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Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989

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Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst., New Zealand J. Bot. 27 264 (1989)
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989

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New Zealand
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P.R. Johnst.
P.R. Johnst.
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
NZ holotype
Lophodermium nigrofactum
[New Zealand], BULLER, Paparoa Ra., Croesus Tr., between Garden Gully Hut and top hut, on Dracophyllum traversii Hook, f., coll. Johnston (R636) et al., 3 May 1985, holotype PDD 49330

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Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989

PDD 49330 - holotype, PDD 49328 (IMI), 49332, 49333, 49339, 49316, 49314, 49315, 45650, 45651 (IMI).
Ascocarp developing in pale yellowish areas, often with host tissue darkened around ascocarps, with darkening also evident on opposite side of leaf. Sometimes associated with narrow, black zone lines. Ascocarps oblong to linear in outline with rounded ends, 2-5.5(-14) x 0.5 mm. Immature ascocarps with dark grey to black walls, edge of ascocarp not sharply defined, sometimes with poorly developed paler zone along future line of opening, and with paler patches near each end of ascocarp. Mature ascocarps with black walls and an indistinct, whitish to yellowish line around edge of ascocarp opening. Hymenium grey, often remaining exposed even when dry. Structures resembling pycnidia of Rhytismataceae associated with ascocarps, 0.1-0.3 mm diam., pale brown with darker line around edge, immersed.

Ascocarps in vertical section initially subepidermal, host epidermal cells becoming filled with dark brown, thick-walled fungal cells as ascocarp matures. In mature ascocarps upper wall -5 µm wide, not varying in width across ascocarp, on inside of upper wall near ascocarp opening is a 15 µm wide layer of hyaline, cylindric, 2 µm diam. cells. Lower wall 15-25 µm wide.

Paraphyses 1.5-2 µm diam., swelling gradually to 2.5-5 µm at apex, embedded in gel, extending 10-20 µm beyond asci. Asci (135-)155-185(-220) x 5-7.5 µm, cylindric, tapering slightly to broadly truncate apex, wall at apex slightly thickened, sometimes with small central pore, 8-spored. Ascospores 75-130 x 1-1.5 µm, tapering slightly to both ends, often bending at right angles when released, 0-1 septate, indistinct gelatinous sheath.

Pycnidial-like structures in vertical section 30 µm high, upper wall lacking, lower wall 5-10 µm wide, of 1-3 layers of 4-8 µm diam., brown, thick-walled cells. No conidia or conidiogenous cells seen.

Coromandel, Taupo, Gisborne, Taranaki, Buller, Westland, North Canterbury, Mid Canterbury, Southland.
Dead leaves of Dracophyllum filifolium, D. pyramidale, D. longifolium, D. traversii, and other unidentified Dracophyllum spp.
Ab L. brunneolo ascocarpis atris, ascis (135-)155-185(-220) x 5-7.5 µm, ascorum apicis truncates differens.

ETYMOLOGY: nigrofactum = blackened; refers to blackening of host tissue around ascocarp.

NOTES: L. nigrofactum is similar to L. tindalii and L. brunneolum, two other Dracophyllum-inhabiting species. Most collections of L. nigrofactum differ macroscopically from these other two species in having linear rather than elliptic ascocarps and in having ascocarps associated with black staining of the surrounding host tissue. See also notes under L. brunneolum.

BULLER, Paparoa Ra., Croesus Tr., between Garden Gully Hut and top hut, on Dracophyllum traversii Hook. f., coll. Johnston (R636) et al., 3 May 1985 (PDD 49330).

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Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. (1989)
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. (1989)
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. (1989)

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Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand
Lophodermium nigrofactum P.R. Johnst. 1989
New Zealand

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[New Zealand], BULLER, Paparoa Ra., Croesus Tr., between Garden Gully Hut and top hut, on Dracophyllum traversii Hook, f., coll. Johnston (R636) et al., 3 May 1985, holotype PDD 49330

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15 December 2003
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