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Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893

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Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893

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(Massee) Massee
Mycena olivaceomarginata

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[GS] Pileus 1 -5-3 cm. diam., ochraceous fawn to greyish fawn, darker at centre, indistinctly striate, campanulate, smooth, dull; flesh thin, whitish, somewhat fragile. Gills adnate to sinuate, pale grey with white bloom, moderately distant, moderately thick. Stipe 2-4 cm. x 1-3 mm., ochraceous fawn darker at base, smooth, silky, hollow, brittle, often grooved. Spores 11 - 15 x 7-8um, non-amyloid or very weakly amyloid, strongly granular appearance, slightly thickened wall. Basidia with granulation. Cheilo- and pleurocystidia with or without granulation (Fig. 2/38, p. 37). Hymenophoral trama strongly pseudo-amyloid. Cuticle, pseudo-amyloid, cellular. Smell noticeable, unpleasant. HABITAT: in 'fairy-rings' in newly-made lawn, Karori, Wellington, 12.6.1949, Stevenson (type). [EH] After studying the type material we found no evidence why this fungus should be placed in Fayodia and suggest that this species should be transferred to Mycena. It is very likely that this agaric is an introduced species since it grew in "fairy-rings" in a newly made lawn near Wellington. [JAC] Collapsed spores on the gill do appear to be amyloid but I would agree that free spores don't look amyloid and have a granular appearance (in melzers), probably due to excess heating at some time. The collection appears to have been cooked or dried under really excessive heat, and that has massively disrupted/altered the micro features and the material has subsequently fragmented substantially. I could find just one random elements looking like Stevenson's 'cystidia'. It looks like the original micro-description was done after the excessive heating.In my opinion, based on limited available evidence, I'd say this was once Mycena olivaceomarginata. The stipe small hyphal pegs and cap surface structure at least have survived cooking.
[GS] Mycena - small yellowish [text on card insert]. Pileus 2-10 mm. diam., ochraceous, hemispherical, sulcate striate at margins, velvety. Gills sinuately adnexed, greyish, moderately distant, long and short intercalated. Stipe 2-5 cm. x 0-5-1 mm., pale ochraceous above, light brown below, smooth with sparse hyphal fibrils at base. Spores 9-10 x 5 um, slightly thickened walls, with clear outer layer and amyloid inner layer either granular inner wall or granular contents. Hymenophoral trama ans tissue of pileus strongly pseudo-amyloid with some large cells, up to 50 x 30um. Cheilocystidia ornamented (Fig. 2/39, p. 37). HABITAT: singly in litter, Queen's Gardens, Nelson, 6.5.1957, Stevenson (type). [EH] Spores oval to elliptical, hyaline, weakly amyloid, smooth, 8.5-10.5 x 5-6um. Cheilocystidia numerous, fusoid, irregularly branched or broom-like, hyaline, thin-walled, 25-50 x 5—10um. Possibly introduced. [JAC] irregular fingers on apex of basidiolar-like cheilocystidia, or extensions from partially gelatinised ropes. Nothing like Stevenson's cystidia seen. EH figures closer, but not really like the material. Stem with small extensions and pseudoamyloid. Cap with fine surface diverticulae. 4 & 2 spored. Gill edge concolorous. The micro features are consistent with NZ material of M. olivaceomarginata. The edge colour fades in dried material. spores length=8.2–10.2µm (µ=9.2, σ=0.60), width=4.5–6.0µm (µ=5.3, σ=0.38), Q=1.6–1.9µm (µ=1.74, σ=0.09), n=20
[GS] Pileus 3-10 mm. diam., pale greyish fawn, striate-sulcate at margin campanulate with or without an umbo, silky; flesh thin, fragile. Gills adnate or sinuately adnexed, creamy white at first becoming pink with whit margins, moderately crowded. Stipe 2-7 cm. x 1 mm., whitish above, ochraceous fawn below, hollow, fragile, silky smooth, with spreading hyphal hairs at base. Spores 9-10 x 6-7um, amyloid, narrower at apicular end. Hymenophoral trama and tissue of pileus strongly pseudo-amyloid. Cheilocystidia 25-35 x 5-10um, more or less violin-shaped (Fig. 2/48, p. 37). Cuticle somewhat gelatinized repent hyphae with branched endings. HABITAT : singly attached to leaves of litter under planted deciduous trees and indigenous shrubs, Nelson, 6.5.1957, Stevenson (type). [JAC] Stipe diverticulae similar to M. leptocephala. Also has very distinct septa that are highlighted in melzers. 4 and 2 spored. No cystidia are violin shaped. No other PDD material I have seen labelled M. subfragillima is this. The type comes from Queen's Gardens, a highly mofified habitat.Like a number of Stevenson's collections from modified habitats this this appears to be M. olivaceomarginata, or close. spores length=8.6–11.7µm (µ=9.5, σ=0.76), width=5.4–7.3µm (µ=6.1, σ=0.43), Q=1.4–1.9µm (µ=1.57, σ=0.12), n=20.
Fig. 12 After studying the type material we found no evidence why this fungus should be placed in Fayodia and suggest that this species should be transferred to Mycena. It is very likely that this agaric is an introduced species since it grew in "fairy-rings" in a newly made lawn near Wellington.

Fayodia ochracea Stevenson (29 D) Fig. 19 = Mycena ochracea (Stevenson) comb. nov. (Basionym: M. ochracea Stevenson, Kew Bull. 19: 47, 1964)

Spores oval to elliptical, hyaline, weakly amyloid, smooth, 8.5-10.5 X 5-6 µ. Cheilocystidia numerous, fusoid, irregularly branched or broom-like, hyaline, thin-walled, 25-50 X 5-10 µ. Possibly introduced.

Pileus 1.5-3 cm diam., ochraceous fawn to greyish fawn, darker at centre, indistinctly striate, campanulate, smooth, dull; flesh thin, whitish, somewhat fragile. Gills adnate to sinuate, pale grey with white bloom, moderately distant, moderately thick. Stipe 2-4 cm x 1-3 mm, ochraceous fawn darker at base smooth, silky, hollow, brittle, often grooved. Spores 11-15 x 7-8 µm, non-amyloid or very weakly amyloid, strongly granular appearance, slightly thickened wall. Basidia with granulation. Cheilo- and. pleurocystidia with or without granulation (Fig. 38). Hymenophoral trama strongly, to-pseudo-amyloid. Cuticle pseudo-amyloid, cellular. Smell noticeable, unpleasant.
In 'fairy-rings' in newly made lawn, Karori, Wellington, 12.6.1949, Stevenson (type).
Pileus 1.5-3 cm diam., ochraceo-hinnuleus usque griseo-hinnuleus, medio fusciore, indistincte striatus, campanulatus, laevis, obscurus; caro tenuis albida, subfragilis. Lamellae adnatae usque sinuatae, pallide griseae, albocereo-dbductae, modice distantes, modice crassae. Stipes 2-4 cm x 1-3 mm, ochraceo-hinnuleus, basi fusciore, laevis, sericeus, cavus, fragilis, saepe sulcatus. Sporae 11-15 x 7-8 µm, haud vel levissime amyloideae, adspectu valde granulares, pariete leviter incrassato. Basidia granulosa. Cheilo- et pleurocystidia interdum granulosa. Trama hymenophoralis valde pseudo-amyloidea. Cuticula pseudo-amyloidea, cellularis. Odor manifestus, ingratus.
Typus: Stevenson 638.
Pileus 2-10 mm diam., ochraceous, hemispherical, sulcate striate a margins, velvety. Gills sinuately adnexed, greyish, moderately distant, long and short intercalated. Stipe 2-5 cm x 0.5-1 mm, pale ochraceous above light brown below, smooth with sparse hyphal fibrils at base. Spores 9-10  µm, slightly thickened walls, with clear outer layer and amyloid inner layer either granular inner wall or granular contents. Hymenophoral trama and tissue of pileus strongly pseudo-amyloid with some large cells, up to 50 x 30 µm. Cheilocystidia ornamented (Fig. 39).
Singly in litter, Queen's Gardens, Nelson, 6.5.1957, Stevenson (type).
Pileus 2-10 mm diam, ochraceus, hemisphaericus, margine sulcato-striatus, velutinus. Lamellae sinuato-adnexae, subgriseae, modice distantes longiores cum brevioribus intercalatae. Stipes 2-5 cm x 0.5-1 mm, superne (pallide ochraceus) inferne laete brunneus, laevis, basi fibrillis hyphalibus sparsis praeditus. Sporae 9-10 x 5 µm, parietibus leviter incrassatis, strato exteriore hyalino interiore amyloideo, vel pariete interno vel materie inclusa granulari. Trama hymenophoralis et pilei textura valde pseudo-amyloidea cellulis nonnullis magnis usque 50 x 30 µm. Cheilocystidia ornata.
Typus: Stevenson 1211.
Pileus 3-10 mm diam., pale greyish fawn, striate-sulcate at margin, campanulate with or without an umbo, silky; flesh thin, fragile. Gills adnate or sinuately adnexed, creamy white at first becoming pink with white margins, moderately crowded. Stipe 2-7 cm. x 1 mm, whitish above, ochraceous fawn below, hollow, fragile, silky smooth, with spreading hyphal hairs at base. Spores 9-10 x 6-7 µm, amyloid, narrower at apicular end. Hymenophoral trama and tissue of pileus strongly pseudo-amyloid. Cheilocystidia 25-35 x 5-10 µm, more or less violin-shaped (Fig. 48). Cuticle of somewhat gelatinized repent hyphae with branched endings.
Singly attached to leaves of litter under planted deciduous trees and indigenous shrubs, Nelson, 6.5.1957, Stevenson (type).
Pileus 3-10 mm diam., pallide griseo-hinnuleus, margine striato-sulcatus, campanulatus, interdum umbonatus, sericeus; caro tenuis, fragilis. Lamellae adnatae vel sinuato-adnexae, primum cremeo-albae, deinde puniceae marginibus albis, modice confertae. Stipes 2-7 cm. x 1 mm, superne albidus, inferne ochraceo-hinnuleus, cavus, fragilis, sericeo-laevis, basi pilis hyphalibus patentibus praeditus. Sporae 9-10 x 6-7 µm, amyloideae, apiculum versus angustiores. Trama hymenophoralis et pilei textura valde pseudo-amyloidea. Cheilocystidia 23-35 x 5-10 µm, plus minus constricto-utriformia, longi-appendiculata. Cuticula ex hyphis repentibus gelatinatis sistentia, terminationibus incrassatis.
Typus: Stevenson 1215.

Click to collapse Taxonomic concepts Info

Agaricus olivaceomarginatus Massee (1888)
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee (1893)
Mycena subfragillima G. Stev. 1964

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Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893
New Zealand
Mid Canterbury
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893
New Zealand
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893
New Zealand
North Canterbury
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893
New Zealand
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893
New Zealand
Mycena olivaceomarginata (Massee) Massee 1893
New Zealand

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1 August 2002
1 August 2002
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