Mycena (Pers.) Roussel 1806

- Mycena abramsii
- Mycena acicula
- Mycena adscendens
- Mycena aetites
- Mycena alba
- Mycena albidofusca
- Mycena alcalina
- Mycena amicta
- Mycena ammoniaca
- Mycena atroavellanea
- Mycena atrocyanea
- Mycena atrocyanea
- Mycena atroincrustata
- Mycena austroavenacea
- Mycena austrofilopes
- Mycena austromaculata
- Mycena austrororida
- Mycena avellanea
- Mycena avenacea
- Mycena avenacea
- Mycena bulbosa
- Mycena capillaripes
- Mycena capillaris
- Mycena carmeliana
- Mycena chlorophos
- Mycena cinerella
- Mycena citricolor
- Mycena citrinomarginata
- Mycena clarkeana
- Mycena coccinea
- Mycena conicola
- Mycena corticola
- Mycena corticola
- Mycena cyanocephala
- Mycena cystidiosa
- Mycena detrusa
- Mycena epipterygia
- Mycena epipterygioides
- Mycena euspeirea
- Mycena fibula
- Mycena filopes
- Mycena filopes
- Mycena flavoalba
- Mycena flavovirens
- Mycena flos-nivium
- Mycena flos-nivium
- Mycena funebris
- Mycena fuscovinacea
- Mycena galericulata
- Mycena galericulata
- Mycena galopus
- Mycena globuliformis
- Mycena glutinosa
- Mycena gypsea
- Mycena helminthobasis
- Mycena hiemalis
- Mycena hiemalis
- Mycena hispida
- Mycena hygrophora
- Mycena idiolens
- Mycena inclinata
- Mycena inclinata
- Mycena interrupta
- Mycena kurramulla
- Mycena lactea
- Mycena lactea
- Mycena leaiana
- Mycena leaiana
- Mycena leptocephala
- Mycena lineata
- Mycena lividorubra
- Mycena maculata
- Mycena maculata
- Mycena maldea
- Mycena mamaku
- Mycena margaritispora
- Mycena mariae
- Mycena metata
- Mycena metuloidifera
- Mycena miniata
- Mycena minirubra
- Mycena minutula
- Mycena minya
- Mycena miriamae
- Mycena morrisjonesii
- Mycena mucor
- Mycena mucor
- Mycena multicolorata
- Mycena munyozii
- Mycena ochracea
- Mycena oculisnymphae
- Mycena olida
- Mycena olivaceomarginata
- Mycena oratiensis
- Mycena papillata
- Mycena papillata
- Mycena parabolica
- Mycena parabolica
- Mycena parsonsii
- Mycena pelianthina
- Mycena pinetorum
- Mycena pinicola
- Mycena plicosa
- Mycena podocarpi
- Mycena polygramma
- Mycena polygramma
- Mycena primulina
- Mycena pura
- Mycena rosella
- Mycena roseoflava
- Mycena rubroglobulosa
- Mycena sanguinolenta
- Mycena simia
- Mycena sp. ' Woodside Glen (PDD 87608)'
- Mycena sp. 'Ahuriri Reserve (PDD 80918)'
- Mycena sp. 'Arnold River (PDD 112464)'
- Mycena sp. 'Barracouta (PDD 96657)'
- Mycena sp. 'Craigieburn (PDD 105956)'
- Mycena sp. 'Croydon Bush (PDD 96601)'
- Mycena sp. 'Crystal Falls (PDD 87606)'
- Mycena sp. 'Duffy Creek (PDD 83791)'
- Mycena sp. 'Erua (PDD 80772)'
- Mycena sp. 'Gypsy Glen (PDD 95200)'
- Mycena sp. 'Hay Reserve (PDD 97139)'
- Mycena sp. 'Huia (PDD 94356)'
- Mycena sp. 'Kaituna (PDD 105568)'
- Mycena sp. 'Kennedys Bush (PDD 80686)'
- Mycena sp. 'Manawatu (PDD 112495)'
- Mycena sp. 'Mt Grey (PDD 87308)'
- Mycena sp. 'Mt Holdsworth (PDD 87426)'
- Mycena sp. 'Mt Lyford (PDD 112821)'
- Mycena sp. 'Munro (PDD 112474)'
- Mycena sp. 'Nile River (PDD 87114)'
- Mycena sp. 'Okuti (PDD 105529)'
- Mycena sp. 'Oparara Arches (PDD 87085)'
- Mycena sp. 'Perseverence Road (PDD 87228)'
- Mycena sp. 'Pororari (PDD 87077)'
- Mycena sp. 'Rangitaiki (PDD 96286)'
- Mycena sp. 'Rangiwahia (PDD 106087)'
- Mycena sp. 'Riwaka (PDD 88434)'
- Mycena sp. 'Roaring Billy (PDD 107309)'
- Mycena sp. 'Rotoiti (PDD 112471)'
- Mycena sp. 'Rotokuru Lakes (PDD 80841)'
- Mycena sp. 'Te Ara (PDD 112481)'
- Mycena sp. 'Waiohine Gorge (PDD 87377)'
- Mycena sp. 'Waiopehu (PDD 112491)'
- Mycena sp. 'Whakapapa (PDD 80862)'
- Mycena speirea
- Mycena stannea
- Mycena stevensoniae
- Mycena stylobates
- Mycena subdebilis
- Mycena subfragillima
- Mycena subviscosa
- Mycena subvulgaris
- Mycena tenerrima
- Mycena thymicola
- Mycena tortuosa
- Mycena tuvara
- Mycena ura
- Mycena veneta
- Mycena veronicae
- Mycena vinacea
- Mycena vinaceipora
- Mycena viscidocruenta
- Mycena vulgaris
- Mycena zephirus
Small delicate mushrooms, saprobic on wood. A segregate genus from Mycena, characterised by a glutinous pileus and stipe.
Two species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.
Small delicate mushrooms, saprobic on wood. A segregate genus from Mycena, characterised by a globose spores and cheilocystidia and terminal cells of pileipellis being broom-like.
Two species have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.
Mycena (Pers.) Roussel 1806
Small, delicate fungi with bonnet caps, the shape of a bell or an upturned bucket. Mycenas come in a wide variety of colours, most are white, brown, cream or yellow, but they also come in bright red, olive, bright blue and sea green. The caps are generally quite small, from as little as 2 mms wide to a big as a two dollar coin. The stems are usually quite long, very fine, central and can grow directly out of wood or be attached to wood, leaves and twigs by hairs at the base of the stem. Some yield a watery, white or red liquid when the stem is broken. The gills are generally quite deep and often arched. Spore print white.
At least 30 species of Mycena have been recognized in New Zealand. Two of these may be exotic, and of the 28 native species described so far, 19 are endemic. There are probably another 25-50 species which have yet to be described.
Mycena species are all saprobes, breaking down wood, twigs, leaves and other vegetation, key players in the process of returning nutrients to the soil.
Mycena species are amongst the most common of the small mushrooms throughout the country. The native species occur in all kinds of habitats, growing on the massive trunks of fallen kauri and other podocarps, to the tiny dead leaves of manuka and kanuka. There are occasional reports of a bioluminescent species, the tiny mushrooms emitting a greenish glow at night.
Another group of small mushrooms common on fallen wood, leaves and twigs in New Zealand are the Marasmius species. Their fruiting bodies are about the same size as Mycena, but their flesh is tough (stems are pliable, compared to Mycena where they snap easily) and the cap is usually flatter in shape.
Small delicate mushrooms, saprobic on wood. Cap conical (at least when young), spores white, gills not waxy (like the Hygrophorus-like mushrooms), fruiting bodies not reviving after drying (like the Marasmius-like mushrooms).
Some authors segregate Mycena into a number of genera, some of which have been used in the New Zealand literature. These genera are based on characters such as the presence and absence of cheilocystidia, of latex in the tissue, of gelatinous caps and/or stipes, spore shape, etc. The genera include Basisopus, Collopus, Galactopus, Insiticia, Prunulus, and Mycenula.
Thirty or more species of Mycena sensu stricto have been reported from New Zealand, only those listed below have descriptions or images available from NZFungi.
Mycena (Pers.) Roussel 1806
Pileus thin, regular, campanulate, then expanded, usually striate, margin at first straight and embracing the stem; gills adnate or adnexed, white, grey, or pinkish; stem central, slender, hollow; spores white.
The species are as a rule small and slender; colours clear and bright; gills often coloured, but the spores are in all cases white, and in one group the edge of the gills is coloured. Latex, white, red, or saffron, is present in some species, and escapes in drops when the fungus is broken. Allied to Collybia, which differs in having the margin of the pileus incurved when quite young. Most species grow on the ground; a few on wood, twigs, &c.