Johnston, P.R. 1992: Rhytismataceae in New Zealand. 6. Checklist of species and hosts, with keys to species on each host genus. New Zealand Journal of Botany 30(3): 329-351.

Johnston, P.R. 1992: Rhytismataceae in New Zealand. 6. Checklist of species and hosts, with keys to species on each host genus. New Zealand Journal of Botany 30(3): 329-351.
has host
has host
has host
has host
has host
Identification keys
Rhytismataceae by host
Aciphylla (Apiaceae)
Ascomata angular to rounded in outline, opening by several radiate slits; wall concolorous with surrounding leaf surface, inside face of wall crystalliferous; surface of hymenium white, pruinose, often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry; paraphyses with short side branches near apex
Ascomata elliptic in outline, opening by a single longitudinal slit; wall black, inside face of wall not crystalliferous; surface of hymenium yellowish, not pruinose, covered by ascomatal wall when dry; paraphyses without short side branches near apex
Ascomata elliptic in outline with acute ends; lip cells bright yellow; conidiomata pale brown; asci cylindric, 7-8.5 um wide; ascospores more than 70 pm long; on recently fallen leaves
Ascomata broad elliptic in outline with rounded ends; lip cells dull, yellow-brown to dark brown; conidiomata absent; asci clavate, 9-12 um wide; ascospores less than 70 um long; on partially decomposed leaves
Ammophila (Poaceae)
Ascomata elliptic or angular in outline, opening slit longitudinal or radiate depending on ascomatal shape; asci more than 200 um long, 68.5 um wide
Ascomata cylindric in outline, opening slit more or less longitudinal, but often with short, irregular side branches; asci less than 200 um long, 8.511 um wide
Ascomata angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits; lip cells absent; ascospores filiform, more than 50 um long; asci cylindric, less than 8 um wide
Ascomata elliptic in outline, with a single longitudinal opening slit; lip cells bright yellow; ascospores naviculate, less than 30 um long; asci clavatestipitate, more than 10 um wide
Asplenium (Aspleniaceae)
Ascomata more or less round in outline, with several radiate opening slits; ascomatal wall pale brown; hymenium often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata elliptic in outline, with single longitudinal opening slit; ascomatal wall black; hymenium covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomatal opening lined with pale blue or whitish lip cells; asci clavate to saccate, more than 15 um wide; ascospores bifusiform, more than 5 um wide
Ascomatal opening without lip cells; asci cylindric, less than 15 um wide; ascospores filiform, less than 5 um wide
Asci with rounded to more or less acute apex, 6-7 um wide; ascospores 70-100 x 1.5 2 um
Ascomata 0.-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 um, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata 0.8-1.5 x 0.5 um, without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells bright yellow; paraphyses not branched near apex
Ascomatal wall pale grey with dark line around outside edge; conidiogenous cells with percurrent proliferation, conidia 5-10 um long; only on Brachyglottis bidwillii
Ascomatal wall black; conidiogenous cells with sympodial proliferation, conidia 3-5 um long; not known from Brachyglottis bidwillii
Ascomata 0.4-0.7 x 0.2-0.3 um, wall uniformly black, darkened lower wall absent; conidiomata absent; asci clavate, 65-90 x 9-10 um
Ascomata 0.7-1.2 x 0.2-0.3 um, wall black with pale areas near both ends, with darkened lower wall; conidiomata pale brown; asci cylindric 125155 x 4.56.5 um
Clematis (Ranunculaceae)
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 um, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit;lip cells absent; conidiomata absent; paraphyses branched near apex; asci cylindric, less than 8 um wide
Ascomata 0.8-3 x 0.3-0.8 um, without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells yellow or orange; conidiomata pale to dark brown; paraphyses not branched near apex; asci subclavate or clavatestipitate, more than 8 um wide
Ascomata 0.8-2.5 x 0.3-0.6 u, without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells red-brown or orange; conidiomata pale brown; ascospores elliptic, less than 30 u long
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 mm, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; conidiomata absent; ascospores filiform, more than 50 umlong
Corokia (Escalloniaceae)
Cyathodes (Epacridaceae)
Dacrycarpus (Podocarpaceae)
Ascomata with several radiate opening slits; lip cells absent; asci cylindric, less than 15 um wide, 8-spored; ascospores filiform, more than 70 u long
Ascomata with single, longitudinal opening slit; lip cells thick, whitish; asci saccate, more than 15 um wide, 4-spored; ascospores elliptic, less than 60 um long
Ascomata elliptic in outline, with a single longitudinal opening slit; hymenium covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata more or less round or angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits; hymenium often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata 0.3-0.5 mm diam.; narrow black zones lines do not surround the part of the leaf on which ascomata develop; surface of hymenium grey, pruinose; paraphyses often branched near apex
Ascomata 0.3-1.5 um diam.; narrow black zone lines surround the part of the leaf on which ascomata develop; surface of hymenium pale yellow, not pruinose; paraphyses not branched near apex
Ascomata 0.3-1 um diam.; conidiomata absent; asci 4.5-6.5 um wide, rounded at apex; paraphyses swollen at apex, not branched near apex; rare on Dicksonia
Ascomata 0.3-0.6 mm diam.; conidiomata pale brown; asci 7.5-11 um wide, more or less acute at apex; paraphyses not swollen at apex, branched near apex; common on Dicksonia
Ascomata rectangular in outline, always 4-sided, opening by elongate central slit with smaller slits extending from the ends of the central slit to each corner of the ascomata; asci 79 um wide, less than 200 um long
Ascomata more or less round or angular, 3- or 4-sided in outline, opening slits radiate; asci 4.0-6.5 um wide or 9-11 um wide or more than 200 um long
Ascomata more or less round in outline, upper wall pale grey; excipulum pale along upper edge
Ascomata 3- or 4-sided, angular in outline, upper wall black; if excipulum present, dark along upper edge
Ascomata always angular, 3- or 4-sided; hymenium opaque, pale lemon-yellow; narrow black zone lines surround the part of the leaf on which ascomata develop; asci less than 6 pm wide
Ascomata variable in outline, often angular, 3- or 4-sided, but may be elliptic in some collections; hymenium translucent yellowish; narrow black zone lines do not surround the part of the leaf on which ascomata develop; asci more than 6 um wide
Conidiomata black; asci cylindric, 220-245 x 6.5-8 um; ascospores 125-180 um long; paraphyses with short branches near apex
Conidiomata absent; asci clavate, 100-135 x 9-11 um; ascospores 30-55 um long; paraphyses not branched near apex
Most ascomata more than 1 mm wide, with sharp, keel-like ridge along opening slit
Ascomata more or less orbicular in outline, ascomatal opening often round in outline when dry; most ascospores less than 25 um long; confined to narrowleaved species of Dracophyllum
Ascomata elliptic, or occasionally irregular, in outline, ascomatal opening always elongate, slit-like when dry; ascospores more than 25 um long; on both narrow and broadleaved Dracophyllum spp
Ascomata with bright red or white lip cells; ascospores distinctly bifusiform, 1-1.5 um wide at central constriction
Ascomata with dull, greyish or brownish lip cells, or without lip cells; ascospores cylindric, er with some spores slightly bifusiform 2-2.5 um wide at central constriction
Ascomatal often irregular in shape, with elliptic and angular ascomata in same collection; hymenium often not covered by upper ascomatal wall when dry; paraphyses swollen, clavate at apex
Ascomata always elliptic to broad-elliptic in outline; hymenium covered by upper ascomatal wall when dry; paraphyses circinate, not swollen at apex
Ascomatal wall mostly black, with flattened, pale grey shelf-like margin; conidiomata brown, pustulate; ascospores 2.5-3.5 um wide, sometimes slightly constricted near centre
Ascomatal wall uniformly black, without flattened shelf-like margin; conidiomata absent; ascospores 2-2.5 um wide, never constricted near centre
Hymenium not covered by ascomatal wall when dry; apex of paraphyses either swollen-clavate, more or less regular in shape, or irregularly swollen and tangled, often with short side branches
Hymenium always covered by upper ascomatal wall when dry; apex of paraphyses not swollen, either undifferentiated, circinate, or 1-2 times dichotomously branched
Ascomata often linear, host tissue around ascomata blackened; asci 5-7.5 um wide, apex broad-truncate
Ascomata elliptic to oblong in outline, host tissue around ascomata not blackened; asci 7-11 um wide, tapering to small, rounded apex
Ascomatal walls pale brown to concolorous with surrounding leaf tissue; conidiomata pale brown with dark brown edge; paraphyses regularly clavate at apex, not tangled
Ascomatal walls black; conidiomata black; paraphyses irregularly swollen and tangled at apex, often with short side branches
Ascomata with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; conidiomata absent; paraphyses 1-2 times branched near apex
Ascomata without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; conidiomata present; paraphyses not branched near apex
Conidiomata black; most ascospores less than 75 µm long; confined to broad-leaved Dracophyllum spp .
Conidiomata brown to dark brown; most ascospores more than 75 pm long; on both broad and narrow-leaved Dracophyllum spp .
Immature ascomata with prominent paler zone along the future line of opening; lip cells bright yellow; ascomatal wall never with orange-yellow, crystal-like deposits; conidiomata pale brown with darker edge, immersed; asci 7-8.5 µm wide; rare on Dracophyllum
Immature ascomata without paler zone along future line of opening; lip cells dull, brownish; ascomatal wall often covered with orange-yellow, crystal-like deposits; conidiomata dark brown, pustulate; asci 8-11.5 um wide; common on Dracophyllum
Earina (Orchidaceae)
Ascomata angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits; hymenium opaque, pale lemon-yellow, not covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata elliptic to oblong in outline, with single, longitudinal opening slit; hymeniumtranslucent yellowish, covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Epacris (Epacridaceae)
Freycinetia (Pandanaceae)
Ascomata with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; in vertical section hymenium surrounded by layer of hyaline, thin-walled, cylindric cells arranged in vertically oriented rows
Ascomata without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; in vertical section lacking layer of vertically oriented rows of cylindric cells around the hymenium
Conidiomata present; asci subclavate with truncate apex, less than 90 pm long; ascospores less than 50 um long
Conidiomata lacking; asci cylindric with rounded or acute apex, more than 100 um long; ascospores more than 50 um long
Ascomata 0.4-0.6 mm wide, elliptic in outline, acute at the ends; apex of paraphyses not swollen, not branched., ascus apex thickened, but with no central pore
Ascomata 0.2-0.3 mm. wide, more or less oblong in outline, rounded at the ends; apex of paraphyses swollen clavate, or irregularly swollen with numerous short branches; ascus apex thickened with central pore
Conidiomata up to 0.2 mm diam.; most asci more than 125 um long; most ascospores more than 85 gm long; paraphyses branched near apex; conidiogenous cells with sympodial proliferation; rare on Gahnia
Conidiomata more than 0.4 mm diam.; most asci less than 125 pm long; most ascospores less than 85 pm long; paraphyses not branched near apex; conidiogenous cells with percurrent proliferation; common on Gahnia
Ascomata with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; ascospores filiform, most more than 70 um long; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; ascospores elliptic to cylindric, most less than 60 um long; paraphyses not branched near apex
Ascomata elliptic in outline, with single longitudinal opening slit; lip cells orange- yellow; hymenium covered by ascomatal wall when dry; ascospores less than 30 um long; paraphyses not swollen at apex
Ascomata irregular, elliptic to angular in outline, with a single longitudinal opening slit, or several radiate slits, depending on ascomatal shape; brightly coloured lip cells absent; hymenium not covered by ascomatal wall when dry; ascospores more than 30 um long; paraphyses swollen at apex
Ascomata angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits; hymenium opaque, pale lemon-yellow, often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry; asci cylindric, 4.5- 5.5 um wide; ascospores filiform, more than 40 um long
Ascomata elliptic in outline, with a single longitudinal opening slit; hymenium translucent yellowish, covered by ascomatal wall when dry; asci clavate-stipitate more than 10 µm wide; ascospores naviculate, less than 30 um long
Griselinia (Griseliniaceae)
Ascomata more or less angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits, upper wall pale brown; asci cylindric with truncate apex; apex of paraphyses swollen
Ascomata broad-elliptic in outline, with single longitudinal opening slit, upper wall dark grey to black; asci subclavate with acute apex; apex of paraphyses not swollen
Hebe (Scrophulariaceae)
Hoheria (Malvaceae)
Ixerba (Brexiaceae)
Inside face of ascomatal wall crystalliferous; surface of hymenium white, pruinose
Hymenium covered by ascomatal wall when dry; asci subclavate, more than 7 um wide; ascospores cylindric, more than 2 um wide; rare on Knightia
Hymenium often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry; asci cylindric, less than 7 um wide; ascospores filiform, less than 2 um wide; common on Knightia
Ascomata angular in outline, wall dark grey to black; hymenium opaque, pale lemon- yellow; conidiomata present; asci tapering to more or less acute apex, wall not thickened at apex; ascospores 0.8-1 um wide; paraphyses not embedded in thick gel
Ascomata more or less round in outline, wall pale grey, to concolorous with surrounding host tissue; hymenium translucent-yellow; conidiomata absent; asci broadly rounded at apex, wall slightly thickened; ascospores 1-2 um wide; paraphyses embedded in thick gel
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 um, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; conidiomata absent; paraphyses not swollen, branched near apex
Ascomata 0.7-2.0 x 0.4-0.5-mm, without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; conidiomata present; paraphyses branched near apex only when swollen
Hymenium often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry; lip cells absent; paraphyses often branched near apex
Hymenium covered by ascomatal wall when dry; lip cells present; paraphyses rarely branched near apex
Ascomata broad-elliptic with rounded ends, wall pale to dark grey; paraphyses swollen at apex; asci clavate-stipitate; ascospores bifusiform, 3560 x 2.53.5 um
Ascomata elliptic with acute ends, walls black; paraphyses not swollen at apex; asci cylindric; ascospores filiform, 70-110 x 1.5-2.5 um long
Ascomata more or less round in outline, with several radiate opening slits, wall pale brown to concolorous with surrounding host tissue; paraphyses swollen, not branched at apex; asci broadly rounded at apex
Ascomata oblong to elliptic in outline, with single longitudinal opening slit, wall black; paraphyses not swollen, branched at apex; asci more or less acute at apex
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 um, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; asci cylindric, less than 10 um wide; ascospores filiform, 75-100 x 1.5-2 um; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata 0.8-3 X 0.3-0.6 um, without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells yellow or orange; asci clavate-stipitate, more than 10 pum wide; ascospores naviculate, 15-28 x 2.5-5.5 um; paraphyses not branched near apex
Ascomatal wall concolorous with surrounding host tissue, inside face of wall crystalliferous; surface of hymenium white, pruinose; asci less than 150 um long, rounded or acute at apex
Ascomatal wall pale grey to black, inside face of wall not crystalliferous; surface of hymenium yellowish, not pruinose; asci more than 150 um long, truncate at apex
Ascomata with black walls, with single longitudinal opening slit; paraphyses not swollen, circinate at apex
Ascomata with pale to dark grey walls, with several radiate opening slits; paraphyses swollen, not circinate at apex
Ascomata 4- or 5- sided, angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 mm, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; conidiomata absent; asci cylindric, 6-8 um wide; ascospores filiform, 75-100 x 1.5-2 um
Ascomata 0.8-3 x 0.3-0.6 nun, without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells yellow or orange; conidiomata brown, pustulate; asci clavate-stipitate, 11-14 um wide; ascospores naviculate, 15-28 x 2.5-5.5 um
Melicytus (Violaceae)
Surface of hymenium white or grey, pruinose; inside face of ascomatal wall crystalliferous; common on M. excelsa, M. kermadecensis, M. robusta, rare on other species
Surface of hymenium yellowish, not pruinose; inside face of ascomatal wall not crystalliferous; common on M. fulgens, M. umbellata, rare on other species
Ascomata more or less round in outline, wall pale grey to concolorous with surrounding host surface; conidiomata absent; most ascospores more than 80 um long; in vertical section top of excipulum surrounding the hymenium not darkened
Ascomata angular, 3- or 4-sided in outline, wall black; conidiomata present; most ascospores less than 80 um long; in vertical section top of excipulum surrounding the hymenium darkened
Ascomata with opaque, pale lemon-yellow hymenium; conidiomata pale brown, lenticular, not deeply immersed in host tissue; narrow, black zone lines surround the part of the leaf on which ascomata develop; ascospores less than 1 pm wide; asci 4.5-5.5 um wide
Ascomata with translucent yellow hymenium; conidiomata black, globose, deeply immersed in host tissue; narrow, black zone lines absent; ascospores more than 1 um wide; asci 6-7.5 um wide
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 numn, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata 0.8-1.5 x 0.4-0.8 mm, without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells bright yellow or dark brown; paraphyses not branched near apex
Ascomata elliptic in outline with acute ends; lip cells bright yellow; conidiomata pale brown; asci cylindric, 7-8.5 um wide; ascospores 70-110 um long
Ascomata broad-elliptic to irregular in outline with rounded ends; lip cells dull yellow-brown to dark brown; conidiomata absent; asci clavate, 9-12 pum wide; ascospores 35-60 um long
Microsorium (Polypodiaceae)
Surface of hymenium white, pruinose; inside face of ascomatal wall crystalliferous; paraphyses with short side branches near apex
Surface of hymenium yellowish, not pruinose; inside face of ascomatal wall not crystaliferous; paraphyses not branched near apex
Ascomata angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits; lip cells absent; hymenium often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry; asci cylindric, 4-5.5 um wide; ascospores filiform, 45-75 x 0.8 um
Ascomata elliptic in outline, with a single, longitudinal opening slit; lip cells yellow or orange; hymenium covered by ascomatal wall when dry; asci clavate-stipitate, 11- 14 um wide; ascospores naviculate, 15-28 x 2.5-5.5 um
Ascomata angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits; hymenium often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata elliptic or oblong in outline, with single longitudinal opening slit; hymenium covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata with opaque, pale lernon-yellow hymenium; conidiomata pale brown, lenticular, not deeply immersed in host tissue; continuous narrow, black zone lines surround the part of the leaf on which ascomata develop; ascospores less than 1 um wide; asci 4.5-5.5 um wide
Ascomata with translucent yellow hymenium; conidiomata black, globose, deeply immersed in host tissue; narrow, black zone lines absent; ascospores more than 1 um wide; asci 6-7.5 um wide
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 mm, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; conidiomata absent; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata 0.8-1.5 x 0.5 mm, lacking a black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells bright yellow; conidiomata present; paraphyses not branched near apex
Ascomata angular or more or less round in outline, with several radiate opening slits, in some collections there may be some ascomata more or less elliptic in outline with a longitudinal opening slit; hymenium often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry; known only from N. menziesii
Ascomata always elliptic or oblong in outline, with single longitudinal opening slit; hymenium covered by ascomatal wall when dry; known from N. menziesii and other species
Ascomata always more or less round in outline, with several radiate opening slits; conidiomata absent; asci 4.5-7 um wide
Ascomata variable in outline, elliptic, cylindric to angular, with shape of opening depending on ascomatal shape; conidiomata pale brown with darker edge; asci 7- 9 um wide
Ascomata often covered with cottony, yellowish aerial mycelium; conidiomata pustulate, brown or black, not darker around edge; paraphyses not swollen at apex; ascospores slightly constricted near centre; known only from N. truncata and N.fusca
Ascomata not covered with cottony mycelium; conidiomata lenticular, not raising surface of host, pale brown with darker edge; paraphyses swollen to knob-like apex; ascospores with well formed constriction near centre; known only from N. menziesii
Ascomata with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; paraphyses branched near apex; asci cylindric, less than 9 um wide.. ascospores more than 70 um long
Ascomata without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells brightcoloured or brown; paraphyses not branched near apex; asci clavate, most asci more than 9 um wide; ascospores less than 70 um long
Conidiomata absent; ascospores cylindric to filiform, 2-2.5 um wide; on partially decomposed leaves
Lip cells red, or if yellow then turning red with KOH; conidiomata black; ascospores 1-septate, sigmoid; confined to N. solandri
Lip cells grey or yellow, not reacting with KOH; conidiomata brown to dark brown; ascospores nonseptate, naviculate; on N. solandri and N. truncata
Ascomata rounded to angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits; lip cells absent; conidiomata absent; ascospores cylindric to filiform, 40-60 x 2-3 um; rare on Olearia
Ascomata elliptic in outline, with a single longitudinal opening slit; lip cells yellow or orange; conidiomata pale to dark brown; ascospores naviculate, 15-28 x 2.5-5.5 um; common on Olearia
Ascomata with bright coloured or brown lip cells; ascospores not bifusiforin or filiform, less than 70 um long
Ascomata with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; conidiomata absent; ascospores filiform, 75-100 x 1.5-2 um
Ascomata without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; conidiomata present; ascospores bifusiform, 20-35 x 3.5-5 um
Ascomata elliptic in outline with more or less acute ends; lip cells orange to redbrown; conidiomata present; ascospores elliptic, 4.5-6 um wide; common on Phormium
Ascomata broad elliptic in outline with rounded ends; lip cells dull yellow to brown; conidiomata absent; ascospores cylindric, 2-2.5 um wide; rare on Phormium
Ascomata broad elliptic in outline, with single longitudinal opening slit; hymenium covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata angular or rounded in outline, with several radiate opening slits; hymenium often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomatal wall concolorous with surrounding leaf surface, inside face of wall crystalliferous; surface of hymenium white, pruinose; paraphyses with short branches near apex
Ascomatal wall grey to black, inside face of wall not crystalliferous; surface of hymenium bright yellow, not pruinose; paraphyses not branched near apex
Wall of ascomata more or less concolorous with surrounding host tissue; surface of hymenium white, pruinose, not covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Wall of ascomata. black; surface of hymenium yellowish, not pruinose, covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata without lip cells; asci saccate, maturation synchronous; ascospores 3-5 um wide
Ascomata with lip cells; asci cylindric to subsaccate, maturation sequential; ascospores 1.5-2 um wide
Infected needles with numerous narrow, black zone lines; lip cells of ascomata often red
Infected needles without numerous narrow, black zone lines; lip cells of ascomata greenish or yellow
Polystichum (Dryopteridaceae)
Ascomata angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits; hymenium opaque, pale lemon-yellow, often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata elliptic or oblong in outline, with single longitudinal opening slit; hymenium translucent yellowish, covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 mm with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; asci cylindric, 6-8 um wide; ascospores filiform, 75-100 x 1.5-2 um; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata 0.8-3 x 0.3-0.6 mm, without black, flattened, zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells yellow or orange; asci clavate-stipitate, 11-14 um wide; ascospores naviculate, 15-22 x 2.5-5.5 um; paraphyses not branched near apex
Pseudowintera (Winteraccae)
Ascomata often covered with cottony, yellowish aerial mycelium; ascospores slightly bifusiform, 24-38 x 2-2.5 um
Ascomata with flattened, black zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; asci cylindric, 6-8 um wide; ascospores filiform, 75-100 x 1.5-2 um; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata without flattened, black zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells bright yellow or orange; asci clavatestipitate, 11-14 um wide; ascospores naviculate, 15-22 x 2.5 5.5 um; paraphyses not branched near apex
Ascomata angular in outline, with several radiate opening slits; hymenium opaque pale lemon yellow, often not covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata elliptic in outline, with a single longitudinal opening slit; hymenium translucent yellowish, covered by ascomatal wall when dry
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 um, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; conidiomata absent; asci cylindric, 6-8 um wide; ascospores filiform, 75-100 x 1.5-2 um; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata 0.8-3 x 0.3-0.6 um, without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells yellow or orange; conidiomata pale to dark brown; asci clavate-stipitate, 11-14 um wide; ascospores naviculate, 15-28 x 2.5-5.5 um; paraphyses not branched near apex
Rytidosperma (Poaceae)
Ascomata more or less round in outline, wall pale grey to concolorous with surrounding host tissue; conidiomata absent; narrow black zone lines absent; most ascospores more than 80 um long
Ascomata 3- or 4-sided in outline, wall black; conidiomata pale brown, lenticular, narrow black zone lines surround the part of the leaf on which the ascomata develop; most ascospores less than 80 um long
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 um, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; conidiomata absent; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata 0.8-3 x 0.3-0.6 um, without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells yellow or orange; conidiomata present; paraphyses not branched near apex
Conidiomata lenticular, not raising surface of host tissue, pale brown with darker edge; asci subclavate, 7-10 um wide; ascospores filiform, 70-110 x 1.5-2.5 um
Conidiomata pustulate, raising surface of host tissue, brown to dark brown, edge not darker; asci clavate-stipitate, 11-14 um wide; ascospores naviculate, 15-28 x 2.5 5.5 um
Schefflera (Araliaceae)
Ascomata with white or yellowish lip cells; ascospores elliptic, less than 30 um long
Ascomata with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; conidiomata absent; wall of ascus not thickened at apex
Ascomata without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; conidiomata present; wall of ascus slightly thickened at apex
Ascomata elliptic in outline with acute ends, 0.4-0.6 mm wide; paraphyses not swollen at apex; asci without pore at apex; most ascospores less than 85 um long; rare on Uncinia
Ascomata more or less oblong in outline with rounded ends, 0.2-0.3 mm wide; paraphyses swollen, clavate at apex; asci with broad pore through thickened wall at ascus apex; most ascospores more than 85 um long; common on Uncinia
Surface of hymenium white, pruinose; inside face of ascomatal wall crystalliferous..
Ascomata more or less round in outline, upper wall pale grey to concolorous with surrounding host tissue; conidiomata absent; most ascospores more than 80 um long
Ascomata angular, 3- or 4-sided in outline, upper wall black; conidiomata present; most ascospores less than 80 um long
Ascomata with opaque, pale lemon-yellow hymenium; conidiomata pale brown, lenticular, not deeply immersed in host tissue; narrow, black zone line surrounds the part of the leaf on which ascomata develop; ascospores less than 1 pm wide; asci 4.5- 5.5 um wide
Ascomata with translucent yellowish hymenium; conidiomata black globose, deeply immersed in host tissue; narrow, black zone lines absent; ascospores more than 1 um wide; asci 6-7.5 pm wide
Ascomata with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; no aerial mycelium. covering ascomatal wall; ascospores filiform, more than 60 um long; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells pale grey or yellow; ascomatal wall often covered with yellowish, cottony aerial mycelium; ascospores cylindric, slightly bifusiform, less than 50 um long; paraphyses not branched near apex
Xeronema (Phormiaceae)
Rhytismataceae common plurivorous species
Inside face of ascomatal wall crystalliferous, surface of hymenium white, pruinose; paraphyses with short side branches near apex
Inside face of ascomatal wall not crystalliferous, surface of hymenium yellowish, not pruinose; paraphyses without short side branches near apex
Ascomata 3- or 4-sided in outline, wall black; conidiomata pale brown, lenticular, narrow, black zone lines surround the part of the leaf on which ascomata develop; most ascospores less than 80 um long
Ascomata more or less round in outline, wall pale grey to concolorous with surrounding host tissue; conidiomata absent; narrow black zone lines absent; most ascospores more than 80 um long
Ascomata 0.3-0.8 x 0.2-0.3 um, with black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells absent; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata 0.8-3 x 0.3-0.8 mm, without black, flattened zone adjacent to opening slit; lip cells brownish, yellow or orange in colour; paraphyses not branched near apex
Ascomata broad elliptic in outline with rounded ends; lip cells dull yellowish-brown to dark brown; conidiomata absent; ascospores cylindric, 35-60 um long
Ascomata elliptic in outline with acute ends; lip cells bright yellow or orange; conidiomata pale to dark brown; ascospores filiform, 70-110 um long or naviculate, 15-28 um long
Conidiomata lenticular, always pale brown; asci cylindric, 7-8.5 pm wide; ascospores filiform, 70-110 um long
Conidiomata pustulate, pale becoming dark brown; asci clavate-stipitate, 11-14 um wide; ascospores naviculate, 15-28um long
Rhytismataceae genera
Ascomatal wall pale, poorly developed; surface of hymenium white, pruinose; paraphyses branched near apex
Ascomata regularly oblong or square in outline, opening by an elongate central slit with shorter slits extending from the ends of the central slit to each corner of the ascoma
Ascomata more variable in outline, 3-5 sided or more or less round, some species with both elliptic and angular ascomata
Within single collections ascomata variable in outline and in shape of ascomatal opening, some ascomata 3-4 sided with radiate opening slits, others elliptic in outline with a single opening slit
Ascomata always angular or rounded in outline, always with several radiate opening slits
Paraphyses not swollen at apex; ascomata subcuticular
Ascomata without lip cells along opening slit; paraphyses swollen at apex; ascomata without darkened lower wall
Asci 8-spored, sporeswith gelatinous sheath less than 5 um thick; not on Podocarpaceae
In vertical section the upper wall of unopened ascomata. with a broad inner layer of hyaline, vertically-oriented rows of cylindric cells; on Dracophyllum
In vertical section the upper wall of unopened ascomata without a broad inner layer of hyaline, vertically-oriented rows of vertical cells; on Uncinia and Anisotome
Cited scientific names
- Aciphylla
- Agathis australis (D.Don) Lindl.
- Anisotome
- Archeria racemosa Hook.f.
- Aristotelia serrata (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) W.R.B.Oliv.
- Asplenium bulbiferum G.Forst.
- Astelia
- Astelia nervosa Hook.f.
- Astelia trinervia Kirk
- Beilschmiedia tarairi (A.Cunn.) Kirk
- Beilschmiedia tawa (A.Cunn.) Kirk
- Beilschmiedia tawaroa A.E.Wright
- Bivallum zelandicum P.R. Johnst. 1991
- Blechnum discolor (G.Forst.) Keyserl.
- Brachyglottis bidwillii (Hook.f.) B.Nord. var. bidwillii
- Brachyglottis repanda J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Bromus
- Carex
- Chionochloa
- Clematis paniculata J.F.Gmel.
- Coccomyces clavatus P.R. Johnst. 1986
- Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
- Coccomyces cupressini P.R. Johnst. 1986
- Coccomyces globosus P.R. Johnst. 1986
- Coccomyces lauraceus P.R. Johnst. 1986
- Coccomyces libocedri P.R. Johnst. 1986
- Coccomyces limitatus (Berk. & M.A. Curtis) Sacc. 1889
- Coccomyces longwoodicus P.R. Johnst. 1986
- Coccomyces phyllocladi P.R. Johnst. 1986
- Coccomyces radiatus Sherwood 1980
- Collospermum hastatum (Colenso) Skottsb.
- Colpoma agathidis P.R. Johnst. 1991
- Colpoma nothofagi P.R. Johnst. 1991
- Coprosma cheesemanii W.R.B.Oliv.
- Coprosma lucida J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Coprosma robusta Raoul
- Cordyline
- Cordyline australis (G.Forst.) Endl.
- Cordyline banksii Hook.f.
- Cordyline indivisa (G.Forst.) Steud.
- Cordyline pumilio Hook.f.
- Corokia buddleioides A.Cunn.
- Cortaderia splendens Connor
- Cyclaneusma minus (Butin) DiCosmo, Peredo & Minter 1983
- Cyclaneusma niveum (Pers.) DiCosmo, Peredo & Minter 1983
- Cynodon
- Dacrycarpus dacrydioides (A.Rich.) de Laub.
- Dacrydium cupressinum Lamb.
- Davisomycella ampla (Davis) Darker 1967
- Dendrobium cunninghamii Lindl.
- Desmoschoenus spiralis (A.Rich.) Hook.f.
- Dicksonia fibrosa Colenso
- Dicksonia squarrosa (G.Forst.) Sw.
- Dracophyllum
- Dracophyllum filifolium Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum latifolium A.Cunn.
- Dracophyllum longifolium (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) R.Br.
- Dracophyllum menziesii Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum recurvum Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum sinclairii Cheeseman
- Dracophyllum subulatum Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum townsonii Cheeseman
- Dracophyllum traversii Hook.f.
- Dracophyllum uniflorum Hook.f.
- Earina autumnalis (G.Forst.) Hook.f.
- Elaeocarpus dentatus (J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.) Vahl
- Elaeocarpus hookerianus Raoul
- Epacris alpina Hook.f.
- Eucalyptus
- Festuca
- Freycinetia baueriana subsp. banksii (A.Cunn.) B.C.Stone
- Gahnia
- Gaultheria
- Gaultheria colensoi Hook.f.
- Geniostoma rupestre var. ligustrifolium (A.Cunn.) B.J.Conn
- Griselinia littoralis Raoul
- Griselinia lucida G.Forst.
- Halocarpus bidwillii (Kirk) Quinn
- Halocarpus biformis (Hook.) Quinn
- Hebe stricta (Benth.) L.B.Moore
- Hierochloe
- Hoheria
- Holcus
- Hypoderma alborubrum P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypoderma bidwillii P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypoderma bihospitum P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypoderma campanulatum P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypoderma carinatum P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypoderma cookianum P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypoderma cordylines P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypoderma dundasicum P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypoderma liliense P.R. Johnst. 1991
- Hypoderma obtectum P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypoderma rubi (Pers.) DC. ex Chevall. 1822
- Hypoderma sigmoideum P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypoderma sticheri P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Hypodermella ampla (Davis) Dearn. 1924
- Hypohelion parvum P.R. Johnst. 1990
- Ixerba brexioides A.Cunn.
- Juncus
- Knightia excelsa R.Br.
- Leptospermum scoparium J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Leucopogon fasciculatus (G.Forst.) A.Rich.
- Leycesteria formosa Wall.
- Libocedrus bidwillii Hook.f.
- Libocedrus plumosa (D.Don) Sarg.
- Litsea calicaris (A.Cunn.) Kirk
- Lophodermium agathidis Minter & Hettige 1983
- Lophodermium asteliae P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium atrum P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium breve (Berk.) De Not. 1847
- Lophodermium brunneolum P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium conigenum (Brunaud) Hilitzer 1929
- Lophodermium croesicum P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium gramineum sensu P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium hauturuanum P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium inclusum P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium irregulare P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium kaikawakae P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium mahuianum P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium mangatepopense P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium medium P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium minus (Tehon) P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium nematoideum P.R. Johnst. 1991
- Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium pinastri (Schrad.) Chevall. 1826
- Lophodermium rectangulare P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium richeae Petr. 1954
- Lophodermium rubrum P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium tindalii P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Lophodermium unciniae P.R. Johnst. 1989
- Macadamia
- Melicytus ramiflorus J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Meloderma dracophylli P.R. Johnst. 1988
- Metrosideros excelsa Gaertn.
- Metrosideros fulgens Gaertn.
- Metrosideros kermadecensis W.R.B.Oliv.
- Metrosideros robusta A.Cunn.
- Metrosideros umbellata Cav.
- Myrsine salicina Hook.f.
- Nestegis cunninghamii (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
- Nestegis lanceolata (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
- Nestegis montana (Hook.f.) L.A.S.Johnson
- Nothofagus
- Nothofagus fusca (Hook.f.) Oerst.
- Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oerst.
- Nothofagus solandri (Hook.f.) Oerst. var. solandri
- Nothofagus solandri var. cliffortioides (Hook.f.) Poole
- Nothofagus truncata (Colenso) Cockayne
- Olearia
- Olearia colensoi Hook.f.
- Olearia furfuracea (A.Rich.) Hook.f.
- Olearia rani (A.Cunn.) Druce
- Pernettya
- Phormium cookianum Le Jol.
- Phormium tenax J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Phyllocladus
- Phyllocladus alpinus Hook.f.
- Phyllocladus toatoa Molloy
- Phyllocladus trichomanoides D.Don
- Phymatosorus diversifolius (Willd.) Pic.Serm.
- Pinus
- Pinus banksiana Lamb.
- Podocarpus nivalis Hook.
- Podocarpus totara D.Don
- Polystichum
- Propolis dendrobii P.R. Johnst. 1986
- Propolis desmoschoeni P.R. Johnst. 1991
- Propolis dracophylli P.R. Johnst. 1986
- Propolis emarginata (Cooke & Massee) Sherwood 1977
- Propolis quadrifida (Lév.) Mont. 1854
- Pseudopanax
- Pseudopanax arboreus (Murray) Philipson
- Pseudopanax colensoi var. ternatus Wardle
- Pseudopanax crassifolius (A.Cunn.) K.Koch
- Pseudowintera colorata (Raoul) Dandy
- Pureke zelandicum P.R. Johnst. 1991
- Quintinia acutifolia Kirk
- Quintinia serrata A.Cunn.
- Rhopalostylis sapida H.Wendl. & Drude
- Ripogonum scandens J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Rubus australis G.Forst.
- Rubus cissoides A.Cunn.
- Rubus fruticosus L.
- Rytidosperma
- Schefflera digitata J.R.Forst. & G.Forst.
- Sticherus cunninghamii (Hook.) Ching
- Uncinia
- Uncinia uncinata (L.f.) Kük.
- Weinmannia racemosa L.f.
- Xeronema callistemon W.R.B.Oliv.
8 September 2004