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Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971

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Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb, New Zealand J. Bot. 9 361 (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971

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New Zealand
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replacement, replacement name
non Cantharellus variabilis Quél., 1882;Nomen novum.Cantharellus variabilis Quél., 1882[NZFUNGI]
NZ holotype
Cantharellus wellingtonensis
New Zealand, unknown plants, Wellington Botanic Gardens, 12.viii.1949. G. Stevenson 751 (HOLOTYPE, K).

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H. variabilis Stevenson, Kew Bull. 16: 377 ( 1962), = Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb, N.Z.Journ.Bot. 9: 361 (1971).
[Notes from Kew Type specimen, PRJ 2010] Other Stevenson collection in Kew, GS 1315, 1066 Collecting year cited in publication differs to the data on the specimen label. Presumably a typo.

Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971

Under (1) Nothofagus fusca. Nelson: Karamea, Umere, 5.i.l968, R.F.R. McN.: Oparara, Fenian Track, 4.i.l969, R.F.R. and R. 1. McN; (2) N. solandri, Wellington: Horopito, I.V.1967, R. F. R. McN. 26391; (3) Leptospermum ericoides, Auckland: Titirangi, Atkinson Park, 13.ii.1967, 24.ii.l967, 14.V.1967, R.F.R. McN., 26388, 26389, 26390: (4) unknown plants, Wellington Botanic Gardens, 12.viii.l949. C. Stevenson 751 (HOLOTYPE, K).
Pileus 0.3-2.5 cm diam., plano-convex to broadly and deeply infundibuliform, sometimes irregularly infundibuliform, dry, subglabrous to finely felted, pallid yellow; margins involute when young, moderately so at maturity, often irregularly lobed. Cuticle a cutis, composed of repent, slightly interwoven, thin-walled hyphae 5-8 µm diam., often with pallid yellow contents, terminal cells unspecialised, clamp connections present. Lamellae decurrent, moderately distant, to 1.5mm deep, thick, edges obtuse, irregularly forked or anastomosing, pallid yellow. Stipe 0.5-2 cm long, more or less equal, 2-3 mm diam., dry, solid or slightly stuffed at maturity, glabrous to subglabrous, brittle, pallid yellow; flesh pallid yellow, continuous with pileus. Spores ovate, ovate-elliptical, or obovate, often flattened on one side, hyaline, inamyloid, apiculate, 7.5-11 x 5-7.5 µm, thin-walled, smooth. Hymenium continuous; basidia hyaline, long, flexuous, subclavate, 55-95 x 7.5-11.5 µm. (4)-6-spored, sterigmata to 8 nm long; cystidia absent. Hymenophoral trama without organization, composed of thin-walled, hyaline, clamped hyphae 6-15 µm diam. Context of pileus pallid yellow, thin.
TYPE LOCALITY: Wellington, New Zealand.
Densely gregarious or caespitose under native trees and shrubs.
Stevenson, Kew Bull. 16: 376, fig. 4. pg. 7, fig. 7. 1962.

The above description differs from Stevenson's in that spores are inamyloid, and basidia are longer, broader, and (4)-6-sterigmate. There is considerable variation in spore shape in the collections examined, but as this character could not be correlated with other morphological or anatomical characters, it appears to be of little taxonomic significance. The absence of organisation in the hymenophoral trama, and the long, flexuous basidia, indicate that this species belongs in the Cantharellaceae. The specific name cannot be transferred to Cantharellus as the epithet is preoccupied by C. variabilis Quel. 1882 (fide Corner, 1966). Similarly, the practice of naming the species after the author cannot be followed because of the existence of C. stevensonii Berk. & Br. 1875.

Cantharellus wellingtonensis is relatively common in native scrub and forest, often forming patches several square feet in extent. The species readily fits within subgenus Cantharellus sect. Cantharellus as defined by Corner (1966).

Pileus 0.3-1.5 cm, diam., pale luteous, planoconvex to broadly infundibuliform, matt; flesh pale luteous. Gills decurrent, pale luteous, thick, moderately distant, irregularly forked. Stipe up to 2 X 0-3 cm., pale luteous, solid, continuous with cap, brittle, matt. Spores 7-8 X 9-10 µm., ovoid, thin-walled, hyaline, amyloid. Basidia 60 X 5-6 µm, four-spored.

habitat : dense groups of all sizes rooting in bare clay or on mossy banks, Wellington Botanic Garden, 2.5.1947 & 12.8.1956; Whangamoa, 9.5.1956; Catchpole, 3.5.1958; all Stevenson.

Pileus 0.3-1.5 cm. diam., pallide luteus, e convexo-plano late infundibuliformis, laevis, impolitus; carne luteola. Lamellae decurrentes, luteolae, crassae, moderate distantes, irregulariter furcatae. Stipes ad 2 X 0-3 cm., luteolus, solidus, fragilis, impolitus, carne cum illa pilei continua. Sporae 7-8 X 9-10 µm, ovoideae, tenuiter tunicatae, hyalinae, amyloideae.
Typus: Stevenson 751.

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Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb (1971)
Hygrophorus variabilis G. Stev. 1963 [1962]
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
Hygrophorus variabilis G. Stev. (1963) [1962]
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971

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Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Marlborough Sounds
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand
Cantharellus wellingtonensis McNabb 1971
New Zealand

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New Zealand, unknown plants, Wellington Botanic Gardens, 12.viii.1949. G. Stevenson 751 (HOLOTYPE, K).

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scientific name
1 January 2000
16 December 2024
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