia sharply pointed; smell like cucumber
Spores elliptical, contoured like corrugated iron; frequently with pseudocystidia; stipe often excentric or lateral
Cuticle composed of conspicuous, thick-walled, erect hyphae (forming the scales): spores comparatively large, but carpophores small; on soil and rotten wood
Agarics: Key C (spore print brown)
Spores mitriform; lamellae when young bluish-greenish; pileus scaly; on rotten wood
Veil remnants fibrillose (cortina), rarely membranous, sometimes even lacking., pileus granular, fragile; on rotten wood and soil
Pileus fragile, ochraceous; spores thin-walled, ochraceous (see also escolea)
Pileus fleshy, whitish to pallid brown; spores thick-walled, brown; probably introduced
Cheilocystidia (also pleuro- and/or dermatocystidia when present) lecythiform; pileus ochraceous, dry, fragile; on soil and rotten wood
Pileus grey to dark brown; cuticle consisting of articulate, erect chains of cells., on rotten wood
Pileus (and stipe) glutinous and smooth, or dry and scaly; on rotten wood, rarely on soil
Pileus glutinous with embedded squamules of the universal veil, girdles of incomplete rings along the stipe; spore print with lilac tinge; on soil
Pileus occasionally opened and exposing lamellae, hairy-squamulose, composed of a trichoderm, hyphae not gelatinised; cheilocystidia conspicuous
Pileus always closed (not exposing the lamellae or the lacunose gleba), smooth, viscid, consisting of gelatinised hyphae, on soil
Stipe lateral or lacking; pileus conchiform; veil absent; on rotten wood and plant debris
Stipe (and margin of the pileus) with permanent veil remnants; pileus umbonate, striate, hygrophanous; frequently growing in clusters on rotten wood and plant debris
Lamellae adnexed, never emarginate-subdecurrent; spores thick-walled; on soil (or dung)
Lamellae anastomosing, cystidia cylindrical to clavate, thin-walled, conspicuous; on soil
Carpophores secotioid. without stipe or columella; spores extremeiv large, globose, thick-walled; hypogaeous in soil and litter
Spores rust brown; veil remnants conspicuous; context not gelatinous; on rotten wood and plant debris
Fibrillose or patchy remnants of the veil scattered along the stipe and margin of the pileus; on rotten wood
Veil remnants absent: pileus densely covered by granular squamules; on plant debris (bark, leaves, etc.) (similar to Crinipellis)
Cuticle a cutis of cylindrical, radially arranged hyphae; pileus often scaly; spores elliptical to phaseoliform; cystidia metuloid, with crystals; on soil
Cuticle an hymeniderm: universal veil as squamules or scales on pileus and at base of stipe; partial veil as persistent, striate, membranous ring; spores sublimoniform, mucronate; on soil and rotten wood
Cuticle consisting of chains of. globose cells; universal veil remnants often vanishing; spores elliptical, almost hyaline; on rich soil
Cheilocystidia capitate to almost lecythiform: spores frequently with clearly visible plage, sublimoniform
Stipe cylindrical; pileus yellow to ochraceous, scaly., veil frequently present; on rotten wood
Stipe fusoid; carpophore without deep yellow or ochre colours; veil absent; clamp connections absent in many cases, rooting in litter or among mosses
Stipe lateral or lacking; pileus conchiform., spores globose or oval; cheilocystidia conspicuous; on rotten wood, bark, leaves, etc .
Carpophores secotioid; spores axially symmetrical; pileus dry or glutinous, not exposing lamellae or gleba; on soil
Cheilocystidia conspicuous; pileus only faintly coloured; lamellae argillaceous; on soil
Cheilocystidia absent; pileus often richly coloured; stipe frequently marginate; lamellae brownish or lilac; on soil
Pileus fragile; cheilocystidia (and caulocystidia) present; spores frequently with conspicuous perispore., among mosses, on soil, rarely on rotten wood
Pileus more , robust; cheilocystidia occasionally present, generally lacking, caulocystidia none; spores without perispore; on soil
Pileus deep lilac-violet; cystidia fusoid, with plasmatic pig- ment, on soil
Agarics: Key D (spore print black)
Spores sublimoniform., cheilocystidia club-shaped; pileus scaly; probably introduced
Spores elliptical, with spines, germ pore absent; pileus farinaceous or granular., lamellae red or brown when young
Spores mitriform, lamellae bluish-greenish when young; on rotten wood
Conspicuous dermatocystidia present; fruiting bodies in dense clusters or scattered, on soil or rotten wood
Pileus and stipe farinaceous, margin of pileus dentate from veil remnants; lamellae always speckled; on dung; probably introduced
Pileus smooth; veil lacking or present as cortina or mem- branous ring; on soil or rotten wood
Carpophores with conspicuous yellow colours; ring absent; chrysocystidia present; spore print usually with lilac tinge; on rotten wood
Carpophores not yellow (but context may stain yellow) instead white to dark brown; ring frequently present; chrysocystidia none., on soil or dung, in paddocks
Gleba (when mature) cinnamon or rust brown, loculi to 3 mm diam.; compact subgleba and stipe present; hyphae ofcuticle encrusted by pigment, thin-walled; hypogaeous in soil. New Zealand
Gleba (when mature) chocolate brown or umber, loculi to 1 mm diam.; without sterile subgleba or stipe; hyphae of cuticle conspicuously thick-walled; on ground. Tasmania
Stipe marginate; margin of yellowish-whitish pileus deeply grooved or sulcate; gleba alveolar; spores 9-11 X 4.5-5.5 um; among mosses on soil
Spores 13.5-16 X 8-10 u; pileus yellow-brown or orange, gleba cellular; on rotten wood
Spores 10-12 X 7-9 u pileus red-brown or orange; gleba (gills) distinctly lamellate; on soil
Cited scientific names
- Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
- Crucispora E. Horak 1971
- Crucispora naucorioides E. Horak 1971
- Gigasperma clelandii (Rodway) E. Horak 1971
- Gigasperma crypticum E. Horak 1971
- Gigasperma E. Horak 1971
- Hygrophorus variabilis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
- Nivatogastrium baylisianum E. Horak 1971
- Nivatogastrium lignicola E. Horak 1971
- Nivatogastrium sulcatum E. Horak 1971
- Notholepiota areolata (G. Cunn.) E. Horak 1971
- Notholepiota E. Horak 1971
- Pleurella ardesiaca (G. Stev. & G.M. Taylor) E. Horak 1971
- Pleurella E. Horak 1971
- Tympanella E. Horak 1971
- Tympanella galanthina (Cooke & Massee) E. Horak 1971
16 June 2001
30 January 2002