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Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980

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Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980

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Indigenous, non-endemic
New Zealand
Political Region
NZ and Australian specimens genetically somewhat distinct, likely that both are distinct from specimens from S American type locality. Some indication of host specialised populations in NZ? [PRJ, May 2018]

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Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus

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Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980

New Zealand: TARANAKI: Mt. Egmont, Waiweranui Track, on Dicksonia squarrosa (Forst. f.) Swartz, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, R. H. Petersen, 25.VI. 1983 (PDD 44622). GISBORNE: Lake Waikaremoana, Waikareiti Track, on Asplenium bulbiferum Forst. f., P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, A. Y. Rossman, T. Matsushima, 6.V.1983 (PDD 44623); Lake Waikaremoana, Aniwaniwa, on Polystichum sp., P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, P. K Buchanan, 5.Xl. 1982 (PDD 44624); ibid., (PDD 44625); Lake Waikaremoana, Waikareiti Track, on Blechnum sp., P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, P. K Buchanan, 3.Xl. 1982 (PDD 44626); Lake Waikaremoana, Black Beech Track, on Dicksonia squarrosa, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, 5.XI.1982 (PDD 44627); ibid., on Blechnum discolor Keys, (PDD 44628). BULLER: Buller Gorge, vic. Murchison, Lyell Creek, on Dicksonia squarrosa, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, R. H. Peterson, R. E. Beever, 17.IV.1983 (PDD 44629); ibid., on Blechnum discolor (PDD 44630). WESTLAND: Fox Glacier, Minehaha Track, on Dicksonia squarrosa, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, R. E. Beever, 8.IV. 1983 (PDD 44631); Fox Glacier, Gillespies Beach Road, on Blechnum discolor, P. R. Johnston, G. J. Samuels, R. H. Petersen, R. E. Beever, 7.IV.1983 (PDD 44632); ibid., on Dicksonia squarrosa (PDD 44758).

South America: COLOMBIA: Dpto. Antioquia, Medellin Pto.-Valdivia Rd., on unidentified fern, K. P. Dumont, S. E. Carpenter, M. A. Sherwood, 12.VIII.1976 (holotype - NY).

Ascocarps developing on lower frond surface, in pale, brownish lesions, not associated with zone lines. Ascocarps more or less round in outline, 0.3-0.6 mm diam. Immature with walls pale to dark grey with a well-developed, longitudinal or branching, broad, pale zone along future line of opening. Edge of ascocarp marked by a narrow, black line. Mature ascocarp steep-sided, walls pale grey, black along outer edge of ascocarp and along edges of opening. Shape of opening irregular, scalloped. Pycnidia present on most collections, round to oblong in outline, variable in size up to 0.3 x 0.5 mm, pale brown, darker at the edge and around the one to several, round ostiolata.

Ascocarps subepidermal. In vertical section upper stromatal layer poorly developed, 20-25 µm wide, not becoming wider around opening, composed of brown to very pale brown, thick walled, angular to globose cells, 3-6 µm diam. Inside of stromatal layer lined with periphyses when immature. Excipulum becoming well-developed as ascocarps mature, arising from inner layers of upper stroma, comprising hyaline, closely septate hyphae, which become swollen, and embedded in dark brown material at apices. Lower stromatal layer 5-15 µm wide, the outer 1-2 layers of cells dark brown and thick walled, with hyaline, globose cells to the inside.

Paraphyses 1-1.5 µm diam., branching several times near apices not or only slightly swollen. intermixed with crystals, extending 15-20 µm beyond asci. Asci cylindric to subclavate, (132-)150-195(-210) x 7.5-11 µm, tapering to an acute apex, wall not thickened at apex, non-amyloid, 8-spored. Ascospores filiform, (95-)110-125 x 1.8-2.5 µm, tapering slightly to both ends, 0-1 septate, often coiling when released, surrounded by poorly developed gelatinous sheath.

Pycnidia subepidermal. In vertical section lenticular in shape, wall 5-10 µm wide, of brown, angular cells, lined with hyaline, thin walled cells on which the conidiogenous layer is held. The lower wall is wider and darker than the upper. Conidiogenous cells lining both upper and lower walls, comprising flask-shaped, sympodial, solitary conidiogenous cells, often with two conidia held at the ends. Conidia short-cylindric, 3.5-5.5 x 1 µm, hyaline, non-septate.

Found on fronds of ferns, including Dicksonia, Blechnum, and Asplenium species. Although the ascocarps are always found on dead tissue, they are sometimes in a small lesion on an otherwise apparently healthy leaf

The ascocarps of the type specimen of C. crystalligerus are larger, have a rounder, more regular-shaped opening, and better developed layer of crystals on the hymenium, compared with New Zealand collections. Pycnidia are not present on the type specimen, but were found on some, but not all, of the New Zealand collections. Otherwise the New Zealand collections of this fungus fit the description of the type specimen well, especially with regard to the host, the appearance and size of the hymenial elements, and the structure of the ascocarp margin.

The only other rhytismataceous taxon so far consistently found on ferns in New Zealand is a Hypoderma-like species on Gleichenia cunninghamii Heward ex Hook. C. radiatus was found once on Dicksonia squarrosa

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Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood (1980)
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood (1980)
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood (1980)
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood (1980)
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood (1980)

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Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Bay of Plenty
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Chatham Islands
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Stewart Island
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand
Coccomyces crystalligerus Sherwood 1980
New Zealand

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taxonomic status
There are several putative C. crystalligerus sequences from NZ, all are slightly different. Perhaps this is a species complex with some host specialisation? [PRJ, June 2018]

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scientific name
18 October 1993
22 May 2000
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